DianaCassie is the family ship between Diana of Themyscira and Cassie Sandsmark from the DC Comics and Young Justice fandoms.
Cassie was inspired by Diana to become Wonder Girl, following her around on one of her missions. Even taking some of some enchanted artifacts that gave her powers. Diana took her under her wing with her mother's permission and started to train under her.
In later continuities, several changes made it so that the two became related. With Diana as Zeus' daughter, and Cassie as his granddaughter. Making Diana Cassie's aunt.
Judgement Day[]
Diana and the rest of the Justice League arrive and Mt. Justice and tell Young Justice that they're being reckless. Impulse makes a challenge that the three guys can handle the next crisis in twenty minutes, leaving the girls behind.
Diana finds Cassie and says she's glad that it gives them an opportunity to talk, and Cassie sarcastically says it's great. Diana asks why she isn't wearing the suit Donna gave her, and asks if she's ashamed of it. Cassie admits she's afraid of it, and Diana asks what she means. She admits she's afraid of ruining it, and that she'd look like a kid trying to be something she's not in it. She won't put it on until she's ready for it. Diana brings up how important the team is to Cassie, but questions if it's the right team for her. The boys are a little rough around the edges and Diana's afraid Cassie might pick up their bad habits. She asks her to consider what she says, and Cassie says that she will.
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Diana and Cassie are one of the more positive familiar relationships in DC. With many wishing there were moments between them due to them often being seperated from each other. Though their initial relationship and dynamic was met with positive reactions.
Many fans of the relationship were disappointed by the Young Justice adaptation. Given that the two rarely ever interacted outside of the first episode of season 2. On AO3, there are currently 20+ written works.
- Diana & Cassie tag on AO3
- WonderFam refers to the ship between the two, Hippolyta, Donna Troy, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Nubia and Yara Flor