SPOILER WARNING! this article may contain major plot or ending details |
Dizzy is the femslash ship between Doll and Lizzy from the Murder Drones fandom.
After Uzi's nearly fatal accident, Lizzy and Doll follow her to the nurse's office to poke fun at her public mistake, acting disappointed that her railgun explosion hasn't ended her life completely. When J and V host an ambush on the colony, Doll hides away with Lizzy and the Workers, only to be discovered shortly afterwards. As they found themselves in a tight spot, Uzi and N who are now in a friendly relationship manage to thwart the potential massacre. As Uzi lashes out at her father for abandoning her, Lizzy and Doll silently watch, giving each other shocked looks as they acknowledge Uzi's words.
Doll and Lizzy are present during the parent-teacher conference. Out of boredom, she jokes about the presence of Doll's parents, fully aware about their death. Shortly afterwards, the AbsoluteSolver attempted to lure Lizzy outside using a hologram of Lizzy herself. Easily fooled, she begins approaching the door, only to be stopped by Doll who had destroyed it, thwarting the plan.
The Promening[]
Seemingly convincing Lizzy to assist her, Doll plots an assassination on Serial Designation V for the murder of her parents. Lizzy invites V to the prom where the plan would thrive, aware that V would take this as an opportunity to feast on the teenage Workers. When Khan invited Lizzy and Doll to prepare his daughter, Uzi, for the prom much to his daughter's lament, Lizzy discusses V's arrival and how (she) unhesitatingly agreed to attend with Doll, unfortunately being overheard by Uzi who was currently dressing in the restroom, who they also planned to kill. When prom finally arrives, Lizzy starts an announcement on stage while Doll waits patiently concealed within the crowd. Upon announcing her, V reveals herself much to the Workers' horror.
Before V could begin her massacre, she is interrupted by Lizzy's claim declaring her as prom queen, distracting her from her goal. Enjoying the attention, V shifts her original mission to the side and remains onstage, making herself a vulnerable target. Realizing the arising danger she put upon the female murder drone, Lizzy begins to feel reluctance before shoving it aside in hopes of running Doll's plan successfully. When Uzi and N arrive on the scene , Lizzy uses this as an opportunity to inform V to flee, but her order was in vain as Doll confined V and threw Lizzy offstage, although this was far tamer compared to what she did to the other drones. Betraying her best friend's original plan and revenge, Lizzy presumably repairs V and N. The disassembly drones are regenerated in time to assist Uzi.
- In Absolute End during the credits, Lizzy broadcasts a powerpoint as a memorial for Doll's death during the next prom. She refers to her as "Babe-A-Tron Queenthousand" and draws a heart for her while stating, "Gone too soon".
Although it wasn't as popular, the pairing was raised after the events of the Murder Drones pilot. As the series progressed, the relationship between the female drones became stronger, earning the Dizzy ship more attention. The pairing fed the fans of the "Opposites Attract" trope with their differing personalities, such as Doll's quiet and mysterious nature clashing with Lizzy's loud and confident ego. However, it is unclear if Doll had forgiven Lizzy for her betrayal in assisting her sworn enemy. Though notably Doll avoided killing her, merely tossing her offstage rather than killing her like she did to the other drones.
Many believe that Lizzy is attracted to Doll due to calling her hot and a "babe-a-tron," but these phrases are not always used to refer to someone being romantically attached to another, thus the ship remains fanon due to Lizzy constantly utilizing these phrases without a direct aim towards a platonic nor a romantic manner.
Dizzy is one of the most popular ships withing the Murder Drones fandom along with it being the most written ship for Doll on A03. It's rival pairing that slowly came along to surpass the ship is Vizzy, the ship between Lizzy and Serial Designation V.
- Doll/Lizzy tag on AO3
- Doll & Lizzy tag on AO3
- Dizzy posts on Twitter
- Dizzy hashtag on Twitter
- BloodyPink posts on Twitter
- BloodyPink hashtag on Twitter
- A fake GLITCH account had posted a tweet asking for the fans' opinions on the Dizzy ship, making fans suspect that Dizzy might become canon.
- Vollizzy refers to the ship between the two and Serial Designation V