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Dobuki is the femslash ship between Do-S and Fubuki from the One Punch Man fandom.


Monster Raid Arc[]

In chapter 61, Fubuki meets the "Monster Princess" Do-S during the wide-scale monster raid that hits multiple cities at the same time. Do-S is causing trouble and manages to take control of few pro heroes thanks to her ability to brainwash her victims to become her loyal "love slaves" with her whip. When the Blizzard Group first tries to stop her, they almost become her victims as well, but suddenly Fubuki appears and stops Do-S' whip in the air so it doesn't hit anyone and cause them to succumb to her will. Fubuki is happy to meet someone like Do-S, even if she is a demon-level threat, Fubuki feels like she can win this fight easily with her telekinetic powers. She then correctly assumes that defeating Do-S will release the control of her victims, who surely will owe her a favor later on. Fubuki warns Do-S that she won't get out of this, but the "Monster Princess" is starting to get excited and tells the Esper not to tease her inner sadist too much as she might kill her too quickly.

In chapter 64, Do-S is now controlling the Blizzard Group. Fubuki is anxious about her people and tries to tell them to not fall prey to the enemy so easily. The "Monster Princess" calls her cute when she is anxious and tells her it's no use to call to them. She mocks Fubuki's belief for thinking the bond she has with her comrades was going to change anything, and they mindlessly attack Fubuki who dodges their attacks. Do-S notices how she seems to hold back against them and then tries to hit Fubuki with her whip so she can join her people to be Do-S slave, which Fubuki manages to deflect. Though she notices how heavy the whip is and comes to the conclusion it must have a lot of power.

Fubuki keeps dodging the brainwashed heroes' attacks and notes that she can't focus on the whip if the heroes keep attacking her like this. She then remembers Saitama's words when he told her how she won't survive like that when a monster stronger that her comes around. And then none of her subordinates will come to save her. She gets mad and suddenly uses a large amount of her psychic energy to hold every single hero in place. Do-S comments how that's basically her only way to keep them from harms way, but she is now open to her attack. Do-S attacks with her whip, but Fubuki again manages to stop it with her powers. However, it gets harder for her to hold both the whip and the heroes in place at the same time and they manage to get free from her hold and try to get closer and attack her again. At the same time Do-S manages to free her whip from Fubuki's hold also and then attacks her again, wondering how long she can keep this up. Unfortunately for Fubuki, the whip hits her right on the back.

In chapter 65, the story continues and Fubuki feels the pain. Now that Do-S has gotten a taste for it, she hits her multiple times again and again on the back with her whip. Fubuki starts to bleed. Do-S is happy to note that Fubuki is slowly succumbing to her will as well. The brainwashed heroes try to attack her, but Do-S stops them and tells them Fubuki is hers now so they shouldn't break her. She then wonders what she should do with her as normally she would dispose her slaves after they are no use anymore. She then recognizes her as one of the Psychic Sisters. Do-S incorrectly assumes that the S-Class hero Tatsumaki is Fubuki's little sister. Though she then thinks she could lure out Tatsumaki if she uses Fubuki as a bait. Do-S is happy about her plan and then pats Fubuki on the head and tells her she is lucky her little sister is S-Class so she will let her live for now.

Her happiness is cut short when Fubuki suddenly pushes an enormous amount of psychic energy out and throws Do-S. She is surprised how Fubuki manages to overpower her brainwashing, and then uses her whip to stop herself from flying away. She then thinks that Fubuki may have a really strong ego, and may be one of those type of people she hates most. Fubuki appears suddenly in front of her and pushes her away again with her powers. Do-S notes the change in her attitude as Fubuki is now attacking her. She then wonders what got her so mad. Fubuki uses one of her Hell Storm techniques and creates a huge tornado that cuts and hurts Do-S. When the storm subsides, Do-S is angry at Fubuki and tells her she will now kill her and forget her original plan of using her to lure Tatsumaki in.

Fubuki tells her that it's unnecessary to try to call for her big sister. Suddenly a huge earthquake starts. Do-S is confused what is causing it and Fubuki says that her sister is a lot closer than she thought, and that she sensed that Fubuki took damage. She then tells Do-S that Tatsumaki is coming and suddenly a huge explosion happens behind her. Do-S is surprised by it and feels that something scary is coming towards them. Fubuki tells her again that it's her sister and Do-S decides that she may be too much for her to chew and she may have to get out of there now.

A dying monster body is thrown near Do-S who tells her that the heroes also have someone monstrous on their team, then Tatsumaki appears. She floats in the air, demanding that Fubuki go home and she will handle everything. Do-S suddenly commands the brainwashed Blizzard Group to attack Tatsumaki - and throw their lives away when doing it. Fubuki yells at her, saying that she can't win like this, and Do-S answer that they only need to buy her more time to get away. Do-S manages to escape while Tatsumaki is dealing with them and Fubuki tries to stop her from hurting her group members.

Monster Association Arc[]

In online chapter 113 and 114, Fubuki and Do-S meet again inside the Monster Association headquarters. Fubuki was wandering around with Bang and Bomb, and they accidentally come across Do-S and her human-monster "love slaves". Both women recognize each other instantly. Fubuki then declares that Do-S won't get away this time and she will pay for what she did to her subordinates. However, Do-S uses one of her whips to drag couple of her slaves near her by their necks, and gives a command that they will bite their own tongues off if Fubuki, Bang and Bomb try to resist. Bang and Bomb are confused who Do-S is or what these human-monsters are, but Fubuki hesitates.

Do-S is in a hurry at the moment as she wants to catch Sweet Mask, so she tries to use her whip again at Fubuki. Although, suddenly she recognizes Bang, an S-Class hero, who next in a mere second managed to put all her slaves to sleep and wrapped her legs and hands with her whip, immobilizing her. She is laying on the ground and curses. She is scared for her life, but suddenly Fubuki steps on her head and laughs at her misery. She asks Do-S how she likes her "New Blizzard Group", but Do-S thinks she is a liar as in no way could Fubuki have an S-Class under her command. However, Fubuki puts more weight on her step and Do-S starts to feel it. She then tells Fubuki she will surrender and asks her if she can also work for her, calling her "Lady Fubuki". But Fubuki doesn't believe her and takes her other whip, wondering if using it will also make Do-S follow her commands. Do-S starts to sweat and asks her to wait, but Fubuki then uses the whip on Do-S in anger, avenging her Blizzard Group.

Eventually Bang, Bomb and Fubuki wonder what they will have to do with the human-monster slaves, and if they don't snap out of it they are forced to kill them. Fortunately, the human-monsters wake up confused and are no longer under Do-S spell. They also suddenly start to lose their monster traits and are back to as normal humans. The heroes are glad to see it and as they can't call anyone to help the humans out of the base, they need to leave them behind bars for safety, for now.

Bang, Bomb and Fubuki then decide to wring out information about the monster boss and Garou from Do-S. Fubuki uses Do-S' whip at her for being too slow to answer, but it only makes her more angrier at Fubuki. She then decides to act that she is under their control and lies about Garou's location, leading them to let her use a whistle to "open a door", but it's actually a dog whistle. Too late they realize Do-S has been lying to them and suddenly a giant monster dog, Overgrown Rover, attacks. While the gigantic dog keeps attacking them, Do-S lands nearby and shouts at Fubuki that this does remind her of the time with Tatsumaki, and she conciders that they are now even. She also plans to come after Fubuki again when she has dealt with Sweet Mask. Do-S then starts to leave while using her whip to move around the ruined place, but Fubuki notices this and uses her Hell Storm technique again to send the monster princess flying, surprising Do-S as she falls into the darkness.


Dobuki is a rarepair ship in the fandom due to the fact that both characters are enemies, and Fubuki is mostly shipped with Saitama or Psykos. However, the manga has brought up a nice amount of content of them for the fans, although mostly it is about them fighting against each other. On AO3, Dobuki has only 5 fanfics and it is second most written ship for Do-S.


Do-S/Fubuki tag on AO3
Dobuki tag on Tumblr


One Punch Man ShipsOne Punch Man Characters
SHIPS het Electric Catfish Man x Maiko PlasmaGenobukiGenoTatsuSaibukiSaiTatsuTatsuKing
slash AmaiBatBatarouBlastVoidCharaGaroGearouGenosaiGolden Ball x Spring MustachioKingSaiMumarouSaiSuiryuSuiGarouZombieMask
femslash DobukiPsybuki
family Bat FamilyBlastatsuPsychic SistersVoid Fist siblings
friend BatKingGarou & TareoShitty Teen Squad
CHARACTERS male GarouGenosMetal BatSaitama
female FubukiTatsumaki