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DocMarty is the friend ship between Marty McFly and Emmett "Doc" Brown from the Back to the Future fandom.


Back to the Future[]

Marty arrives at Doc's house in the morning before school. He looks for Doc and his dog, Einstein, to no avail. Eventually, Doc calls the house phone and tells Marty that he's made a major scientific breakthrough. He invites him to join him at the mall parking lot that evening, and to bring along a video camera. Marty falls asleep that night, and is woken by another phone call from Doc, reminding him of their meeting. Marty arrives late to the parking lot, but is greeted by Doc and a DeLorean that has been turned into a time machine. Doc asks Marty to record everything that is about to happen, as he sends Einstein one minute into the future.

The two gear up in radiation suits to add another pellet of plutonium into the time machine. Marty records the entire moment, but they are interrupted by the arrival of a group of terrorists, angry that Doc has stolen their plutonium. They kill Doc, which absolutely devastates Marty. When they turn their gun on him next, Marty jumps into the DeLorean. In the process of trying to outrun the terrorists, he accidentally travels back in time to 1955.

Marty spends his first day in 1955 searching for Doc. He finally arrives at his house in the evening, and introduces himself as someone from the future. Doc initially does not believe him, but Marty proves himself by telling Doc where he got the bruise on his head; a story 1985!Doc had told him just before he died. Doc explains to Marty that there are very few things in 1955 that will generate enough energy to get the time circuits running. However, the two quickly realize that in a week's time lightning is meant to hit the town's clocktower. They create a plan to harness the lightning, and send Marty back to his own time.

Meanwhile, they need to ensure that Marty's parents, George and Lorraine, will get together so that Marty will still be born. Doc and Marty visit the high school the next day. Doc seems unimpressed with Marty's dad, asking Marty if he thinks he might be adopted. The two come up with a plan to get George and Lorraine to go to the upcoming Enchantment Under the Sea dance together. Marty stays close to George, encouraging him to ask out Lorraine, while Doc busies himself with preparing everything for Marty's trip back to the future. When Lorraine follows Marty back to the Doc's workshop, Marty introduces Doc as his "uncle" as a means of cover.

While preparing the DeLorean, Doc finds Marty's video camera. He watches the recording, and sees the panicked look on 1985!Doc's face when the terrorists arrive. Marty walks in on Doc watching the video, and says there is something he needs to warn him about in the future. Doc silences him, telling him that no man should know too much about their own destiny. Marty pushes, but Doc refuses. Before attending the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, Marty writes a letter warning Doc about the terrorists. He slips it into Doc's pocket before heading to the high school.

After the dance, Marty meets up with Doc at the clocktower. Doc says it will be difficult to live through the next thirty years without being able to tell Marty about what has transpired between the two of them. They share a hug, and Marty says he hopes to see him again soon. Just as he turns to go, Doc reaches into his pocket and pulls out the letter. Realizing it's information about the future, he rips it up. Marty, panicked, tries to tell him the information to his face. However, an errant lightning bolt disconnects the cable from the clocktower, interrupting their conversation. Doc agrees to climb the clocktower and reconnect it, while Marty feeds him the cable from the ground. He tries to shout the truth about the terrorists to Doc, but cannot be heard over the storm. Eventually Marty has to leave to ensure he'll return to the future.

Remembering that he's in a time machine, Marty changes the time circuits so that he'll arrive earlier than when he left, hopefully ensuring he can stop Doc's death. Meanwhile, Doc hangs perilously from the clocktower as he tries to hook up all the cables. Thankfully the two manage to work everything out, and the DeLorean takes Marty back to 1985.

The car stalls when he arrives, meaning Marty is forced to run back to the mall parking lot. He arrives just as Doc is shot, and he watches as his other self drives away in the DeLorean. He runs towards Doc, crying over his deceased friend. However, Doc sits up, surprising Marty. He reveals that he tapped the note back together to ensure his own survival. Doc drives Marty home, and tells him he'll be travelling thirty years into the future in the DeLorean. Marty tells Doc to look him up in the future, and Doc agrees.

The next day, Marty is outside with his girlfriend, Jennifer Parker, when the DeLorean comes crashing into the driveway. Doc tells them both to get in, explaining that something has to be done about their children in the future.

Back to the Future Part II[]

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The second film picks up exactly where the first ended, with Doc, Marty, and Jennifer travelling through time to fix the future that Doc witnessed.

Back to the Future Part III[]

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Back to the Future: The Animated Series[]

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Back to the Future: The Game[]

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Back to the Future: IDW Comics[]

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DocMarty is a beloved relationship in the Back to the Future fandom. Fans love how much the two care for each other, often risking their lives to ensure the other's safety. Fans also enjoy that the relationship between Doc and Marty shows that friendship is not bound by age. For a long time there was no canon backstory to how the two met and became friends, but the chemistry between the actors on screen was all that anyone needed to fully believe that they were best friends.

There are many in the fandom who choose to ship Doc and Marty as a romantic couple. This interest only grew with the release of Back to the Future: The Game, in which Marty meets a 17 year old Emmett Brown. While some fans only choose to ship them in 1931, when they are both teenagers, a large number of the fandom enjoys shipping them in 1955 and 1985, when Doc is much older. While a large portion of the fandom dislikes the romantic nature of the ship, due to the large age gap and the fact that Doc and Marty first became friends when the latter was 12 years old, the ship continues to be incredibly popular and divisive.

DocMarty is the most popular ship on AO3, with the romantic version of the ship, Mammett, coming in second place.


Doc & Marty tag on AO3
Doc/Marty tag on AO3
DocMarty tag on Tumblr
Mammett tag on Tumblr



Back to the Future logo
Back to the Future ShipsBack to the Future Characters
het BiffraineClemmettParkfly
slash McHoward
family McFly Father-Son
friend DocMarty
cargo Marty x Pepsi
male Marty McFly