Shipping Wiki

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Femslash ship: 11Het ships: 44Familyship: 11Non-binary ships: 1212Poly ships: 22
Female character: 11Neutral-gendered character: 11

Doctor Who is a classic BBC sci-fi television series.


The Doctor is an alien Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who travels through all of time and space in his TARDIS with his companion. Instead of dying, the Doctor is able to "regenerate" into a new body, taking on a new personality with each regeneration.



Doctor x TARDIS - the ship between any incarnation of the Doctor and his TARDIS
Barbara x Ian – the ship between Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton
Hart-tha – the ship between Martha Jones and The First Doctor
Polly x Ben – the ship between Polly Wright and Ben Jackson
NineRose – the ship between the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler
Mickey x Rose - the ship between Mickey Smith and Rose Tyler
Jack x Rose - the ship between Captain Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler
TenRose – the ship between Rose Tyler and The Tenth Doctor
Ten x Reinette - the ship between the Tenth Doctor and Madam de Pompadour
Ten x Martha - the ship between the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones
Sparrow Night – the ship between Sally Sparrow and Larry Nightingale
Ten x Christina - the ship between the Tenth Doctor and Madam Christina de Souza
Rose x Tentoo – the ship between Tentoo and Rose Tyler
Amy x Eleven – the ship between the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond
Amy x Rory – the ship between Amy Pond and Rory Williams
Yowzah – the ship between the Eleventh Doctor and River Song
Amy x Vincent - the ship between Amy Pond and Vincent van Gogh
Craig x Sophie – the ship between Craig Owens and Sophie
Whoufflé – the ship between the Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald
Twiver – the ship between River Song and the Twelfth Doctor
Twissy - the ship between the Twelfth Doctor and Missy


Two x Jamie - the ship between the Second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon
Jack x Nine - the ship between Captain Jack Harkness and the Ninth Doctor
Fezturion – the ship between Rory Williams and The Eleventh Doctor


Martha x Donna - the ship between Martha Jones and Donna Noble
Rose x Donna - the ship between Rose Tyler and Donna Noble
Vastra x Jenny – the ship between Vastra and Jenny Flint
Clamy – the ship between Clara Oswald and Amy Pond
Clashildr - the ship between Clara Oswald and Ashildr/Me
Bill x Heather - the ship between Bill Potts and Heather

