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Dojima Family is the family ship between Yu Narukami, Nanako Dojima, and Ryotaro Dojima from the Persona fandom.


Ryotaro is the father of Nanako and the uncle of Yu. When Yu's parents agree to work overseas for a year, Yu is sent to Inaba to live with his uncle and cousin. Ryotaro is very welcoming to Yu, but Nanako is rather shy. She quickly warms up to Yu, however, and even starts referring to him as her "Big Bro". The three are often seen eating dinner together, and when Ryotaro has a late night Yu is certain to take care of Nanako.

Due to the death of her mother in a hit-and-run accident a few years prior, the relationship between Nanako and Ryotaro has become strained. He spends more time working than ever before, intent on catching the person who killed his wife. Nanako begins to think that her father cares about work more than he cares about her, but Yu tries to put these thoughts at ease. Things eventually boil over, however, and Nanako runs away from home. Yu and Ryotaro go looking for her and eventually find her by the river, a place that holds memories of her mother. Yu encourages Ryotaro to speak with her, and helps the two of them repair their relationship.

In the winter, Nanako is abducted and taken into the TV world. Ryotaro, Adachi, Yu, and the rest of the Investigation Team set out after her. Ryotaro ends up in a car accident while pursuing the suspect, and asks Yu to find and save Nanako. They manage to bring Nanako out of the TV world, but she has to be hospitalized due to her injuries. In one ending of the game, Nanako dies from her injuries with Yu at her bedside. In the Normal Ending and True Ending, Nanako recovers.

At the end of the game, Nanako and Ryotaro join everyone else is bidding farwell to Yu. Nanako is upset about seeing Yu leave, and promises that she'll marry him one day. Ryotaro tells Yu that he will always be part of the family. He says that he'll leave Yu's bedroom just the way he left it, and that Yu can come back and stay with them any time.


Fans enjoy the "found family" aspects between these three characters as, despite being related, they barely know each other prior to the start of Persona 4. In particular, fans are fond of the brother/sister type relationship between Yu and Nanako. The fact that Yu helped to repair their broken family is another reason why fans really appreciate the family bond between these three characters.

On AO3, there are currently over 15 fics for this ship.


Nanako & Ryotaro & Yu tag on AO3
Dojima Family works on
Dojima Family tag on Tumblr


Persona ShipsPersona Characters
SHIPS het AiAkiAiJunAikotoAishinjiAiyojiAiYuAkiHamAkikariAkiMitsuChiKouFuukihikoFuupeiHanaChieJundoriJuntoneJunYukaKanNaoKenakoMinaLizMinaYukaRiYuRyoHamRyuAnnSaedachiShinjiHamShinjikaShinjiMitsuShuAnnShuFuukaShuMakoShuMitsuSouYukiTeddikoTheoHam
slash AkinatoAkishinjiJunAkiJunShinjiMakoJunMakoShinjiMonoTeddiePegoRyuRyoJun • ‎‎‎‎RyoMina • ‎‎ShuAdaShuAkeSouKanSouYoTatsujunYosuKanYuTeddie
femslash AilizaAnnshihoFuukaHamFuukAigisHamugisKanariseMitsuHamNaoriseNatsuukaYufuukaYukaHamYukaMitsuYukgisYukiChie
poly AikotoyukaAkiShinjiHamKanNaoRiseMakoJunYukaMoonlight Bridge Trio
friendship AimaruInvestigation QuadInvestigation TeamKenhikoKenjiroKenmaruKorojiroMakoKenMakomaruMinakomaruNanaTeddieNaoichiP3 ProtagonistsSEES TrioSpecialized Extracurricular Execution Squad
family Android SistersDojima FamilyHanamura BrosKirijo FamilyTheoEliza‎Velvet Room Sisters
CHARACTERS male Ken AmadaRen AmamiyaShinjiro AragakiYosuke HanamuraJunpei IoriKoromaruRyoji MochizukiYu NarukamiAkihiko SanadaKanji TatsumiTeddieMakoto Yuki
female AigisYukiko AmagiMitsuru KirijoRise KujikawaChie SatonakaKotone ShiomiNaoto ShiroganeYukari TakebaFuuka Yamagishi