Donna Troy, formerly known as Wonder Girl and currently known as Troia, is a character from the DC Comics and Young Justice fandoms.
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- Donna x Conner — the ship between Donna and Conner Kent
- DonnaGarth — the ship between Donna and Garth
- DonnaKyle — the ship between Donna and Kyle Rayner
- JayDonna — the ship between Donna and Jason Todd
- RoyDonna — the ship between Donna and Roy Harper
- TimDonna — the ship between Donna and Tim Drake
- WonderFlash — the ship between Donna and Wally West
- Donna x Kara — the ship between Donna and Kara Zor-El
- DonnaBabs — the ship between Donna and Barbara Gordon
- DonnaKory — the ship between Donna and Koriand'r
- DonnaRae — the ship between Donna and Rachel Roth
- WonderDove — the ship between Donna and Dawn Granger
- JayKyleDonna — the ship between Donna, Jason Todd and Kyle Rayner
- WonderDoveKori — the ship between Donna, Dawn Granger and Koriand'r
- DianaDonna — the ship between Donna and Diana of Themyscira
- WonderFam — the ship between Donna, Diana of Themyscira, Hippolyta, Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Queen Nubia, Cassie Sandsmark and Yara Flor
- Fab Five — the ship between Donna, Garth, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper and Wally West
- Wonderwing — the ship between Donna and Dick Grayson
- Roy Harper
- Main article: RoyDonna
- Donna Troy tag on AO3
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
323 | Wonderwing | Dick Grayson | gen |
130 | RoyDonna | Roy Harper | het |
110 | Fab Five | Garth, Dick Grayson, Roy Harper & Wally West | gen |
76 | DonnaKory | Koriand'r | femslash |
67 | JayDonna | Jason Todd | het |
48 | Donna/Dick | Dick Grayson | het |
39 | Donna & Kori | Koriand'r | gen |
37 | DianaDonna | Diana of Themyscira | gen |
34 | Donna x Conner | Conner Kent | het |
27 | Roy & Donna | Roy Harper | gen |