Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 99Still: 11
Slash ships: 55Het ships: 33Non-binary ships: 33Poly ship: 11

Donut is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Donut is a contestant in the second, fourth, and fifth seasons of Battle for Dream Island. He has competed on W.O.A.H. Bunch, Team Ice Cube!, and Team8s and placed 22nd in the second season. He briefly took over as the host in the fourth season for a few episodes.



Baking Forgiveness — the ship between Donut and Pin
Barfnut — the ship between Donut and Barf Bag
Bracenut — the ship between Donut and Bracelety
Donutdrop — the ship between Donut and Teardrop
Eggnut — the ship between Donut and Eggy
Flownut — the ship between Donut and Flower
Foldnut — the ship between Donut and Foldy
Golfnut — the ship between Donut and Golf Ball
Icenut — the ship between Donut and Ice Cube
Leafnut — the ship between Donut and Leafy
Lollinut — the ship between Donut and Lollipop
Nailnut — the ship between Donut and Naily
Puffnut — the ship between Donut and Puffball
Sawnut — the ship between Donut and Saw


8nut — the ship between Donut and 8-Ball
Announcenut — the ship between Donut and Announcer
Blacknut — the ship between Donut and Black Hole
Bombnut — the ship between Donut and Bomby
Coinut — the ship between Donut and Coiny
Donraser — the ship between Donut and Eraser
Donuhtning — the ship between Donut and Lightning
Donutree — the ship between Donut and Tree
Frynut — the ship between Donut and Fries
Gelanut — the ship between Donut and Gelatin
Losernut — the ship between Donut and Loser
Nicknut — the ship between Donut and Nickel
Penut — the ship between Donut and Pen
Snownut — the ship between Donut and Snowball
Tennut — the ship between Donut and Tennis Ball
TVnut — the ship between Donut and TV
Yellonut — the ship between Donut and Yellow Face


Fournut — the ship between Donut and Four
Rubbernut — the ship between Donut and Rubber Spatula
Twonut — the ship between Donut and Two
Winnernut — the ship between Donut and Winner
Xnut — the ship between Donut and X


4xnut — the ship between Donut, Four and X
Foldbombnut — the ship between Donut, Foldy and Bomby
Gelafrinut — the ship between Donut, Gelatin and Fries
Matchbooknut — the ship between Donut, Match and Book
Puffrinut — the ship between Donut, Puffball and Fries
Snowcoinut — the ship between Donut, Snowball and Coiny
Tacobarfnut — the ship between Donut, Taco and Barf Bag


Barf Bag
Main article: Barfnut
Main article: Gelanut


Donut tag on AO3
Donut stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
14 Barfnut Barf Bag het
4 Gelanut Gelatin slash
2 Flownut Flower het
2 Baking Forgiveness Pin het
1 Donut & Gelatin Gelatin gen
1 Losernut Loser slash
1 Donut & Teardrop Teardrop gen
1 Barf Bag & Donut Barf Bag het
1 Twonut Two non-binary

