DreamGirlShipping is the femslash ship between Serena and Lisia from the Pokémon fandom.
Lisia is a Pokémon coordinator from Sootopolis City. She is the "most outstanding" coordinator in the Hoenn region and eventually becomes Serena's rival in the Lilycove Contest.
Lisia makes her debut in episode JN105, where she appears in front of the Lilycove City Contest Hall to scout a person for the upcoming Pokémon Contest Spectacular. She ended up choosing Chloe, despite her reluctance, giving her a Contest Pass and a Pokéblock Case.
Later, Serena reappears after 6 years of absence since the XY series. Serena helps Chloe prepare for her debut in the Pokémon Contest at Normal Rank. Serena, recognizes Chloe from Lisia's TV broadcast. Chloe is left embarrassed by this, but she's nevertheless happy to have found the Sylveon she came to meet, eager to let her Eevee see Sylveon perform. In this, Serena says she has encouraged contests with Lisia.
Later, though not together, Serena and Lisia wait their turn to do their contest show, as their Master Rank is at the end. Chloe participates first, as she is placed in Normal Rank, not realizing that she is seen by Goh's SmartRotom, which would happen the same with Serena and Lisia also being seen by Goh via SmartRotom.
Then, when the Master Rank arrives, Serena starts to perform. There, Serena's Braixen is shown to have evolved into Delphox and along with Pancham and Sylveon, demonstrates formidable power and beauty in the contests, allowing Serena to rank first.
Following Serena, Lisia enters the stage as the final competitor, and the audience goes wild at seeing the region's top idol in front of them. Lisia, in order to try to beat Serena, has her Altaria, Ali, envelop the stage in a beautiful Mist before Mega Evolving her partner and having it use Draco Meteor.

Lisia hugs Serena for performing well and tie with her.
Finally, the Contest Spectacular's results are announced, revealing that Serena and Lisia have tied for first place. At that moment, Lisia hugs Serena, congratulating her on her performance. Later, Serena and Chloe are near the ship that Chloe must board to return home. Chloe asks what Serena would do next and she reveals that Lisia had just asked if she'd like to form an idol duo with her. Chloe starts laughing with Serena because they are both hesitants about their decisions. Chloe suggests Serena accept Lisia's proposal.
Chloe simply begins to leave on the ship with her friends and Serena promises to support both Chloe and one of her friends who is also a very special companion to Serena. As the ship disappears, Serena returns to Lilycove with her Sylveon, implying that she is preparing for her next Pokémon contest. Serena is still left with Lisia's proposal to form a duo, so it is unknown so far whether Serena will accept it or not.
DreamGirlShipping has some following. Fans who support this ship focus on the healthy rivalry between Serena and Lisia. Even fans of JourneyShipping (Ash x Goh) often support DreamGirlShipping and also other Serena's femslash ships.
Because Lisia's proposal to form a duo with Serena is pending, the anti-AmourShippers want Serena to accept it so she can't look for Ash in other regions. From other side, the AmourShippers wish Serena to reject Lisia's proposal, so that she can accompany Ash.
Because of this, just like JourneyShipping, DreamGirlShipping often has friction with AmourShipping.
- Serena/Lisia works on FanFiction.net