Eggleaf is the femslash ship between Eggy and Leafy from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Leafy joins The Losers! and meets Eggy and Cake for the first time, saying she's excited to meet new pals.
While Four is explaining the instructions for the impostor challenge, they find Eggy not paying attention and instead playing tic-tac-toe with Leafy. Eggy is annoyed from being interrupted by Four, defending herself in the process. In the challenge, the two continue playing and Eggy wins a match. Leafy is suspicious of her since this is her first win in 72 games and calls her out as the impostor. A buzzer goes and as Four states that Eggy is not the fake, leaving Leafy bewildered as Eggy asks if it's really surprising that she lost.
As Eggy tries to remember who their missing teammate is, Leafy tells her it's time to start the challenge. She drags Eggy along with when she heads out.
After their team has found an emerald for the challenge, Eggy and Leafy can be seen playing tic-tac-toe in a distance shot.
Leafy asks Four to recover her friend Eggy and says that it's nice to see her when she's brought back. Eggy says the same but gets confused when Leafy asks if they're friends. She responds that they are but calling it a weird question, proving to Firey that Leafy does have friends. Firey questions out loud how people can be friends with Leafy after she stole Dream Island, leaving Eggy outraged having now known this. Later in the night, she argues with Firey and Needle about Leafy while Leafy sits down sulking nearby. Eggy and the rest of the team are annoyed when Leafy accidentally reveals how long they've forgotten about Clock to him.
Eggleaf is a rare pairing in the Battle for Dream Island fandom overall. This is largely due to their developing friendship in the fourth season being cut short without a redemption in the show. Shippers of the two, however, still base off their bond during their time as teammates and often describe it as "doomed yuri". Fan art of the two, a good majority coming before they split up, often showcase their few moments in the show such as them frequently playing tic-tac-toe. The ship is mainly rivaled by Fireafy (Firey x Leafy) and Eggdrop (Eggy x Teardrop).
- Eggy/Leafy (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
- Eggy and Leafy search results on DeviantArt
- Eggy and Leafy posts on Reddit