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Eggtaco is the femslash ship between Eggy and Taco from the Battle for Dream Island Fandom.


If X-MAS in Among Us was a BFDI Challenge[]

Eggy greets Taco while on the Skeld out in space. Eggy asks Taco if she likes riding in the their spaceship. Taco answers a solid yes, as it's pretty fun, but she also says she finds it annoying that the ship is in constant disrepair, needing them to fix it's parts all the time. Eggy calls her a whiny-brat but redirects the conversation to a yellow x-shaped spaceship with a santa hat on it. The text reads "Xanta". Eggy, Taco, and Tree notice it and are shocked to see Xanta. After Tree says Xanta gives them gifts, so Taco wouldn't shoot the ship's laser at it, She becomes into a trance like state. She then says that she likes Xanta too, the others on the ship go into the trance like state including Eggy. They all chant "We, Too Like Xanta Because We All Like Receiving Their Gifts. All Hail X-Mas, All Hail Xanta". Xanta is flattered by their responses, but asks them to go to sleep, so they can deliver their gifts, saying it's time for dreams only. Everybody in the Cafeteria then all suddenly go to sleep, crashing down onto the floor in that instant.

After Donut kills Tree off-screen, Taco yells out Tree is died to the shock of everybody in the cafeteria. Taco asks everybody who did the kill, but nobody answers. Taco realizes they were too close when Pen, the other killer, was talking. Everybody votes for Ruby after her insensitive jokes, which Taco made everybody vote for her as Taco was the only one to think she was 'sus'. So when Ruby did a joke again, everybody sided with Taco. They all read the screen that said Ruby was not the naughty one. Eggy becomes utterly disappointed and yells at Taco for making them do the unlawful vote. Taco said in her defense, that Ruby was acting quite 'sus' with her death jokes.

One of the naughty ones (It's unclear which one) sabotaged Oxygen, which made the canister holding all of the oxygen explode, depleting the oxygen. Eggy says she is having trouble breathing, and tells Taco that they should fix their oxygen canisters. Everybody but Donut and Profily runs to O2. Eggy tells Saw and Rocky to grab some tape on one of the shelfs in the room, then tells Pen and Taco to fix the canister with said tape. She looks over at Balloony, who has become more bulbous then he usually is. He said it's because of the low oxygen. Later he explodes next to Eggy when Taco and Pen finishes up fixing the canister with the tape. Pen notices the exploded chunks of Balloony next to Eggy. Being a imposter, Pen points all the blame at Eggy, which everybody gives looks at Eggy, including Taco. Eggy tells everybody that Balloony died due to the outside oxygen pressure got to low for him. She asks if they saw his head becoming bulbous, to which Taco does state that fact is true. Pen redirects the conversation to say everybody should do their tasks now.

Saw reports Profily's died body in Cafeteria. Eggy, on the other side of the ship, says to herself that meeting time has started again. Eggy goes up to the Emergency Button Table and asks where was the body located. Saw says Left side of Cafeteria. Saw disproves that Pen was the killer as he was with her the whole time. Saw then notices Rocky is died too, as he didn't appear to the meeting. To which Rocky died when Saw took out the garbage as off-camera, Donut shoved him into the garbage. Taco says that they are most likely better off without him, as he probably wouldn't have been a help, as he doesn't know how to complete tasks. Everybody gives Taco a stare to which she takes back what she said. Taco announces voting time, so Taco, Eggy, and Saw vote for Donut, as he and Pen vote for Eggy. Everybody shoves Donut into the outer regions of space, as they all head to the screen. The screen reads the screen which reads that Donut was a naughty one. Everybody celebrates that their is only 1 other naughty one remaining on the Skeld. Taco congratulates Eggy for her evidence. Eggy then tells Taco that she knows she is spitting facts. Saw then interrupts the two and says that they all should go finish their tasks now. Pen sabotages lights and kills Eggy with a egg beater.


Eggtaco is a rarepair, due to the fact that throughout this show's run time. The two have never interacted face to face. The only times Taco even semi-interacted with Eggy was when Taco caused her team to lose due to giving Bell the twinkle, which caused Clock to look at Bell. The Short If X-MAS in Amoung Us was a BFDI Challenge, shined some light on the two's personalities in regards for when they speak to each other. The only proper reason this ship is shipped is because of that one short, where they are a off and on duo throughout.


BFDI Eggy x Taco on TikTok

