Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11Stills: 1414
Slash ship: 11Non-binary ships: 1111Poly ships: 88

Electra is a character from the Starlight Express fandom.


This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.



Brandilectra — the ship between Electra and Brandi-Belle
Bufflectra — the ship between Electra and Buffy
Carrlectra — the ship between Electra and Carrie
Cocolectra — the ship between Electra and Coco
Duvaylectra — the ship between Electra and Duvay
Smoked Lightning — the ship between Electra and Ashley


Bobolectra — the ship between Electra and Bobo
Brick Lighting — the ship between Electra and Flat-Top
Electraboose — the ship between Electra and Caboose
Electric Money — the ship between Electra and Purse
Krupplectra — the ship between Electra and Krupp


Bellectra — the ship between Electra and Belle (Sleeping Car)
Electrawatt — the ship between Electra and Killerwatt
Electrustity — the ship between Electra and Rusty
Fast Food — the ship between Electra and Dinah
Flash Lightning — the ship between Electra and Orange Flash
Frozen Lightning — the ship between Electra and Volta
Golden Lightning — the ship between Electra and Golden Eagle
Greased Lightning — the ship between Electra and Greaseball
Hydralectra — the ship between Electra and Hydra
Joulectra — the ship between Electra and Joule
Lightning Arrow — the ship between Electra and Green Arrow
Lightning Squared — the ship between Electra and Blue Lightning
Lumlectra — the ship between Electra and Lumber
Pearlectra — the ship between Electra and Pearl
Portlectra — the ship between Electra and Porter
Silver Lightning — the ship between Electra and Silver Bullet
Slicklectra — the ship between Electra and Slick
Tasslectra — the ship between Electra and Tassita
Wrenchlectra — the ship between Electra and Wrench


Champion Trio — the ship between Electra, Rusty and Greaseball
Cheater Boys — the ship between Electra, Greaseball and Caboose
Cheater Girls — the ship between Electra, Greaseball and Slick
CulinaryGreasedLightning — the ship between Electra, Dinah and Greaseball
Electric Rusty Brakes — the ship between Electra, Rusty and Caboose
Electronents — the ship between Electra, Joule, Krupp, Purse, Killerwatt, Wrench and Volta
First Class Electrustity — the ship between Electra, Pearl and Rusty
GreaseDinahlectraboose — the ship between Electra, Greaseball, Dinah and Caboose
Hydralectrawatt — the ship between Electra, Hydra and Killerwatt
Joulectrustity — the ship between Electra, Joule and Rusty
Pearlectraboose — the ship between Electra, Pearl and Caboose
Pearlectraponents — the ship between Electra, Pearl, Krupp, Purse, Joule, Wrench, Volta and Killerwatt
The Starlight Polycule — the ship between Electra, Rusty, Pearl, Greaseball, Dinah and Hydra
The Stexcule — the ship between Electra, Rusty, Pearl, Greaseball, Dinah and Caboose


Main article: Pearlectra


Main article: Electraboose
Main article: Greased Lightning
Joule • Killerwatt • Krupp • Purse • VoltaWrench
Main article: Electronents


Electra tag on AO3


# portmanteau characters type
94 Electraboose Caboose slash
56 Greased Lightning Greaseball non-binary
21 Electronents Joule • Killerwatt • Krupp • Purse • VoltaWrench poly
14 Frozen Lightning Volta non-binary
10 Electrustity Rusty non-binary
10 Electrawatt Killerwatt non-binary
8 Joulectra Joule non-binary
7 Electra & Components Joule, Killerwatt, Krupp, Purse, Volta & Wrench gen
7 Wrenchlectra Wrench non-binary
7 GB & Electra Greaseball gen


Starlight Express Logo
Starlight Express ShipsStarlight Express Characters
SHIPS het DinahboosePrusty
slash ElectrabooseGreaseybrakesIced CoffeeQuidrogenTendersteam
femslash Arsonist GirlfriendsDinah x PearlDinahBelleDynamite RepairPearlBelleSlickballSmoked DinerSmoked Hot Dogs
non-binary ElectrawattElectrustityFast FoodFreezer BurnFreezer RepairFrozen LightningGreased LightningGreaseDinahHydralectraJoulectraPackage StorePearlballPearlectraPortlectraQuietFlashRustballSleepingFlashSlicklectraWrenchlectra
poly Blue and Gold PearlsChampion TrioCheater BoysCheater Girls CulinaryGreasedLightning‎DinahBellePearlssitaElectronentsFirst Class Electrustity‎Freezer Burn RepairHyprustyPrustballSeaside Smoked Diner BuffetThe Starlight Polycule
family Fuel SiblingsQuietball
friend Bellssita
CHARACTERS male CB the CabooseHydraRustyTassita
female Belle (Sleeping Car)DinahJoulePearlSlickWrench
neutral ElectraGreaseballVolta