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Eraserblock is the slash ship between Blocky and Eraser from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Blocky complains to Eraser about how bossy Golf Ball is to which Eraser agrees with. Eraser calls her a bossy bot and tries to explain what that means, although Blocky, Pen, and Snowball are confused by it. They listen to him talking about how he would do anything to get away from her and a few other people he dislikes.

During team picking, Eraser and Pen call out for Blocky to join their team. Blocky cheers as he walks over to the team platform.

When the Announcer informs the Squishy Cherries that they're missing a team member for the obstacle course, Eraser and Pen immediately realize that he's referring to Blocky. The two are the first to volunteer when Pin asks for people to help find Blocky. As Pencil tries to get the fish monster to open its mouth, Eraser and Pen see Blocky in the distance. The two are relieved and Blocky explains to them how the fish monster tried to eat him but narrowly misse.

During the test challenge, Blocky announces to Eraser and Pen that he found the test answers. Eraser asks for a high-five and Blocky ends up flinging him away from doing so too hard.

After Eraser and Pen are launched away from ice cube chunks for being safe at Cake at Stake, Blocky enjoys the elbow room from it.

Eraser assists Blocky during his Blocky's Funny Doings International prank involving Ice Cube.

After popping Bubble and stealing her ball, Blocky goes over to Eraser and Pen and asks them how they're doing with finding one. Eraser tells him that he has one too and goes with Blocky to turn them in to the Announcer. The Announcer accepts Blocky's ball but rejects Eraser's for being the wrong shade of red.

During the bread loaf rejoin challenge, Blocky, Eraser, and Pen cheer on Snowball.

Blocky accidentally spills water on his sheets of paper while drawing and wants to use a roll of paper towels to clean it up. Eraser stands next to the roll shaking his head against it, pointing to a sign that indicates the roll is to be used for bathroom use only. After turning around and seeing Eraser shake his head once more, Blocky looks back at the roll and notices that Eraser went to use the restroom and is no longer guarding the roll. Blocky uses it as an opportunity to take a sheet without Eraser noticing and sneaks up to the roll. As he struggles to rip apart a sheet, he continues to drag down on the roll and cause excess paper to roll out. Blocky looks over and notices that the lights in the room Eraser is using just turned off, meaning that he's about to come back to where the roll is. Blocky starts viciously dragging down the paper in the roll, looking back to see if Eraser has come back yet. After a few seconds, Eraser is furious and shakes as he looks at what Blocky has done with the paper towel rolls. Blocky blankly stares at him for a few seconds then jumps away with the entire roll, knocking Eraser out in the process. As Eraser gets up, he glares at the instructions sign and starts chasing after Blocky as he runs away with the paper towels. Eraser notices a faucet and fills up a water bottle with it as Blocky runs. When he gets close enough to him, Eraser squirts the bottle at Blocky and causes him and the paper towels to get drenched. He feels triumphant but then feels bad for Blocky, offering him a fresh roll as he goes to help him up. However, Eraser quickly takes his offer back and informs Blocky that he must replace the roll with the new one. Eraser nervously waits as Blocky does so and tries to get on a crate to watch from a distance. After getting help from Pen, Eraser looks up and watches Blocky as he wears a bomb suit to replace the roll of paper.

After Eraser gets scared from a pentagon, Blocky uses Saw to cut it up into two pieces. Eraser nervously looks as he does so and is relieved when it is over. During team picking for the fourth season, Eraser and Blocky are huddled together by Pen who wants them to stick together. Eraser agrees with Pen but ends up being distracted by Yellow Face when he announces free food. After the teams are finalized, Eraser wonders why he isn't with his pals Blocky and Pen anymore.

Blocky, Eraser, and Pen are all hanging out on a picnic bench chatting. After they laugh at something Pen said, Blocky tells the two that he's thinking of doing more pranks but is unable to since all of the recovery centers are gone. Eraser tells him he's able to help if he needs any assistance.

After Eraser is recovered, he leaps up to the roof of Gelatin's Steakhouse and is happy to see Blocky and Pen there as well.

Pen teams up with Eraser again in The Power of Two and after Pen asks where Blocky is, Eraser solemnly says he left them.


Eraserblock is part of the Penraserblock poly ship that includes Pen. Although the poly is more popularly shipped than just Eraser and Blocky alone, there are still a considerate amount of fan attention towards the pairing. This is largely because of their friendship in the first season as well as the Paper Towel short bringing more attention to the duo. In regards to the poly, Penraser largely overshadows the other two ships but Eraserblock and Penblock have about the same popularity within the Battle for Dream Island fandom. Eraserblock tends to have more fan fictions throughout while Penblock has more fan art although both ships have them. The ship is sometimes pared with Snowpen because Snowball is often added to the poly ship, resulting in these two ships as the two-combinations. Other ships outside of the poly that rival the pairing include Blockwood, Snowblock, Frieraser, and Eraserdrop.

On AO3, there are 5 works under the ship's romantic tag and 4 under the platonic tag. It is the fourth most written ship for both Blocky and Eraser on the site.


Blocky/Eraser (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
Blocky & Eraser (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
Eraser x Blocky search results on Wattpad
Eraser and Blocky search results on DeviantArt
Eraser and Blocky posts on Reddit
Eraserblock posts on TikTok
Eraserblock posts on Tumblr
Blockraser posts on Twitter
Eraser x Blocky posts on Twitter

