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“I'm begging you... I can't put faith in you if you keep talking like some stupid kid.”
— Ymir mocks Eren

EreYumi is the friendship between Ymir and Eren Jaeger from the Attack on Titan fandom.


Prior to season two, both Ymir and Eren had little interaction; and only knew each other's names. When her identity as a titan was revealed, Eren is shocked and stands by as Historia talks to Ymir. When she is brang to the wall to rest, Eren questions a soldier about her status and the soldier replies that she is heavily injured, adding that no 'normal person' could take that. The two are then Reiner and Bertolt's targets and they are separately captured.

When Eren wakes up, he finds himself in the Forest of Giant Trees with his arms gone. Before he can stress, Ymir comments that she also has missing limbs, causing him to calm down and grill her about his arms. She doesn't reply and his question is answered by Reiner. When he realizes that he lost he proceeds to bite his arm to transform, but is stopped by Ymir, who shows him the danger of his act.

She then rests her arm on Eren's shoulder and shows him Reiner and Bertolt. Ymir tells him that turning into a titan there is reckless and that he may die if he turns into his titan. Reiner comments that they cannot transform in the first place and Ymir lies that she doesn't know much about her power, although Eren refuses to listen and thinks of a plan to escape. However, Reiner reminds Ymir that she knows enough about her titan which causes Eren to question about her motives and past.

Some time later and Eren is still thinking of what to ask to Reiner and Bertolt, but Reiner starts complaining about how he hasn't got any sleep, food or water; acting like a normal soldier. Eren starts to feel threatened but before he can yell, Ymir stops him once again and asks Bertolt to help Reiner out. She then realizes of his split persona and informs Eren of what it is. He then claims that he'll murder both Bertolt and Reiner but Ymir comments that he talks like a stupid child and asks the other two about the Beast Titan. The latter asks what she's talking about and she tells him to simply listen, before explaining the enemy's job. Eren is surprised but chatizes her to tell him more but she refuses to reply and instead says that taking care of the two will do nothing. Eren asks who he needs to take care of but before Ymir can reply, she is stopped by Reiner who offers to work with her and save Historia.

It is revealed that she is in fact using Eren's strength to save herself and this leaves him confused, as he looks at Ymir for information but she frowns and glances away. He looks down at a stressed Ymir and repeats his previous question; "Who's our real enemy?!" but she doesn't tell him with an actual reply, and asks him who knows.


“Look... I'm in the same situation as you. Guess today's a rough one for the both of us.”
— Ymir shows that her and Eren are both injured.
“Is she on my side? I can't figure out what her goal is... I could never figure much about her, but...”
— Eren claims that Ymir is hard to understand.


People have noticed how similar Eren and Ymir are, and usually use this to compare EreMin and YumiHisu, ships that both have a hot-headed, Titan Shifter, and the other being sweet, petite and somewhat physically weak. While their interactions were limited, their friendship is somewhat popular. EreYumi has a small number of fanworks on the het side, and on the gen side. Overall, it is Ymir's second most written ship in gen, behind YumiHisu.

There have been fan theories of Ymir and Eren being related. A few fans have said how Ymir could get along with anybody in the show, and usually use Eren as an example. As the similarities between Ymir and Eren are visible, it was somewhat believed that they were blood-related in a way.


Eren & Ymir tag on AO3


  • In an official sketch drawn by Hounori, the author of Spoof on Titan, Ymir is seen wearing the dress of Eren's mother, Carla.



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Attack on Titan ShipsAttack on Titan Characters
SHIPS het AruAniAruHitchAruKuriAruMikaAurEtraBeruAnnieEreAnnieEreHisuEreLenaEreMikaErePetoEreSashaFalGabiFarIsaFarmHisuHitLoweJeanKasaJeanPikuJikuPikuLeoRinaMikaBertMikaFlochMikeNanaNiccosashaPokkoPikuReiAnnieReiKasaReiKuriRivetraSpringlesUdoFiaZekeLena
slash EreConEreJeanEreMarcoEreMinEreReiEreriEruMikeEruNileEruRiFlarminFlerenFloJeanGalliReiJeanConJeanMarcoJeArminKenUriLeviFarMagaKisuMarFuroReiBertReiConReiJeanRivaKopon
femslash AniCarlyGabFiaHitchAnnieMikAnnieMikaHisuMikaSashaMikaYumiNifEtraPikulenaSashaKuriYumiHisuYumiSasha
non-binary EreHanEruHanKisuHanLeviHanMagaHanMikaHanMobuHanOnyaHanPikuHan
friendship BeruYumiEreGabiEren x Ymir FritzEreYumiFalrenGabiPikuGabviJeanGabiLevIsaLokasaReiYumiSquad LeviThug TrioTitan ShiftersYumiCon
family FurHisuKenRiRivaMikaZekEren
poly AruHitchAniClub Good TasteEreHisuFlochEreJeanKasaEreJeArminEreMikaAruEruRiHanEruRiMikeJeanSashConReiBertAniYumiHisuMikaYumiSashaKuri
cargo ArminOceanEren x FreedomErwinBasementHanTanSasha x Potato-kunScarfKasa
CHARACTERS men Armin ArlertBertolt HooverConnie SpringerEren JaegerErwin SmithFloch ForsterJean KirsteinLevi AckermanReiner Braun
women Annie LeonhartGabi BraunHistoria ReissMikasa AckermanPetra RalPieck FingerSasha BrausYmir
non-binary Hange Zoë