Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 261261Manip: 11Model: 11Screenshots: 749749Stills: 127127
Slash ships: 77Het ships: 66Friendships: 55Familyship: 11Non-binary ship: 11Poly ships: 55Cargo ship: 11
If someone is willing to take my freedom... I won't hesitate to take theirs. Our father never made me that way. It's who I've been since I was born.
— Eren to Zeke Jaeger

Eren Jaeger is a character from the Attack on Titan fandom.


Eren is the main protagonist of the series, he is the inheritor of the Founding Titan, Attack Titan, and War Hammer Titan.



EreAnnie — the ship between Eren and Annie Leonhart
EreFrie — the ship between Eren and Frieda Reiss
EreHisu — the ship between Eren and Historia Reiss
EreLara — the ship between Eren and Lara Tybur
EreLena — the ship between Eren and Yelena
EreLouise — the ship between Eren and Louise
EreMika — the ship between Eren and Mikasa Ackerman
EreMina — the ship between Eren and Mina Carolina
ErePeto — the ship between Eren and Petra Ral
ErePiku — the ship between Eren and Pieck Finger
EreRico — the ship between Eren and Rico Brzenska
EreSasha — the ship between Eren and Sasha Braus


EreBeru — the ship between Eren and Bertolt Hoover
EreJean — the ship between Eren and Jean Kirstein
EreCon — the ship between Eren and Connie Springer
EreMin — the ship between Eren and Armin Arlert
EreMarco — the ship between Eren and Marco Bott
ErePokko — the ship between Eren and Porco Galliard
EreRei — the ship between Eren and Reiner Braun
Ereri — the ship between Eren and Levi Ackerman
EruRen — the ship between Eren and Erwin Smith
Fleren — the ship between Eren and Floch Forster


EreAniKasa — the ship between Eren, Mikasa Ackerman, and Annie Leonhart
EreFloJean — the ship between Eren, Floch Forster, Jean Kirstein
EreHisuFloch — the ship between Eren, Historia Reiss, and Floch Forster
EreJeanKasa — the ship between Eren, Jean Kirstein, and Mikasa Ackerman
EreJeArmin — the ship between Jean , Eren Jaeger, and Armin Arlert
EreReiBert — the ship between Eren, Reiner Braun, and Bertolt Hoover
EreReiHisu — the ship between Eren Jaeger, Reiner Braun, and Historia Reiss
EreJeanMarco — the ship between Eren, Jean Kirstein, and Marco Bodt
EreMikaHisu — the ship between Eren, Mikasa Ackerman, and Historia Reiss
EreMikaAru — the ship between Eren, Armin Arlert, and Mikasa Ackerman
EruRiRen — the ship between Eren, Erwin Smith, and Levi Ackerman
Yeagerists — the ship between Eren, Floch Forster, and Louise


EreHan — the ship between Eren and Hange Zoë


EreGabi — the ship between Eren and Gabi Braun
EreYumi — the ship between Eren and Ymir
Falren — the ship between Eren and Falco Grice
Eren x Ymir Fritz — the ship between Eren and Ymir Fritz


ZekEren — the ship between Eren and Zeke Jaeger


Ereoono — the ship between Eren and his spoon
Eren x Freedom — the ship between Eren and Freedom


Mikasa Ackerman

Main article: EreMika

Eren and Mikasa are childhood friends as he once saved her from kidnappers. After saving her he gifted her his red scarf to keep her warm, the two then live together as Mikasa's parents were killed. Some time later loses both of his parents, Mikasa and Eren were then orphans. They both joined the 104th Training Corps and then graduated and headed off to the Survey Corps.

In the four year time-skip, Eren abandons the Survey Corps and heads off to Marley in order to declare war on them, Mikasa accompanies Eren along with the Survey Corps and they eventually succeed. Eren is later arrested however he escapes. They meet again however things have changed and Eren breaks Mikasa's heart by telling her he always has hated her. Eren then begins the rumbling, however he is killed by Mikasa and they share a kiss. Before being killed, Eren reveals he has always had feelings for Mikasa to Armin and can't bare seeing her with another man and only wanted her to think about him.



Eren Jeager tag on AO3
Eren Jaeger tag on


Eren Jaeger tag on DeviantArt


Eren Jaeger posts on Tumblr


# portmanteau characters type
16750 Ereri Levi Ackerman slash
3457 EreMika Mikasa Ackerman het
3358 EreMin Armin Arlet slash
2331 EreJean Jean Kirstein slash
662 EreRei Reiner Braun slash
495 EruHisu Historia Reiss het
445 EreRen Erwin Smith slash
349 EreAnnie Annie Leonhart het
321 EruRiRen Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith poly
162 EreMikaAru Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert poly


Attack on Titan - Logo
Attack on Titan ShipsAttack on Titan Characters
SHIPS het AruAniAruHitchAruKuriAruMikaAurEtraBeruAnnieEreAnnieEreHisuEreLenaEreMikaErePetoEreSashaFalGabiFarIsaFarmHisuHitLoweJeanKasaJeanPikuJikuPikuLeoRinaMikaBertMikaFlochMikeNanaNiccosashaPokkoPikuReiAnnieReiKasaReiKuriRivetraSpringlesUdoFiaZekeLena
slash EreConEreJeanEreMarcoEreMinEreReiEreriEruMikeEruNileEruRiFlarminFlerenFloJeanGalliReiJeanConJeanMarcoJeArminKenUriLeviFarMagaKisuMarFuroReiBertReiConReiJeanRivaKopon
femslash AniCarlyGabFiaHitchAnnieMikAnnieMikaHisuMikaSashaMikaYumiNifEtraPikulenaSashaKuriYumiHisuYumiSasha
non-binary EreHanEruHanKisuHanLeviHanMagaHanMikaHanMobuHanOnyaHanPikuHan
friendship BeruYumiEreGabiEren x Ymir FritzEreYumiFalrenGabiPikuGabviJeanGabiLevIsaLokasaReiYumiSquad LeviThug TrioTitan ShiftersYumiCon
family FurHisuKenRiRivaMikaZekEren
poly AruHitchAniClub Good TasteEreHisuFlochEreJeanKasaEreJeArminEreMikaAruEruRiHanEruRiMikeJeanSashConReiBertAniYumiHisuMikaYumiSashaKuri
cargo ArminOceanEren x FreedomErwinBasementHanTanSasha x Potato-kunScarfKasa
CHARACTERS men Armin ArlertBertolt HooverConnie SpringerEren JaegerErwin SmithFloch ForsterJean KirsteinLevi AckermanReiner Braun
women Annie LeonhartGabi BraunHistoria ReissMikasa AckermanPetra RalPieck FingerSasha BrausYmir
non-binary Hange Zoë