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Espilver is the slash ship between Espio and Silver from the Sonic the Hedgehog fandom.


Sonic Rivals 2[]

Silver and Espio first met in Sonic Rivals 2 when Espio got a meeting mission to find evidence that Silver was behind the kidnapping of Chao. Espio treated Silver as an enemy at first, but Espio started to doubt the mission as Silver did not seem like a bad guy. When Espio found out Silver was trying to save the world, he followed his instinct and joined Silver in his mission. The two went on an adventure together and built a good relationship during it.

As the two were about to stop Eggman Nega from feeding Chao to the Ifrit, Espio noticed Silver was exhausted. Espio went to collect some rings to give him more energy, and even fought Sonic over them.

When Espio and Silver found out Eggman Nega already had enough Chao for the Ifrit, the two teamed up to save them, although Espio was slowed down by Rouge. After their mission was finished, the two thanked each other and Silver left.

The two have reappeared together in some games, although no notable interactions are shown. In Sonic Generations, both cheered Sonic on during his battle against the Time Eater and later celebrated Sonic's birthday. In Sonic Forces, both were members of the Resistance.

IDW Comics[]

In the IDW Annual 2022 one-shot “Future Growth,” Silver and Espio are featured as focal characters. While helping his friends in the garden at the Restoration HQ, Espio notices something seems to be troubling Silver, and follows him into the woods to confront him. There, Silver opens up to Espio about his anxieties over his responsibilities of protecting the future and the uncertainty of why he was summoned to the past. Upon witnessing Silver’s existential crisis, Espio calms him down by asserting the importance of not letting fear of the unknown consume oneself. Espio then advises Silver to have faith in his friends, reminding him that he and the others have his back. Silver, now reinvigorated, declares that Espio is right and he and his other friends make him feel like he can do anything. Silver thanks Espio and gives him a hug, which leaves Espio noticeably surprised or flustered. After that, Espio is called back by Vector trying to wrangle Charmy, and the two of them return to the garden together in high spirits.


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Espilver has some support following their appearance as a duo in Sonic Rivals 2. Espio and Silver are often portrayed as teammates, sometimes with the involvement of the other members of the Chaotix.

Espilver is one of the more popular slash ships in the fandom, with a good amount of fanart and 112 stories on AO3. It is also one of the most popular ships with Espio, the most written ship for Espio, and the fourth most written ship for Silver on AO3.

There is a Twitter account dedicated to Espilver weeks. The first week on the account was held on November 11-17, 2019 and the second one on December 7-13, 2020.


Espio/Silver tag on AO3
Silver/Espio tag on FanFiction.Net
espilver tag on DeviantArt
silvespio tag on DeviantArt
espioxsilver tag on DeviantArt
silverxespio tag on DeviantArt
Espilver hashtag on Twitter
Espilver tag on Tumblr


Espilvaze — the ship between Blaze the Cat, Espio and Silver


Sonic the Hedgehog Logo
Sonic the Hedgehog ShipsSonic the Hedgehog Characters
SHIPS het BartoniaBuntoineChaffronChareamEspadeEspicoleEspikalEspioniaInfinisperJetaveJuleenaKhanallyKnuxamyKnuxaraKnuxerciKnuxikalKnuxoniaKnuxougeKnuxulieManamyManinaMarinicMinashSallailsScourgionaShadallyShadamyShadariaShadarineShadazeShadDashShadikalShadoniaShadougeShadsticksSilvamySilvazeSilvisperSonallySonamySonazeSonDashSoneachSoneenaSoneezieSoneliseSonerciSonicksSonikalSonicLumineSonionaSonisperSonminaSonougeTailamyTailarbyTailazeTailerciTailinaTailionaTailougeTailrineTailscoTailseyTailsmoTaireamVectamyVectilla
slash EspilverKnuxadowManourgeMephadowMephilverMonoSonicShadfiniteShadilverShadpioSonadowSonectorSoneggmanSonilverSonKaiSonMarioSontailsSonucklesVecpio
femslash AmooeyAmreamBlazamyBlazeamBunallyFionicMareamPeachamyPercamyRougamyRoupazSalamySallicoleSticmySurgamySurgazeTangazeWhispangle
non-binary MetadowMetailsMetamyMetonicRookiniteShadomegaShardicoleTikaos
poly SconadilverSonadilverSonSalAmy
family EggSageSonic UndergroundVanilleam
friend Diamond CuttersShadeamSoneamTeam ChaotixTeam DarkTeam RoseTeam Sonic
cargo KnuxmeraldSonChili
CHARACTERS male Espio the ChameleonKnuckles the EchidnaManic the HedgehogMiles "Tails" ProwerShadow the HedgehogSilver the HedgehogSonic the HedgehogVector the Crocodile
female Amy RoseBlaze the CatCream the RabbitRouge the BatSally AcornSonia the HedgehogTikalWhisper the Wolf