Ezzy is the femslash ship between Izzy and Eva from the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama Island[]
Izzy and Eva both returned to Total Drama Island after being previously eliminated. Despite having just returned, herself, Eva still stood in shock when witnessing Izzy's return. Eva said that while she was eliminated, she took anger management classes ... that clearly didn't go so well. Izzy said that while she was eliminated, she was living among the beavers. Throughout the episode, Eva would get on the nerves of everybody else on the island, including Izzy. Izzy would be seen among the rest of the crowd, chanting Eva's name, encouraging Bridgette to force her through the next challenge. At the end of the episode, Izzy was among everyone else in the near unanimous vote for Eva to be kicked off. Eva had to be dragged, kicking and screaming down the Dock of Shame and thrown into the Boat of Losers in a straightjacket. As the boat drove her away, Eva yelled out to everyone that Izzy was lying about what she was doing while she was eliminated. Before Eva could tell people what really happened, Izzy cut her off and changed the subject to throwing a victory party at Leshawna's trailer. In the episode's bonus clip, we learned that what really happened was Izzy started a small business selling beaver-themed maple syrup and also had a brief relationship with Justin. How Eva knew about this is anyone's guess.
Izzy judged a marshmallow eating contest between Owen and Eva. She announced that Owen had won by a landslide with 95 marshmallows to Eva's 37. Izzy then belched a bunch of soda into Eva's face and assured her that 37 isn't bad and with a little more practice, soon she'll be devouring marshmallows like a champ before proceeding to belch loudly into her face once again. During the challenge to get the million dollars, Izzy formed an alliance with Eva and Noah, called "Team E-Scope". As a team, they had the million dollars for a while before Justin used his glorious glow to manipulate Eva and Izzy into handing over the money for him, much to Noah's annoyance.
Total Drama World Tour[]
During the second chance competition, Geoff and Bridgette fire out a bunch of peanut cans that would allow players a second chance at the million dollars. While trying to get a can, Izzy jumps up on Eva's shoulders to grab one. Aggravated, Eva shoved Izzy off.
Ezzy is a rare pair in the Total Drama fandom with rather divided reception. While some ship it, seeing it as an OTP, others think that they just don't work together. Part of the reason why their togetherness is so popular is because of it being a variant of the ell-received Team E-Scope from "Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island", the short-lived three-way alliance between Eva, Izzy, and Noah.
- Eva/Izzy tag on AO3
- Evza stories on Wattpad
- Izva stories on Wattpad
- Ezzy stories on Wattpad
- Eva and Izzy on Total Drama Wiki
- Eva/Izzy on Fanlore