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Faedunn is the friendship between Fae and Idunn from the Fire Emblem fandom.


Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Idunn was a member of the Divine Dragons tribe. When a war broke out between humans and dragon (this war is called the scouring) Idunn's tribe chose to stay neutral. The humans took the advantage in the war thanks to their number, the dragons fighting them choose to create a Demon Dragon (a Dragon that has the power to create War Dragons). They captured Idunn and turned her into the Demon Dragon and removed her soul to make her a weapon. To win the war the human created divine weapons wielded by the eight legend. The eight legend defeated the dragons when they reached the Demon Dragon they saw only a sad shell of a little girl, staring into space with no orders to obey. The leader of the eight legend Hartmut felt pity for her and sealed her with the binding blade instead of killing her. About a millennium after her defeat Idunn was freed from her seal by Zephiel (the king of Bern and the descendant of Hartmut) who wanted to conquere the world to give it to dragons whom he considere superior to humans. Zephiel became Idunn's master. Arcadia is a village found in the Nabata Desert where dragons and humans lived together in peace and harmony. Fae was a Divine Dragon from this village. Fae end up joining Roy's army (an army fighting Zephiel).

Roy's army finally fight and kill Zephiel. If all divine weapons have been collected the Dragon temple where Idunn was sealed. Before facing her Roy meet Jahn. Jahn was a member of the dragon army that turned Idunn into the Demon Dragon and tell her story to Roy. Jahn fight and is killed by Roy's army. After the battle Fae show concern for Idunn and Roy reveals that he want to save Idunn. Without a master Idunn has no goal she fight Roy's army, if she is defeated by an other mean than the bining blade she will die, if she is defeated by Roy using the binding blade she will be spared, if Fae died Roy won't be able to convince Idunn to go with him and she will stay in the Dragon temple for it's destruction, if Fae still alive she will follow Roy.

After the war Fae return to Arcadia with Idunn. The Divine Dragons try to restore her soul. In the epilogue they are playing together, a fruit fell on Fae's head wich make Idunn laught, it make Fae happy since it mean that Idunn's soul have been restored.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Fae and Idunn are two of the heroes that the player can summon separately via the Breidablik using orbs to help Alfonse and his sister Sharena defending their kingdom Askr from the Emblian Empire. Unlike in their original game, Fae and Idunna can develop a bond via support. They can raise their level of support in the following ranks: C, B, A and S if they stand together in the gameplay. Each of them have variants beyond their base forms: Fae has two solo variants, Idunn has only one solo variant, and the two of them make-up a Duo Hero.

The two received a spring-themed Duo Hero variant - where they work together as one unit - in the "Familial Festivities" focus from March 2020. In the associated paralogue, Fae is overjoyed about being at the Spring Festival, with Idunn calmly agreeing with that enthusiasm. Fae, however, gets distracted by a "bunny all in black" - Narcian, who was also participating - and tries to catch him. When that fails, Fae runs off to find more "bunnies" while Idunn tries to stop her.


Faedunn is a popular friendship pair in the Fire Emblem fandom. Fire Emblem Heroes increased to popularity of the ship since it introduced both character to the international audience since FE6 was not released outside Japan. Many fanworks that show Fae and Idunn take place after the game good ending since they canonically start to bound after the game events. Fanarts usually depict them with their normal outfits, their spring alt or Idunn Ascended alt with Fae Legendary alt. In fanarts they are sometime alongside Roy and/or Sophia.

The romantic version of the ship doesn't exist since Fae is a young child while Idunn seem to be a young woman.



Fae & Idunn tag on AO3



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Fire Emblem Ships (ArchaneaValentiaJugdralElibeMagvelTelliusAwakeningFatesFódlanElyosHeroes) • Fire Emblem Characters
SHIPS het AlphonicaAreleaAreneArvidreAzeldainBerkuneaBoeymaeBoymistCaedarthCelicalmCelimarthChroliviaChrollyChromiaChulayraClairalmClaudainClauviaDewedainDimigardDimimariDortalieEiryonElfioraElilynElniniEphrachelEphtanaFalmFebailmuirneFerdimariFinnedainHecflorHectorlynHubetraIkeMiaJamkedainJulenaLachinnLayliphLexayLexdainLindeMerricLonlissaLuturMicaSotheMidainMirivaikeMuirliphNaneifNatashuaNetteflixPentlouiseQuanthlynRathlynReinhtarRoylarumRoyliaRoyLiliRoyphiaRoyshannaRoysueSalerikaSeliFeeSeliLanaSethrikaSigayraSiguedainSigurdeirdreSilqualmSubazuraSullionSylvcedesTineleif
slash ArlerricDimiClaudeDimidueDimilixFerdibertForsythonHenrickenIkeMarthIkesorenKentsainLeokumiLibrionLongaiusRyomarxSigurdiganSylvixYuriashe
femslash BerniegardCaminokaCathmirCelifayeCelimaeDoropetraEdeltheaEirichelFayesilqueFlorilynFlorinianHapistanceJulanaKagerochiLissabelleLucisevMariHildaMonigardNepheatherSakuliseSay'rikiSophelia
non-binary AshelethAzurrinChrobinClaudelethDimilethEdelethFlaynlethIvlearKagelearKazerrinPetralethRhajrrinRobcinaRobdeliaSetlethShurrinStahlbinSumibinSylvlethTharbin
family AlmycenArvidreCeliconradChildren of DestinyChromcinaEphikaJulialiusLucissaMarthcinaMarthiceMikorrinRoylynSelidreSeliliaSeliliusSeteynSigliphWhitewings Sisters
friend FaedunnSmash Brethren
CHARACTERS male AlmChromDimitriIkeMarthRoySeliphSigurd
female CelicaEdainEdelgardEirikaLucinaLyn
neutral BylethCorrinRobin