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“Also, I'm in love with you. I became a warrior candidate because I didn't want you to inherit the Armored Titan. I wanted you to live a long life, so that we could get married and you could be happy forever.”
— Falco confesses to Gabi, chapter 118

FalGabi is the het ship between Falco Grice and Gabi Braun from the Attack on Titan fandom.


Marley Arc
Both Falco and Gabi are Eldian warrior candidates working for the Marleyan government, they both lived in Liberio a Marleyan city designated for Eldians to live before getting destroyed.

FalGabi Anime(1)

Falco and Gabi in a ditch

Falco and Gabi's relationship is first introduced at the beginning of the Marley arc as Gabi offers to take out the enemies herself, Falco refuses to let Gabi take such a risky plan. Gabi begins to undress herself to her underclothes as it was part of the plan to succeed which Falco seemed to be embarrassed about. Once Gabi's plan to throw explosives at her enemies succeeds they immediately start firing at her, Falco gets concerned and leaves the pit to save Gabi from the shots directed at her by enemies, they both eventually safely reach a nearby ditch and are protected by Porco Galliard in his Jaw Titan form.

After the war Marley becomes victorious due to Gabi's plan working out well, the two and the rest of their Eldian comrades are shown on a train heading home to be with their families. Falco watches his eldest brother get drunk and praise Gabi from afar, he tells the Armored Titan inheritor, Reiner if Gabi were to inherit the Armored Titan she'll live until she's twenty-seven years old and accuses Reiner he doesn't care about Gabi, which Reiner scares Falco and then proceeds to tell him he needs to be greater than Gabi to protect her which Falco keeps this promise.

On the day of the festival devastation begins as Falco and Gabi's friends, Udo and Zofia, were killed by Eren. Gabi becomes outraged at the deaths and would do anything to kill Eren. They both see a moving airship where the soldiers of the Survey Corps are located after defeating Marley, the two follow the airship which luckily a soldier is outside the ship and Gabi kills the soldier to use the ODM gear to get to ship. Before using the ODM gear Gabi was ready to leave Falco behind and proceeds to tell him to inform her family she fought until the end and as well that Falco was a good person, before heading off Falco remembers Reiner's promise and latches onto the dead soldier to keep Gabi safe.

FalGabi Anime(2)

Falco and Gabi are beaten for killing Sasha Braus

Eventually, the two reach the ship and Gabi enters the room where a group of soldiers is in celebrating their victory against Marley, Gabi shoots one of the soldiers named Sasha Braus, but then she tries to fire again until Falco knocks her over to save her from a shot fired from Jean Kirstein. The two get beat for trespassing and shooting Sasha and are tied up by the soldiers. Gabi and Falco are held on their heads by Floch Forster and were nearly thrown out of the airship as Floch requested to throw the two out but are rejected by Jean to not do so. Sasha dies from the shot and the two are arrested back on Paradis Island by the Military Police.

War for Paradis Arc
Falco and Gabi are both seen in their jail cell, but suddenly Gabi begins to have a seizure and Falco tries to help her and a guard notices and checks on the girl before she smashes the guard's face with a brick that was hidden under her clothes, which seemed like her plan to escape the cell. They both escape from the prison and run as far away to stay away from being caught, they run all night until they rest near a stream to hydrate themselves and cool down. Falco soon notices that Gabi still has her armband on and tells her to take it off or someone will notice but Gabi refuses to do so, Falco forces her to take it off until she throws him onto the ground and Falco asks her what's wrong with her and she has gone crazy until being noticed by a girl, named Kaya. Kaya invites the two to stay at her home but Falco watches Gabi secretly getting a pouch of rocks to attack Kaya but is stopped by him.

They both follow Kaya to the house and Kaya tells the two to wait, Gabi advises Falco to take one of the horses and run away but Falco disagrees and tells her it's best to stay in the house for a few days. They enter the house and Falco introduces himself as "Ben" meanwhile he also introduces Gabi as "Mia", Falco explains to Kaya's family that he and Gabi are siblings that ran away from home.

Later, both Gabi and Falco are seen working at the stables and they start discussing that Reiner or Colt would come back for them and bring them back to Marley until it was time for lunch, they both learn that they're staying at an orphanage for children who lost their parents. Suddenly both Gabi and Falco begin to argue as Gabi brings up the fact Eldians who live in Paradis haven't forgiven their sins and continues to ram on until Kaya says she knows that they both are from Marley. Falco nervously responds to this and Gabi walks nearby a hay which a pitchfork stood, she tries to use the pitchfork against Kaya but gets stopped by Falco. Kaya questions the two when what they both mean why after getting caught with the pitchfork but others, she also says if she were to tell the truth they would've been captured a long time ago and then brings them to her old village.

Kaya shows and tells Gabi and Falco about the village and her mother, after finishing telling the two she questions why do they hate her mother so much and Gabi responds saying Eldians slaughtered many people hundreds of years ago, the conversation between Kaya and Gabi begins to get tense before Falco tearfully joins in and tells Kaya that her mother didn't do any sin and leaks military information to her which Gabi doesn't like at all and wonders why Falco did so but he doesn't respond to Gabi's question.

The two soon go to a restaurant with Kaya and the family as they were invited to eat brunch, Falco makes up an excuse to leave the table and Gabi goes along with Falco and they meet up with one of the cooks named Niccolo in the basement. They both reveal themselves to Niccolo as warrior candidates, Niccolo questions why are they in Paradis and they respond by telling him about the raid in Liberio. Niccolo asks the two if they've killed a female soldier (referring to Sasha) but Falco doesn't respond, instead, Gabi happily says she did until Niccolo grabs a wine bottle trying to attack Gabi before Falco jumps in and protects her from the wine getting onto her not knowing the bottle contained Zeke's spinal fluid, the liquid gets inside Falco's mouth as he was knocked out from the attack.

Falco shields Gabi

Falco saves Gabi from being attacked by Niccolo

Niccolo brings both Gabi and Falco where they originally were with the Braus Family, the dining room. Niccolo is shown to be telling Mr. Braus about Gabi and Falco as Mia and Ben were cover names used to cover up the fact they were warrior candidates. Niccolo begins to threaten to kill Gabi if Mr. Braus wouldn't as a way to avenge the death of Sasha until he threatens to kill Falco with the same knife he was going to use Gabi. Gabi begins to plead to Niccolo to not kill Falco as the death of Sasha Braus was the fault of Gabi. The scouts come in and Mikasa asks Gabi about her wounds before being nearly killed by Kaya with a knife as Mikasa stopped Kaya from stabbing Gabi. Mikasa and Armin take Gabi into a different room and Gabi tells Mikasa to kill her instead but to spare Falco.

As Gabi was taken to the spare room with the two scouts, Eren comes in to discuss things with the two which turns into a twist as a fight breaks out between Eren and Armin eventually locking up Gabi, Mikasa, Armin, as well the others in the different room, including the Braus Family. Eren then visits Gabi in her cell until Pieck comes in killing one of the guards, Pieck and Gabi are taken out of the cell Gabi was originally at and she soon learns that Falco consumed Zeke's spinal fluid as she asked where Falco was.

Gabi is told by Colt to escape onto an airship but refuses to as she wants to be the one to save Falco as she says she's the one responsible for dragging him into the current situation. Gabi and Falco have once reunited again as Nile Dok helps Falco find Gabi and his older brother, Colt, the three of them run away inside a house. Gabi tells Falco that she regrets killing Sasha and apologizes to Falco. Then Falco begins to express his true feeling towards Gabi by telling her he is in love with her and the true reason why he became a warrior candidate so she wouldn't inherit the Armored Titan and live a long happy life so they can get married, Gabi is shown to be blushing but Falco mentions he's also saying this as he'll become a titan soon.

Falco reveals his motivation to Gabi

Falco confesses his feelings and motivation to Gabi

Later, Falco becomes a pure titan. As he was transforming, his brother Colt held on to him killing him instantly.


Gabi and Falco reunite after the Titan curse is broken

Gabi turns into a titan, Falco can be seen crying, however the Curse of Ymir is then broken. After the curse is broken, they run into a hug.

In the time skip, Gabi and Falco are now fifteen years old, they can be seen helping Levi who is now in a wheelchair.


Falco“Also I'm in love with you. I became a warrior candidate because I didn't want you to inherit the Armored Titan. I wanted you to live a long life, so that we could get married and you could be happy together.”
Gabi“What...are you saying?”
Falco“I might turn into a titan so...I...want to get it all out there...”
Attack on Titan, Chapter 118
“Falco didn't do anything. So kill me not him, okay?”
— Gabi pleads to keep Falco's life, Chapter 112, Episode 72.
“But... I still can't give up on Falco...”
— Gabi refuses to give up on saving Falco, Chapter 124
“...Why did you even bother following me...? There's no reason for you to die too...”
— Gabi to Falco in Chapter 108


FalGabi is quite popular amongst the Attack on Titan fandom, but due the bad reputation Gabi has among fans the ship tends to receive backlash, also despite Falco being a well loved character majority of fans think Falco doesn't deserve Gabi due to her personality as she can sometimes come as overbearing.

It's unknown if when Falco confessed his feelings towards Gabi were returned back as the only reaction Gabi gave Falco during his confession was being flustered. But Gabi mentioned that Falco was very special for her. However during the final chapter, it's seen that the two have feelings towards one another, but it's unknown if they're together in the time-skip.

After the time skip, it's heavily implied that Falco and Gabi are together, as they can be seen with Levi helping him since he is now confined to a wheel chair. On Gabi's birthday, one of MAPPA Studios' animator released FalGabi fan art after Chapter 139, they can be seen sharing their ice creams like a couple.


Gabi/Falco tag on AO3
Gabi & Falco tag on AO3
ファルガビ tag on Pixiv
FalGabi posts on Tumblr
Falbi posts on Tumblr
FalGabi hashtag on Twitter
Falbi hashtag on Twitter
ファルガビ hashtag on Twitter


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CHARACTERS men Armin ArlertBertolt HooverConnie SpringerEren JaegerErwin SmithFloch ForsterJean KirsteinLevi AckermanReiner Braun
women Annie LeonhartGabi BraunHistoria ReissMikasa AckermanPetra RalPieck FingerSasha BrausYmir
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