Shipping Wiki

Below is a list of fandoms and the ships within them that do not have fandom pages yet. To create a fandom page, a minimum of five non-stub ship pages must exist before the creation of the page, as well as at least 10 more ships able to be listed on the page once it is created.

Fandoms A-B | Fandoms C-D | Fandoms E-F | Fandoms G-H | Fandoms I-K | Fandoms L-M | Fandoms N-R | Fandoms S-T | Fandoms U-Z

LLab RatsLab Rats: Elite ForceLacey GamesLackadaisyLady and the TrampLalaloopsyLalin's CurseThe Last Kingdom · The Last UnicornLaw and Order: Special Victims UnitLazyTownLeft 4 DeadLegacy of OrïshaThe Legend of Sleepy HollowLegend of the GuardiansLegend QuestLegends of ChimaLego DimensionsLego ElvesLego FriendsLego IslandLes Grandes Grandes VacancesThe LibrariansLies of PThe Life and Times of Juniper LeeLike Mother, Like DaughterLimbus CompanyLink ClickLisa FrankensteinLittle Goody Two ShoesLittle NightmaresLittle Princess SarahLittle Tail BronxThe Little TrashmaidThe Little VampireLittlest Pet ShopLizzie McGuireLocke & KeyThe Locked TombLockwood & Co.LolirockLong-Awaited FeelingsLook BackLookismLoonatics UnleashedThe LoraxLord of the FliesLOONALostLotus LanternThe Loud HouseLove, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!Love BulletA Love Letter for the Marching PuppyLove StageLuciferLuckLucky StarLUFFThe Lunar ChroniclesLunarduskLupin IIILycoris Recoil
MM&M'sMacbethMacrossMadagascarMadelineMad MenMadness CombatMad Rat DeadMafaldaMage & Demon QueenMagic KaitoMagical BoyThe Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young LadyThe Magic School BusMagi: The Labyrinth of MagicMagic: The GatheringMagilumiere Co. Ltd.The Magnus ArchivesMahabharataMaking FiendsMamamooMaimaimaigoenManifestMaple TownMarble HornetsMarionettaMarried In RedMartians vs. MexicansMax Design ProMary PoppinsThe Marvellous Misadventures of FlapjackMashle: Magic and MusclesMass EffectMasamune-kun's RevengeThe MatrixMavka: The Forest SongMax SteelMaxton HallMaya and The ThreeThe Maze RunnerMcDonald'sMedalistMediEvilMemoir of a SnailThe MessageMeta RunnerMetal GearMetalocalypseMichiko to HatchinMidsummer Night's DreamMieruko-chanMighty MedMighty MagiswordsMigrationMiller's GirlMilo Murphy's LawMinami-keMinecraft: Story ModeMiniforceMint's HintsMischief MakersMisfitsMiss Kobayashi's Dragon MaidThe Mitchells vs. the MachinesMixelsMojitoMoney HeistMonica and FriendsMonogatari SeriesMonsterMonster Buster ClubMonster MusumeMonster PromMonsterVerseMonthly in the Garden with My LandlordMoominsMoon Girl and Devil DinosaurMoon Lovers: Scarlet Heart RyeoMoriarty the PatriotMoritatThe Mortuary AssistantMotherland: Fort SalemMouse GuardMr. BeanMr. BirchumThe Mr. Men and Little Miss ShowMr. Peabody and ShermanMr. RobotMrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMHMs. Vampire Who Lives in My NeighborhoodMuhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural InvestigationMundo TorajoThe MummyThe MuppetsMushishiMutedMuv-LuvMy Babysitter's a VampireMy Best Friend Is In Love With My VtuberMy Deer Friend NokotanMy Dress-Up DarlingMy Happy MarriageMy Gym Partner's a MonkeyMy Impossible SoulmateMy Lady JaneMy Life as a Teenage RobotMy Mom's a SuperstarMy Next Life as a VillainessMy Own Private IdahoMy Student SpiritMystery Runners


Lab Rats[]


Adielle — the ship between Adam Davenport and Danielle
Braven — the ship between Bree Davenport and Kavan
Brebastian — the ship between Bree Davenport and Sebastian
Brethan — the ship between Bree Davenport and Ethan
Browen — the ship between Bree Davenport and Owen
Broy — the ship between Bree Davenport and Troy West
Chabrina — the ship between Chase Davenport and Sabrina
Chaitlin — the ship between Chase Davenport and Caitlin
Chanielle — the ship between Chase Davenport and Danielle
Dasha — the ship between Donald Davenport and Tasha Davenport
Dougelle — the ship between Douglas Davenport and Giselle Vickers
Jakee — the ship between Jake Chambers and Bree Davenport
Janeleo — the ship between Janelle and Leo Dooley
Lanielle — the ship between Leo Dooley and Danielle
Tadam — the ship between Taylor and Adam Davenport
Taddy — the ship between Tasha Davenport and Eddy
Tase — the ship between Taylor and Chase Davenport
Tayleo — the ship between Taylor and Leo Dooley
Terglas — the ship between Terry Perry and Douglas Davenport


Chabastian — the ship between Chase Davenport and Sebastian
Dondy — the ship between Donald Davenport and Eddy
Krouglas — the ship between Victor Krane and Douglas Davenport
Mareo — the ship between Marcus Davenport and Leo Dooley
Spab — the ship between Spin and Bob


Braitlin — the ship between Bree Davenport and Caitlin


Adeo — the ship between Adam Davenport and Leo Dooley
Adonald — the ship between Adam Davenport and Donald Davenport
Bradam — the ship between Bree Davenport and Adam Davenport
Brase — the ship between Bree Davenport and Chase Davenport
Brasha — the ship between Bree Davenport and Tasha Davenport
Breo — the ship between Bree Davenport and Leo Dooley
Bronald — the ship between Bree Davenport and Donald Davenport
Chadam — the ship between Chase Davenport and Adam Davenport
Cheo — the ship between Chase Davenport and Leo Dooley
Chonald — the ship between Chase Davenport and Donald Davenport
Chouglas — the ship between Chase Davenport and Douglas Davenport
Danglas — the ship between Daniel and Douglas Davenport
Doneo — the ship between Donald Davenport and Leo Dooley
Donglas — the ship between Donald Davenport and Douglas Davenport
Dougcus — the ship between Douglas Davenport and Marcus Davenport
Dougleo — the ship between Douglas Davenport and Leo Dooley
Roseo — the ship between Rose Dooley and Leo Dooley
Tane — the ship between Taylor and Victor Krane
Tasheo — the ship between Tasha Davenport and Leo Dooley


Adob — the ship between Adam Davenport and Bob
Belli — the ship between Kelli Berglund and Billy Unger
Brob — the ship between Bree Davenport and Bob
Chob — the ship between Chase Davenport and Bob
Dotis — the ship between Douglas Davenport and Otis
Halemy — the ship between Jeremy Kent Jackson and Hal Sparks
Helli — the ship between Hal Sparks and Kelli Berglund
Leddy — the ship between Leo Dooley and Eddy
Lerry — the ship between Leo Dooley and Terry Perry
Spelli — the ship between Kelli Berglund and Spencer Boldman
Spenilly — the ship between Billy Unger and Spencer Boldman
Speo — the ship between Spin and Leo Dooley
Telli — the ship between Tyrel Jackson Williams and Kelli Berglund
Treo — the ship between Trent and Leo Dooley

Lab Rats: Elite Force[]


Braz — the ship between Bree Davenport and Kaz
Broliver — the ship between Bree Davenport and Oliver
Briker — the ship between Bree Davenport and Riker
Skase — the ship between Skylar Storm and Chase Davenport
Skaz — the ship between Skylar Storm and Kaz
Skoliver — the ship between Skylar Storm and Oliver


Chasiver — the ship between Chase Davenport and Oliver
Chaz — the ship between Chase Davenport and Kaz
Kaziver — the ship between Kaz and Oliver


Brylar — the ship between Bree Davenport and Skylar Storm
Skangela — the ship between Skylar Storm and Angela Connor


Brasilver — the ship between Bree Davenport, Chase Davenport and Oliver
Brazase — the ship between Bree Davenport, Kaz and Oliver
Brazlar — the ship between Bree Davenport, Kaz and Skylar Storm
Breskliver — the ship between Bree Davenport, Oliver and Skylar Storm
Chakaver — the ship between Chase Davenport, Kaz and Oliver
Chivylar — the ship between Chase Davenport, Kaz and Skylar Storm
Chylaree — the ship between Chase Davenport, Skylar Storm and Bree Davenport
Chylaz — the ship between Chase Davenport, Skylar Storm and Kaz
Kalivee — the ship between Kaz, Oliver and Bree Davenport
Skaziver — the ship between Skylar Storm, Kaz and Oliver


Beomi — the ship between Bree Davenport and Naomi Davenport
Brase — the ship between Bree Davenport and Chase Davenport
Bronald — the ship between Bree Davenport and Donald Davenport
Donglas — the ship between Donald Davenport and Douglas Davenport


AJase — the ship between AJ and Chase Davenport
Brake — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry and Jake Short
Brakis — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short and Paris Berelc
Braris — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry and Paris Berelc
Brelli — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry and Kelli Berglund
Brilliam — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry and William Brent
Brob — the ship between Bree Davenport and Bob
Broe — the ship between Bree Davenport and Zoe
Cherry — the ship between Chase Davenport and Terry Perry
Chob — the ship between Chase Davenport and Bob
Chonald — the ship between Chase Davenport and Donald Davenport
Chouglas — the ship between Chase Davenport and Douglas Davenport
Clutchiver — the ship between Clutch and Oliver
Doliver — the ship between Donald Davenport and Oliver
Halemy — the ship between Jeremy Kent Jackson and Hal Sparks
Helli — the ship between Hal Sparks and Kelli Berglund
Jaris — the ship between Jake Short and Paris Berelc
Jelli — the ship between Jake Short and Kelli Berglund
Jilliam — the ship between Jake Short and William Brent
Karis — the ship between Kelli Berglund and Paris Berelc
Olivas — the ship between Oliver and Douglas Davenport
Parilliam — the ship between Paris Berelc and William Brent
Serry — the ship between Skylar Storm and Terry Perry
Wal — the ship between Hal Sparks and William Brent

Lacey Games[]


Jaycey — the ship between Jay and Lacey
Maijay — the ship between Jay and Maisie
Lacica — the ship between Lacey and an unnamed customer
Laisie — the ship between Lacey and Maisie


Jammercule — the ship between Jay, Lacey, and Maisie



Frepper — the ship between Calvin "Freckle" McMurray and Ivy Pepper
Morfine — the ship between Mordecai Heller and Serafine Savoy
Wick x Mitzi — the ship between Sedgewick "Wick" Sable and Mitzi May


DomZib — the ship between Dominic Drago and Dorian "Zib" Zibowski
Hellerby — the ship between Rocky Rickaby and Mordecai Heller
Nicocai — the ship between Nicodeme Savoy and Mordecai Heller
Vikdecai — the ship between Viktor Vasko and Mordecai Heller
ZibSy — the ship between Dorian "Zib" Zibowski and Sy
ZibWick — the ship between Dorian "Zib" Zibowski and Sedgewick "Wick" Sable


Lackadaisy Cousins — the ship between Roark "Rocky" Rickaby and Calvin "Freckle" McMurray
Savoy Siblings — the ship between Serafine Savoy and Nicodeme Savoy


Lackadaisy Trio — the ship between Rocky Rickaby, Calvin "Freckle" McMurray and Ivy Pepper
Marigold Trio — the ship between Mordecai Heller, Serafine Savoy and Nicodeme Savoy


Moron — the ship between Mordecai Heller and his iron

Lady and the Tramp[]


Baltady — the ship between Lady and Balto
Balto x Angel — the ship between Angel and Balto
Bustady — the ship between Buster and Lady
Jockady — the ship between Jock and Lady
JockPeg — the ship between Jock and Peg
Sangel — the ship between Scamp and Angel
Trampady — the ship between Tramp and Lady
TramPeg — the ship between Tramp and Peg


Dodgramp — the ship between Tramp and Dodger
Trampongo — the ship between Tramp and Pongo
Trock — the ship between Tramp and Jock
Truster — the ship between Tramp and Buster


Lady x Duchess — the ship between Lady and Duchess
Ladita — the ship between Lady and Perdita
LadyPeg — the ship between Lady and Peg


Lady & Scamp — the ship between Lady and Scamp
Tramp & Scamp — the ship between Tramp and Scamp



Ace x Jewel — the ship between Ace Fender Bender and Jewel Sparkles
AceNut — the ship between Ace Fender Bender and Peanut Big Top
Ace x Rosy — the ship between Ace Fender Bender and Rosy Bumps ‘N’ Bruises
Ace x Sunny — the ship between Ace Fender Bender and Sunny Side Up
Cat x Cool Cat — the ship between Jewel’s cat and Storm E.’s cat
Forest x Blossom — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Blossom Flowerpot
Forest x Dot — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Dot Starlight
Forest x Ember — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Ember Flicker Flame
Forest x Jewel — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Jewel Sparkles
Forest x Rosy — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Rosy Bumps ‘N’ Bruises
Forest x Scarlet — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Scarlet Riding Hood
Forest x Sticks — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Sticks Boom Crash
Forest x Storm — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Storm E. Sky
Forest x Squiggles — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Squiggles ‘N’ Shapes
Patch x Coral — the ship between Patch Treasurechest and Coral Seashells
Patch x Mango — the ship between Patch Treasurechest and Mango Tiki Wiki
Patch x Marina — the ship between Patch Treasurechest and Marina Anchors
Patch x Peggy — the ship between Patch Treasurechest and Peggy Seven Seas
Patch x Sand — the ship between Patch Treasurechest and Sand E. Starfish
Prince x Cinder — the ship between Prince Handsome and Cinder Slippers
Sir x Jewel — the ship between Sir Battlescarred and Jewel Sparkles
Sir x Lady — the ship between Sir Battlescarred and Lady Stillwaiting
Sir x Pix E. — the ship between Sir Battlescarred and Pix E. Flutters
Sir x Spot — the ship between Sir Battlescarred and Spot Splatter Splash
Wacky x Alice — the ship between Wacky Hatter and Alice in Lalaloopsyland


Ace x Forest — the ship between Ace Fender Bender and Forest Evergreen
Ace x Patch — the ship between Ace Fender Bender and Patch Treasurechest
Forest x Prince — the ship between Forest Evergreen and Prince Handsome
Pete x Sir — the ship between Pete R. Canfly and Sir Battlescarred


Bea x Dot — the ship between Bea Spells-a-Lot and Dot Starlight
Crumbs x Mittens — the ship between Crumbs Sugar Cookie and Mittens Fluff 'N' Stuff
Dot x Haley — the ship between Dot Starlight and Haley Galaxy
Dot x Pillow — the ship between Dot Starlight and Pillow Featherbed
Dyna x Peanut — the ship between Dyna Might and Peanut Big Top
Dyna x Ember — the ship between Dyna Might and Ember Flicker Flame
Jewel E. Sky — the ship between Jewel Sparkles and Storm E. Sky
Pillow x Rosy — the ship between Pillow Featherbed and Rosy Bumps 'N' Bruises
Spot x Storm — the ship between Spot Splatter Splash and Storm E. Sky
Storm x Rosy — the ship between Storm E. Sky and Rosy Bumps 'N' Bruises


The Sparkle Sisters — the ship between Jewel Sparkles and Trinket Sparkles
Sunny & Berry — the ship between Sunny Side Up and Berry Jars ‘N’ Jam
The Sky Sisters — the ship between Storm E. Sky and Cloud E. Sky

Lalin's Curse[]


David x María — the ship between David García Martínez and María Navarro Becerra
Felix x Noemí — the ship between Felix López Dorado and Noemí Roldan Segura


Felid — the ship between Felix López Dorado and David García Martínez
Davias — the ship between Tobias Ruiz Castro and David García Martínez
Codavid — the ship between Cody Lozano Blasco and David García Martínez


Selena x Rocio — the ship between Selena Aguilar Calvet and Rocio Quevedo Pascual

The Last Kingdom[]


Aldflaed — the ship between Aldhelm and Æthelflæd

The Last Unicorn[]


Horned x Unicorn — the ship between the Horned King and Lady Amalthea
Lirmalthea — the ship between Prince Lir and Lady Amalthea
Schmendrick x Molly — the ship between Schmendrick and Molly Grue

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit[]


Barson — the ship between Raphael Barba and Olivia Benson
Benisi — the ship between Olivia Benison and Sonny Carisi
Bensidy — the ship between Olivia Benson and Brian Cassidy
Bensler — the ship between Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler
Rollisi — the ship between Sonny Carisi and Amanda Rollins
Tuckson — the ship between Ed Tucker and Olivia Benson


Bangan — the ship between Raphael Barba and Trevor Langan
Barisi — the ship between Raphael Barba and Sonny Carisi
Funch — the ship between John Much and Odafin Tutuola
Holmisi — the ship between Isaiah Holmes and Sonny Carisi
Starisi — the ship between Peter Stone and Sonny Carisi


Cabenson — the ship between Alexandra Cabot and Olivia Benson
Rolivia — the ship between Amanda Rollins and Olivia Benson


Barholmisi — the ship between Raphael Barba, Isaiah Holmes and Sonny Carisi



Milford x Bessie — the ship between Mayor Milford Meanswell and Bessie Busybody
Pixanie — the ship between Stephanie and Pixel Hyperbyte
StephaZiggy — the ship between Stephanie and Ziggy Zweet
Stephingy — the ship between Stephanie and Stingy Spoilero
Stingella — the ship between Stingy Spoilero and Rottenella
Strixie — the ship between Stingy Spoilero and Trixie Troubleby


Glanniþro — the ship between Glanni Glæpur and Íþróttaálfurinn
Robbie x Nine — the ship between Robbie Rotten and "Number Nine"
SportaGlanni — the ship between Sportacus and Glanni Glæpur
SportaRobbie — the ship between Sportacus and Robbie Rotten
Stiggy — the ship between Stingy Spoilero and Ziggy Zweet
Stixel — the ship between Stingy Spoilero and Pixel Hyperbyte


Stephanella — the ship between Stephanie and Rottenella
Trixanie — the ship between Trixie Troubleby and Stephanie


LazyTown Kids — the ship between Stephanie, Ziggy Zweet, Stingy Spoilero, Pixel Hyperbyte and Trixie Troubleby
Robbie & the Kids — the ship between Robbie Rotten, Stephanie, Ziggy Zweet, Stingy Spoilero, Pixel Hyperbyte and Trixie Troubleby
Sportacus & the Kids — the ship between Sportacus, Stephanie, Ziggy Zweet, Stingy Spoilero, Pixel Hyperbyte and Trixie Troubleby
SportaSteph — the ship between Sportacus and Stephanie


Glatten — the ship between Glanni Glæpur and Robbie Rotten
Sportacus 19 — the ship between Sportacus (Number 10) and "Number Nine"


LazyTown Girls — the ship between Stephanie, Trixie and Rottenella

Left 4 Dead[]


Billchelle — the ship between Bill and Rochelle
Billey — the ship between Bill and Zoey
Cochelle — the ship between Coach and Rochelle
Franey — the ship between Francis and Zoey
Frochelle — the ship between Francis and Rochelle
Lochelle — the ship between Louis and Rochelle
Nickro — the ship between Nick and Rochelle
Noey — the ship between Nick and Zoey
Rellis — the ship between Rochelle and Ellis
Zellis — the ship between Zoey and Ellis
Zoach — the ship between Zoey and Coach
Zouis — the ship between Zoey and Louis


Billach — the ship between Bill and Coach
Billis — the ship between Bill and Ellis
Cellis — the ship between Coach and Ellis
Francick — the ship between Francis and Nick
Frellis — the ship between Francis and Ellis
Frill — the ship between Francis and Bill
Froach — the ship between Francis and Coach
Frouis — the ship between Francis and Louis
Louach — the ship between Louis and Coach
Louick — the ship between Louis and Nick
Louill — the ship between Louis and Bill
Loullis — the ship between Louis and Ellis
Nellis — the ship between Nick and Ellis
Nickill — the ship between Nick and Bill
Noach — the ship between Nick and Coach


Zochelle — the ship between Zoey and Rochelle


L4D1 Survivors — the ship between Bill, Francis, Louis and Zoey
L4D2 Survivors — the ship between Coach, Nick, Ellis and Rochelle

Legacy of Orïsha[]


Amari x Binta — the ship between Amari and Binta

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow[]


BromTilda — the ship between Abraham Van Brunt/Brom Bones and Tilda
Bromtrina — the ship between Abraham Van Brunt/Brom Bones and Katrina Van Tassel
Ichabod x Tilda — the ship between Ichabod Crane and Tilda
Ichatrina — the ship between Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel
Katless — the ship between Katrina Van Tassel and the Headless Horseman
Lady Mary x Hessian — the ship between Lady Mary Van Tassel and the Headless Horseman


Ichabod x Horseman — the ship between Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman
Ichabrom — the ship between Ichabod Crane and Abraham Van Brunt/Brom Bones


Katrianna — the ship between Katrina Van Tassel and Anna


Katrina & Lady Mary — the ship between Katrina Van Tassel and Lady Mary Van Tassel

Legend of the Guardians[]


Soren x Gylfie — the ship between Soren and Gylfie}

Legend Quest[]


Leodora — the ship between Leo San Juan and Teodora Villavicencio


LeKu — the ship between Leo San Juan and Kubo

Legends of Chima[]


Lavella — the ship between Laval and Li'Ella
Laveris — the ship between Laval and Eris
Rogris — the ship between Rogon and Eris


Lagger — the ship between Laval and Cragger


The Legends — the ship between Laval, Cragger, Eris, Gorzan, Worriz, Razar, Rogon and Bladvic

Lego Dimensions[]


Marmione — the ship between Marty McFly and Hermione Granger
UniPuft — the ship between Unikitty and Stay Puft
UniScooby — the ship between Scooby-Doo and Unikitty
WyldBat — the ship between Batman and Wyldstyle
Wyldtech — the ship between Wyldstyle and Lord Vortech


Batmet — the ship between Batman and Emmet Brickowski
Jokerjuice — the ship between the Joker and Beetlejuice
SonKai — the ship between Sonic the Hedgehog and Kai
SonLloyd — the ship between Sonic the Hedgehog and Lloyd Garmadon


Wonderstyle — the ship between Wonder Woman and Wyldstyle


Doc x Doctor — the ship between Doc Brown and the Doctor
Whoverboard — the ship between the Doctor and Marty McFly


BatShag — the ship between Batman and Shaggy Rogers
Chell & X-PO — the ship between Chell and X-PO
Lego Dimensions Trio — the ship between Batman, Gandalf and Wyldstyle
Owen & Emmet — the ship between Owen Grady and Emmet Brickowski
Vorton Duo — the ship between Lord Vortech and X-PO

Lego Elves[]


Cronalyn — the ship between Cronan Darkroot and Rosalyn Nightshade
Cronan x Aira — the ship between Cronan Darkroot and Aira Windwhistler
Faira — the ship between Farran Leafshade and Aira Windwhistler


Azari x Naida — the ship between Azari Firedancer and Naida Riverheart
Azemily — the ship between Azari Firedancer and Emily Jones
Rosaida — the ship between Rosalyn Nightshade and Naida Riverheart


DarkLeaf — the ship between Cronan Darkroot and Farran Leafshade
Tarran — the ship between Tidus Stormsurfer and Farran Leafshade


Jones Sisters — the ship between Emily Jones and Sophie Jones

Lego Friends[]


Lio — the ship between Liann and Leo
Miver — the ship between Mia and River
SmoothieBike — the ship between Zac and Sky


Liannova — the ship between Liann and Nova
Miemma — the ship between Mia and Emma
Stephemma — the ship between Stephanie and Emma
Stephivia — the ship between Stephanie and Olivia

Lego Island[]


Laura x Nubby — the ship between Laura Brick and Nubby Stevens
Mama x Papa — the ship between Mama Brickolini and Papa Brickolini
Outlaw Inlove — the ship between the Brickster and Nancy Nubbins
Pepper x Sky — the ship between Pepper Roni and Sky Lane/Luna Rom


Nick x Brickster — the ship between the Brickster and Nick Brick


Peppmmet — the ship between Pepper Roni and Emmet Brickowski


Brickster & Infomaniac — the ship between the Brickster and Infomaniac

Les Grandes Grandes Vacances[]


Linest — the ship between Ernest and Lily

The Librarians[]


Casekiel — the ship between Cassandra Cillian and Ezekiel Jones
Casskins — the ship between Cassandra Cillian and Galahad
Evezikiel — the ship between Eve Baird and Ezekiel Jones
Eveiarty — the ship between Eve Baird and James Moriarty
Eve x Jenkins — the ship between Eve Baird and Glahad
Evlynn — the ship between Eve Baird and Flynn Carsen
Jakeve — the ship between Jake Stone and Eve Baird
Jassandra — the ship between Jake Stone and Cassandra Cillian


Ezekiel x Jenkins — the ship between Ezekiel Jones and Galahad
Flyzekiel — the ship between Flynn Carsen and Ezekiel Jones
Flynn x Darrington — the ship between Flynn Carsen and Darrington Dare
Flynn x Jake — the ship between Flynn Carsen and Jake Stone
Flynn x Moriarty — the ship between Flynn Carsen and James Moriarty
Jazekiel — the ship between Jake Stone and Ezekiel Jones


Camia — the ship between Cassandra Cillian and Lamia
Casstrella — the ship between Cassandra Cillian and Estrella
Ceve — the ship between Cassandra Cillian and Eve Baird


Fleviarty — the ship between Flynn Carsen, Eve Baird and James Moriarty
Jassekiel — the ship between Cassandra Cillian, Jake Stone and Ezekiel Jones

Lies of P[]


Antonia x Geppetto — the ship between Antonia Cerasani and Giuseppe Geppetto
Eugénocchio — the ship between Eugénie and Pinocchio "P"
P x Sophia — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Sophia Monad
Simon x Sophia — the ship between Simon Manus and Sophia Monad


Promeo — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Romeo


Antonia x Polendina — the ship between Antonia Cerasani and Polendina
P x Broken Puppet — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Broken Puppet
Polendina x Pulcinella — the ship between Polendina and Pulcinella


Carlo & Geppetto — the ship between Carlo and Giuseppe Geppetto
Corday Sisters — the ship between Patricia Corday and Adelina Corday
FoxCat Stalkers — the ship between Red Fox and Black Cat
Lorenzini & Pulcinella — the ship between Lorenzini Venigni and Pulcinella
Papa Geppetto — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Giuseppe Geppetto


P & Alidoro — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Alidoro
P & Antonia — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Antonia Cerasani
P & Belle — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Belle
P & Gemini — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Gemini
P & Lorenzini — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Lorenzini Venigni
P & Spring — the ship between Pinocchio "P" and Spring the cat

The Life and Times of Juniper Lee[]


Jakiper — the ship between Jake Long and Juniper Lee
Zakiper — the ship between Zak Saturday and Juniper Lee


Rayiper — the ship between Juniper Lee and Ray Ray Lee

Like Mother, Like Daughter[]


SomSol — the ship between Myung Somin and Ryu Sol
Somyung x Namsoo — the ship between Gil Somyung and Seo Namsoo
Somyung x Yeowoon — the ship between Gil Somyung and Choi Yeowoon

Limbus Company[]


Fausang — the ship between Faust and Yi Sang
HeathMael — the ship between Heathcliff and Ishmael
Rodigor — the ship between Gregor and Rodion
KroSin — the ship between Kromer and Emil Sinclair
Sangbaek — the ship between Yi Sang and Dongbaek
HeathCathy — the ship between Heathcliff and Catherine


DemiSin — the ship between Demian and Emil Sinclair
Honggreg — the ship between Gregor and Hong Lu
GuboSang — the ship between Gubo and Yi Sang
Dongrang x Yi Sang — the ship between Dongrang and Yi Sang
Dongrang x Samjo — the ship between Dongrang and Samjo
MeurGreg — the ship between Meursault and Gregor
Sangclair — the ship between Yi Sang and Emil Sinclair
Hongcliff — the ship between Heathcliff and Hong Lu
Hongsang — the ship between Yi Sang and Hong Lu
Meurcliff — the ship between Meursault and Heathcliff


Donmael — the ship between Don Quixote and Ishmael
FausTis — the ship between Faust and Outis
RyoMael — the ship between Ryoshu and Ishmael
Ryodion — the ship between Ryoshu and Rodion
QueeMael — the ship between Queequeg and Ishmael
FauShu — the ship between Faust and Ryoshu


GregDante — the ship between Gregor and Dante
IshDante — the ship between Ishmael and Dante
VerDante — the ship between Vergilius and Dante

Link Click[]


LingXiao — the ship between Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi
QiaoGuang — the ship between Qiao Ling and Lu Guang
Ouyang x Siwen — the ship between Ouyang and Liu Siwen
Shanshan x Yi — the ship between Xu Shanshan and Dong Yi


ShiGuang — the ship between Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang


Lingzi — the ship between Qiao Ling and Mizi
XiaLin — the ship between Yu Xia and Lin Zhen


HongShi — the ship between Cheng Xiaoshi and Red Eyes
TianGuang — the ship between Lu Guang and Red Eyes


ShiGuangQiao — the ship between Cheng Xiaoshi, Lu Guang and Qiao Ling


Chen Family — the ship between Chen Meijuan, Chen Xiao and Chen Xiao's Father
Emma's Family — the ship between Emma, Emma's Mom and Emma's Dad
Li Family — the ship between Li Liang, Li Liang's Wife and Li Doudou

Lisa Frankenstein[]


Lisa x Creature — the ship between Lisa Swallows and The Creature

Little Goody Two Shoes[]


Frebkuchen — the ship between Freya and Lebkuchen
Frelise — the ship between Freya and Elise Liedl
Leblise — the ship between Lebkuchen and Elise Liedl
Rozelise — the ship between Rozenmarine and Elise Liedl

Little Nightmares[]


Granny x Roger — the ship between Roger the Janitor and The Granny
Lady x Thin Man — the ship between the Lady and the Thin Man
Lanitor — the ship between the Lady and Roger the Janitor
Monive — the ship between Mono and the Raincoat Girl
MonoSix — the ship between Mono and Six
Neck & Arms — the ship between the Teacher and Roger the Janitor
Rainaways — the ship between the Raincoat Girl and the Runaway Kid
Sevix — the ship between Six and the Runaway Kid


Butler x Craftsman — the ship between the Butler and the Craftsman
Doctor x Hunter — the ship between the Doctor and the Hunter
Janitor x Bellhop — the ship between Roger the Janitor and the "Wax Bellman" Bellhop
Janitor x Broadcaster — the ship between Roger the Janitor and the Thin Man
Janitor x Chef A — the ship between Roger the Janitor and Twin Chef A
Janitor x Chef B — the ship between Roger the Janitor and Twin Chef B
Sevono — the ship between Mono and the Runaway Kid


Raincoat Girl x The Pretender — the ship between the Raincoat Girl and the Pretender
Rainix — the ship between Six and the Raincoat Girl


Dad Hunter — the ship between Six and the Hunter
Dad Roger — the ship between Six and Roger the Janitor
Doll Family Job — the ship between the Pretender, the Hanging Man and the Lady
Smoke Static Family — the ship between Mono, the Hanging Man and/or the Thin Man and the Lady
Twin Chefs — the ship between Twin Chef A and Twin Chef B
Uncle Long Arms — the ship between Six and The Craftsman


6 + 7 + 5 + 1 = 19 — the ship between Six, the Runaway Kid, the Raincoat Girl and Mono
The Maw — the ship between the Lady, Roger the Janitor, Twin Chef A, Twin Chef B, the Granny, the Ferryman and the "Wax Bellman" Bellhop
Me? Or Dad? — the ship between Mono and the Thin Man
Roger & Ferry — the ship between Roger the Janitor and the Ferryman

Little Princess Sarah[]


Sarah x Peter — the ship between Sarah Crewe and Peter

Little Tail Bronx[]


Britz x Sheena — the ship between Britz Strudel and Sheena Falafel
Gren x Opéra — the ship between Gren Sacher and Opéra Kranz
Kyle x Hanna — the ship between Kyle Bavarois and Hanna Fondant
Malt x Hanna — the ship between Malt Marzipan and Hanna Fondant
Malt x Vanilla — the ship between Malt Marzipan and Vanilla Muscat
Waffle x Alicia — the ship between Waffle Ryebread and Alicia Pris

The Little Trashmaid[]


Ricky x Spencer — the ship between Ricky and Spencer

The Little Vampire[]


Tanna — the ship between Anna Sackville-Bagg and Tony Thompson


Gregdam — the ship between Gregory Sackville-Bagg and Adam Harrison
Gregory x Tony — the ship between Gregory Sackville-Bagg and Tony Thompson
Grenny — the ship between Gregory Sackville-Bagg and Maney/Manny
Rookery x Maney — the ship between Rookery and Maney/Manny
Rudony — the ship between Rudolph Sackville-Bagg and Tony Thompson


Rudolph x Tony x Anna — the ship between Rudolph Sackville-Bagg, Tony Thompson and Anna Sackville-Bagg


Rudolph & Anna — the ship between Rudolph Sackville-Bagg and Anna Sackville-Bagg
Sackville-Bagg Brothers — the ship between Gregory Sackville-Bagg and Rudolph Sackville-Bagg
Sackville-Bagg Children — the ship between Gregory Sackville-Bagg, Rudolph Sackville-Bagg and Anna Sackville-Bagg
Sackville-Bagg Family — the ship between Fredrick Sackville-Bagg, Freda Sackville-Bagg, Gregory Sackville-Bagg, Rudolph Sackville-Bagg and Anna Sackville-Bagg

Littlest Pet Shop[]


Bob x Robinnia — the ship between Bob Barish and Robinnia Amster
Captain Cuddles x Pepper — the ship between Captain Cuddles and Pepper Mildred Clark
Digby x Zoe — the ship between Digby and Zoe Trent
Josh x Blythe — the ship between Josh Sharp and Blythe Baxter
Sunil x Delilah — the ship between Sunil Nevla and Delilah Barnsley
Vinnie x Penny — the ship between Vinnie Terrio and Penny Ling


Genghis x Tootsie — the ship between Genghis and Tootsie
Sunil x Vinnie — the ship between Sunil Nevla and Vinnie Terrio


Buttercream x Sugar — the ship between Buttercream Sundae and Sugar Sprinkles
Pepper x Mitzi — the ship between Pepper Mildred Clark and Mitzi Al'Aroma

Lizzie McGuire[]


Frizzie — the ship between Lizzie McGuire and Frankie Muniz
Glizzie — the ship between Lizzie McGuire and David Gordon
Gorchez — the ship between Miranda Sanchez and David Gordon
KateEthan — the ship between Kate Sanders and Ethan Craft
Mattlina — the ship between Matt McGuire and Melina Bianco
McCraft — the ship between Lizzie McGuire and Ethan Craft
SamJo — the ship between Sam and Jo McGuire
Tudgechez — the ship between Miranda Sanchez and Larry Tudgeman


Ethan x Gordo — the ship between Ethan Craft and David Gordon
MattLanny — the ship between Matt McGuire and Lanny Onasis


McSanchez — the ship between Lizzie McGuire and Miranda Sanchez
McSanders — the ship between Lizzie McGuire and Kate Sanders


McGorchez — the ship between Lizzie McGuire, David Gordon, and Miranda Sanchez


McGuire Family — the ship between Lizzie, Matt, Sam, and Jo McGuire
Sibling Bonds — the ship between Lizzie and Matt McGuire

Locke & Key[]


Ginsey — the ship between Kinsey Locke and Gabe

The Locked Tomb[]


Crownpash — the ship between Coronabeth Tridentarius and Our Lady of The Passion
Griddlehark — the ship between Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus
Harrianthe — the ship between Harrowhark Nonagesimus and Ianthe Tridentarius
Pyrrhawake — the ship between Pyrrha Dve and Awake Remembrance of these Valiant Dead

Lockwood & Co.[]


Florge — the ship between George Karim/Cubbins and Flo Bones
George x Lucy — the ship between George Karim/Cubbins and Lucy Carlyle
Jepps — the ship between Jessica Lockwood and Quill Kipps
Locklyle — the ship between Lucy Carlyle and Anthony Lockwood
Flockwood — the ship between Flo Bones (Florence Bonnard) and Antony Lockwood


George x Lockwood — the ship between George Karim/Cubbins and Anthony Lockwood
Kippwood — the ship between Quill Kipps and Anthony Lockwood


Lorrie — the ship between Lucy Carlyle and Norrie White
Munlyle — the ship between Holly Munro and Lucy Carlyle


Lockwood x Lucy x George — the ship between Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle and George Karim/Cubbins



Nathris — the ship between Nathaniel and Iris
Nissy — the ship between Nathaniel and Missy
Kylia — the ship between Kyle and Talia
Auriatt — the ship between Matt and Auriana
Lris — the ship between Iris and Lev
Ginarlie — the ship between Gina and Charlie
Talisto — the ship between Talia and Mephisto
Charis — the ship between Charlie and Iris


Taliana — the ship between Talia and Auriana

Long-Awaited Feelings[]


XiuYan — the ship between Jing Xiu and Ji Youyan
Tao x Ruan — the ship between Tao Xingruo and Ruan Ningwei

Look Back[]


KyoJino — the ship between Kyomoto and Ayumu Fujino



Crysdan — the ship between Daniel Park and Crystal Choi
Danjoy — the ship between Daniel Park and Joy Hong
Danzoe — the ship between Daniel Park and Zoe Park
Mirubin — the ship between Vin Jin and Mary Kim
Zami — the ship between Zack Lee and Mira Kim
Wonrim — the ship between Warren Chae and Sally Park


Gimseo — the ship between Jake Kim and Samuel Seo
GunGoo — the ship between Gun Park and Goo Kim
Gundan — the ship between Gun Park and Daniel Park
Bumvas — the ship between Jace Park and Euntae Lee
Jacehan — the ship between Jace Park and Johan Seong
Janiel — the ship between Jay Hong and Daniel Park
Zahan — the ship between Johan Seong and Zack Lee
Jangseo — the ship between Eli Jang and Samuel Seo
DGene — the ship between James Lee and Eugene


Sooneul — the ship between Zoe Park and Crystal Choi

Loonatics Unleashed[]


Acedavia — the ship between Ace Bunny and Zadavia
Acexi — the ship between Ace Bunny and Lexi Bunny
Dexi — the ship between Danger Duck and Lexi Bunny
LexRev — the ship between Lexi Bunny and Rev Runner
Misty x Duck — the ship between Misty Breeze and Danger Duck
Melvin x Lexi — the ship between Melvin Martian and Lexi Bunny
RipVane — the ship between Rip Hunter and Weathervane
Slamxi — the ship between Slam Tasmanian and Lexi Bunny
Tech x Black Velvet — the ship between Tech E. Coyote and Black Velvet
Techdavia — the ship between Tech E. Coyote and Zadavia
Techmind — the ship between Tech E. Coyote and Mallory Mastermind
Texi — the ship between Tech E. Coyote and Lexi Bunny


Ace x Deuce — the ship between Ace Bunny and General Deuce
AceDuck — the ship between Danger Duck and Ace Bunny
AceRev — the ship between Ace Bunny and Rev Runner
AceTech — the ship between Ace Bunny and Tech E. Coyote
DuckRev — the ship between Danger Duck and Rev Runner
DuckTech — the ship between Danger Duck and Tech E. Coyote
Slace — the ship between Slam Tasmanian and Ace Bunny
SlamTech — the ship between Slam Tasmanian and Tech E. Coyote
TechRev — the ship between Tech E. Coyote and Rev Runner


Athena x Lexi — the ship between Queen Athena and Lexi Bunny
Lexavia — the ship between Lexi Bunny and Zadavia


AceLexiDuck — the ship between Ace Bunny, Lexi Bunny and Danger Duck


Loonatics — the ship between Ace Bunny, Danger Duck, Lexi Bunny, Rev Runner, Slam Tasmanian, and Tech E. Coyote


Freleng Siblings — the ship between Optimatus and Zadavia
Runner Brothers — the ship between Rip and Rev Runner
Runner Family — the ship between Ralph, Harriet, Rip, and Rev Runner


Slam x Pizza — the ship between Slam Tasmanian and pizza

The Lorax[]


Annaler — the ship between Anna and The Once-ler
Audashi — the ship between Audrey and Tadashi Hamada
Audler — the ship between Audrey and The Once-ler
Gratuited — the ship between Tip Tucci and Ted Wiggins
Honeyler — the ship between Honey Lemon and The Once-ler
Maryler — the ship between Mary Katherine "MK" Bomba and The Once—ler
Mavler — the ship between Mavis Dracula and The Once-ler
Nodrey — the ship between Nod and Audrey
Normaler — the ship between Grammy Norma and The Once-ler
Oncida — the ship between Merida and The Once-ler
Oncille — the ship between The Once-ler and Lucille
Rapunzler — the ship between Rapunzel and The Once-ler
Tedellope — the ship between Ted Wiggins and Vanellope von Schweetz
Tediley — the ship between Ted Wiggins and Riley Andersen
Tedrey — the ship between Ted Wiggins and Audrey
Tenny — the ship between Ted Wiggins and Penny Forrester
ThinIce — the ship between The Once-ler and Elsa


Captain Onciepants — the ship between Captain Underpants and The Once-ler
Cipherler — the ship between Bill Cipher and The Once-ler
Flynnler — the ship between Flynn Rider and The Once-ler
Frostler — the ship between Jack Frost and The Once-ler
Grinchler — the ship between the Grinch and The Once-ler
Hansler — the ship between Prince Hans and The Once-ler
Hiccler — the ship between Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and The Once-ler
Loraxler — the ship between The Lorax and The Once-ler
Oncemind — the ship between The Once-ler and Megamind
Oncest — the ship between The Once-ler and The Once-ler
Premceler — the ship between Preminger and The Once-ler
Shorax — the ship between Shrek and the Lorax
Tedler — the ship between Ted Wiggins and The Once-ler
Tiro — the ship between Ted Wiggins and Hiro Hamada
Wardenler — the ship between The Warden and The Once-ler


Audrunzel — the ship between Audrey and Rapunzel
Meridrey — the ship between Merida and Audrey
Ridrey — the ship between Audrey and Riley Andersen


The Spectacular Six — the ship between Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Rapunzel, Merida, Jack Frost, The Once-ler and Mavis Dracula


Audrax — the ship between Audrey and The Lorax
Tedrax — the ship between Ted Wiggins and The Lorax


Glovecest — the ship between The Once-ler and his gloves
TedO's — the ship between Ted Wiggins and a box of Empty O's

Lord of the Flies[]


Jalph — the ship between Jack Merridew and Ralph
Mauram — the ship between Maurice and Sam
Raggy — the ship between Ralph and Piggy
Robric — the ship between Robert and Eric
Rogermon — the ship between Roger and Simon


Samneric — the ship between Sam and Eric



Chuuves — the ship between Chuu and Yves



Charladay — the ship between Daniel Faraday and Charlotte Lewis
ConMama — the ship between Claire Littleton and Sawyer
Daire — the ship between Desmond Humes and Claire Littleton
Despenny — the ship between Desmond Hume and Penny Hume
Hubby — the ship between Hurley and Libby Smith
Jate — the ship between Jack Shepard and Kate Austen
Jacket — the ship between Jack Shepard and Juliet Burke
Jun — the ship between Sun and Jin
PB&J (Lost) — the ship between Charlie Pace and Claire Littleton
Roseard — the ship between Bernard Nadler and Rose Nadler
Shayid — the ship between Shannon Rutherford and Sayid Jarrah
Skate — the ship between Sawyer and Kate Austen
Suliet — the ship between Sawyer and Juliet Burke


Clate — the ship between Claire Littleton and Kate Austen
Kuliet — the ship between Kate Austen and Juliet Burke
Shalex — the ship between Shannon Rutherford and Alex Rousseau


Back — the ship between Ben Linus and Jack Shepard
Bocke — the ship between Ben Linus and John Locke
Chesmond — the ship between Desmond Humes and Charlie Pace
Jawyer — the ship between Jack Shepard and Sawyer
Jocke — the ship between Jack Shepard and John Locke
Miley — the ship between Miles Straume and Hurley
Socke — the ship between Sayid Jarrah and John Locke

Lotus Lantern[]


Jian'e — the ship between Yang Jian and Chang'e


HuanJian — the ship between Li Xunhuan and Yang Jian
JianChen — the ship between Yang Jian and Liu Chenxiang
YuJian — the ship between Yuding Shenren and Yang Jian

The Loud House[]


Albert x Myrtle — the ship between Albert Reynolds and Myrtle
Carlori — the ship between Carlino Casagrande and Lori Loud
Clonnie — the ship between Clyde McBride and Ronnie Anne Santiago
Clori — the ship between Clyde McBride and Lori Loud
Clyde x Chloe — the ship between Clyde McBride and Chloe
Clyde x Emma — the ship between Clyde McBride and Emma
Clydella — the ship between Clyde McBride and Stella Zhau
Clynn — the ship between Clyde McBride and Lynn Loud Jr.
Jordancoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Girl Jordan
Karacoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Kara
Lance x Sharon — the ship between Lance Loud and Sharon Williams
Lebby — the ship between Leni Loud and Bobby Santiago
Leni x Miguel — the ship between Leni Loud and Miguel
Leott — the ship between Leni Loud and Scott
Levin — the ship between Leni Loud and Gavin
Liaella — the ship between Liam Hunnicutt and Stella Zhau
Liaynn — the ship between Lynn Loud Jr. and Liam Hunnicutt
Lily x Carlitos — the ship between Lily Loud and Carlitos Casagrande
Lobby — the ship between Lori Loud and Bobby Santiago
Lola x Carlino — the ship between Lola Loud and Carlino Casagrande
Lola x Winston — the ship between Lola Loud and Winston
Luan x Benny — the ship between Luan Loud and Benny Stein
Luna x Sully — the ship between Luna Loud and Sully
Lynn x Henrik — the ship between Lynn Loud Jr. and Henrik
Lynn x Rita — the ship between Lynn Loud Sr. and Rita Reynolds
Lypper — the ship between Lynn Loud Jr. and Dipper Pines
Miguel x Fiona — the ship between Miguel and Fiona
Ronniecoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago
Sidcoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Sid Chang
Slyde — the ship between Clyde McBride and Sid Chang
Stellacoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Stella Zhau


Bobbycoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Bobby Santiago
Bobyde — the ship between Clyde McBride and Bobby Santiago
Clincoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Clyde McBride
Howarld — the ship between Harold McBride and Howard McBride


Luaggie — the ship between Luan Loud and Maggie
Sidonnie — the ship between Sid Chang and Ronnie Anne Santiago
Saluna — the ship between Luna Loud and Sam Sharp


AdelCarLola — the ship between Adelaide Chang, Carlino Casagrande and Lola Loud
LaiRonniecoln — the ship between Laird, Ronnie Anne and Lincoln Loud


Casagrande Family — the ship between Ronnie Anne Santiago, Bobby Santiago, Maria Santiago, Hector Casagrande, Rosa Casagrande, Carlos Casagrande Sr., Frida Puga Casagrande, Carlota Casagrande, Carlos Casagrande Jr., Carlino Casagrande, and Carlitos Casagrande
Chang Family — the ship between Sid Chang, Adelaide Chang, Stanley Chang, and Becca Chang
Hunnicut Family — the ship between Liam Hunnicut and Mimi Hunnicut
Lanacoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lana Loud
Leane — the ship between Shane Loud and Leni Loud
Lenicoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Leni Loud
Lilycoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lily Loud
Lisacoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lisa Loud
Loane — the ship between Shane Loud and Lori Loud
Lolacoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lola Loud
Loricoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lori Loud
Loud Family — the ship between Lynn Loud Sr., Rita Reynolds, Lincoln Loud, Lori Loud, Leni Loud, Luna Loud, Luan Loud, Lynn Loud Jr., Lucy Loud, Lana Loud, Lola Loud, Lisa Loud, and Lily Loud
Luancoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Luan Loud
Lucycoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lucy Loud
Lunacoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Luna Loud
Lynncoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Lynn Loud Jr.
Shelbycoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud and Shelby Loud
Twinscoln — the ship between Lincoln Loud, Lola Loud and Lana Loud
McBride Family — the ship between Clyde McBride, Howard McBride, and Harold McBride

Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions![]


YuuRi — the ship between Rikka Takanashi and Yuuta Togashi


DekoNibu — the ship between Sanae Dekomori and Shinka Nibutani

Love Bullet[]


Aki x Sakura — the ship between Tamaki Aki and Kasuga Sakura
Akiharu — the ship between Tamaki Aki and Sakurada Koharu
Chiyoena — the ship between Chiyo and Ena
Chiyoharu — the ship between Chiyo and Sakurada Koharu
Enaharu — the ship between Ena and Sakurada Koharu
Enakanna — the ship between Ena and Kanna
Kannachiyo — the ship between Kanna and Chiyo
Kannaharu — the ship between Kanna and Sakurada Koharu

A Love Letter for the Marching Puppy[]


Shinobu x Kagami — the ship between Indou Shinobu and Kagami

Love Stage[]


Ryoumi — the ship between Ryouma Ichijou and Izumi Sena
ShouRei — the ship between Shougo Sena and Rei Sagara



Deckerstar — the ship between Chloe Decker and Lucifer
Lindaliel — the ship between Linda Martin and Amenadiel


Piercifer — the ship between Marcus Pierce and Lucifer Morningstar
Starblazer — the ship between John Constantine and Lucifer


Chlaze — the ship between Mazikeen and Chloe Decker
Ella x Eve — the ship between Ella Lopez and Eve
Laze — the ship between Linda Martin and Mazikeen
Mazikeve — the ship between Mazikeen and Eve



Jeff x Babe — the ship between Jeff and Babe
Samdy — the ship between Andy Davis and Sam Greenfield


Miram — the ship between Mirabel Madrigal and Sam Greenfield

Lucky Star[]


Kanata x Sojiro — the ship between Kanata Izumi and Sojiro Izumi
Miki x Tadao — the ship between Miki Hiiragi and Tadao Hiiragi


KonaKaga — the ship between Konata Izumi and Kagami Hiiragi



Daniel x Bea — the ship between Daniel Azcarraga and Beatriz Torres
Julian x Bea — the ship between Julian Toro and Beatriz Torres


Julian x Daniel — the ship between Julian Toro and Daniel Azcarraga


Julian x Bea x Daniel — the ship between Julian Toro, Beatriz Torres and Daniel Azcarraga

The Lunar Chronicles[]


Cresswell — the ship between Cress Darnel and Carswell Thorne
Jacinter — the ship between Winter Hayle and Jacin Clay
Kaider — the ship between Prince Kai and Linh Cinder
Wolflet — the ship between Ze'ev Kesley and Scarlet Benoit


Triko — the ship between Iko and Tress
Wintlet — the ship between Winter Hayle and Scarlet Benoit



Eclisper — the ship between Eclipse and Whisper
Onysper — the ship between Onyx and Whisper


Onyspia — the ship between Onyx, Whisper and Via

Lupin III[]


FujiGen — the ship between Fujiko Mine and Daisuke Jigen
Fujigoe — the ship between Fujiko Mine and Goemon Ishikawa XIII
Fujipin — the ship between Fujiko Mine and Arsène Lupin III
FujiZeni — the ship between Fujiko Mine and Koichi Zenigata


JigGoe — the ship between Goemon Ishikawa XIII and Kokichi Zenigata
Jigoe — the ship between Goemon Ishikawa XIII and Daisuke Jigen
JigZeni — the ship between Daisuke Jigen and Kokichi Zenigata
LoopZoop — the ship between Arsène Lupin III and Koichi Zenigata
Lupgoe — the ship between Goemon Ishikawa XIII and Arsène Lupin III
Lupjig — the ship between Arsène Lupin III and Daisuke Jigen
YataGata — the ship between Gorō Yatagarasu and Kokichi Zenigata


FujiRebecca — the ship between Fujiko Mine and Rebecca Rossellini


Jigen Exes — the ship between Daisuke Jigen and his former work partners
Lupin Polycule — the ship between Arsène Lupin III, Daisuke Jigen, Goemon Ishikawa XIII, Fujiko Mine and Kokichi Zenigata
Polygang — the ship between Arsène Lupin III, Daisuke Jigen, Goemon Ishikawa XIII, and Fujiko Mine

Lycoris Recoil[]


ShinjiMika — the ship between Shinji Yoshimatsu and Mika


ChisaTaki — the ship between Chisato Nishikigi and Takina Inoue
KuruMizu — the ship between Kurumi and Mizuki Nakahara




Red x Green — the ship between Red and Ms. Green


Blurange — the ship between Blue and Yellow
Rellow — the ship between Red and Yellow


FeM&M — the ship between Ms. Green and Ms. Brown



Lady Duncbeth — the ship between Lady Macbeth and Duncan
Lady Macbanquo — the ship between Lady Macbeth and Banquo
Macbeths — the ship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
Macduffs — the ship between Macduff and Lady Macduff


Macbanquo — the ship between Macbeth and Banquo
Macdeth — the ship between Macduff and Macbeth
Malduff — the ship between Malcolm and Macduff


Lady Macdeth — the ship between Lady Macduff and Lady Macbeth


Duncbeth — the ship between Duncan and Macbeth
Macduff Family — the ship between Macduff, Lady Macduff and Young Macduff
Three Witches — the ship between the first Witch, the second Witch and the third Witch



AruRan — the ship between Alto Saotome and Ranka Lee
Arusheri — the ship between Alto Saotome and Sheryl Nome
BoguFre — the ship between Bogue Con-Vaart and Freyja Wion
BoguRei — the ship between Bogue Con-Vaart and Reina Prowler
BreRan — the ship between Brera Sterne and Ranka Lee
HayaFre — the ship between Hayate Immelmann and Freyja Wion
HayaMira — the ship between Hayate Immelmann and Mirage Farina Jenius
KeithMira — the ship between Keith Aero Windermere and Mirage Farina Jenius
MessaKana — the ship between Messer Ihlefeld and Kaname Buccaneer
MessaKumo — the ship between Messer Ihlefeld and Mikumo Guynemer
Myung x Isamu — the ship between Isamu Alva Dyson and Myung Fang Lone


KeithBogu — the ship between Keith Aero Windermere and Bogue Con-Vaart


Kanakumo — the ship between Kaname Buccaneer and Mikumo Guynemer
KumoFre — the ship between Mikumo Guynemer and Freyja Wion
Makirei — the ship between Makina Nakajima and and Reina Prowler
Mirakumo — the ship between Mirage Farina Jenius and Mikumo Guynemer
SheriRan — the ship between Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee


HayaFreMira — the ship between Freya Wion, Hayate Immelmann and Mirage Farina Jenius
Kumokanamira — the ship between Mikumo Guynemer, Mirage Farina Jenius and Kaname Buccaneer



Cring Msulien — the ship between King Julien and Crimson
Dowalski — the ship between Kowalski and Doris the Dolphin
Franski — the ship between Dr. Blowhole and Marlene
Gialex — the ship between Alex and Gia
Gloria x Moto Moto — the ship between Gloria and Moto Moto
Jover — the ship between King Julien and Clover
Koweva — the ship between Kowalski and Eva
Marlien — the ship between King Julien and Marlene
Marski — the ship between Kowalski and Marlene
Melria — the ship between Gloria and Melman
Mico — the ship between Rico and Marlene
Prilene — the ship between Private and Marlene
Skilene — the ship between Skipper and Marlene


ClassyCorp — the ship between Classified and Corporal
Franski — the ship between Dr. Blowhole and Kowalski
Jaurice — the ship between King Julien and Maurice
KoJu — the ship between Kowalski and King Julien
Kowalskip — the ship between Kowalski and Skipper
Kowalsko — the ship between Kowalski and Rico
Marlex — the ship between Marty and Alex
Morlien — the ship between King Julien and Mort
Prico — the ship between Private and Rico
Priwalski — the ship between Kowalski and Private
Skans — the ship between Skipper and Hans
Skico — the ship between Skipper and Rico
Skivate — the ship between Skipper and Private
Skulien — the ship between Skipper and King Julien
Vitalex — the ship between Vitaly and Alex
ZeDonk — the ship between Marty and Donkey


Florrex — the ship between Alex and Florrie
Zubex — the ship between Alex and Zuba


Madagascar Four — the ship between Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman
Penguins of Madagascar — the ship between Skipper, Rico, Kowalski and Private



Madeline x Pepito — the ship between Madeline and Pepito

Mad Men[]


Betty x Don — the ship between Betty Draper and Don Draper
Don x Peggy — the ship between Don Draper and Peggy Olsen
Joan x Lane — the ship between Joan Holloway and Lane Pryce
Joan x Roger — the ship between Joan Holloway and Roger Sterling
Peggy x Pete — the ship between Peggy Olsen and Pete Campbell
Peggy x Stan — the ship between Peggy Olsen and Stan Rizzo
Pete x Trudy — the ship between Pete Campbell and Trudy Campbell


Don x Pete — the ship between Don Draper and Pete Campbell
Don x Roger — the ship between Don Draper and Roger Sterling

Madness Combat[]


Christoff x Hoffnar — the ship between Jebediah Christoff and Dr. Hoffnar
Church x Jorge — the ship between Church and Jorge
Sanmos — the ship between Deimos and Sanford


2BHank — the ship between 2BDamned and Hank J. Wimbleton
Hank x Auditor — the ship between Hank J. Wimbleton and the Auditor
Hankford — the ship between Hank J. Wimbleton and Sanford
Hankmos — the ship between Deimos and Hank J. Wimbleton
Hank x Tricky — the ship between Hank J. Wimbleton and Tricky


2BDankford — the ship between 2BDamned, Deimos, Hank J. Wimbleton and Sanford
Dankford — the ship between Deimos, Hank J. Wimbleton and Sanford


Hank x Blender — the ship between Hank J. Wimbleton and blenders

Mad Rat Dead[]


MadHeart — the ship between Mad Rat and Heart



Charfalda — the ship between Charlie Brown and Mafalda
Mafalda's parents — the ship between Raquel and Mafalda's Father
Sopaposting's Raquel — the ship between Raquel and Liberta's Dad
Susalipe — the ship between Susanita and Felipe
Murilipe — the ship between Muriel and Felipe


Manolipe — the ship between Manolito and Felipe
Sopaposting's Raquel 2 — the ship between Mafalda's Father and Liberta's Dad


Libernita — the ship between Susanita and Libertad


Feli-mano-falda — the ship between Mafalda, Felipe And Manolito
Sopaposting's Raquel 3 — the ship between Raquel,Mafalda's Father and Liberta's Dad
Black-haired girls with long red dresses — the ship between Monica, Little Lulu, Nancy and Mafalda


Manulita — the ship between Manolito and Susanita
Guilletad — the ship between Guille and Libertad
Gatufalda — the ship between Mafalda and Gaturro
Manofalda — the ship between Manolito and Mafalda
Felifalda — the ship between Felipe and Mafalda
Susanifalda — the ship between Susanita and Mafalda
mafaltad — the ship between Mafalda and Libertad
Mafalito — the ship between Miguelito and Mafalda
Monifalda — the ship between Monica and Mafalda
Mafadorito — the ship between Mafalda and Condorito
Mafappy — the ship between Snoopy and Mafalda
Lucyfalda — the ship between Lucy and Mafalda


Sopa — the ship between Mafalda and Soup
Flamante — the ship between Mafalda's Father and A Citroen 2CV car
The World is Sick — the ship between Mafalda and a globe

Mage & Demon Queen[]


Malori x Velverosa — the ship between Malori and Velverosa

Magic Kaito[]


AkaKai — the ship between Akako Koizumi and Kaito Kuroba
HakuAka — the ship between Saguru Hakuba and Akako Koizumi
HakuAo — the ship between Saguru Hakuba and Aoko Nakamori
HakuKei — the ship between Saguru Hakuba and Keiko Momoi
KaiAo — the ship between Kaito Kuroba and Aoko Nakamori


HakuKai — the ship between Saguru Hakuba and Kaito Kuroba
SaguShin — the ship between Saguru Hakuba and Shinichi Kudo


Aokako — the ship between Aoko Nakamori and Akako Koizumi
AoKei — the ship between Aoko Nakamori and Keiko Momoi


HakuKaiAo — the ship between Saguru Hakuba, Kaito Kuroba and Aoko Nakamori
SaguKaiShin — the ship between Saguru Hakuba, Kaito Kuroba and Shinichi Kudo


KaiShin — the ship between Kaito Kuroba and Shinichi Kudo


Ekoda Gang — the ship between Kaito Kuroba, Aoko Nakamori, Akako Koizumi and Saguru Hakuba

Magical Boy[]


Mowen — the ship between Max Owen and Sean Moore


Jenper — the ship between Jen Ja'prasert and Pyper Ryland

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady[]


EuphiAni — the ship between Anis (Anisphia Wynn Palettia) and Euphie (Euphyllia Magenta)
Ilia x Lainie — the ship between Ilia Coral and Lainie Cyan


Algard x Acryl — the ship between Algard Von Palettia and Acryl

The Magic School Bus[]


Rwanda — the ship between Ralphie Tennelli and Wanda Li


FrizPop — the ship between Valerie Frizzle and Mary Poppins

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic[]


AlaKou — the ship between Aladdin and Kougyoku Ren
AliKou — the ship between Alibaba Saluja and Kougyoku Ren
AliMor — the ship between Alibaba Saluja and Morgiana
EnEi — the ship between Kouen Ren and Hakuei Ren
HakuMor — the ship between Hakuryuu Ren and Morgiana
JuKou — the ship between Judar and Kougyoku Ren
SharrYamu — the ship between Sharrkan and Yamuraiha
SinKou — the ship between Sinbad and Kougyoku Ren
SoloShe — the ship between Solomon and Sheba


AliAla — the ship between Alibaba Saluja and Aladdin
AliHaku — the ship between Alibaba Saluja and Hakuryuu Ren
CassAli — the ship between Cassim and Alibaba Saluja
JuAli — the ship between Judar and Alibaba Saluja
JuHaku — the ship between Judar and Hakuryuu Ren
SinAli — the ship between Sinbad and Alibaba Saluja
SinJa — the ship between Sinbad and Ja'far
SinJu — the ship between Sinbad and Judar
SphinTitus — the ship between Sphintus Carmen and Titus Alexius}


KouMor — the ship between Kougyoku Ren and Morgiana

Magic: The Gathering[]


Daxos x Elspeth — the ship between Daxos of Meletis x Elspeth Tirel
Edgar x Olivia — the ship between Edgar Markov x Olivia Voldaren
Gerrard x Hanna — the ship between Gerrard Capashen x Hanna


Joshua x Saxon — the ship between Syr Joshua and Syr Saxon
Kynaois x Tiro — the ship between Kynaois and Tiro
Ral x Tomik — the ship between Ral Zarek and Tomik Vrona


Armont x Yenna — the ship between Armont and Yenna
Errant x Parnesse — the ship between Errant and Parnesse
Halana x Alena — the ship between Halana and Alena
Nissandra — the ship between Nissa and Chandra
Saheeli x Huatli — the ship between Saheeli Rai and Huatli

Magilumiere Co. Ltd.[]


HitoKana — the ship between Hitomi Koshigaya and Kana Sakuragi

The Magnus Archives[]


JonSasha — the ship between Jonathan Sims and Sasha James
TimSasha — the ship between Tim Stoker and Sasha James


Breekon and Hope — the ship between Breekon and Hope
GerryElias — the ship between Gerard Keay and Elias Bouchard
GerryMartin — the ship between Gerard Keay and Martin Blackwood
DoorKeay — the ship between Gerard Keay and Michael (Shelley)
JonElia — the ship between Jonathan Sims and Elias Bouchard
JonGerry — the ship between Jonathan Sims and Gerard Keay
JonMartin — the ship between Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood
LonelyEyes — the ship between Elias Bouchard and Peter Lukas
MarTim — the ship between Tim Stoker and Martin Blackwood


Daisira — the ship between Daisy Toner and Basira Hussain
Jude x Agnes — the ship between Jude Perry and Agnes Montague
Melsira — the ship between Melanie King and Basira Hussain
What the Girlfriends — the ship between Melanie King and Georgie Barker


Polychives — the ship between Jonathan Sims, Tim Stroker, Sasha James and Martin Blackwood



Abhitara — the ship between Abhimanyu and Uttara
Arjuhadra — the ship between Arjuna and Subhadra
Arjupadi — the ship between Arjuna and Draupadi
Bhimapadi — the ship between Bhima and Draupadi
Karnpadi — the ship between Karna and Draupadi
Karnshali — the ship between Karna and Vrishali
Krishmini — the ship between Krishna and Rukmini
Nakupadi — the ship between Nakula and Draupadi
Sahapadi — the ship between Sahadeva and Draupadi
Yudhipadi — the ship between Yudhishthira and Draupadi


DuryoKarna — the ship between Duryodhana and Karna
Karjuna — the ship between Karna and Arjuna
Krishjuna — the ship between Krishna and Arjuna


Draupandava — the ship between Draupadi, Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva


Arjumanyu — the ship between Arjuna and Abhimanyu
KarnKunti — the ship between Karna and Kunti
Pandava Brothers — the ship between Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahadeva
Pandava Twins — the ship between Nakula and Sahadeva

Making Fiends[]


Chardetta — the ship between Charlotte and Vendetta



Moonsun — the ship between Moonbyul and Solar
WheeSa — the ship between Wheein and Hwasa
HwaByul — the ship between Hwasa and Moonbyul
HwaSun — the ship between Hwasa and Solar
WheeSun — the ship between Wheein and Solar
WheeByul — the ship between Wheein and Moonbyul



Akigoro — the ship between Aki and Daigoro
Dailime — the ship between Daigoro and Lime
Daiyaki — the ship between Daiya and Aki
Hayamado — the ship between Hayate and Madoka
Hayayuzu — the ship between Hayate and Yuzuriha
Kanamado — the ship between Kanata and Madoka
Mamomado — the ship between Mamoru and Madoka
Mamorin — the ship between Mamoru and Rinrin
Shinhika — the ship between Shinta and Hikaru
Shinhlion — the ship between Shinta and Lion
Shinmado — the ship between Shinta and Madoka
Wataaki — the ship between Wataru and Aki
Watamado — the ship between Wataru and Madoka
Yumai — the ship between Yu Okada and Mai
YuRumi — the ship between Yu Okada and Rumi-Sensei
Zoyalion — the ship between Zoya and Lion
Zoyamaria — the ship between Zoya and Maria


Daiwata — the ship between Daiya and Wataru
Daizoya — the ship between Daiya and Zoya
Hayadai — the ship between Hayate and Daiya
Hayagoro — the ship between Hayate and Daigoro
Hayakana — the ship between Hayate and Kanata
Hayashin — the ship between Hayate and Shinta
Hayawata — the ship between Hayate and Wataru
Hayazoya — the ship between Hayate and Zoya
Kanadai — the ship between Kanata and Daiya
Kanazoya — the ship between Kanata and Zoya
Mamoshin — the ship between Mamoru and Shinta
Shindai — the ship between Shinta and Daigoro
Shinwata — the ship between Shinta and Wataru
Watagoro — the ship between Wataru and Daigoro
Zoyawata — the ship between Zoya and Wataru


Akirin — the ship between Aki and Rinrin
Hikamaria — the ship between Hikaru and Maria
Madolion — the ship between Madoka and Lion
Madorin — the ship between Madoka and Rinrin
Yuzuaki — the ship between Yuzuriha and Aki
Yuzuhika — the ship between Yuzuriha and Hikaru
Yuzumado — the ship between Yuzuriha and Madoka
Yuzumaria — the ship between Yuzuriha and Maria
Yuzurin — the ship between Yuzuriha and Rinrin


Daikanaki — the ship between Daiya, Kanata, and Aki
Daikanazoya — the ship between Daiya, Kanata, and Zoya
Daizoyaki — the ship between Daiya, Zoya, and Aki
Hayawatashin — the ship between Hayate, Wataru, and Shinta
Hayawyuzumado — the ship between Hayate, Yuzuriha, and Madoka
Mamorinaki — the ship between Mamoru, Rinrin, and Aki
Mamomadorin — the ship between Mamoru, Madoka, and Rinrin


Liolime — the ship between Lion and Lime


Hero Squad — the ship between Shinta, Wataru, Madoka, Mamoru, and Rinrin



Benvi — the ship between Ben Stone and Saanvi Bahl
Zekaela — the ship between Zeke Landon and Michaela Stone

Maple Town[]


Bobby x Patty — the ship between Bobby J. Bear and Patty Hoperabbit

Marble Hornets[]


AlexAmy — the ship between Alex Kralie and Amy Walters
Briah — the ship between Brian Thomas and Sarah Reid
Jaysicca — the ship between Jay Merrick and Jessica Locke


Bray — the ship between Brian Thomas and Jay Merrick
Brilex — the ship between Brian Thomas and Alex Kralie
Brim — the ship between Brian Thomas and Tim Wright
Jam — the ship between Jay Merrick and Tim Wright
Jaylex — the ship between Jay Merrick and Alex Kralie
Sethlex — the ship between Seth Wilson and Alex Kralie
Timlex — the ship between Tim Wright and Alex Kralie


JessAmy — the ship between Jessica Locke and Amy Walters


Timrator — the ship between Tim Wright and The Operator


Polyhornets — the ship between Jay Merrick, Alex Kralie, Tim Wright and Brian Thomas



SaheJul — the ship between Sahed and Julia Lazarett
TonnyJul — the ship between Anthonn Gremminger and Julia Lazarett


Sahonny — the ship between Sahed and Antonn Gremminger


Kamille x Julia — the ship between Kamille Bernaud and Julia Lazarett
Rainflower — the ship between Rainah and Kamille Bernaud

Married In Red[]


Myeongjeong — the ship between Myeong-hoon Dan and Da-jeong Choi


Bokanon — the ship between Marianne "Manon" Vacher and Bok-su Go
BokMappi — the ship between Bok-su Go and Mahiru Shiina
Carrotcake — the ship between June and Bok-su Go
JeongBok — the ship between Da-Jeong Choi and Bok-su Go


Bokincent — the ship between Vincent Charbonneau and Bok-su Go

Martians vs. Mexicans[]


Chacas x Joselyne — the ship between "Chacas" Reyes and Joselyne
El Nene x Zafiro — the ship between "El Nene" and Zafiro Reyes


Chacas x El Nene — the ship between "Chacas" Reyes and "El Nene"
Chamirrey — the ship between "Chacas" Reyes and "El Mirrey"
Gary x Steve — the ship between Gary and Steve
Generd — the ship between General and Nerd
Jade — the ship between Juan Reyes and Director


Joselyne x Zafiro — the ship between Joselyne and Zafiro


Generdtor — the ship between General, Nerd and Director


El Mirrey & El Poli — the ship between "El Mirrey" and "El Poli"
Reyes Family — the ship between "Chacas" Reyes, Don Calcaneo, Mrs. Chochos, "Talachas" Reyes, "Tlacoyito" Reyes and Zafiro Reyes
Zafiro Children — the ship between El Arroz, El Chino, El Cubano, El Frijol and La Niña


Jaime x alien — the ship between Jaime Maussan and an alien
Mexican Martian — the ship between Martian King and Mexican television
Selfie! — the ship between "El Mirrey" and his cell phone

Max Design Pro[]


Hope x Polo — the ship between Hope and Polo
Martha x Jeff — the ship between Martha and Jeff
math Teacher x English Teacher — the ship between Math Teacher and English Teacher
Nugget x Nuggette — the ship between Nugget and Nuggette


JeffTeacher — the ship between Jeff and Math Teacher
Jimbro — the ship between Jimmy and Tyler
Maxangus — the ship between Max and Angus
MaxNugget — the ship between Max and Nugget
Mirrormax — the ship between Max and Twiddlefinger
Polo x Angus — the ship between Polo and Angus
Poorbully — the ship between Poor Kid/Billy and Duncan
Twiddlefinger x Nugget — the ship between Twiddlefinger and Nugget
Tycan — the ship between Tyler and Duncan


Hope x Nuggette — the ship between Hope and Nuggette
Hope x Samantha — the ship between Hope and Samantha
Martha x English Teacher — the ship between Martha and English Teacher


Martha x Jeff x Math Teacher x English Teacher — the ship between Martha, Jeff, Math Teacher and English Teacher
Max x Nugget x Nuggette — the ship between Max, Nugget and Nuggette
Max x Nugget x Twiddlefinger — the ship between Max, Nugget and Twiddlefinger


Max's Family — the ship between Max, Jimmy, Hope, Martha, Jeff and Fluffy

Mary Poppins[]


Mary x Bert — the ship between Mary Poppins and Bert


FrizPop — the ship between Ms. Frizzle and Mary Poppins

The Marvellous Misadventures of Flapjack[]


Flapjack x Sally — the ship between Flapjack and Sally Syrup


Chowder x Flapjack — the ship between Chowder and Flapjack


Flapjack & Bubbie — the ship between Flapjack and Bubbie
Flapjack & K'nuckles — the ship between Flapjack and Captain K'nuckles


K'nuckles x Candy Wife — the ship between Captain K'nuckles and Candy Wife
Larry x Candy Wife — the ship between Peppermint Larry and Candy Wife

Mashle: Magic and Muscles[]


DotLem — the ship between Dot Barrett and Lemon Irvine
FinnLem — the ship between Finn Ames and Lemon Irvine
Mashlemon — the ship between Mash Burnedead and Lemon Irvine
LemLance — the ship between Lemon Irvine and Lance Crown
WirthLove — the ship between Wirth Mádl and Love Cute


AbeAvi — the ship between Abel Walker and Abyss Razor
DotFinn — the ship between Dot Barrett and Finn Ames
DotMash — the ship between Dot Barrett and Mash Burnedead
FinnMash — the ship between Finn Ames and Mash Burnedead
LanDot — the ship between Lance Crown and Dot Barrett
LanMash — the ship between Lance Crown and Mash Burnedead
MashAvi — the ship between Mash Burnedead and Abyss Razor
OrteMash — the ship between Orter Mádl and Mash Burnedead
PacciFinn — the ship between Carpaccio Luo-Yang and Finn Ames
PacciMax — the ship between Carpaccio Luo-Yang and Max Land
RayMash — the ship between Rayne Ames and Mash Burnedead
RayMax — the ship between Rayne Ames and Max Land
RegBrad — the ship between Regro Burnedead and Brad Coleman
ZeroWahl — the ship between Innocent Zero and Wahlberg Baigan


MargaMash — the ship between Margarette Macaron and Mash Burnedead


Ames Sandwich — the ship between Rayne Ames, Mash Burnedead and Finn Ames


Ames Brothers — the ship between Rayne Ames and Finn Ames
Burndead Family — the ship between Regro Burnedead and Mash Burndead
Crown Siblings — the ship between Lance Crown and Anna Crown
InnoMash — the ship between Innocent Zero and Mash Burnedead
Mádl Brothers — the ship between Orter Mádl and Wirth Mádl


MobMash — the ship between Shigeo Kageyama and Mash Burnedead


MashPuff — the ship between Mash Burndead and cream puffs

Mass Effect[]


Jaalbee — the ship between Jaal Ama Darav and Pelessaria 'Peebee' B'Sayle
JEDI — the ship between Jeff 'Joker' Moreau and EDI
Reyra — the ship between Reyes Vidal and Sara Ryder
Saraal — the ship between Sara Ryder and Jaal Ama Darav
Sariam — the ship between Sara Ryder and Liam Kosta
Scotbee — the ship between Scott Ryder and Pelessaria 'Peebee' B'Sayle
Scoteri — the ship between Scott Ryder and Keri T'Vessa
Scotela — the ship between Scott Ryder and Avela Kjar
Scotora — the ship between Scott Ryder and Cora Harper
Scotetra — the ship between Scott Ryder and Vetra Nyx
Shakarian — the ship between Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian
Shali — the ship between Commander Shepard and Tali'Zorah
Shavik — the ship between Commander Shepard and Javik
Shecob — the ship between Commander Shepard and Jacob Taylor
Shega — the ship between Commander Shepard and James Vega
Shepack — the ship between Commander Shepard and Jack
Shepanda — the ship between Commander Shepard and Miranda Lawson
Shepley — the ship between Commander Shepard and Ashley Williams
Shrios — the ship between Commander Shepard and Thane Krios
T'skittles — the ship between Liara T'Soni and Feron
T'Sovik — the ship between Liara T'Soni and Javik
Taligion — the ship between Tali'Zorah and Legion
Talibrations — the ship between Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah
Vegilliams — the ship between James Vega and Ashley Williams
Wilenko — the ship between Kaidan Alenko and Ashley Williams
Ken x Gabby — the ship between Kenneth Donnelly and Gabriella Daniels


Cortega — the ship between Steve Cortez and James Vega
Krykarian — the ship between Garrus Vakarian and Nihlus Kryik
Kryterius — the ship between Saren Arterius and Nihlus Kryik
Reyott — the ship between Reyes Vidal and Scott Ryder
Scodie — the ship between Scott Ryder and Gil Brodie
Scotaal — the ship between Scott Ryder and Jaal Ama Darav
Shortez — the ship between Commander Shepard and Steve Cortez
Cortenko — the ship between Steve Cortez and Kaidan Alenko


Areos — the ship between Aria T'Loak and Tevos
Jackanda — the ship between Jack and Miranda Lawson
Sarbee — the ship between Sara Ryder and Pelessaria 'Peebee' B'Sayle
Sareri — the ship between Sara Ryder and Keri T'Vessa
Saretra — the ship between Sara Ryder and Vetra Nyx
Sarvi — the ship between Sara Ryder and Suvi Anwar
Shaynor — the ship between Commander Shepard and Samantha Traynor
Nyria — the ship between Nyreen Kandros and Aria T'Loak
Traydi — the ship between Samantha Traynor and EDI
Shepard x Aria — the ship between Commander Shepard and Aria T'Loak


Shenko — the ship between Commander Shepard and Kaidan Alenko
Shepana — the ship between Commander Shepard and Diana Allers
Shepelly — the ship between Commander Shepard and Kelly Chambers
Shepmara — the ship between Commander Shepard and Samara
Sheprinth — the ship between Commander Shepard and Morinth
Shiara — the ship between Commander Shepard and Liara T'Soni
Shoker — the ship between Commander Shepard and Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Shordin — the ship between Commander Shepard and Mordin Solus
Sheterius — the ship between Commander Shepard and Saren Arterius
Nihlus x Shepard — the ship between Nihlus Kryik and Commander Shepard
Shrex — the ship between Commander Shepard and Urdnot Wrex


Shalibrations — the ship between Commander Shepard, Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah

Masamune-kun's Revenge[]


Masamune x Aki — the ship between Masamune Makabe and Aki Adagaki
Masamune x Yoshino — the ship between Masamune and Yoshino Koiwai

The Matrix[]


Morpheus x Niobe — the ship between Morpheus and Niobe
NeoTrin — the ship between Neo and Trinity
Trinpheus — the ship between Trinity and Morpheus


Agent Smith x Neo — the ship between Agent Smith and Neo
Neopheus — the ship between Neo and Morpheus


NeoTrinpheus — the ship between Neo, Trinity and Morpheus

Mavka: The Forest Song[]


Mavkas — the ship between Mavka and Lukas


DaffodilWinter — the ship between Mavka and Elsa
Huavka — the ship between Mavka and Huaxian
Mavdina — the ship between Mavka and Ondina

Max Steel[]


Marbie — the ship between Josh McGrath and Barbie Roberts

Maxton Hall[]


Bellfort — the ship between Ruby Bell and James Beaufort

Maya and The Three[]


Zaya — the ship between Prince Zatz and Princess Maya

The Maze Runner[]


Thomesa — the ship between Thomas and Teresa Agnes
Trenda — the ship between Thomas and Brenda


Newtmas — the ship between Newt and Thomas
Thominho — the ship between Thomas and Minho


Newthominho — the ship between Newt, Thomas and Minho



Birdonald — the ship between Birdie the Early Bird and Ronald McDonald
McWendy's — the ship between Ronald McDonald and Wendy


Grimald — the ship between Grimace and Ronald McDonald
KingDonald — the ship between the Burger King and Ronald McDonald
RonaldJack — the ship between Ronald McDonald and Jack Box



Riohika — the ship between Rioh Sonidori and Hikaru Kamisaki
Riohino — the ship between Rioh Sonidori and Inori Yuitsuka
Tsukahito — the ship between Tsukasa Akeuraji and Hitomi Takamine


Junkasa — the ship between Jun Yodaka and Tsukasa Akeuraji
Yudaikasa — the ship between Yudai Jakuzure and Tsukasa Akeuraji


Emanori — the ship between Ema Yamato and Inori Yuitsuka
Emaryo — the ship between Ema Yamato and Ryoka Miketa
Hikaino — the ship between Hikaru Kamisaki and Inori Yuitsuka
Hikayuna — the ship between Hikaru Kamisaki and Yuna Yagi
Ryonori — the ship between Ryoka Miketa and Inori Yuitsuka
Suzuema — the ship between Suzu Kamoto and Ema Yamato
Suzuino — the ship between Suzu Kamoto and Inori Yuitsuka
Yunaino — the ship between Yuna Yagi and Inori Yuitsuka


Riohikaino — the ship between Rioh Sonidori, Hikaru Kamisaki and Inori Yuitsuka
Hikayunaino — the ship between Hikaru Kamisaki, Yuna Yagi and Inori Yuitsuka
Junyudaikasa — the ship between Jun Yodaka, Yudai Jakuzure and Tsukasa Akeuraji


Junhika — the ship between Jun Yodaka and Hikaru Kamisaki
Tsukaino — the ship between Tsukasa Akeuraji and Inori Yuitsuka


Yuitsuka Family — the ship between Nozomi Yuitsuka, Hironobu Yuitsuka, Mika Yuitsuka and Inori Yuitsuka
Yuitsuka Sisters — the ship between Mika Yuitsuka and Inori Yuitsuka



Calatesque — the ship between Manny Calavera and Sir Daniel Fortesque
Daniel x Manolo — the ship between Sir Daniel Fortesque and Manolo Sánchez
Fortington — the ship between Sir Daniel Fortesque and Jack Skellington
Papyrus x Daniel — the ship between Papyrus and Sir Daniel Fortesque


Boneheads — the ship between Sir Daniel Fortesque, Brook, Manny Calavera, Manolo Sánchez, Jack Skellington, Lewis Pepper, Sans and Papyrus

Memoir of a Snail[]


GraceKen — the ship between Grace Pudel and Ken


GilBen — the ship between Gilbert Pudel and Ben Appleby


Appleby Family — the ship between Ben Appleby, Dwayne Appleby, Owen Appleby, Ruth Appleby, Shayne Appleby and Wayne Appleby
Pudel Family — the ship between Annie Pudel, Gilbert Pudel, Grace Pudel and Percy Pudel


Fire Eater Ben — the ship between Gilbert Pudel and fire
Grace & Snails — the ship between Grace Pudel and a snail

The Message[]


Xiao Meng x Ning Yu — the ship between Gu Xiao Meng and Li Ning Yu

Meta Runner[]


EveLuck — the ship between Evelyn Claythorne and Derek Lucks
Lamari — the ship between Lamar Williams and Tari
Maluci — the ship between Masa Shimamoto and Lucinia Porter
Masari — the ship between Masa Shimamato and Tari


Bellinia — the ship between Belle Frontiere and Lucinia Porter
Sofari — the ship between Sofia Porter and Tari
Tarile — the ship between Tari and Belle Frontiere
TarRuby — the ship between Tari and Ruby Rose
Tarvelyn — the ship between Tari and Evelyn Claythorne


Porter Siblings — the ship between Lucinia Porter and Sofia Porter


TarTheo — the ship between Tari and Theo

Metal Gear[]

 Ships that originated in Super Smash Bros. are already listed on that page. Please don't list them here


BBEVA — the ship between Big Boss and EVA
BigBossxTheBoss — the ship between Big Boss and The Boss
KazQuiet — the ship between Kazuhira Miller and Quiet
KazuCecile — the ship between Kazuhira Miller and Cécile Cosima Caminades
KazuEVA — the ship between Kazuhira Miller and EVA
RaidRose — the ship between Raiden and Rosemary


BBKaz — the ship between Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller
Bosselot — the ship between Big Boss and Revolver Ocelot
Jetsoon — the ship between Samuel Rodrigues and Monsoon
Kazulot — the ship between Kazuhira Miller and Revolver Ocelot
LiquidMantis — the ship between Liquid Snake and Psycho Mantis
Otasune — the ship between Otacon and Solid Snake
Raidamp — the ship between Raiden and Vamp
SamuRaiden — the ship between Samuel Rodrigues and Raiden
Soliden — the ship between Solid Snake and Raiden
SolidGrey — the ship between Solid Snake and Grey Fox
VenoMiller — the ship between Venom Snake and Kazuhira Miller


Bosslove — the ship between The Boss and Dr. Strangelove


Otasunny — the ship between Otacon and Sunny Emmerich


RaidenWolf — the ship between Raiden and Blade Wolf
Wolfstream — the ship between Blade Wolf and Samuel Rodrigues



Nategail — the ship between Nathan Explosion and Abigail Remeltindtdrinc
Picklegail — the ship between Pickles the Drummer and Abigail Remeltindtdrinc
AbiToki — the ship between Abigail Remeltindtdrinc and Toki Wartooth
AbiCharles — the ship between Abigail Remeltindtdrinc and Charles Foster Offdensen


Nickles — the ship between Nathan Explosion and Pickles the Drummer
Skwistok — the ship between Skwisgaar Skwigelf and Toki Wartooth
Murdertooth — the ship between William Murderface and Toki Wartooth
TokiRockso — the ship between Toki Warooth and Dr. Rockso
MagPickles — the ship between Magnus Hammersmith and Pickles the Drummer
Hammertooth — the ship between Magnus Hammersmith and Toki Wartooth
Dickface — the ship between Dick "Magic Ears" Knubbler and William Murderface
Narles — the ship between Nathan Explosion and Charles Foster Offdensen
Chickles — the ship between Charles Foster Offdensen and Pickles the Drummer


Polyklok — the ship between Nathan Explosion, Pickles the Drummer, William Murderface, Toki Wartooth and Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Nicklegail — the ship between Nathan Explosion, Pickles the Drummer and Abigail Remeltindtdrinc


Rockocaine — the ship between Dr. Rockso and cocaine

Michiko to Hatchin[]


Michiko x Hatchin — the ship between Michiko Malandros and Hatchin Morenos

Midsummer Night's Dream[]


Bottom x Titania — the ship between Nick Bottom and Titania
Demetrius x Helena — the ship between Demetrius and Helena
Demetrius x Hermia — the ship between Demetrius and Hermia
Helena x Lysander — the ship between Helena and Lysander
Hermia x Lysander — the ship between Hermia and Lysander
Oberania — the ship between Oberon and Titania


Bottom x Oberon — the ship between Nick Bottom and Oberon
Demetrius x Lysander — the ship between Demetrius and Lysander
OberonPuck — the ship between Oberon and Puck


Helena x Hermia — the ship between Helena and Hermia


Midsummer Polycule — the ship between Demetrius, Helena, Hermia and Lysander



Zenmiko — the ship between Zen Toono and Miko Yotsuya


Chirumiko — the ship between Michiru Ichijou and Miko Yotsuya
Hanamiko — the ship between Hana Yurikawa and Miko Yotsuya
Mikoyuli — the ship between Miko Yotsuya and Yulia Nigerudou
Yulihana — the ship between Yulia Nigerudou and Hana Yurikawa


Good Friends Trio — the ship between Miko Yotsuya, Hana Yurikawa and Yulia Nigerudou

Mighty Med[]


Gordan — the ship between Gus and Jordan
Jaz — the ship between Jordan and Kaz
Skaz — the ship between Skylar and Kaz
Skoliver — the ship between Skylar and Oliver


Kaziver — the ship between Kaz and Oliver


Skaziver — the ship between Skylar, Kaz and Oliver


Brake — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry and Jake Short
Brakis — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short and Paris Berelc
Braris — the ship between Bradley Steven Perry and Paris Berelc
Jaris — the ship between Jake Short and Paris Berelc

Mighty Magiswords[]


VaHyas — the ship between Prohyas Warrior and Vambre Warrior



ChumRoy — the ship between Delroy and Chump
Dakim — the ship between Dax Mallard and Kim
Macam — the ship between Mack Mallard and Pam Mallard


DaxRuby — the ship between Dax Mallard and Ruby Gillman
Gwenuby — the ship between Gwen Mallard and Ruby Gillman
Gwehump — the ship between Gwen Mallard and Chump


The Mallard — the ship between Mack Mallard, Pam Mallard, Dax Mallard, Gwen Mallard and Uncle Dan
Dax x Gwen — the ship between Dax Mallard and Gwen Mallard


Uncle Dan x Sandwich — the ship between Uncle Dan and Sandwich

Miller's Girl[]


Winro — the ship between Winnie Black and Cairo Sweet

Milo Murphy's Law[]


Bradlissa — the ship between Bradley Nicholson and Melissa Chase
Brivannah — the ship between Brick and Savannah
Doof x Murawski — the ship between Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Mrs. Murawski
Milanda — the ship between Milo Murphy and Amanda Lopez
Milissa — the ship between Milo Murphy and Melissa Chase
SaNeal — the ship between Sara Murphy and Neal
Zalissa — the ship between Zack Underwood and Melissa Chase


Bradilo — the ship between Bradley Nicholson and Milo Murphy
Dakavendish — the ship between Dakota and Cavendish
Milack — the ship between Milo Murphy and Zack Underwood
Perryshmirtz — the ship between Perry the Platypus and Heinz Doofenshmirtz


Melanda — the ship between Melissa Chase and Amanda Lopez
Saranessa — the ship between Sara Murphy and Vanessa Doofenshmirtz


Doofkota — the ship between Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Vinnie Dakota
Milo & Diogee — the ship between Milo Murphy and Diogee
Murphy's Law Trio — the ship between Milo Murphy, Melissa Chase and Zack Underwood
Pistachio Trio — the ship between Milo Murphy, Balthazar Cavendish and Vinnie Dakota


Murphy Family — the ship between Milo Murphy, Sara Murphy, Martin Murphy and Bridgette Murphy
Murphy Siblings — the ship between Milo Murphy and Sara Murphy


Bradley x Carla — the ship between Bradley Nicholson and Carla the ice cream machine
Milo x Backpack — the ship between Milo Murphy and his backpack
Murawski x Desk — the ship between Mrs. Murawski and her desk
Scott x Mildred — the ship between Scott the Undergrounder and Mildred the milk carton



Fujikana — the ship between Fujioka and Kana Minami
Fujiriko — the ship between Fujioka and Riko
Harumako — the ship between Haruka Minami and Makoto
Hitonatsu — the ship between Hitomi and Natsuki Minami
Hosaharu — the ship between Hosaka and Haruka Minami
Natsuharu — the ship between Natsuki Minami and Haruka Minami


ChiaTouma — the ship between Chiaki Minami and Touma Minami
ChiaYuka — the ship between Chiaki Minami and Yuka Uchida
Keikana — the ship between Keiko and Kana Minami
Yoshichia — the ship between Yoshino and Chiaki Minami


Minami Sisters — the ship between Haruka Minami, Kana Minami and Chiaki Minami

Minecraft: Story Mode[]


Admella — the ship between Romeo the Admin and Stella
Aidaya — the ship between Aiden and Maya
Axlivia — the ship between Axel and Olivia
CassieSparklez — the ship between Cassie Rose and Captain Sparklez
Danacy — the ship between DanTDM and StacyPlays
Danssie — the ship between DanTDM and Cassie Rose
Danzie — the ship between Lizzie/LDShadowLady and DanTDM
Gabrigaard — the ship between Gabriel the Warrior and Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer
Gilaya — the ship between Gill and Maya
Harvor — the ship between Ivor and Harper
Isilo — the ship between Isa the Founder and Milo
Jacktra — the ship between Jack and Petra
Luketra — the ship between Lukas and Petra
Olivikas — the ship between Olivia and Lukas
Magnugaard — the ship between Magnus the Rogue and Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer
Nutra — the ship between Nurm and Petra
Paxel — the ship between Petra and Axel
Radetra — the ship between Radar and Petra
Radinta — the ship between Radar and Binta
Romtra — the ship between Romeo the Admin and Petra
Sorengaard — the ship between Soren the Architect and Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer
Stamcy Cays — the ship between StacyPlays and Stampy Cat
Xaromeo — the ship between Xara and Romeo the Admin


Ivorren — the ship between Ivor and Soren the Architect
Jadar — the ship between Jack and Radar
Jurm — the ship between Jack and Nurm
Romack — the ship between Romeo the Admin and Jack
Sorabriel — the ship between Soren the Architect and Gabriel the Warrior
Vock — the ship between Vos and Jack
Voup — the ship between Val and Soup


Nelm — the ship between Nell and Emily
Olitra — the ship between Olivia and Petra
Stelivia — the ship between Stella and Olivia
Steltra — the ship between Stella and Petra


Aidesse — the ship between Aiden and Jesse
Axesse — the ship between Axel and Jesse
Danesse — the ship between DanTDM and Jesse
Gabriesse — the ship between Gabriel the Warrior and Jesse
Jelivia — the ship between Jesse and Olivia
Jestella — the ship between Jesse and Stella
JessCass — the ship between Jesse and Cassie Rose
Jessurm — the ship between Jesse and Nurm
Jetra — the ship between Jesse and Petra
Lukesse — the ship between Jesse and Lukas
Nelse — the ship between Nell and Jesse
Radesse — the ship between Radar and Jesse
Romesse — the ship between Romeo the Admin and Jesse
Stamesse — the ship between Stampy Cat and Jesse
Xaresse — the ship between Xara and Jesse


Jesstellra — the ship between Jesse, Stella and Petra
Lukesstra — the ship between Lukas, Jesse and Petra


Blaze Rods — the ship between Aiden, Gill and Maya
Casslow — the ship between Cassie Rose and Winslow
Jessben — the ship between Jesse and Reuben
Llunesse — the ship between Jesse and Lluna
New Order of the Stone — the ship between Jesse, Axel, Olivia, Petra and Lukas
The Ocelots — the ship between Lukas, Aiden, Gill and Maya
Old Order of the Stone — the ship between Soren, Magnus, Ellegaard, Gabriel and Ivor
Stellaluna — the ship between Stella and Lluna
Winkacy — the ship between Wink and Stacy Plays



Raycy — the ship between Lucy and Ray
Samcy — the ship between Sammy and Lucy
Volucy — the ship between Volt and Lucy


Ray x Sammy — the ship between Ray and Sammy
Ray x Volt — the ship between Ray and Volt
Volt x Sammy — the ship between Volt and Sammy

Mint's Hints[]


Fuchsia x Cream — the ship between Fuchsia the Fox and Cream the Fox
Cream x Lilac — the ship between Cream the Fox and Lilac the Fox
Mint x Fuchsia — the ship between Mint the Fox and Fuchsia the Fox
Mint x Lilac — the ship between Mint the Fox and Lilac the Fox


Fuchsia x Lilac — the ship between Fuchsia the Fox and Lilac the Fox


Mint x Cream — the ship between Mint the Fox and Cream the Fox


Mint & Grant — the ship between Mint the Fox and Grant

Mischief Makers[]


Calineo — the ship between Calina and Emperor Leo
Caliteran — the ship between Calina and Teran
Lunarina — the ship between Lunar and Marina Liteyears
Marico — the ship between Marina Liteyears and Merco
TaruMarina — the ship between Tarus and Marina Liteyears
TeraMarina — the ship between Teran and Marina


Lunareo — the ship between Lunar and Emperor Leo
Lunarus — the ship between Lunar and Tarus
Lunerco — the ship between Lunar and Merco
Mercorus — the ship between Merco and Tarus
Merleo — the ship between Merco and Emperor Leo
Geoaster — the ship between Geold and King Aster
Tarleo — the ship between Tarus and Emperor Leo
Theold — the ship between Prof. Theo and Geold


Carina — the ship between Marina Liteyears and Calina


Ondaster — the ship between Ondine and King Aster
Terondine — the ship between Teran and Ondine
Theleo — the ship between Prof. Theo and Emperor Leo


Cat Marina — the ship between Cat Clancer and Marina Liteyears
Marondine — the ship between Marina Liteyears and Ondine
Maritheo — the ship between Marina and Prof. Theo



KelNathan — the ship between Kelly Bailey and Nathan Young
Curtisha — the ship between Curtis Donovan and Alisha Daniels
Salisha — the ship between Alisha Daniels and Simon Bellamy
Kurtis — the ship between Kelly Bailey and Curtis Donovan
AliNathan — the ship between Alisha Daniels and Nathan Young


Nimon — the ship between Nathan Young and Simon Bellamy
Curudy — the ship between Curtis Donovan and Rudy Wade
Nurtis — the ship between Nathan Young and Curtis Donovan


AliKelly — the ship between Alisha Daniels and Kelly Bailey
Nikkisha — the ship between Alisha Daniels and Nikki
AbbeyJess — the ship between Jess and Abbey Smith
Laurabbey — the ship between Abbey Smith and Laura


KelNimon — the ship between Kelly Bailey, Nathan Young and Simon Bellamy
ASBO Five — the ship between Alisha Daniels, Kelly Bailey, Nathan Young, Simon Bellamy and Curtis Donovan


New Misfits Gang — the ship between Rudy Wade, Jess, Alex, Finn and Abbey Smith
Rudabbey — the ship between Rudy Wade and Abbey Smith
Finnabbey — the ship between Finn and Abbey Smith
Alexabbey — the ship between Alex and Abbey Smith
Haylex — the ship between Hayley and Alex
Gregabbey — the ship between Greg and Abbey Smith

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid[]


Fafcoa — the ship between Fafnir and Quetzalcoatl


Fafkiya — the ship between Fafnir and Takiya Makoto


Kannko — the ship between Kanna Kamui and Riko Saikawa
Kobahru — the ship between Kobayashi and Tohru

The Mitchells vs. the Machines[]


Aaroney — the ship between Aaron Mitchell and Abbey Posey
Rinda — the ship between Linda Mitchell and Rick Mitchell


Jatie — the ship between Katie Mitchell and Jade


PALDOS — the ship between PAL and GLaDOS


Katick — the ship between Katie Mitchell and Rick Mitchell
Katinda — the ship between Katie Mitchell and Linda Mitchell
Machine Siblings — the ship between Eric and Deborahbot 5000
The Mitchells — the ship between Katie Mitchell, Aaron Mitchell, Linda Mitchell and Rick Mitchell
Mitchell Siblings — the ship between Katie Mitchell and Aaron Mitchell
PALman — the ship between PAL and Mark Bowman


PALtie — the ship between PAL and Katie Mitchell



Flainikitty — the ship between Flain and Unikitty
Kradeacher — the ship between Krader and Teacher


Boogillot — the ship between Booger and Camillot
Flader — the ship between Flain and Krader
Florch — the ship between Flurr and Zorch
Jinkybo — the ship between Chilbo and Jinky
Kamurg — the ship between Kamzo and Turg
Kraslo — the ship between Krader and Teslo
Lulk — the ship between Lunk and Vulk
Magnibert — the ship between Magnifo and Globert
Nikzer — the ship between Niksput and Flamzer
Nurptus — the ship between Nurp and Meltus
Roktus — the ship between Rokit and Meltus
Seislain — the ship between Seismo and Flain
Seislectro — the ship between Seismo and Volectro
Seismuff — the ship between Seismo and Shuff
Shufflectro — the ship between Shuff and Volectro
Teslain — the ship between Teslo and Flain
Vamzer — the ship between Vampos and Flamzer
Wizpi — the ship between Wizwuz and Scorpi
Zorchlectro — the ship between Zorch and Volectro



Xiao x Fumei — the ship between Zhong Xiao and Bai Fumei

Money Heist[]


Berlermo — the ship between Berlin and Palermo

Monica and Friends[]


Cascudao — the ship between Dustine and Smudge
Casgali — the ship between Maggy and Smudge
Cebônica — the ship between Monica and Jimmy Five
Docônica — the ship between Nick Nope and Monica
DCarmen — the ship between Nick Nope and Carmen
Franjina — the ship between Franklin and Marina
Jerenise — the ship between Jeremiah and Denise
Magaquim — the ship between Maggy and Toddy
Tirinha — the ship between Bucky and Doreen
Xavenise — the ship between Sunny and Denise


Carmenise — the ship between Carmen and Denise
Irônica — the ship between Irene and Monica
Marilena — the ship between Marina and Milena
Monica x Maggy — the ship between Monica x Maggy


Monica and Friends — the ship between Jimmy Five, Maggy, Monica and Smudge
Andudu — the ship between Angel and Junior


Black-haired girls with long red dresses — the ship between Monica,Little Lulu,Nancy and Mafalda

Monogatari Series[]


Kaikage — the ship between Deishuu Kaiki and Yozuru Kagenui
Mayoragi — the ship between Mayoi Hachikuji and Koyomi Araragi
Senjoukoyo — the ship between Koyomi Araragi and Hitagi Senjougahara
Senjoushuu — the ship between Deishuu Kaiki and Hitagi Senjougahara
Shinokoyo — the ship between Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino


Memeragi — the ship between Meme Oshino and Koyomi Araragi


Hanekura — the ship between Sodachi Oikura and Hanekawa Tsubasa
Senbaru — the ship between Hitagi Senhougahara and Suruga Kanbaru
Senjoukawa — the ship between Hitagi Senhougahara and Tsubasa Hanekawa
Tsukinade — the ship between Tsukihi Araragi and Nadeko Sengoku


Koyougi — the ship between Koyomi Araragi and Ougi Oshino
Ougikan — the ship between Ougi Oshino and Suruga Kanbaru


Araragi Family — the ship between Koyomi Araragi, Karen Araragi and Tsukihi Araragi
Fire Sisters — the ship between Karen Araragi and Tsukihi Araragi



Tenjoh — the ship between Kenzo Tenma and Johan Liebert

Monster Buster Club[]


Dathy — the ship between Danny Jackson and Cathy Smith
Wenny — the ship between Wendy and Danny Jackson

Monster Musume[]


Kurusu x Cerea — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Centorea Shianus
Kurusu x Mero — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Meroune Lorelei du Neptune
Kurusu x Miia — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Miia
Kurusu x Papi — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Papi
Kurusu x Rachnee — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Rachnera Arachnera
Kurusu x Suu — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Suu
Kurusu x Zombina — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Zombina
KuruSmith — the ship between Kimihito Kurusu and Kuroko Smith


Suupapi — the ship between Suu and Papi

Monster Prom[]


Afterparty — the ship between Brian Yu and Polly Geist
Apocalypse Now — the ship between Brian Yu and Zoe
Blueblood — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Liam de Lioncourt
Briamira — the ship between Brian Yu and Amira Rashid
Bricky — the ship between Brian Yu and Vicky Schmidt
Carpet Shock — the ship between Scott Howl and Vicky Schmidt
Cosmic Storm — the ship between the Interdimensional Prince and Vicky Schmidt
Damira — the ship between Damian LaVey and Amira Rashid
Deadlifts — the ship between Brian Yu and Dahlia Aquino
Electric Gelatin — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Blobert Blaubelaire
Evil Dead — the ship between Aaravi Mishra and Brian Yu
Fishfood — the ship between Miranda Vanderbilt and Brian Yu
Fried Circuits — the ship between Amira Rashid and Calculester "Cal" Hewlett Packard
Gang Green — the ship between Brian Yu and Vera Oberlin
Hot-Blooded — the ship between Amira Rashid and Liam de Lioncourt
Hot Dog — the ship between Amira Rashid and Scott Howl
Melting Point — the ship between Amira Rashid and Blobert Blaubelaire
Patch Update — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Calculester "Cal" Hewlett Packard
Pet Cemetary — the ship between Valerie Oberlin/Shopkeeper and Brian Yu
Sharkbait — the ship between Bellanda Vanderbilt and Brian Yu
Shockingly Sexy — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Dmitri
Supernova — the ship between Amira Rashid and the Interdimensional Prince
Vickien — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Damien LaVey


Bramien — the ship between Brian Yu and Damien LaVey
BriLiam — the ship between Brian Yu and Liam de Lioncourt
Dead Space — the ship between Brian Yu and the Interdimensional Prince
Grateful Dead — the ship between Dmitri and Brian Yu
Gray Matter — the ship between Brian Yu and Blobert Blaubelaire
Green Screen — the ship between Brian Yu and Calculester "Cal" Hewlett Packard
Play Dead — the ship between Scott Howl and Brian Yu


Amiranda — the ship between Amira Rashid and Miranda Vanderbilt
AmiVera — the ship between Amira Rashid and Vera Oberlin
Dead Heat — the ship between Polly Geist and Amira Rashid
Double Dead Dames — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Polly Geist
Electric Eel — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Bellanda Vanderbilt
Feel the Burn! — the ship between Dahlia Aquino and Amira Rashid
Flashfire — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Amira Rashid
Jacuzzi — the ship between Amira Rashid and Bellanda Vanderbilt
Lightning Ritual — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Zoe
Love Me Dead — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Aavari Mishra/the Slayer
Money to Burn — the ship between Valerie Oberlin/Shopkeeper and Amira Rashid
Purple Flame — the ship between Zoe and Amira Rashid
Smoke and Dagger — the ship between Amira Rashid and Aavari Mishra/the Slayer
Scars and Stitches — the ship between Dahlia Aquino and Vicky Schmidt
Snitches Get Stitches — the ship between Vera Oberlin and Vicky Schmidt
Static Fur — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Valerie Oberlin/Shopkeeper
Vickanda — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Miranda Vanderbilt


A Blade in the Dark — the ship between Aavari Mishra/the Slayer and Oz
AmirOz — the ship between Amira Rashid and Oz
Black and Blue — the ship between Oz and Dahlia Aquino
Black Death — the ship between Oz and Vicky Schmidt
Black Gold — the ship between Oz and Blobert Blaubelaire
BriOz — the ship between Brian Yu and Oz
Completing the Face — the ship between Oz and the Narrator
Dark Matter — the ship between Oz and the Interdimensional Prince
CalOz — the ship between Calculester "Cal" Hewlett Packard and Oz
Fraidy Cat — the ship between Oz and Valerie Oberlin/Shopkeeper
MirOz — the ship between Miranda Vanderbilt and Oz
OzLiam — the ship between Oz and Liam de Lioncourt
Ozmian — the ship between Oz and Damian LaVey
Ozoe — the ship between Oz and Zoe
PollyOz — the ship between Polly Geist and Oz
Scoz — the ship between Scott Howl and Oz
VerOz — the ship between Vera Oberlin and Oz
Yellow Sea — the ship between Oz and Bellanda Vanderbilt


A Wight to Remember — the ship between Brian Yu, Joy Johnson-Johjima, Faith Fernandez and Hope Halko
Black Sabbath — the ship between Oz, Joy Johnson-Johjima, Faith Fernandez and Hope Halko
Cynophobia — the ship between Oz and the Wolfpack
Dead Jerky — the ship between Brian Yu and the Wolfpack
Hounds in Heat — the ship between the Wolfpack and Amira Rashid
Wicked Fire — the ship between Joy Johnson-Johjima, Faith Fernandez and Hope Halko and Amira Rashid
Witch Hunt — the ship between Vicky Schmidt, Joy Johnson-Johjima, Faith Fernandez and Hope Halko


Black Night — the ship between Oz and Kale Romero
Burning Sage — the ship between Amira Rashid and Kale Romero
Going Green — the ship between Vicky Schmidt and Kale Romero
Hemlocked — the ship between Brian Yu and Kale Romero



2MUTO — the ship between Hokmuto and Femuto
Mothzilla — the ship between Mothra and Godzilla


Kongzilla — the ship between Kong and Godzilla
Rodzilla — the ship between Rodan and Godzilla


Lapzilla — the ship between Lapis Lazuli and Godzilla


Ghijira — the ship between King Ghidorah and Godzilla
Rodorah — the ship between Rodan and King Ghidorah

Monthly in the Garden with My Landlord[]


MiyaAsa — the ship between Miyako Kitano and Asako Suga
RuriHato — the ship between Ruri Samukawa and Hato Hatomori



Fumble — the ship between The Fuddler and Jumble
Fuzzler — the ship between The Fuzzy and The Muddler
Joxmym — the ship between The Joxter and The Mymble
Moominparents — the ship between Moominpappa and Moominmamma
Mymspector — the ship between The Inspector and Mymble’s Daughter
Sniffmaiden — the ship between Snorkamiden and Sniff
SniffMy — the ship between Little My and Sniff
Snorkmin — the ship between Snorkmaiden and Moomintroll
Snufmaiden — the ship between Snufkin and Snorkmaiden


Joxmin — the ship between The Joxter and Moominpappa
Juddler — the ship between The Muddler and The Joxter
Sniffkin — the ship between Snufkin and Sniff
Sniffmin — the ship between Sniff and Snufkin
Snufmin — the ship between Snufkin and Moomintroll


Fillymamma — the ship between Mrs. Fillyjonk and Moominmamma
Fuzzmamma — the ship between Moominmamma and The Fuzzy
Mymblemamma — the ship between The Mymble and Moominmamma
Mymmaiden — the ship between Snorkmaiden and Mymble’s Daughter
MymTick — the ship between Too-Ticky and Mymble’s Daughter
Snorkmyden — the ship between Snorkmaiden and Little My
Too-Ninny — the ship between Too-Ticky and Ninny


Courting Trio — the ship between The Inspector, Mymble’s Daughter and Too-Ticky
Joxfuzzler — the ship between The Joxter, The Fuzzy and The Muddler
Memoir Trio — the ship between Moominpappa, The Muddler and The Joxter
Mom Trio — the ship between The Mymble, Moominmamma and The Fuzzy
Springtime Trio — the ship between Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden and Snufkin

Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur[]


Luardo — the ship between Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl and Eduardo


Lucasey — the ship between Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl and Casey Calderón


Casey & Devil — the ship between Casey Calderón and Devil Dinosaur
Lunella & Devil — the ship between Lunella Lafayette/Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo[]


BaekAhSoo — the ship between Wang Baek Ah and Hae Soo
Baek Ah x Woo Hee — the ship between Wang Baek Ah and Woo Hee
EunDeok — the ship between Wang Eun and Soon Deok
EunSoo — the ship between Wang Eun and Hae Soo
JungSoo — the ship between Wang Jung and Hae Soo
SoSoo — the ship between Wang So and Hae Soo
YoSoo — the ship between Wang Yo and Hae Soo
WookSoo — the ship between Wang Wook and Hae Soo
Wook x Myung Hee — the ship between Wang Wook and Myung Hee

Moriarty the Patriot[]


Moranpenny — the ship between Sebastian Moran and Miss Moneypenny


Alcroft — the ship between Mycroft Holmes and Albert James Moriarty
Bondliam — the ship between James Bonde and William James Moriarty
Bondlock — the ship between Sherlock Holmes and James Bonde
Bondmoran — the ship between James Bonde and Sebastian Moran
Johnlock — the ship between John Watson and Sherlock Holmes
Sherliam — the ship between Sherlock Holmes and William James Moriarty


Moriarty Brothers — the ship between Albert James Moriarty, William James Moriarty, and Louis James Moriarty



Jesse x Rosalie — the ship between Rosalie and Jesse Brown


JesseLaw — the ship between Jesse Brown and Law Chester

The Mortuary Assistant[]


Raybecca — the ship between Raymond Delver and Rebecca Owens

Motherland: Fort Salem[]


Adigail — the ship between Adil and Abigail Bellweather
Cravenwood — the ship between Tally Craven and Gerit Buttonwood


Bellcollar — the ship between Abigail Bellweather and Raelle Collar
Glorally — the ship between Glory Moffett and Tally Craven
Libbigail — the ship between Libba Swythe and Abigail Bellweather
Nictally — the ship between Nicte Batan and Tally Craven
Quarterhorn — the ship between Anacostia Quartermain and Scylla Ramshorn
Ramsweather — the ship between Scylla Ramshorn and Abigail Bellweather
Raylla — the ship between Raelle Collar and Scylla Ramshorn
Talder — the ship between Tally Craven and General Sarah Alder
Talligail — the ship between Tally Craven and Abigail Bellweather
Tallyrae — the ship between Tally Craven and Raelle Collar


Bellramscollar — the ship between Abigail Bellweather, Scylla Ramshorn and Raelle Collar

Mouse Guard[]


Celanawe x Bronwyn — the ship between Celanawe and Bronwyn
Saxon x Gwendolyn — the ship between Saxon and Gwendolyn

Mr. Bean[]


IrmaBean — the ship between Irma Gobb and Mr. Bean


TeddyBean — the ship between Mr. Bean and Teddy

Mr. Birchum[]


DeenDick — the ship between Deena Gage and Richard Birchum]]
DeenDon — the ship between Don Gage and Deena Gage
Wendick — the ship between Richard and Wendi Birchum
Wendon — the ship between Wendi Birchum and Don Gage


Birchly — the ship between Richard Birchum and Burly Man
Karbirchum — the ship between Elliot Karponzi and Richard Birchum
Nirchum — the ship between Norm and Richard Birchum


Wendeena — the ship between Wendi Birchum and Deena Gage

The Mr. Men and Little Miss Show[]


Bossburn — the ship between Miss Bossy and Mr. Stubborn
Bumpdevil — the ship between Mr. Bump and Miss Daredevil
Bumplamity — the ship between Mr. Bump and Miss Calamity
CuriNose — the ship between Miss Curious and Mr. Nosey
CuriTall — the ship between Miss Curious and Mr. Tall
Founce — the ship between Mr. Bounce and Miss Fun
Fungles — the ship between Mr. Funny and Miss Giggles
Happy Sun — the ship between Mr. Happy and Miss Sunshine
Hazy — the ship between Miss Helpful and Mr. Lazy
Hump — the ship between Miss Helpful and Mr. Bump
MagiMess — the ship between Miss Magic and Mr. Messy
MessNaught — the ship between Mr. Messy and Miss Naughty
Noisy Chatter — the ship between Mr. Noisy and Miss Chatterbox
Persnaughty — the ship between Mr. Persnickety and Miss Naughty
Ruberbox — the ship between Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Rude
Scarvous — the ship between Miss Scary and Mr. Nervous
ScatterChatter — the ship between Miss Chatterbox and Mr. Scatterbrain
Scarong — the ship between Miss Scary and Mr. Strong
Scounce — the ship between Miss Scary and Mr. Bounce
Strox — the ship between Mr. Strong and Miss Chatterbox
Ticklamity — the ship between Mr. Tickle and Miss Calamity
Tiggles — the ship between Mr. Tickle and Miss Giggles
Whump — the ship between Miss Whoops and Mr. Bump


Brain Fart — the ship between Mr. Scatterbrain and Mr. Rude
Grappy — the ship between Mr. Happy and Mr. Grumpy
Grickle — the ship between Mr. Grumpy and Mr. Tickle
Messnickety — the ship between Mr. Messy and Mr. Persnickety
Mr. Mid-Sized — the ship between Mr. Tall and Mr. Small
Quoisy — the ship between Mr. Noisy and Mr. Quiet
Smosy — the ship between Mr. Nosy and Mr. Small


Calamerbox — the ship between Miss Clamity and Miss Chatterbox
ChatterDevil — the ship between Miss Chatterbox and Miss Daredevil
Gigglebox — the ship between Miss Giggles and Miss Chatterbox
Naughtamity — the ship between Miss Calamity and Miss Naughty
Naughty Devil — the ship between Miss Naughty and Miss Daredevil
Scaughty — the ship between Miss Scary and Miss Naughty
Whoopful — the ship between Miss Whoops and Miss Helpful

Mr. Peabody and Sherman[]


Agamina — the ship between Agamemnon and Edwina Grunion
Peanna — the ship between Mr. Peabody and Anna
Sheriley — the ship between Sherman Peabody and Riley Andersen
Shermenny — the ship between Sherman Peabody and Penny Peterson
Sweetersons — the ship between Paul Peterson and Patty Peterson


Sherilbur — the ship between Sherman Peabody and Wilbur Robinson
Smarty Pants — the ship between Lewis Robinson and Sherman Peabody


Peababa — the ship between Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Peterson Family — the ship between Paul Peterson, Patty Peterson and Penny Peterson


Leweabody — the ship between Lewis Robinson and Mr. Peabody

Mr. Robot[]


Angelliot — the ship between Angela Moss and Elliot Alderson
Elliot x Olivia — the ship between Elliot Alderson and Olivia Cortez
Elliot x Shayla — the ship between Elliot Alderson and Shayla Nico
Darlene x Cisco — the ship between Darlene Alderson and Francis "Cisco" Shaw
Tyrell x Joanna — the ship between Tyrell Wellick and Joanna Wellick
Whiterose x Irving — the ship between Zhi "Whiterose" Zhang and Irving


Elleon — the ship between Elliot Alderson and Leon
Elliot x Fernando — the ship between Elliot Alderson and Vera
Tyrelliot — the ship between Elliot Alderson and Tyrell Wellick
Tyrell x Irving — the ship between Tyrell Wellick and Irving
Tyrobot — the ship between Mr. Robot and Tyrell Wellick


Angela x Shayla — the ship between Angela Moss and Shayla Nico
Angelene — the ship between Angela Moss and Darlene Alderson
Darlene x Trenton — the ship between Darlene Alderson and Trenton
Domlene — the ship between Darlene Alderson and Dominique DiPierro


Tyrangelliot — the ship between Tyrell Wellick, Angela Moss and Elliot Alderson


Alderson Siblings — the ship between Elliot Alderson and Darlene Alderson

Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH[]


Jonasby — the ship between Jonathan Frisby/ Brisby and Mrs. Frisby / Brisby
Jusabel — the ship between Justin and Isabella
Jussby — the ship between Justin and Mrs. Frisby/ Mrs. Brisby
Justrice — the ship between Justin and Beatrice
MarBreta — the ship between Martin Frisby/ Brisby and Breta
Marenny — the ship between Martin Frisby/ Brisby and Jenny McBride
Racsabel — the ship between Racso and Isabella
Timmenny — the ship between Timmy Frisby/ Brisby and Jenny McBride


Mice of NIMH — the ship between Jonathan Frisby/ Brisby and Mr. Ages
Mouse and Crow — the ship between Jeremy the Crow and Mrs. Frisby / Brisby


Jenner and Son — the ship between Racso and Jenner

Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood[]


AkariHina — the ship between Akari Amano and Hinata Natsuki
EriHina — the ship between Ellie and Hinata Natsuki
EriKari — the ship between Ellie and Akari Amano
Hinakuya — the ship between Hinata Natsuki and Sakuya Kurai
HomuEri — the ship between Homura Akatsuki and Ellie
Homurakari — the ship between Homura Akatsuki and Akari Amano
MizuEri — the ship between Mizuki Ariake and Ellie
MizuSofi — the ship between Mizuki Ariake and Sophie Twilight
SakuEri — the ship between Sakuya Kurai and Ellie
Sakuyaka — the ship between Sakuya Kurai and Akari Amano
SakuYuu — the ship between Sakuya Kurai and Yuu Aoki
SofiAka — the ship between Sophie Twilight and Akari Amano
SofiEri — the ship between Sophie Twilight and Ellie
SofiHina — the ship between Sophie Twilight and Hinata Natsuki
SofiHomu — the ship between Sophie Twilight and Homura Akatsuki
YuuEri — the ship between Yuu Aoki and Ellie
YuuHina — the ship between Yuu Aoki and Hinata Natsuki


AkariHinaSakuYuu — the ship between Akari Amano, Hinata Natsuki, Sakuya Kurai, and Yuu Aoki
HinaSakuYuu — the ship between Hinata Natsuki, Sakuya Kurai, and Yuu Aoki
SofiAkariHina — the ship between Sophie Twilight, Akari Amano, and Hinata Natsuki
SofiEriAka — the ship between Sophie Twilight, Ellie, and Akari Amano


MikanHina — the ship between Hinata Natsuki and Mikan


Amano Family — the ship between Akari Amano and her unnamed parents


AkariDolls — the ship between Akari Amano and dolls
Sophie on Amason — the ship between Sophie Twilight and Amason

Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation[]


Muhyoji — the ship between Toru Muhyo and Jiro "Roji" Kusano

Mundo Torajo[]


Torulmi — the ship between Torajo and Zulmi


Moralinn — the ship between Morajo and Linn
Morazedo — the ship between Morajo and Azedo


Toramora — the ship between Torajo and Morajo


Pão com Limonada — the ship between Linn and a Bread with Lettuce

The Mummy[]


Evy x Rick — the ship between Evelyn Carnahan and Rick O'Connel


Jardeth — the ship between Ardeth Bay and Jonathan Carnahan


Battle Throuple — the ship between Ardeth Bay, Evelyn Carnahan and Rick O'Connel

The Muppets[]


JanPepper — the ship between Janice and Floyd
Kermiggy — the ship between Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy


Bert x Ernie — the ship between Bert and Ernie
BunsenBeaker — the ship between Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker
Kermozzie — the ship between Kermit and Fozzie
Wooter — the ship between Walter and Scooter



GinYuu — the ship between Ginko and Tanyuu Karibusa


AdaGin — the ship between Adashino and Ginko



Raum x Avaline — the ship between Raum and Avaline Severin
Kalen x Abrielle — the ship between Kalen and Abrielle Severin


Tri-Rose — the ship between Camille Severin, Nyra Dupre and Dendrobium



Takemika — the ship between Takeru Shirogane and Sumika Kagami

My Babysitter's a Vampire[]


Berica — the ship between Benny Weir and Erica Jones
Etharah — the ship between Sarah Fox and Ethan Morgan
Rerica — the ship between Rory Keaner and Erica Jones


Bennory — the ship between Benny Weir and Rory Keaner
Bethan — the ship between Benny Weir and Ethan Morgan
Ethan x Rory — the ship between Ethan Morgan and Rory Keaner
Jesse x Ethan — the ship between Jesse Black and Ethan Morgan
Jesse x Rory — the ship between Jesse Black and Rory Keaner


Serica — the ship between Sarah Fox and Erica Jones


Rory x Benny x Ethan — the ship between Rory Keaner, Benny Weir and Ethan Morgan
Sarah x Benny x Ethan — the ship between Sarah Fox, Benny Weir and Ethan Morgan

My Best Friend Is In Love With My Vtuber[]


Teruko x Sukoya — the ship between Hariyama Teruko and Oshiga Sukoya

My Deer Friend Nokotan[]


YutaYuri — the ship between Yūta Matsumoto and Yurika Endō


Bashanko — the ship between Meme Bashame and Anko Koshi
Chihanko — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya and Anko Koshi
ChihaMeme — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya and Meme Bashame
ChihaNeko — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya and Neko Nekoyamada
ChihaNoko — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya and Noko Shikanoko
ChihaKinu — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya and Kinu Tanukikōji
KinuAnko — the ship between Kinu Tanukikōji and Anko Koshi
KinuMeme — the ship between Kinu Tanukikōji and Meme Bashame
KinuNeko — the ship between Kinu Tanukikōji and Neko Nekoyamada
KinuNoko — the ship between Kinu Tanukikōji and Noko Shikanoko
NekoAnko — the ship between Neko Nekoyamada and Anko Koshi
NekoMeme — the ship between Neko Nekoyamada and Meme Bashame
NokoAnko — the ship between Noko Shikanoko and Anko Koshi
NokoMeme — the ship between Noko Shikanoko and Meme Bashame
NokoNeko — the ship between Noko Shikanoko and Neko Nekoyamada
Rika x Gyaru — the ship between Rika Toyama and unnamed gyaru
ToraChiha — the ship between Torako Koshi and Chiharu Tsubameya
ToraKinu — the ship between Torako Koshi and Kinu Tanukikōji
ToraMeme — the ship between Torako Koshi and Meme Bashame
ToraNeko — the ship between Torako Koshi and Neko Nekoyamada
ToraNoko — the ship between Torako Koshi and Noko Shikanoko


ChihaKinuNeko — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya, Kinu Tanukikōji, and Nekoyamada


Koshi Sisters — the ship between Torako Koshi and Anko Koshi
Tsubameya Siblings — the ship between Chiharu Tsubameya and Yoshiharu Tsubameya


Deer Club — the ship between Noko Shikanoko, Torako Koshi, Anko Koshi, and Meme Bashame
ToraUkai — the ship between Torako Koshi and Ms. Ukai
ToraUkaiNoko — the ship between Torako Koshi, Ms. Ukai, and Noko Shikanoko
UkaiNoko — the ship between Ms. Ukai and Noko Shikanoko


BashaMai — the ship between Meme Bashame and rice
NokoSenbei — the ship between Noko Shikanoko and deer crackers

My Dress-Up Darling[]


Amakira — the ship between Chitose Amano and Akira Ogata
AkiShiki — the ship between Akira Ogata and Shiki Kashiwagi
WakaMarin — the ship between Wakana Gojo and Marin Kitagawa
WakaSaju — the ship between Wakana Gojo and Sajuna Inui


ShikiKen — the ship between Shiki Kashiwagi and Kensei Morita
WakAmano — the ship between Wakana Gojo and Chitose Amano


AkiMarin — the ship between Akira Ogata and Marin Kitagawa
KitaNowa — the ship between Marin Kitagawa and Nowa Sugaya
MiyaSuzu — the ship between Miyako and Suzuka
SajuMarin — the ship between Sajuna Inui and Marin Kitagawa


WakaJuShinMarin — the ship between Wakana Gojo, Sajuna Inui, Shinji Inui, and Marin Kitagawa


Wakana's Boy Gang — the ship between Wakana Gojo, Kensei Morita, Shiki Kashiwagi, Murakami, and Takeru Koga
WacNon — the ship between Wakana Gojo and Nobara


Inui Sisters — the ship between Sajuna Inui and Shinji Inui

My Happy Marriage[]


Hazuki x Masashi — the ship between Hazuki Kudou and Masashi Ookaito
Kaya x Kouji — the ship between Kaya Saimori and Kouji Tatsuishi
Miyoka — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Kiyoka Kudo
Miyouji — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Kouji Tatsuishi
Shinichi x Kanoko — the ship between Shinichi Saimori and Kanoko Saimori
Suminichi — the ship between Sumi Usuba and Shinichi Saimori


Kiyoka x Kazushi — the ship between Kiyoka Kudo and Kazushi Tatsuishi
Kiyoka x Kouji — the ship between Kiyoka Kudo and Kouji Tatsuishi
Kiyoka x Masashi — the ship between Kiyoka Kudo and Masashi Ookaito
Kiyoka x Takaihito — the ship between Kiyoka Kudo and Takaihito
Kiyoka x Yoshito — the ship between Kiyoka Kudo and Yoshito Godou
Shinichi x Minoru — the ship between Shinichi Saimori and Minoru Tatsuishi


Miyo x Hazuki — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Hazuki Kudou


Emperor & Takaihito — the ship between the Emperor and Takaihito
Hazuki & Asahi — the ship between Hazuki Kudou and Asahi Ookaito
Kanoko & Kaya — the ship between Kanoko Saimori and Kaya Saimori
Kanoko & Miyo — the ship between Kanoko Saimori and Miyo Saimori
Kudo Family — the ship between Tadakiyo Kudou, Fuyu Kudou, Hazuki Kudou and Kiyoka Kudo
Kudo Siblings — the ship between Hazuki Kudou and Kiyoka Kudo
Minoru & Kouji — the ship between Minoru Tatsuishi and Kouji Tatsuishi
Saimori Family — the ship between Shinichi Saimori, Kanoko Saimori, Miyo Saimori and Kaya Saimori
Saimori Sisters — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Kaya Saimori
Shinichi & Kaya — the ship between Shinichi Saimori and Kaya Saimori
Shinichi & Miyo — the ship between Shinichi Saimori and Miyo Saimori
Sumi & Miyo — the ship between Sumi Usuba and Miyo Saimori
Tatsuishi Brothers — the ship between Kazushi Tatsuishi and Kouji Tatsuishi
Tatsuishi Family — the ship between Minoru Tatsuishi, Kazushi Tatsuishi and Kouji Tatsuishi
Usuba Cousins — the ship between Arata Usuba and Miyo Saimori
Usuba Family — the ship between Yoshirou Usuba, Sumi Usuba, Arata Usuba and Naoshi Usui


Hazurie — the ship between Hazuki Kudou and Yurie
Kiyoka & Yurie — the ship between Kiyoka Kudo and Yurie
Miyo & Asahi — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Asahi Ookaito
Miyo & Hana — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Hana
Miyo & Yurie — the ship between Miyo Saimori and Yurie

My Gym Partner's a Monkey[]


Adgrid — the ship between Adam Lyon and Ingrid Giraffe
Cherry — the ship between Kerry Anderson and Chad Killingsworth
Gillnesto — the ship between Tiffany Gills and Ernesto Cheetah
Horntusk — the ship between Cyrus Hornbill and Eugenia Tusk
Kerdam — the ship between Adam Lyon and Kerry Anderson
Koalyon — the ship between Adam Lyon and Deidre Koala
Lulando — the ship between Lupe Toucan and Orlando Parrot
Lupake — the ship between Jake Spidermonkey and Lupe Toucan
Mardrill — the ship between Margie Gorilla and Maurice Mandrill
NatBull — the ship between Bull Sharkowski and Natalie Dolphin
Pixiehog — the ship between Poncherello Pixiefrog and Geraldine Warthog
Possumlyon — the ship between Adam Lyon and Possum Girl
Spidercinth — the ship between Jake Spidermonkey and Hyacinth Monkey
Vulcan — the ship between Corey Vulture and Lupe Toucan
Windeb — the ship between Windsor Gorilla and Deb Ape
Windscilla — the ship between Windsor Gorilla and Priscilla Gorilla


Benry — the ship between Bull Sharkowski and Henry Armadillo
Bullyon — the ship between Adam Lyon and Bull Sharkowski
Slipsor — the ship between Slips Python and Windsor Gorilla
Spiderlyon — the ship between Adam Lyon and Jake Spidermonkey


Lugrid — the ship between Ingrid Giraffe and Lupe Toucan

My Impossible Soulmate[]


Fumiken — the ship between Fumiko Tanikawa and Kenta Maeda
Keeity — the ship between Keegan and Verity
Keelial — the ship between Belial and Keegan
Thelial — the ship between Theo Ainsworth and Belial


Eijeo — the ship between Eiji and Theo Ainsworth
Theogan — the ship between Theo Ainsworth and Keegan


Chiamiko — the ship between Chiaki Koizumi and Fumiko Tanikawa
Chigisa — the ship between Chiaki Koizumi and Nagisa
Marity — the ship between Margot and Verity


Meiji — the ship between Micah and Theo Ainsworth


KeMarity — the ship between Keegan, Margot and Verity


Chiead — the ship between Chiaki Koizumi and bread
Keegan x Bathrooms — the ship between Keegan and bathrooms

My Lady Jane[]


Janeford — the ship between Jane Grey and Guildford Dudley

My Life as a Teenage Robot[]


JenBrad — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Brad Carbuckle
Jennake — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Jake Long
JenShel — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Sheldon Lee
Robot Techie — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Tucker Foley
Sonenny — the ship between Sonic the Hedgehog and Jenny Wakeman
SpookyMetal — the ship between Danny Fenton and Jenny Wakeman


BradShel — the ship between Brad Carbuckle and Sheldon Lee


JenBrit — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Brit Crust
JennyVega — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Vega


Carbuckle Brothers — the ship between Brad Carbuckle and Tuck Carbuckle
Crust Cousins — the ship between Brit Crust and Tiff Crust
Wakeman Family — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Nora Wakeman
XJ Sisters — the ship between Jenny Wakeman, XJ-1, XJ-2, XJ-3, XJ-4, XJ-5, XJ-6. XJ-7 and XJ-8


JenTuck — the ship between Jenny Wakeman and Tuck Carbuckle

My Mom's a Superstar[]


Qi x Pei — the ship between Ren Qi and Pei Yingying


Youji x Ren Wei — the ship between Youji and Ren Wei
Youji x Chen — the ship between Youji and Chen Qingyan

My Next Life as a Villainess[]


GeoCata — the ship between Geordo Stuart and Katarina Claes


Katarina x Sophia — the ship between Katarina Claes and Sophia Ascart
MariKata — the ship between Maria Campbell and Katarina Claes


Katarina x Sweets — the ship between Katarina Claes and sweets

My Own Private Idaho[]


Scott Favor x Mike Waters — the ship between Scott Favor and Mike Waters

My Student Spirit[]


AntonOle — the ship between Anthony Stellar and Elijah Douchnov
DimaOle — the ship between Dmitry Bratsky and Elijah Douchnov

Mystery Runners[]


Berica — the ship between Bennie Duran and Erica Roberts
Chala — the ship between Chico Hilden and Nala Scrone
Lenny — the ship between Jenny Bull and Lero Shistels
Nimmy — the ship between Nala Scrone and Timmy Bell
Terica — the ship between Timmy Bell ad Erica Roberts


Blaj — the ship between Blake Wardell and Raj Correa
Tala — the ship between Timmy Bell and Nala Scrone