Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11Screenshots: 7474Still: 11
Femslash ships: 33Het ships: 66Poly ship: 11

Fanny is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Fanny is a female contestant that competed in Battle for BFDI and is currently competing in The Power of Two. She was one of the 30 recommended characters who could have joined Battle for Dream Island, and also had a chance to join Battle for Dream Island Again, but failed both times.



Cakeanny — the ship between Fanny and Cake
Fanclock — the ship between Fanny and Clock
Fanfries — the ship between Fanny and Fries
Fanhole — the ship between Fanny and Black Hole
Fanmarker — the ship between Fanny and Marker
Lightfan — the ship between Fanny and Lightning
Fanpen — the ship between Fanny and Pen
FanTree — the ship between Fanny and Tree
Snowfan — the ship between Fanny and Snowball
Stapanny — the ship between Fanny and Stapy
Yellowfan — the ship between Fanny and Yellow Face


Fanbell — the ship between Fanny and Bell
Fancube — the ship between Fanny and Ice Cube
Fanfoldy — the ship between Fanny and Foldy
Faniy — the ship between Fanny and Liy
Fanleaf — the ship between Fanny and Leafy
Fanlety — the ship between Fanny and Bracelety
Fanlow — the ship between Fanny and Pillow
Fanmote — the ship between Fanny and Remote
Fanpie — the ship between Fanny and Pie
Fanpin — the ship between Fanny and Pin
Fantle — the ship between Fanny and Bottle
Flowny — the ship between Fanny and Flower
Fubble — the ship between Fanny and Bubble
Gatefan — the ship between Fanny and Gaty
Puffan — the ship between Fanny and Puffball


Fanwinner — the ship between Fanny and Winner
Twofan — the ship between Fanny and Two


Fankerning — the ship between Fanny, Marker and Lightning
Fanlowpop — the ship between Fanny, Pillow and Lollipop
FanPiemote — the ship between Fanny, Pieand Remote
FanTrarker — the ship between Fanny, Marker and Tree
Fubblepop — the ship between Fanny, Bubble and Lollipop
Fubning — the ship between Fanny, Bubble and Lightning
Poly Pact — the ship between Fanny, Black Hole, Lightning, Marker and Tree
Snowlightfan — the ship between Fanny, Snowball and Lightning


This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.


Main article: Fubble


Fanny stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
37 Fubble Bubble femslash
5 Fanny & Lightning & Marker LightningMarker gen
5 Bubble & Fanny Bubble gen
4 Snowfan Snowball het
2 Lightfan Lightning het
2 Fanmarker Marker het
1 Fanleaf Leafy femslash
1 Snowlightfan LightningSnowball poly
1 Evil Leafy & Fanny & Nine Evil LeafyNine gen
1 Fanny & Remote Remote gen

