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Fantube is the het ship between Fan and Test Tube from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


Test Tube and Fan are both contestants in Seasons 2 and 3. They barely interacted with each-other until "Let 'Er R.I.P.", when they found out they have a-lot in common. After that challenge, they interacted in a-lot more scenes.

Let 'Er R.I.P.

Test Tube tells Fan about the waning crescent, and Fan expresses how commodious it's, but small at an angle, and how it relates to him like the show. The two sit down as Fan confesses that he was superabundantly awkward, and Test Tube relates to him. When MePhone5S and Mephone5c were targeting Fan and Test Tube, Fan tricks them into jumping off the 60 Foot Cliff and promptly causing their death.

Everything's A-OJ

Fan starts writing a blog post on Lightbulb's shattering and asks Test Tube inquiries how long it will take for her to shatter again. During the song, Test Tube researched Fan's Egg as Fan writes on his computer. Later on, when Paintbrush accidentally drops Fan's egg, Test Tube comes to its rescue, to Fan's sweet relief, saying he is extremely grateful.

Theft and Battery

Test Tube fails to cure MePhone using Fan's rice method, and she gets mad and yells at him, saying that he told her the strategy worked. Both are ecstatic about going to MeCloud. When Steve Cobs tries to take Fan's egg away, Test Tube is the first to step in. They don't interact much until their balloon falls to the ground (courtesy of Toilet), and they both hold each other close when falling. Once they're about to die, they grasp their hands.

Mazed and Confused

Fan asks Test Tube to hold his egg for him while he does the maze with Lightbulb, making sure Lightbulb does not break it. During the maze contest, Test Tube is here trying her best to protect the egg while she's burning. Fan asks if she's okay after the challenge. At the end of the episode where Spoiled Lemon is playing, Fan is holding a burned Test Tube while watching the band.

Kick the Bucket (Part 2)

Fan was trying to help Test Tube to throw the ball. She was thrown by Lightbulb into the lake. She did not understand what Fan meant. However, she successfully threw the ball, and the Bright Lights won.

Alternate Reality Show

Fan was desperately concerned when he found out Test Tube was missing. Later in the episode, Fan and Test Tube were sitting on top of the vending machine blathering about Test Tube's time-traveling adventure. Fan is upset they can't use it again because it could help create thematic parallels.

Hatching the Plan

Test Tube is the acknowledged contestant that's affected by Fan's abduction the most. Test Tube later apologizes for getting upset at him in Mine Your Own Business and hoping things will be different.

The Shame of the Name

Test Tube tries to talk Fan out of confronting Cabby. So he does not get eliminated. Test Tube is the only contestant on The Pinkers to persuade them into not voting for Fan at the elimination. When Fan was getting eliminated, she made a promise that she would tell Bot the truth when the time was right.


  • When all the new contestants fall out of the plane in "Breaking The Ice," Test Tube can be seen sitting on Fan.
  • They hold hands & spin together in the season three intro.
  • When Test Tube saves Baby Shimmer in "Everything's A-OJ," Fan tells her how grateful he is for her.
  • When the Bright Lights are falling in "Theft & Battery," The two are shown hugging each other. Later, Test Tube is holding on to Fan's arm as he tries to pull them back on the air balloon.
  • When the two & Bot, along with the other eliminated contestants except for Candle & Clover, are trapped in a cage in "The Jury of Your Fears," the two looks at each other a couple of times, scared.
  • In "You Can't Do This Forever," One of Candle's pictures are both of them wrapping their arms around Bot, smiling.
  • When Test Tube is deleted in "Through No Choice of Your Own," Fan is in distraught.
    • Fan looks at his wallpaper of him & Test Tube on his phone, he rubs his thumb on her.
    • Once Fan sees MephoneX, he smiles & says "See you Test Tube." before he is deleted.
  • In "Objects in Mirror," when Fan finds out they can summon the other contestants to the Epicenter using MeLife, he immediately summons Test Tube. When she appears, Fan runs toward her and they happily hug.
    • When they are running to the finish line together, Microphone gives them extra help by turning up her volume and screaming, sending Fan flying while Test Tube holds onto him leading them to the finish.
    • They do a duet to "The Future Is So Yesterday."
    • They are seen wrapping their arms around each other a few times.


FanTube is the one of the most popular ships in the Inanimate Insanity fandom. This ship has a big fanbase with millions of fan art. It's the most popular ship for both Test Tube and Fan. It became popular ever since Let 'Er R.I.P. What really sparked the ship was the two's "nerdy" personalities; Test Tube being the science fanatic, while Fan has a lot of knowledge on a lot of topics (specifically Inanimate Insanity) and always seeking to know more. They both raised Baby Shimmer in the second season and are currently the caretakers of Bot and N/A. Despite it being very popular, Fantube has the following rivals: Fanbulb, Testbulb, Fanbrush, Testbrush and Knifan.

On AO3, Fantube has 299+ works.


Fan/Test Tube tag on AO3
Fan & Test Tube tag on AO3
Fantube stories on Wattpad
Fantube tag on Tumblr


  • Each of the directors have liked Fantube fanart on Twitter.[citation needed]
    • Adam liked one of Fan hugging Test Tube with hearts around.[citation needed]
    • Brian liked one of the two kissing.[citation needed]
    • Justin liked one of the two holding hands.[citation needed]
  • After the release of 'Home Is Where the Heart Is,' someone thought Brian Koch added the Fantube colors in Bot's drawings, but the series creator and Test Tube's actor Adam Katz revealed that he added in the colors.[citation needed]
  • They have technically had two "children" together: Baby Shimmer (Egg) and Bot.
  • Brian Koch said that Bot refers to Fan and Test Tube as their parents at the BFDI X II Experience.[citation needed]
    • In "Spring On The Breakfast," Bot does refer to Fan and Test Tube as their parents in a scene.
  • When a fan asked if Fan, Test Tube, and Bot were a family, both Adam and Brian confirmed yes.
  • Fan and Test Tube both share the same pose on the thumbnails of their Exit interviews, and, share each others color on their background in the Invitational intro.
  • They're both on the BFDI X II Tour video thumbnail. Test Tube is on the II's version while Fan is on the BFDI's one.
  • In the 2024 livestream, Brian & Adam did a proposal as Fan and Test Tube. Fan asked if he could continue being with her, have and raise kids, which she answered yes.[citation needed]
  • A fan asked on a scale of 1-10, how would Adam and Brian rate Fantube, to which they both answered 11.[citation needed]
  • As Test Tube, Adam is trying to think of a favorite color for her besides green, which Brian suggests red.[citation needed]
  • During the LA meetup, when asked what out of any ship would be canon, Brian answered Fantube.[citation needed]
  • A fan posted a tweet to Brian asking him if Test Tube was his girl, with Brian responding "That's FAN'S girl."
  • At the II season 2 movie screening, both Adam & Brian does a proposal as the two.




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Inanimate Insanity ShipsInanimate Insanity Characters
SHIPS het BasebulbBasecaseCobscaseFanbulbFancaseFantubeGuavfruitKnifebulbKnifecaseLifekettleMarshatinMarshknifeMicroknifeNickboxNickcaseNicloverPepperloonPhonebulbSaltjaySilvercandleSuitloonTackleTacopadYindle
slash BallojBaseknifeBickelBombJayCheesebombCheeseloonFanphoneFloorphoneGlitchy KnifeGooberryKnifephone4SKnickleKnifanMephojNickloonPapercutPayJaySilverberryToipadTrifeTropheesy
femslash ApplebowBoxcaseCabtubeCandlegolfClovertubeLightcaseLuckyfilesMarshbowMarshpleMicbulbSaltpepSoapMicTacocaseTacomicTestbulb
non-binary CabbotCandlebrushFanbrushGoobotKnifeBrushLightbrushMarshbrushPaintJayPaintyangSilverbrushTestbrushTwophone
family MeeplingsShimmer FamilyTestbot
poly FantubebulbMarshapplebowPaySaltJayPoly Bright LightsTestbulbrush
friend Rockbulb
CHARACTERS male BalloonFanKnifeMePhone4OJ
female LightbulbMarshmallowSuitcase Test Tube
neutral Paintbrush