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Farawyn is the het ship between Faramir and Éowyn from the Middle Earth fandom.



Faramir and Éowyn first meet while both are in the Houses of Healing in Minas Tirith. Both were left gravely ill during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields and encounters with Nazgûl. Éowyn, however, wished to depart the Houses and accompany the Host of the West to the Black Gate. The warden of the Houses, at her request, brought her before Faramir.

Faramir felt great pity for Éowyn at their first encounter, seeing her injuries and sensing her sorrow. Éowyn, for her part, was impressed by Faramir’s manner and sensed that he was a man of skill. Éowyn sought Faramir’s leave to depart the city, but he urged her to remain and continue her healing. When Éowyn lamented the restrictions based on her, and that the window of her room did not face east, Faramir took action. He asked Éowyn to remain in the Houses, but assured her that she would be free to walk in the gardens and look to the East.

When Faramir added that he would enjoy it if she would visit with him as he too walked in the gardens, Eowyn’s face colored and she questioned his meaning. After confirming that she wished him to be perfectly honest, Faramir confessed that he found her more beautiful than any flower or maiden he had ever seen in Gondor. Éowyn warned him that he would find little healing from her, but expressed gratitude for his ensuring that she need not be confined to her bed. She then departed, and Faramir found his attention turning to the Houses rather than to his own eastward vigil.

Faramir spoke to the warden about Éowyn, and on the warden’s advice also spoke to Merry Brandybuck, who had been Éowyn’s companion. From their talks, Faramir learned more about the Lady of Rohan, including some of the reasons for her sorrow. Faramir and Éowyn would spend many hours together in the gardens of the Houses, sometimes talking and sometimes companionably silent. When the weather cooled, Faramir sent for a mantle that had belonged to his late mother, Finduilas, which he felt suited Éowyn.

The two were looking eastwards on the day that Sauron fell. Faramir, contemplating the defeat that all feared, expressed his gratitude for the time he had been given with Éowyn and the wish not to be bereft of their newfound connection so soon. Éowyn replied wryly but kindly, apparently feeling that Faramir thought more of their bone than she did. However, at the ominous sight of Sauron’s downfall, both became fearful and unconsciously took one another by the hand. Faramir voiced the thought that the sight reminded him of the fall of Numenor.

Éowyn, wondering whether Faramir foresaw “darkness inescapable” drew near to him. Faramir was quick to comfort her, and note that despite the ominous vision they had beheld he felt suddenly joyful. Adding that he felt that no darkness would last, he kissed Éowyn’s brow. Soon, they and the other inhabitants of Minas Tirith received the joyous word of victory. Afterwards, they found less time to spend together, for Faramir was called upon to take up his duties as Steward of Gondor.

To Faramir’s puzzlement, Éowyn did not go to meet her brother, who had gone with the host, when he sent for her. Later, the warden reached out in concern, for Éowyn’s condition seemed to decline. Faramir went to her, and they stood at their former watching place as he asked why she had not left. When Éowyn questioned whether Faramir had any ideas, he voiced the opinion that there were two possibilities that occurred to him. At Éowyn’s pressing, Faramir proposed that Éowyn remained either because she had not been sent for by Aragorn, whom she admired, or because Faramir himself remained in the city and she wished to stay with him.

Faramir then boldly asked Éowyn if she did not, or would not, love him. Éowyn admitted to having wished for Aragorn’s love, and not wishing to be pitied. Faramir, having deduced how Éowyn came to be enamored of Aragorn only to be disappointed, confessed to having pitied her at first. However, he then firmly declared that he loved Éowyn, and would do so even were she now a queen as she had previously desired. Then he repeated his question as to whether Éowyn loved him.

Whether moved to a change or a realization by Faramir’s words, Éowyn responded with affirmation. Thankful, Faramir then expressed the desire to marry her and settle with her in Ithilien. Éowyn questioned this jokingly, noting that Faramir was quick to assume-if correctly-that she would be willing to leave her homeland behind. She then questioned whether Faramir cared how his people might react to his marrying a woman of Rohan. Faramir not only replied unconcernedly, but then kissed Éowyn-this time on the lips-in full view of many within the city.

Faramir informed the warden that all was now well with Éowyn, and the warden then committed her to Faramir’s care. Éowyn remained at the Houses of Healing, however, now loving them as the place where she had found love. Éowyn would return to Rohan with her brother to help him set their home in order, but promised Faramir that she would return. This she did, and Faramir rode back to Rohan with her in company with the body of her uncle, King Theoden. There, at the feast of Theoden’s funeral, they were betrothed, later marrying and settling in Ithilien.


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Faramir and Éowyn had at least one child together, a son whom they named Elboron. His name meant “enduring star”, apparently in acknowledgment of Faramir’s words at the fall of Sauron. They also had at least one grandchild, Barahir, through Elboron or an unknown sibling of his.


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Farawyn is a very popular ship in the Middle Earth fandom, a well-loved match between two beloved characters. It is not dealt with equally in all adaptations of The Lord of the Rings, some of which touch on it lightly or not at all.

There are 1300+ written works for the pairing on AO3, 200+ of which are rated Mature or Explicit.


Faramir/Éowyn tag on AO3


Middle Earth LOTR text
Middle Earth ShipsMiddle Earth Characters
SHIPS het ArawenCeledrielÉothírielFarawynSamRoseSaurondrielSheron
slash AngbangBagginshieldFrowiseGigolas
family Sons of Fundin