Shipping Wiki

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Male characters: 66

Fate is a Japanese media franchise created by Kinoko Nasu.


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Also includes characters from Fate/hollow ataraxia and adaptation-original characters

Shirou Emiya
Rin Tohsaka
Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Sakura Matou
Souichirou Kuzuki
Atrum Galliasta
Illyasviel von Einzbern
Kirei Kotomine
Zouken Matou
Caren Hortensia
Artoria Pendragon (Saber)
EMIYA (Archer)
Cu Chulainn (Lancer)
Medusa (Rider)
Medea (Caster)
Sasaki Kojiro (Assassin)
Heracles (Berserker)
Gilgamesh (Archer 2)
Hassan of the Cursed Arm (True Assassin)
Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
Other Humans
Ayako Mitsuzuri
Issei Ryuudou
Luviagelita Edelfelt
Shinji Matou
Taiga Fujimura

Also includes, Fate/EXTRA CCC, Fate/EXTRA CCC Foxtail, Fate/EXTRA Last Encore, and the Fate/EXTELLA games

Hakuno Kishinami
Rin Tohsaka
Shinji Matou
Dan Blackmore
Run Ru
Monji Gatou
Julius B. Harwey
Leonardo B. Harwey
Twice H. Pieceman
Jinako Carigiri
Kiara Sessyoin
Kazuhito Sakagami
Misao Amari
Hakuno's Servants
Nero Claudius (Saber)
Nameless (Archer)
Tamamo-no-Mae (Caster)
Gilgamesh (Classless)
Enemy Servants (EXTRA)
Francis Drake (Rider)
Robin Hood (Archer)
Nursery Rhyme (Caster)
Vlad III (Lancer)
Arcueid Brunestud (Berserker)
Li Shuwen (Assassin)
Cu Chulainn (Lancer)
Lu Bu (Berserker)
Gawain (Saber)
Shakyamuni (Saver)
Other Servants
Elizabeth Bathory (Lancer)
Karna (Lancer)
Hans Christian Andersen (Caster)
Suzuka Gozen (Saber)
Altera (Saber)
Archimedes (Caster)
Charlemagne (Saber)
Karl der Große (Ruler)
Kirei Kotomine
Sakura Matou
Taiga Fujimura
Issei Ryuudou
Chishiki Mabi
Ikuyo Yuutou
BB and the Sakura Five

Also includes Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver

First Tokyo Grail War
Manaka Sajyou
Elza Saijo
Nigel Saward
Shizuri Isemi‎
Master Reiroukan
Seiji Jinga
Tatsumi Kitano
Second Tokyo Grail War
Ayaka Sajyou
Misaya Reiroukan
Aro Isemi
Sancraid Phahn
Arthur Pendragon (Saber)
First Tokyo Grail War
Arash (Archer)
Brynhildr (Lancer)
Ozymandias (Rider)
Paracelsus von Hohenheim (Caster)
Hassan of Serenity (Assassin)
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (Berserker)
Second Tokyo Grail War
Gilgamesh (Archer)
Cu Chulainn (Lancer)
Perseus (Rider)
Heracles (Berserker)

Black Faction
Gordes Musik Yggdmillennia
Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia
Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia
Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia
Roche Frain Yggdmillennia
Reika Rikudou
Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia
Red Faction
Kairi Sisigou
Rottweil Berzinsky
Feend vor Sembren
Cabik Pentel
Jean Rum
Shirou Kotomine
Deimlet Pentel
Jeanne d'Arc (Ruler)
Black Faction
Siegfried (Saber)
Chiron (Archer)
Vlad III (Lancer)
Astolfo (Rider)
Avicebron (Caster)
Jack the Ripper (Assassin)
Frankenstein (Berserker)
Red Faction
Mordred (Saber)
Atalanta (Archer)
Karna (Lancer)
Achilles (Rider)
William Shakespeare (Caster)
Semiramis (Assassin)
Spartacus (Berserker)

False Holy Grail War
Tiné Chelc
Tsubaki Kuruoka
Orlando Reeve
Jester Karture
Flat Escardos
True Holy Grail War
Ayaka Sajyou
Bazdilot Cordelion
El-Melloi Classroom
Rin Tohsaka
Luviagelita Edelfelt
Caules Forvedge
Svin Glascheit
Francesca Prelati
Faldeus Dioland
Haruri Borzak
False Holy Grail War
Gilgamesh (Archer)
Enkidu (Lancer)
Pale Rider (Rider)
Alexandre Dumas (Caster)
No Name Assassin (Assassin)
Jack the Ripper (Berserker)
True Holy Grail War
Richard I (Saber)
Alcides (Archer/Avenger)
"Watcher" (Watcher)
Hippolyta (Rider)
François Prelati (Caster)
Hassan of the Fathomless Rift (Assassin)
Huwawa (Berserker)
Others Participants
Hansa Cervantes
Lord El-Melloi II
Thia Escardos



AchiAta — the ship between Achilles and Atalanta
AchiPenth — the ship between Achilles and Penthesilea
ArcheRin — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Rin Tohsaka
ArchSaber — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Artoria Pendragon
ArchSaku — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Sakura Matou
Archtar — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Ishtar
Arcstolfo — the ship between Jeanne d'Arc and Astolfo
ArthAya — the ship between Arthur Pendragon and Ayaka Sajyou
Arthaka — the ship between Arthur Pendragon and Manaka Sajyou
CasIssei — the ship between Medea and Issei Ryuudou
Cleosar — the ship between Cleopatra and Gaius Julius Caesar
CuBaz — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Cumedb — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Queen Medb
Cushtar — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Ishtar
Cuturia — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Artoria Pendragon
Diar-Ui — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Diarturia — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Artoria Pendragon
DoroIori — the ship between Dorothea Coyett and Miyamoto Iori
Galdred — the ship between Galahad and Mordred
GilRin — the ship between Gilgamesh and Rin Tohsaka
Giltar — the ship between Gilgamsh and Ishtar
Gilturia — the ship between Gilgamesh and Artoria Pendragon
Jasondea — the ship between Jason and Medea
Jealainn — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Jeanne d'Arc
LanceRin — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Rin Tohsaka
KadoAna — the ship between Kadoc Zemlupus and Anastasia Nikolaevna
Karjina — the ship between Karna and Jinako Carigiri
KariyAoi — the ship between Kariya Matou and Aoi Tohsaka
Kayn-Ui — the ship between Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald and Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
Kireidia — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Claudia Ortensia
KireIri — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Irisviel von Einzbern
KiriMaiya — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Maiya Hisau
KirIri — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Irisviel von Einzbern
KiriSaber — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Artoria Pendragon
KiriTaiga — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Taiga Fujimura
Kirschphelia — the ship between Kirschtaria Wodime and Ophelia Phamrsolone
KotoBaz — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Bazett Fraga McRemitz
Koyadolf — the ship between Koyanskaya and Goredolf Musik
Kriemfried — the ship between Siegfried and Kriemhild
KuzuCas — the ship between Souichiro Kuzuki and Medea
Mertoria — the ship between Merlin and Artoria Pendragon
MorHyde — the ship between Mordred and Edward Hyde
Morkyll — the ship between Mordred and Henry Jekyll
ObeCastoria — the ship between Oberon and Artoria Caster
OdyCirce — the ship between Odysseus and Circe
Prides of Golden & Red — the ship between Gilgamesh and Nero Claudius
RichAyaka — the ship between Richard the Lionheart and Ayaka Sajyou
RinIssei — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Issei Ryuudou
Rinji — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Shinji Matou
RomanVinci — the ship between Romani Archaman and Leonardo Da Vinci
RoSheba — the ship between Romani Archaman and the Queen of Sheba
Ryoryou — the ship between Ryouma Sakamoto and Oryou
SakuIssei — the ship between Sakura Matou and Issei Ryuudou
Semikusa — the ship between Amakusa Shirou Tokisada and Semiramis
Shervatsky — the ship between Sherlock Holmes and Helena Blavatsky
ShiCaren — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Caren Hortensia
ShiLuvia — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Luviagelita Edelfelt
ShinjiRider — the ship between Shinji Matou and Medusa
Shirako — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Ayako Mitsuzuri
ShiRider — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Medusa
ShiRin — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka
ShiSaber — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Artoria Pendragon
ShiSaku — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou
SiegJeanne — the ship between Sieg and Jeanne d'Arc
Sighildr — the ship between Sigurd and Brynhildr
SvinGray — the ship between Svin Glascheit and Gray
TokiAoi — the ship between Tokiomi Tohsaka and Aoi Tohsaka
Ushinidas — the ship between Leonidas I and Ushiwakamaru
Xianako — the ship between Xiang Yu and Hinako Akuta/Yu Mei—ren
Yuiori — the ship between Yui Shousetsu and Miyamoto Iori
ZhengYui — the ship between Zheng Chenggong and Yui Shousetsu


ArchIssei — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Issei Ryuudou
ArchLancer — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Cu Chulainn
Arthberius — the ship between Arthur Pendragon and Lucius Tiberius
Chirochilles — the ship between Chiron and Achilles
Dantekusa — the ship between Edmond Dantès and Amakusa Shirou Tokisada
DiarCu — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Cu Chulainn
DiarGil — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Gilgamesh
DiarKayn — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
DiarLots — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Lancelot
DiarWave — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne and Waver Velvet
Edisla — the ship between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla
FlatSvin — the ship between Flat Escardos and Svin Glaschiet
Galadred — the ship between Galahad and Mordred (Prototype)
GilArcher — the ship between Gilgamesh and Heroic Spirit EMIYA
GilKiri — the ship between Gilgamesh and Kiritsugu Emiya
GilMerlin — the ship between Gilgamesh and Merlin
GilShinji — the ship between Gilgamesh and Shinji Matou
Gilthur — the ship between Gilgamesh and Arthur Pendragon
GilWave — the ship between Gilgamesh and Waver Velvet
Hectilles — the ship between Hektor and Achilles
KariKirei — the ship between Kariya Matou and Kirei Kotomine
Karilots — the ship between Kariya Matou and Lancelot
Karnafried — the ship between Karna and Siegfried
Karjuna — the ship between Karna and Arjuna
KaynWave — the ship between Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald and Waver Velvet
KiriCae — the ship between Kirschtaria Wodime and Caenis
KiriKayn — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald
Kirscaenis — the ship between Kirschtaria Wodime and Caenis
Kojissei — the ship between Kojirou Sasaki and Issei Ryuudou
KotoCu — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Cu Chulainn
KotoGil — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Gilgamesh
KotoKiri — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Kiritsugu Emiya
Leowain — the ship between Leonardo B. Harwey and Gawain
MarisRoman — the ship between Marisbury Animusphere and Romani Archaman
Mozalieri — the ship between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri
Patrochilles — the ship between Achilles and Patroclus
PepeDay — the ship between Scandinavia Peperoncino and Daybit Sem Void
RoMerlin — the ship between Romani Archaman and Merlin
RyuCas — the ship between Ryuunosuke Uryuu and Gilles de Rais
Sherdolf — the ship between Sherlock Holmes and Goredolf Musik
Sheriarty Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty
Shirinji — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Shinji Matou
ShiKoto — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Kirei Kotomine
Shinjissei — the ship between Shinji Matou and Issei Ryuudou
ShirouCu — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Cu Chulainn
ShirouGil — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Gilgamesh
Shirssei — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Issei Ryuudou
Siegstolfo — the ship between Sieg and Astolfo
TezDay — the ship between Tezcatlipoca and Daybit Sem Void
TokiGil — the ship between Tokiomi Tohsaka and Gilgamesh
TokiKari — the ship between Tokiomi Tohsaka and Kariya Matou
ToKirei — the ship between Tokiomi Tohsaka and Kirei Kotomine
Tsuchieda — the ship between Tsuchimikado Yasuhiro and Hieda-no-Are
Waverider — the ship between Waver Velvet and Iskandar
WaveWaynez — the ship between Waver Velvet and Melvin Waynez
ZhengHieda — the ship between Zheng Chenggong and Hieda-no-Are
ZhengIori — the ship between Zheng Chenggong and Miyamoto Iori
ZhengZhou — the ship between Zheng Chenggong and Zhou Yu


Artorgan — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Morgan le Fay
BazCaren — the ship between Bazett Fraga McRemitz and Caren Hortensia
BazScáth — the ship between Bazett Fraga McRemitz and Scáthach
DoroYui — the ship between Dorothea Coyett and Yui Shousetsu
Grayines — the ship between Gray and Reines El-Melloi Archisorte
Illyu — the ship between Illyasviel von Einzbern and Miyu Edelfelt
Knight Rider — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Medusa
Knight Witch — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Medea
MaiyaIri — the ship between Maiya Hisau and Irisviel von Einzbern
NeroTama — the ship between Nero Claudius and Tamamo-no-Mae
Nobukita — the ship between Oda Nobunaga and Okita Souji
MoFran — the ship between Mordred and Frankenstein
MusaOsaka — the ship between Miyamoto Musashi and Osakabehime
OpheMash — the ship between Ophelia Phamrsolone and Mash Kyrielight
RaniRin — the ship between Rani VIII and Rin Tohsaka
RinRider — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Medusa
Rinvia — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt
Rinyako — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Ayako Mitsuzuri
SabeMaiya — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Maiya Hisau
SabeRin — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Rin Tohsaka
SaberIri — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Irisviel von Einzbern
SakuRider — the ship between Sakura Matou and Medusa
SakuSaber — the ship between Sakura Matou and Artoria Pendragon
Scarmilla — the ship between Scathach and Carmilla
SolAoi — the ship between Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri and Aoi Tohsaka
Snake Witch — the ship between Medusa and Medea
Saber of Blue and Red — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Nero Claudius
Takaosashi — the ship between Takao Dayu and Miyamoto Musashi
Vampire Magus — the ship between Baobhan Sith and Artoria Caster
YuiGozen — the ship between Yui Shousetsu and Ushi Gozen


ArcHaku — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Hakuno Kishinami
BBGuda — the ship between BB and Ritsuka Fujimaru
BBHaku — the ship between BB and Hakuno Kishinami
CuHaku — the ship between Cu Chulainn and Hakuno Kishinami
GilHaku — the ship between Gilgamesh and Hakuno Kishinami
Gilkidu — the ship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu
GudaCastoria — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Artoria Caster
Gudaghest — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Barghest
GudArcher — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Heroic Spirit EMIYA
GudaHaku — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Hakuno Kishinami
Gudahime — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Kiyohime
GudaHolmes — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Sherlock Holmes
GudaJalter — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Jeanne d'Arc Alter
GudaKad — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Kadoc Zemlupus
GudaKarna — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Karna
GudaKoya — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Koyanskaya
GudaMash — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Mash Kyrielight
GudaMelloi — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Waver Velvet
GudaMerlin — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Merlin
GudaMorgan — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Morgan le Fay
GuDantes — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Edmond Dantès
GudaPatxi — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Paxti
GudaRobin — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Robin Hood
GudaRoman — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Romani Archaman
GudArthur — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Arthur Pendragon
GudaSaber — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Artoria Pendragon
Gudasashi — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Miyamoto Musashi
GudaShake — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and William Shakespeare
GudaSith — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Baobhan Sith
GudaTama — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Tamamo—no—Mae
GudaVinci — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Leonardo Da Vinci
Gudawain — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Gawain
GudaWodime — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Kirschtaria Wodime
Gudiarty — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and James Moriarty
GudOlga — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru and Olga Marie Animusphere
HakuShi — the ship between Hakuno Kishinami and Shirou Emiya
Hakutera — the ship between Hakuno Kishinami and Altera
JuliHaku — the ship between Julius B. Harwey and Hakuno Kishinami
KarnaHaku — the ship between Karna and Hakuno Kishinami
LeoHaku — the ship between Leonardo B. Harwey and Hakuno Kishinami
NeroHaku — the ship between Nero Claudius and Hakuno Kishinami
Obeguda — the ship between Oberon and Ritsuka Fujimaru
RaniHaku — the ship between Rani VIII and Hakuno Kishinami
RinHaku — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Hakuno Kishinami
SakuHaku — the ship between Sakura Matou and Hakuno Kishinami
TamaHaku — the ship between Tamamo—no—Mae and Hakuno Kishinami
UshiGuda — the ship between Ushiwakamaru and Ritsuka Fujimaru
YamaIori — the ship between Yamato Takeru and Miyamoto Iori
YamaOtota — the ship between Yamato Takeru and Ototachibana-hime
YamaZhou — the ship between Yamato Takeru and Zhou Yu


ArchLanceRin — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA, Cu Chulainn, and Rin Tohsaka
ArchSabeRin — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA, Artoria Pendragon, and Rin Tohsaka
DiarGilturia — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Gilgamesh and Artoria Pendragon
DiarKayn-Ui — the ship between Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, and Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri
GilToKirei — the ship between Gilgamesh, Tokiomi Tohsaka, and Kirei Kotomine
HakuShiRin — the ship between Hakuno Kishinami, Shirou Emiya, and Rin Tohsaka
KiriMaiyaIri — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya, Maiya Hisau, and Irisviel von Einzbern
KotoCuGil — the ship between Kirei Kotomine, Cu Chulainn, and Gilgamesh
RaniHakuRin — the ship between Rani VIII, Hakuno Kishinami, and Rin Tohsaka
RinShiSaku — the ship between Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya, and Sakura Matou
SabeIriKiri — the ship between Artoria Pendragon, Irisviel von Einzbern, and Kiritsugu Emiya
SakuSabeRin — the ship between Sakura Matou, Artoria Pendragon, and Rin Tohsaka
ShiArchLancer — the ship between Shirou Emiya, Heroic Spirit EMIYA, and Cu Chulainn
ShiArchRin — the ship between Shirou Emiya, Heroic Spirit EMIYA, and Rin Tohsaka
ShiSabeRin — the ship between Shirou Emiya, Artoria Pendragon, and Rin Tohsaka
ShiSakuRider — the ship between Shirou Emiya, Sakura Matou, and Medusa
ShiSakuSabeRin — the ship between Shirou Emiya, Sakura Matou, Artoria Pendragon, and Rin Tohsaka
Siegarcstolfo — the ship between Sieg, Jeanne d'Arc, and Astolfo
Team Kiritsugu — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya, Irisviel von Einzbern, Maiya Hisau, and Artoria Pendragon
Yakudo Trio — the ship between Ritsuka Fujimaru, Artoria Caster, and Oberon


Artordred — the ship between Artoria Pendragon and Mordred
El-Melloi Siblings — the ship between Waver Velvet and Reines El-Melloi Archisorte
Emiya Family — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya, Irisviel von Einzbern, Shirou Emiya, and Illyasviel von Einzbern
Gorgon Sisters — the ship between Medusa, Stheno and Euryale
Harwey Brothers — the ship between Leonardo B. Harwey and Julius B. Harwey
Hector & Paris — the ship between Hektor and Paris
KariSaku — the ship between Kariya Matou and Sakura Matou
KireiCaren — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Caren Hortensia
KirIllya — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Illyasviel von Einzbern
Kiritalia — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Natalia Kaminski
Irillya — the ship between Irisviel von Einzbern and Illyasviel von Einzbern
MarisOlga — the ship between Marisbury Animusphere and Olga Marie Animusphere
Musashiori — the ship between Miyamoto Musashi and Miyamoto Iori
RisKirei — the ship between Risei Kotomine and Kirei Kotomine
Sajyou Sisters — the ship between Ayaka Sajyou and Manaka Sajyou
Sakuromi — the ship between Sakura Matou and Tokiomi Tohsaka
ShiKiri — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Kiritsugu Emiya
Shillya — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Illyasviel von Einzbern
ShiMiyu — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Miyu Edelfelt
ShinSaku — the ship between Shinji Matou and Sakura Matou
Tohsaka Sisters — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Sakura Matou
TokiRin — the ship between Tokiomi Tohsaka and Rin Tohsaka


ArchIllya — the ship between Heroic Spirit EMIYA and Illyasviel von Einzbern
BeserIllya — the ship between Heracles and Illyasviel von Einzbern
Flatmelloi — the ship between Flat Escardos and Waver Velvet
Graymelloi — the ship between Gray and Waver Velvet
KireiRin — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Rin Tohsaka
KiriArcher — the ship between Kiritsugu Emiya and Heroic Spirit EMIYA
RinIllya — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Illyasviel von Einzbern
Rinmelloi — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and Waver Velvet
RomanMash — the ship between Romani Archaman and Mash Kyrielight
SakuIllya — the ship between Sakura Matou and Illyasviel von Einzbern
SakuTaiga — the ship between Sakura Matou and Taiga Fujimura
ShiArcher — the ship between Shirou Emiya and Heroic Spirit EMIYA
Svinmelloi — the ship between Svin Glascheit and Waver Velvet
Taigirou — the ship between Taiga Fujimura and Shirou Emiya


KireiMapo — the ship between Kirei Kotomine and Mapo Tofu
Rinjewel — the ship between Rin Tohsaka and jewels
ShiCook — the ship between Shirou Emiya and cooking


Fate/stay night & Related Fandoms tag on AO3


Fate Logo
Fate ShipsFate Characters
SHIPS het CleosarDiarturiaGilturiaKirIriOdyCirceShiRinShiSaberShiSaku
slash Patrochilles
non-binary NeroHakuTamaHaku
CHARACTERS male Arthur PendragonHenry JekyllHeraclesMerlinOdysseusRobin Hood