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Jetara is the het ship between Jet and Katara from the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom.


Katara first met Jet after she and the rest of Team Avatar accidentally walked into a Fire Nation camp. Jet and his freedom fighters jumped in to help them. Katara immediately developed a crush on Jet and blushed as he helped her up into the treetop hideout. She was very impressed in Jet's skills and Jet was impressed in her waterbending ability. They also sympathized with each other over losing family members to the Fire Nation.

While the group was staying with Jet, Katara's brother Sokka witnessed Jet attack an old civilian from the Fire Nation. Katara wanted to hear Jet's side of the story and believed him when he made up evidence of the old man being armed. Katara refused to believe Sokka's warnings about Jet until she saw that he was trying to flood a village with innocent people. Jet insisted that it was a necessary sacrifice but Katara cried before freezing him to a tree. She told Jet that he was sick before leaving him behind.

Months later, Team Avatar went to Ba Sing Se to look for Appa and Jet went there as a refugee. He found a poster of Appa and approached Katara but she immediately froze him to a wall and told him to go talk to some other girl. However, the rest of Team Avatar insisted that they let him help. Toph asked Katara if Jet was once her boyfriend and told her that she was lying when she denied this. It was eventually revealed that Jet was brainwashed by the Dai Li. Sokka suggested that Katara kiss him to jog his memory which disgusted her. She instead healed him which helped him regain his memory.

Jet later took the group to Lake Laogai to help them find Appa. However, Long Feng and the Dai Li appeared to attack them. Long Feng also spoke a trigger word to reactivate Jet's brainwashing. However, Aang managed to remind him who he was. Unfortunately, Jet was hit by a boulder and fatally wounded. Katara desperately attempted to heal his wounds but Jet insisted that he would be okay and told her to leave and find Appa. Jet eventually died from these wounds, but Katara finally forgave him.


Katara“Umm, thanks for saving us Jet. We're lucky you were there.”
Jet“I should be thanking you. We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning, we just needed the right distraction, and then you guys stumbled in.”
— Katara and Jet in Jet.
“Grab hold of me, Katara.”
— Jet before holding Katara closely in Jet.
Jet“The Fire Nation killed my parents. I was only eight years old. That day changed me forever.”
Katara“Sokka and I lost our mother to the Fire Nation.”
Jet“I'm so sorry, Katara.”
— Jet and Katara talking about their pasts in Jet.
“Hey Jet, nice speech.”
— Katara complimenting Jet's speech in Jet.
Sokka“Your boyfriend Jet's a thug.”
Katara“What? No, he's not.”
— Sokka and Katara arguing about Jet's motives in Jet.
“Why, Jet? I can't believe I trusted you. You lied to me, you're sick and I trusted you!”
— Katara upset with Jet's extremism in Jet.
Jet“I think I can help you. Katara, I've changed!”
Katara“Tell it to some other girl, Jet!”
— Jet and Katara in Lake Laogai.
Toph“Was this guy your boyfriend or something?”
Katara“What ... no!”
Toph“I can tell you're lying ...”
— Toph and Katara talking about the latter's former relationship with Jet in Lake Laogai.
Aang“We need to find a way to jog his real memories.”
Sokka“Maybe Katara should kiss him. That should bring something back!”
— Sokka suggesting that Katara kiss Jet in Lake Laogai.
“We're not going to leave you.”
— Katara as Jet is dying in Lake Laogai.
“Don't worry, Katara. I'll be fine.”
— Jet's parting words to Katara in Lake Laogai.


Jetara is a mildly popular ship in the Avatar fandom. Some who ship Jetara also ship Zutara and use it as evidence of Katara's type and how she typically reacts when she is in love. There are some fans who interpret this relationship as being abusive despite the fact that they patched things up. Jetara commonly rivals the Kataang ship and occasionally the Zutara ship as well.



Jet/Katara tag on AO3
Jet/Katara tag on


Jetara tag on DeviantArt


Jetara posts on Tumblr


  • According to Avatar Extras, Jet was Katara's first kiss, but they never kissed on screen.




Jetaraang refers to the ship between Aang, Jet and Katara
Jetkotara refers to the ship between Zuko, Jet and Katara


ATLA - Logo1
ATLA ShipsATLA Characters
SHIPS het AzaangChanzulaHakyaHarutaraJetaraJinko
On JaangRa MinSatophSokklaSokoSukka
TaangThe DophTokkaTokoTy LaruTy Lokka
Ty LukoUrkemUrzaiYukkaZukiZutara
slash RozinSokkaangTodoZukoZukaangZukka
femslash AzutaraKatophMai LeeMaizulaRangshiTophukiTophzulaTyzula
poly Dangerous LadiesSukkophZukki
cargo My Cabbages!
CHARACTERS male AangSokkaZuko
female AzulaKataraMaiSukiTy LeeToph