Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 6565Manips: 5151Model: 11Screenshots: 122122Sprites: 22Stills: 2121
Slash ships: 1111Femslash ships: 55Het ships: 1818Friendship: 11Familyship: 11Poly ships: 33
Male characters: 33Female characters: 33

Final Fantasy is a Japanese science fantasy media franchise owned and developed by Square Enix.


The franchise is a series of fantasy and science-fantasy role-playing video games (RPGs). The first game in the series, released in 1987, was conceived by Hironobu Sakaguchi as his last effort in the game industry; it was a success and spawned sequels. The series has since branched into other genres such as tactical role-playing, action role-playing, massively multiplayer online role-playing, racing, third-person shooter, fighting, and rhythm. The franchise has also branched out into other media, including CGI films, anime, manga, and novels.



Ships that originated in Super Smash Bros. are already listed on that page. Please don't list them here


Amareya — the ship between Amarant Coral and Freya Crescent
Ashesler — the ship between Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca and Rasler Heios Nabradia
BalAshe — the ship between Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca and Balthier
BalFran — the ship between Balthier and Fran
Balmyra — the ship between Barret Wallace and Elmyra Gainsborough
Barrifa — the ship between Tifa Lockhart and Barret Wallace
Barrith — the ship between Barret Wallace and Aerith Gainsborough
Barterra — the ship between Bartz Klauser and Terra Branford
Beatreiner — the ship between Beatrix and Adelbert Steiner
BeneCid — the ship between Cidolfus Telamon and Benedikta Harman
CaiRai — the ship between Caius Ballad and Lightning
CelesLocke — the ship between Celes Chere and Locke Cole
Cerosa — the ship between Cecil Harvey and Rosa Joanna Farrell
Cidrith — the ship between Cid Highwind and Aerith Gainsborough
Cidra — the ship between Cid Highwind and Shera
Clerith — the ship between Cloud Strife and Aerith Gainsborough
Clerra — the ship between Cloud Strife and Terra Branford
Clessie — the ship between Cloud Strife and Jessie Rasberry
CloLight — the ship between Cloud Strife and Lightning
Cloti — the ship between Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart
Clouffie — the ship between Cloud Strife and Yuffie Kisaragi
Clouna — the ship between Cloud Strife and Yuna
Fang x Gladiolus — the ship between Oerba Yun Fang and Gladiolus Amicitia
FangRaines — the ship between Oerba Yun Fang and Cid Raines
FangSnow — the ship between Oerba Yun Fang and Snow Villiers
FarronHart — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Lightning
Firia — the ship between Firion and Maria
Firai — the ship between Firion and Lightning
Firra — the ship between Firion and Terra Branford
Freyatley — the ship between Freya Crescent and Fratley
Highspecs — the ship between Ignis Scientia and Aranea Highwind
Hojo x Lucrecia — the ship between Hojo and Lucrecia Crecent
HopuRai — the ship between Hope Estheim and Lightning
Irvine x Selphie — the ship between Irvine Kinneas and Selphie Tilmitt
JessWedge — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Wedge
Jotua — the ship between Joshua Rosfield and Jote
Kain x Tifa — the ship between Kain Highwind and Tifa Lockhart
Lightis — the ship between Lightning and Noctis Lucis Caelum
Lightning x Cid — the ship between Lightning and Cid Raines
Lightning x Sazh — the ship between Lightning and Sazh Katzroy
Lockwind — the ship between Cid Highwind and Tifa Lockhart
Myrret — the ship between Myrna and Barret Wallace
Noctifa — the ship between Noctis Lucis Caelum and Tifa Lockhart
Noctis x Iris — the ship between Noctis Lucis Caelum and Iris Amicitia
Noctluna — the ship between Noctis Lucis Caelum and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Noerah — the ship between Noel Kreiss and Serah Farron
NoeRai — the ship between Noel Kreiss and Lightning
NoeYuru — the ship between Noel Kreiss and Paddra Nsu-Yeu
Prompto x Vanille — the ship between Prompto Argentum and Oerba Dia Vanille
Raire — the ship between Ravus Nox Fleuret and Lightning
Rasbarret — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Barret Wallace
Rasbiggs — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Biggs
Sazh x Fang — the ship between Sazh Katzroy and Oerba Yun Fang
Sazh x Vanille — the ship between Sazh Katzroy and Oerba Dia Vanille
Seffie — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Sephiroth
Seifer x Quistis — the ship between Seifer Almasy and Quistis Trepe
SephAerith — the ship between Sephiroth and Aerith Gainsborough
Sephirotifa — the ship between Sephiroth and Tifa Lockhart
SephLight — the ship between Sephiroth and Lightning
Snowffie — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Snow Villiers
SnowRai — the ship between Lightning and Snow Villiers
Squaerith — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Aerith Gainsborough
Squaffie — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Yuffie Kisaragi
Squall x Yuna — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Yuna
Squerra — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Terra Branford
Squinoa — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Rinoa Heartilly
Snerah — the ship between Snow Villiers and Serah Farron
Stormy Skies — the ship between Kain Highwind and Lightning
Terja — the ship between Kuja and Terra Branford
Tiduna — the ship between Tidus and Yuna
Tidus x Rikku — the ship between Tidus and Rikku
Tidus x Selphie — the ship between Tidus and Selphie
Tifa x Johnny — the ship between Tifa Lockhart and Johnny (FFVII)
Tselena — the ship between Tseng and Elena
Tserith — the ship between Tseng and Aerith Gainsborough
Vaanelo — the ship between Vaan and Penelo
Vaan x Terra — the ship between Vaan and Terra Branford
VaniHopu — the ship between Hope Estheim and Oerba Dia Vanille
Vincerith — the ship between Vincent Valentine and Aerith Gainsborough
Vincrecia — the ship between Vincent Valentine and Lucrecia Crecent
VinFan — the ship between Vincent Valentine and Oerba Yun Fang
VinTi — the ship between Vincent Valentine and Tifa Lockhart
Yuffietine — the ship between Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi
Waklu — the ship between Wakka and Lulu
Warriors of Light — the ship between the Warrior of Light (FFI) and Lightning
WarRose — the ship between Clive Rosfield and Jill Warrick
Yuffieno — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Reno
Yuffietine — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Vincent Valentine
Yunon — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Sonon Kusakabe
Zack x Cissnei — the ship between Zack Fair and Cissnei
Zack x Yuna — the ship between Zack Fair and Yuna
Zackssie — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Zack Fair
Zerith — the ship between Zack Fair and Aerith Gainsborough
Zidagger — the ship between Zidane Tribal and Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
Ziterra — the ship between Zidane Tribal and Terra Branford
Zifa — the ship between Zack Fair and Tifa Lockhart


Aymeric x Estinien — the ship between Aymeric de Borel and Estinien Wyrmblood
BalVaan — the ship between Balthier and Vaan
Banorashipping — the ship between Angeal Hewley and Genesis Rhapsodos
Bareeve — the ship between Barret Wallace and Reeve Tuesti
Barrude — the ship between Barret Wallace and Rude
Barrentine — the ship between Barret Wallace and Vincent Valentine
Bartcil — the ship between Cecil Harvey and Bartz Klauser
Bashier — the ship between Basch fon Ronsenburg and Balthier
Beastly Heroes — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Zidane Tribal
Cidfus — the ship between Cid Highwind and Rufus Shinra
Cidphiroth — the ship between Cid Highwind and Sephiroth
CidReeve — the ship between Cid Highwind and Reeve Tuetsi
Cidrret — the ship between Cid Highwind and Barret Wallace
Clarret — the ship between Cloud Strife and Barret Wallace
Cleno — the ship between Cloud Strife and Reno
Clidus — the ship between Cloud Strife and Tidus
Clive x Cid — the ship between Clive Rosfield and Cidolfus Telamon
Clive x Dion — the ship between Clive Rosfield and Dion Lesage
Clive x Gav — the ship between Clive Rosfield and Gav
Cloud x Cid — the ship between Cloud Strife and Cid Highwind
Emet-Selch x Hythlodaeus — the ship between Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus
GenCloud — the ship between Genesis Rhapsodos and Cloud Strife
Gladnis — the ship between Gladiolus Amicitia and Ignis Scientia
Gladnoct — the ship between Gladiolus Amicitia and Noctis Lucis Caelum
Ignoct — the ship between Ignis Scientia and Noctis Lucis Caelum
Karret — the ship between Kunsel and Barret Wallace
Krissalad — the ship between Noel Kreiss and Caius Ballad
Leonwind — the ship between Cid Highwind and Squall Leonhart
Nocloud — the ship between Noctis Lucis Caelum and Cloud Strife
NoeHopu — the ship between Noel Kreiss and Hope Estheim
Nyxnoct — the ship between Nyx Ulric and Noctis Lucis Caelum
PhoenixFlare — the ship between Joshua Rosfield and Dion Lesage
Promptio — the ship between Prompto Argentum and Gladiolus Amicitia
Promptis — the ship between Prompto Argentum and Noctis Lucis Caelum
Promnis — the ship between Prompto Argentum and Ignis Scientia
Reevin — the ship between Vincent Valentine and Reeve Tuetsi
RuNo — the ship between Rude and Reno
Sefikura — the ship between Sephiroth and Cloud Strife
Sephesis — the ship between Sephiroth and Genesis Rhapsodos
Sephgeal — the ship between Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley
Sephiroth x Kuja — the ship between Sephiroth and Kuja
Sephiroth x Rufus — the ship between Sephiroth and Rufus Shinra
Sephrret — the ship between Sephiroth and Barret Wallace
SephZack — the ship between Zack Fair and Sephiroth
Squall x Seifer — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Seifer Almasy
Snow x Hope — the ship between Snow Villiers and Hope Estheim
Squartz — the ship between Squall Leonhart and Bartz Klauser
Stormy Seas — the ship between Tidus and Vaan
Strifehart — the ship between Cloud Strife and Squall Leonhart
Strifentine — the ship between Cloud Strife and Vincent Valentine
Strifewind — the ship between Cloud Strife and Cid Highwind
TereDion — the ship between Dion Lesage and Terence
Tidus x Wakka — the ship between Tidus and Wakka
Tirion — the ship between Firion and Tidus
Tsengru — the ship between Tseng and Rufus Shinra
Valenwind — the ship between Cid Highwind and Vincent Valentine
Zack x Angeal — the ship between Zack Fair and Angeal Hewley
Zack x Genesis — the ship between Zack Fair and Genesis Rhapsodos
Zack x Tseng — the ship between Zack Fair and Tseng
Zackunsel — the ship between Zack Fair and Kunsel
Zakkura — the ship between Cloud Strife and Zack Fair
Zarret — the ship between Zack Fair and Barret Wallace
Zibartz — the ship between Zidane Tribal and Bartz Klauser


Aerti — the ship between Aerith Gainsborough and Tifa Lockhart
Crowuna — the ship between Lunafreya Nox Fleuret and Crowe Altius
Fanille — the ship between Oerba Yun Fang and Oerba Dia Vanille
FLight — the ship between Lightning and Oerba Yun Fang
Franelo — the ship between Fran and Penelo
Jessrith — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Aerith Gainsborough
JessTi — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Tifa Lockhart
Lighterra — the ship between Lightning and Terra Bradford
Lightifa — the ship between Lightning and Tifa Lockhart
Luluna — the ship between Lulu and Yuna
Nayuffie — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Nayo
Tiffie — the ship between Tifa Lockhart and Yuffie Kisaragi
Vanillah — the ship between Oerba Dia Vanille and Serah Farron
VanLight — the ship between Lightning Farron and Oerba Dia Vanille
Yuffierith — the ship between Aerith Gainsborough and Yuffie Kisaragi
Yuffssie — the ship between Jessie Rasberry and Yuffie Kisaragi
Yunaning — the ship between Yuna and Lightning


Alisaie x Warrior of Light — the ship between Alisaie Leveilleur and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Alphinaud x Warrior of Light — the ship between Alphinaud Leveilleur and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Ardbert x Warrior of Light — the ship between Ardbert and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Aymeric x Warrior of Light — the ship between Aymeric de Borel and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Emet-Selch x Warrior of Light — the ship between Emet-Selch and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Gaius x Warrior of Light — the ship between Gaius van Baelsar and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
G'raha x Warrior of Light — the ship between G'raha Tia and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Haurchefant x Warrior of Light — the ship between Haurchefant Greystone and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Thancred x Warrior of Light — the ship between Thancred Waters and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
X'rhun x Warrior of Light — the ship between X'rhun Tia and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Y'shtola x Warrior of Light — the ship between Y'shtola Rhul and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)
Zenos x Warrior of Light — the ship between Zenos yae Galvus and the Warrior of Light (FFXIV)


2-4-7-10 — the ship between Firion, Cecil Harvey, Cloud Strife, and Tidus
3-12-14 — the ship between the Onion Knight, Vaan and Y'shtola Rhul
5-8-9 — the ship between Bartz Klauser, Squall Leonhart and Zidane Tribal
6-8-9-13 — the ship between Terra Branford, Squall Leonhart, Zidane Tribal, and Lightning
7-8-13 — the ship between Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart and Lightning
7-13-15 — the ship between Cloud Strife, Lightning Farron and Noctis Lucis Caelum
AGSZC — the ship between Zack Fair, Angeal Hewley, Genesis Rhapsodos, Sephiroth, and Cloud Strife
Angenesiroth — the ship between Angeal Hewley, Genesis Rhapsodos and Sephiroth
Avalanche Trio — the ship between Jessie Rasberry, Biggs, and Wedge
Chocobros — the ship between Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, and Gladiolus Amicitia
Clackrith — the ship between Cloud Strife, Zack Fair and Aerith Gainsborough
Clerifa — the ship between Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart and Aerith Gainsborough
Clessti — the ship between Jessie Rasberry, Cloud Strife, and Tifa Lockhart
Clesstirith — the ship between Jessie Rasberry, Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, and Tifa Lockhart
Clive x Joshua x Jill — the ship between Clive Rosfield, Joshua Rosfield and Jill Warrick
CTZA — the ship between Zack Fair, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, and Cloud Strife
Fairstrifehart — the ship between Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, and Squall Leonhart
Highstrifentine — the ship between Cid Highwind, Cloud Strife, and Vincent Valentine
Jesstirith — the ship between Jessie Rasberry, Tifa Lockhart, and Aerith Gainsborough
Joshua x Dion x Terence — the ship between Joshua Rosfield, Dion Lesage and Terence
Lightifna — the ship between Tifa Lockhart, Yuna and Lightning
Lightning x Fang x Vanille — the ship between Lightning, Oerba Yun Fang and Oerba Dia Vanille
Promlunoct — the ship between Prompto Argentum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret and Noctis Lucis Caelum
Rasbarrifa — the ship between Jessie Rasberry, Barret Wallace and Tifa Lockhart
Reevincid — the ship between Reeve Tuetsi, Vincent Valentine, and Cid Highwind
SephZackCloud — the ship between Sephiroth, Zack Fair and Cloud Strife
Strifenwind — the ship between Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, and Cid Highwind
Team Avalanche — the ship between Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, and Barret Wallace
Tidus x Rikku x Wakka — the ship between Tidus, Rikku and Wakka
Tiffierith — the ship between Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough and Yuffie Kisaragi
Weather Men — the ship between Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart, and Tidus
YuRiPa — the ship between Yuna, Rikku, and Paine
Zack x Aerith x Cloud — the ship between Zack Fair, Aerith Gainsborough and Cloud Strife


Dad Barret — the ship between Barret Wallace and Marlene Wallace
Gladiris — the ship between Gladiolus Amicitia and Iris Amicitia
Kisaragi Family — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Godo Kisaragi
Leveilleur Twins — the ship between Alisaie Leveilleur and Alphinaud Leveilleur
Lighterah — the ship between Lightning Farron and Serah Farron
Rikkuna — the ship between Rikku and Yuna
Sazh & Dajh — the ship between Sazh Katzroy and Dajh Katzroy
Sephiroth & Jenova — the ship between Sephiroth and Jenova
Sephiroth & Lucrecia — the ship between Sephiroth and Lucrecia Crecent
Sons of Fire — the ship between Clive Rosfield and Joshua Rosfield
Zidane & Kuja — the ship between Zidane Tribal and Kuja


Barrffie — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Barret Wallace
Cidffie — the ship between Cid Highwind and Yuffie Kisaragi
Cidnaki — the ship between Cid Highwind and Red XIII
Clive x Torgal — the ship between Clive Rosfield and Torgal
Cloud x Red XIII — the ship between Cloud Strife and Red XIII
Jill x Torgal — the ship between Jill Warrick and Torgal
Noctis x Umbra — the ship between Noctis Lucis Caelum and Umbra
Prompto x Pryna — the ship between Prompto Argentum and Pryna
Yunaki — the ship between Yuffie Kisaragi and Red XIII
Zackffie — the ship between Zack Fair and Yuffie Kisaragi


Aerith x Flower — the ship between Aerith Gainsborough and Flowers
Cid x Tiny Bronco — the ship between Cid Highwind and Tiny Bronco
Cloud x Buster Sword — the ship between Cloud Strife and the Buster Sword
DisPear — the ship between Sephiroth and Pears
Highwind Squared — the ship between Cid Highwind and The Highwind


Final Fantasy tag on AO3
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Record Keeper on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Tactics on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Agito XIII on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy I-VI on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy IX on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy Versus XIII on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy VII on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy VIII on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy X on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy X-2 on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy XI on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy XIIon FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy XIIIon FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy XIII-2on FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy XIVon FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy XVon FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Advent Childrenon FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy: Spirits Withinon FanFiction.Net
Final Fantasy on Wikia.
Final Fantasy on Fanlore


# portmanteau characters type
6012 Promptis Prompto/Noctis slash
5085 Sefikura Sephiroth/Cloud Strife slash
3967 G'raha x Warrior of Light G'raha Tia/Warrior of Light non-binary
3963 Ignoct Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia slash
3526 Gladnis Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia slash
2986 Emet-Selch x Warrior of Light Emet-Selch/Warrior of Light non-binary
2960 Cloti Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife het
2334 Zakkura Zack Fair/Cloud Strife slash
2077 Promnis Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia slash
2009 Haurchefant x Warrior of Light Haurchefant Greystone/Warrior of Light non-binary

# portmanteau characters type
5085 Sefikura Sephiroth/Cloud Strife slash
2960 Cloti Tifa Lockhart/Cloud Strife het
2334 Zakkura Zack Fair/Cloud Strife slash
1570 Zerith Zack Fair/Aerith Gainsborough het
1447 Clerith Cloud Strife/Aerith Gainsborough het
1164 Aerti Tifa Lockhart/Aerith Gainsborough femslash
1009 Tsengru Rufus Shinra/Tseng slash
889 RuNo Reno/Rude slash
638 Sephesis Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth slash
654 Valenwind Cid Highwind/Vincent Valentine slash

# portmanteau characters type
6012 Promptis Prompto/Noctis slash
3963 Ignoct Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia slash
3526 Gladnis Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia slash
2077 Promnis Prompto Argentum/Ignis Scientia slash
1494 Chocobros Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum/Gladiolus Amicitia poly
1461 Promptio Gladiolus Amicitia/Prompto Argentum slash
1255 Platonic Chocobros Noctis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum & Gladiolus Amicitia gen
1250 Gladnoct Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum slash
1013 Noctluna Noctis Lucis Caelum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret het
803 Nyxnoct Nyx Ulric/Noctis Lucis Caelum slash


Final Fantasy - Logo1
Final Fantasy ShipsFinal Fantasy Characters
SHIPS het ClerithCloLightClotiHopuRaiLightisNoctlunaNoerahRaireSnerahSnowRaiSquaerithSquinoaTidunaYunonZerithZifa
slash NocloudNyxnoctPhoenixFlareSefikuraSephZackStrifehartStrifentineTereDionValenwindZakkura
femslash AertiFLightLightifaVanLightYuffierith
poly AGSZCAngenesirothTeam Avalanche
family Dad Barret
friend Zackffie
CHARACTERS male Zack FairSephirothCloud Strife
female Lightning FarronAerith GainsboroughTifa Lockhart