Firematch is the het ship between Firey and Match from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Firey comics[]
Firey asks Match why Woody can't coherently speak and wants to know what he's saying. Match believes that Woody just never got to learning words. Firey later apologizes for using one of Match's matchsticks. He explains to her that he lit a match in front of Spongy after he asked him how it felt to be hot. Match disapproves of this and compares it to having Teardrop taunt Firey.
Match alerts Firey of a tree on fire before Firey reveals that he's the fire on top of the tree. He gets down when Match tells him to, the two now realizing another tree is on fire. Match is briefly relieved when Firey tells him two trees aren't on fire, but instead says that three are now. The whole forest is engulfed in flames and Match blames Firey for causing it. Firey points out that Spongy has been lighting a campfire nearby which attributed to most of the wildfire. As Teardrop shoots water out to extingush the forest fire, Match asks Firey why he's on top of a tree. He says she's about to find out why as Teardrop's water starts to flood the forest.
Firey introduces Match to sudoku and instructs her how to play. Match points out numbers in Firey's book that should go in the puzzle's empty boxes. She offers to complete the puzzle for him as Firey warns the difficulty of completing a game. Match states that she is finished, surprising Firey on how quickly she was able to copmlete it. Firey is further shocked upon hearing that she has completed the entire book. Match shows it to him herself and, after hearing from Firey she did every hard puzzle as well, thought that all of the puzzles were easy. Firey feels defeated after Match tells him she had never heard of sudoku before he showed her. She tries to assure it's fine to have skills below hers as it makes her smarter in comparison.
Match asks Firey and Snowball if they know where their football came from after the two land from a cliff.
Battle for Dream Island[]
While picking teams, Match calls Firey over to her on Pin's team. Firey tells Match that she made a good choice.
When Match suggests the Announcer gets chocolate cake for the next Cake at Stake, Firey agrees and expresses his enjoyment for chocolate cake.
Match greets Firey when his score podium is lowered and he is placed next to her.
After trying to pull several contestants up from a cliff, Firey screams for Match to help him. She runs over and gets stuck on the edge of the cliff as well.
While Leafy and Bubble complete the final challenge of the season, among the crowd of recommended characters is one named "Match And Firey As A Couple".
Firey allows Match and her alliance onto Dream Island after she asks him to.
Before hitting the ground, Match saves Firey after falling from the Eiffel Tower.
Firematch is an early pairing, having its roots all the way back before the series premiered. Fans often think that the creators early in the show had tried to hint a ship between the two. Scenes commonly cited for this thought include the way Match greets Firey during the points system being introduced and her shouting in a megaphone correlating to Firey in the first episode. Along with them being the primary duo for the pre-BFDI comics, Firey and Match was a popular ship in the Battle for Dream Island fandom's first few years. Firematch still has a following to this day but not necessarily to the previous extent. Some fanart and fanfiction often portray Firey and Match as siblings while others pair them romantically.
The ship currently has 5 works on AO3. It is the fifth most written ship for both Firey and Match.
- Firey & Match (Battle for Dream Island) tag on AO3
- Match x Firey search results on Wattpad
- Firey and Match search results on DeviantArt
- Firematch posts on Twitter
- Match and Firey posts on Tumblr