- Jean – “So you're alive...”
- Floch – “Yep... thanks for the concern.”
- — Attack on Titan, Chapter 125
FloJean is the slash ship between Floch Forster and Jean Kirstein from the Attack on Titan fandom.

Floch overhears Jean's conversation.
The two are shown starting in friendly terms with each other as Floch was a new recruit in the Survey Corps, coming from The Garrison as the propaganda on the Survey Corps increased after the coup d'etat. During supper, Jean begins to bad mouth about the new recruits and mentions the lack of veterans, with most of them being deceased. Floch overhears Jean and decides to confront him as a joke, mentioning that they were both part of the 104th Cadet Corps, Jean asks Floch why he joined at this specific time to which Floch responds that everyone is enthusiastic about retaking the wall, and that the Scouts were in need of recruits anyway. Floch questions whether that Jean would call himself a veteran until Jean comebacks by comparing the two, which the newly recruit questions on Jean's change before leaving.
With Floch being a new recruit, he was automatically assigned to Squad Klaus with other rookies. Floch participated in Erwin's suicide charge against the Beast Titan, which ends in Floch being the sole survivor of the charge as well one of the nine overall survivors, along with Jean. After the battle a memorial would be held to honor the fallen scouts and award the survivors. During which, Jean would advised Floch to tell Hitch about Marlowe's final moments in the Battle of Wall Shiganshina. He hopes that Floch will offer her some comforting words, however, Floch’s trauma leads to him telling her about Marlowe's (likely) regrets in his final moments, which upsets Hitch, Jean asks Floch why did he say such a thing to Hitch, which triggers Floch arguing with the 104th about the result of the battle, specifically in them choosing to save Armin’s life instead of Eren. Eren and Floch’s argument gets heated, and Jean breaks it up, showing that he is understanding of Floch while still maintaining his own viewpoint. The two are later honored by Queen Historia.
Four years into the time skip, both Floch and Jean participate in the raid of Liberio in Marley. The plan is for them to destroy the top floor of the buildings, to lure the civilians out and away from the battlefield. However, Jean catches Floch blowing up entire buildings and attacking the lower floors, which results in the two arguing. Jean then orders Floch to stop and minimize civilian death. Floch then reminds Jean that they're in enemy territory and that the people outside of the walls are the reason why most of the people who lived inside are dead, but also Floch points out to Jean that Eren told them to fight instead of waiting inside of the walls. During this conversation, Jean softens his gaze and tells Floch that he needs to “stop thinking like that”. The implication is that they have had similar conversations before and that Jean has tried to help Floch deal with his trauma and anger, while Floch has tried to help Jean deal with his guilt about killing. Despite their different opinions, they are shown to have an understanding of each other.
After the Raid on Liberio, one of the two children, Gabi and Falco, shoot Sasha during the celebration of the victory against Marley. Floch and other Survey Corps recruits attacked the children to stop them from killing anyone else. Afterwards, Floch asks Jean if he should throw the children off the airship but is denied as Jean believed it wouldn't stop the bloodshed between Marley and Paradis Island. Floch listens to his orders despite his personal opinion, showing a level of respect and implying that Jean outranks Floch at this point.

Floch speaks to Jean after the death of the Anti-Marleyan volunteer.
When Eren begins the Rumbling, Floch is standing on the wall which results in him sustaining a head injury. Jean is relieved learning that Floch survived as Floch mentions he cannot die yet during the moment of the return of the Eldian Empire. Floch tries to convince Jean of this plan in order to gain his support by telling him about his old desires and how Jean wanted to live a comfortable life in Wall Sina as a Military Police officer. He offers Jean the peaceful life he has always dreamed of on the condition that he turns the other cheek to the devastation of the Rumbling. Floch appears to be successful until Jean later speaks with Hange and Mikasa and they convince him to fight against the Rumbling despite his own personal desires.
Jean then accompanies Floch and becomes a Yeagerist. Floch immediately grants him a high ranking in the Yeagerists without question.
Jean stands with Floch for the public execution of Yelena and Onyankopon, unknowingly, Floch was not aware Jean was apart of an operation to save Yelena and Onyankopon from being executed. Jean signals Mikasa to continue the operation by purposely missing four shots which confuses and upsets Floch. Pieck, in her Cart Titan form then appears, Jean pushes Floch out of the way in order for Pieck to take him, Yelena and Onyankopon to Levi and Hange as part of their plan. Floch then orders other Yeagerists to chase after the Cart Titan, thinking that Jean had been devoured and suspicious of where Mikasa had gone.

Jean in distressed as Floch slowly dies.
During the fight between the the Yeagerists and the Alliance, Floch is shot in the shoulder and falls into sea. Jean and the rest are unaware that Floch is clinging onto the boat to Odiha. On preparing for departure, as heavily injured as Floch is he manages to shoot his final bullets to the flying boat before being shot by Mikasa's ODM hook in his throat. Jean is shown to be in disbelief and shock with those present as Floch lays in his own blood. Finally Floch uses the last of his strength and begs Jean not to leave him. He asks once more for him to not stop Eren as he is their only hope. Jean is visibly distressed after Floch dies and his entire mood is much sadder after the fact. In the manga, Jean is shown with tears in his eyes when listening to Floch’s final words.
- Floch approaches Jean at his table before taking back Shiganshina and notices a change in Jean's behavior.
- Jean is seen talking to Floch at the Memorial for the Heroes of Shiganshina before Floch argues with everybody and even puts his arm on Floch’s shoulder, comfortingly.
- They seem to have grown closer during the timeskip as Jean comfortably puts his hand on Floch’s shoulder during their argument in Liberio and speaks as if they have discussed it before.
- Jean is the one who takes Floch to his cell after revealing private military information to the public.
- In the resturaunt, in the manga, Floch and Jean make direct eye contact in the hallway and Floch only slips about knowing the MP’s wine was laced with spinal fluid after Jean questions him.
- Floch reminds Jean of his past self and old desires with offering now the chance of living a comfortable life as a hero in order to gain support for the Yeagerists.
- With also slightly mocking Jean's past behavior as Floch called Jean's former self 'annoying' and 'irresponsible'.
- The Cart Titan suddenly appears and Jean pushes Floch out of the way to prevent him from being eaten.
- Jean along with Hange listen to Floch's final words and Jean is seen mourning Floch's death.
- Jean – “Hey... Who the hell asked you to start acting like you're king of the hill out here?”
- Floch – “I'm glad you asked, Jean!”
- — Attack on Titan, Chapter 125
- Floch – “We survived that hell four years ago...and now we finally have this. This is freedom!! You don't need to fight anymore. You can live as you please. Jean, You wanted to become an MP and live the good life in the interior right? Then do that. You're one of our heroes...It's...”
- Jean – “Over?”
- Floch – “It's over. So go back to being the old Jean. That annoying irresponsible, conceited bastard.”
- — Attack on Titan, Chapter 125
Although not as popular as other AOT slash ships, FloJean has been gaining popularity, especially among Floch fans. It is considered to be a healthier ship in comparison to its rival ship, Fleren. Most fans believed that Jean might've been Floch's only friend in the survey scouts as he might've tried guiding him after the Battle of Wall Shiganshina and the ceremony for the fallen soldiers. Despite not being very popular among the English-speaking fanbase, it has gained traction on Twitter and Japanese social medias such as Pixiv, as well with the Russian fanbase.
There are annual events on X for the ship including FloJean Week and FloJean XMAS Week which have grown in popularity since the end of the anime.
- Floch/Jean tag on AO3
- Floch & Jean tag on AO3
- In the Italian version of Attack on Titan, in Floch's death he mentions the word "Non andare.", with the word not being plural speaker and referring to the one closest to him which was Jean. [1][2]
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