Flocky is the het ship between Blocky and Flower from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Take the Plunge: Part 2
Upon hearing Flower's request to beat up Bubble, Blocky is delighted to oblige and starts chasing Bubble as soon as he hears the request. While Flower starts cheering "Go Blocky!"
X Marks the Spot
Flower is happy to be on the same team as Blocky due to helping Flower carry out her "assassination plans." Blocky seems to ignore Flower as she speaks about him carrying out "assassination missions" for her.
Let's Raid The Warehouse
Blocky tells his teammates to raise their hands if they want to be a receiver. Flower enthusiastically volunteers. Blocky recalls Flower talking about promoting her fashion line and suggests getting her some glitter. This gift gives their team 10/10 points. Blocky agrees with Lollipop on how they might've been giving Woody too little credit. Flower tells him that she disagrees and that they were being too nice to Woody. Blocky argues that's the problem, but Flower, clearly not understanding the problem again disagrees, saying that "meanness is the key to defeating your enemies". Blocky turns down her argument, realizing how Woody's gift could've been insulting to him.
The Game Has Changed
Flower is the first host of Blocky's prank podcast. Flower says that the name of Blocky's podcast (Blockcast) is chronic, causing Blocky to kick out Flower. Later on, re-enter back in after Blocky tells Gelatin to leave. When Blocky asks her to come back, he asks how she's been doing and pretends to be sleeping while she explains how worried she is because one of them will be out. After Flower is announced safe, she informs Blocky that he's eliminated with a sad expression on her face. Later, he has Woody pull a prank on Flower by having him push her fashion line off a cliff.
SOS (Save Our Show)
Blocky reacts positively to how Woody helps Flower calm down in the tank of bugs. Flower begs Blocky to get her out of the tank of bugs, but Blocky shushes her as he is busy promoting Woody's new show and tells her to smile at the camera. In response, she gives off a forced, uneasy grin with a thumbs up. Blocky, along with everyone else, cheers when Flower and Gelatin save the show.
Chapter Complete
Blocky votes for Flower. He publicly pretends to change his option to Gelatin so Taco doesn't get upset, who feels they should vote for the same person but tells the Announcer that he locks his choice on Flower. Later, he chases Purple Face, initially to get the BFDI back for Flower. Blocky and Flower fight each other, including everyone else inside the golden bus, over the BFDI for their reasons, despite initially getting it for Flower. Blocky's reason why he should get the BFDI was that it shares the same acronym as his show (Blocky's Funny Doings International.) Near the end, Blocky invites Flower to his new show with Woody. She happily accepts this, saying that it sounds unbelievable. Blocky can be seen softly waving at Flower in the shot of Gelatin running.
Flocky were frenemies. They were only friendly to each other when killing the other contestants. They were suddenly on friendly terms in BFB, causing this ship's popularity to rise. This ship has barely fan art or fan-fictions in the community. It's due to their rival ships. For Flower, it's Floweruby (Flower/Ruby), and for Blocky, it's Blockwood (Blocky/Woody.)
Currently, Flocky has 3+ fics on Ao3.
- Blocky/Flower tag on AO3
- Flocky search results on DeviantArt