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Floorphone is the slash ship between MePhone4 and The Floor from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


When MePhone4 says that their Fans and Favorites, The Floor and many others don't get why. When MePhone4 introduces the Pic-nix Tables to everyone, to which The Floor initially assumes he means picnic tables.

The challenge is to build a safety contraption to protect an egg from a 60 foot cliff drop. The Floor asks if MePhone4 is going to bother with any safety protocols or watch over them, to which MePhone dodges the question and says that they're always being watched over, looking at the viewer in a fourth-wall-breaking manner.

MePhone announces that the challenge is to stack accurately sized Mile High Pies with ice cream generated from the Pic-Nix Tables. The Floor asks why they can't just generate the entire mile high pie instantly, to which MePhone snaps that the tables can only generate half-mile high pies, which isn't even close.

he Floor questions MePhone4, assuming making a cartoon would take months, but MePhone laughs it off, sarcastically asking if they're in medieval times.

MePhone4 tries to eliminate The Floor, but due to him being the island, he can't get ejected from the island. They try to make things work but, with the Floor being around. It causes chaos in the challenges. MePhone loses it, and makes the newest challenge to find a way to get rid of The Floor. One of the ideas featured the contestants and MePhone4 try flying away from the island, but The Floor ends up teleporting into the balloon. In the end, he tries to end everybody's lives using the volcano on the island, but is calmed down by Bot. The Floor asks if he needs a co-host, MePhone4 says some rude things about him, but realizes that it sounds like Toilet and says that it's the type of host he would be stuck with, so he ends up becoming the co-host.

He tells The Floor to create a wall for the challenge. He asked if he wanted to get out of his comfort zone and he quickly does so upon his command.

The Floor questions the safety of the newest challenge. He tells him that it's the reason so many contestants don't care about leaving. As Springy's definitely torturing them up in the sky. MePhone4 looks at the challenge but can't get past the fact that he's a hero. Springy jumps down in between the two and gives him a contract to sign away the rights of the contestants and MePhone4 does so. MePhone4 and Cabby push Springy off of the flying cereal box and lands inside of The Floor's mouth.

The Floor tells MePhone4 that the eliminated contestants arrived, and he snaps saying he never meant A.M. MePhone4 tells The Floor to make the other teams, as he only truly cares about Test Tube and Bot's team.

The Floor confronted MePhone about how he said the challenge would take a few weeks, but he knew that the desert walk would be much longer. He tells him that it's not the assistant's responsibility to question the host. The Floor keeps going asking why he is even pretending as it's clear he doesn't want the season to actually end. MePhone4 snaps back saying that he has to spice things up, and also mentions it would take months for the ovens to even warm up. The Floor tells MePhone that there is something more going beneath the surface. MePhone4 takes a bite of Blueberry's cookie and is disgusted. The Floor asks if it's getting warmer and everybody realizes that Blueberry made raisin cookies, the leading cause of global warming.

The Floor cheers MePhone on, as it's the final day of Season 3. He says that he's proud of MePhone4 for letting his baby bird fly off. He asks if he needs anything that needs to be brought over, like the four folders, and MePhone quickly puts them away and says it's just personal thoughts that he drew.


Floorphone was met with lots of popularity around the last few episodes of the series when The Floor became his assistant. The ship started in the episode where the Floor was constantly being tortured by MePhone for a simple challenge and tried to kill them all using his volcano. He got calmed down by Bot however and asked if he needs a assistant. The fandom fell in love with the ship by the time "Spring on the Breakfast!" aired, which is when the two's popularity started to really skyrocket as The Floor was trying to get him out of his love for Springy, and it worked. The two were shipped just because The Floor was more of a mental therapist for MePhone4 then anything else. Their rival ship is Meeplings, the ship between MePhone4 and MePad.


MePhone4/The Floor tag on AO3
MePhone4 & The Floor tag on AO3
Floorphone stories on Wattpad
Floorphone on Tiktok
Floorphone posts on Tumblr
Mefloory posts on Tumblr
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non-binary CabbotCandlebrushFanbrushGoobotKnifeBrushLightbrushMarshbrushPaintJayPaintyangSilverbrushTestbrushTwophone
family MeeplingsShimmer FamilyTestbot
poly FantubebulbMarshapplebowPaySaltJayPoly Bright LightsTestbulbrush
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CHARACTERS male BalloonFanKnifeMePhone4OJ
female LightbulbMarshmallowSuitcase Test Tube
neutral Paintbrush