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Floweafy is the femslash ship between Flower and Leafy from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Leafy is pushed off the balance beam by Flower. After being saved by Pin, the two want to get Flower out next. Flower kicks them up in the air as they run to her. When Pin grosses Flower out and causes her to lose grip on the beam, Leafy calls it a job well done.

Leafy shows a worried expression when Tennis Ball suggests it is smarter for Flower to be their teammate rather than her be an enemy towards them.

Flower shushes Leafy when she complains to the Announcer about her strawberry cake's low score. She spins a wheel to get her score for Leafy's cake which lands on 10. Initially exciting Leafy, Flower gives her a rating of 0 anyways.

When Leafy sees a flower in one of the challenge's safes, she is reminded of Flower and flashes back to when she tried to make her lose the balance beam challenge.

When the rejoin is between Flower and Teardrop, Leafy would rather have Teardrop rejoin. In the long jump challenge, Leafy asks Flower if she minds going.

Because of the Announcer getting crushed, the contestants are unsure of what will happen to the show. Leafy suggests that everyone wins Dream Island, while Flower snaps back that only she should get the island. Firey and Flower later argue over who's personalized speaker box should host the show, giving Leafy the idea to use both. The two are initially against this but decide to go along with it. After Flower barely survives Cake at Stake, she tries to high-five Leafy. Leafy declines and is slapped by her for this. During the volcano escape challenge, Flower is stung by the magma and yelps in pain. Leafy encourages her to try it and knocks her into the magma, killing her.

Flower turns to Leafy to decide who they should throw next in the incenerator. Leafy chooses Ice Cube to go in and Flower knocks off Firey for questioning them. When asked again, Leafy thinks Flower should go in which causes disapprovement from her. Leafy tells her she's going to go in evenetually and before Flower can defend herself, the two and Spongy are launched into the incinerator. At the start of the challenge, Flower pushes Firey and Leafy off the balance beam. At the volcano as Leafy and Bubble are having a disagreement, Leafy thinks Bubble would rather be with Flower. Flower herself appears and informs Leafy that Bubble helped her get over the rock wall. Leafy is in disbelief and doesn't want to listen to Bubble explaining how she was threatened to. Flower pushes Leafy out of her way into the magma to get Bubble to help her again.

Leafy apologizes on Bubble's behalf to Flower that she was not given immunity.

As the eliminated contestants get to say on who they think should win, Flower doesn't want any of them to win since all three have killed her at some point. However, she ends up chosing Leafy because she's also a plant.

Leafy stares blankly at Flower when she mocks their team.

While Flower is put in a pot by Four and X, Leafy greets her and wonders why she's in it. Flower tells her she's their garden now and warns Leafy to save herself.

Leafy waits with the other gift-receivers in a bench and tries to lighten their mood by asking if they're excited to get their gifts. After the others give her awkward silence, Flower responds that she's alright but doesn't like how cramped her pot is.

As Leafy greets Flower's team, she tells Leafy to deliver a message insulting Taco on her behalf. Leafy is confused and is interrupted by Taco before she can relay the message. Flower wants Leafy to talk to Taco for her so she doesn't have to, but Leafy isn't accepting of Flower's seclusion and stands up to Taco. As the two jump rope together, Flower feels jealous for them and reveals she was only mad at Taco for not wanting to become allies earlier.

Gelatin shows off a sweater Flower made for him to Leafy, who is confused because she thought Gelatin didn't like them. After realizing that Blocky was kicked to the sky for publicly expressing disapproval, Leafy is seen wearing a sweater Flower made for her. She, along with Gelatin, Lollipop, and Bubble continue to wear sweaters from Flower and creep out the others who don't understand.

Flower invites Leafy to hang out with her for the challenge, saying she's going to get party supplies from her shop. Leafy agrees and heads out with her after a solemn talk with Firey. As Leafy is confused on why her store is far away, Flower explains that it's not the most successful store and she wasn't able to get a good location for it. She takes Leafy to the quicksand of death to go inside of, grabbing her as she screams for help. While submerging, Leafy asks what's below the pit and learns that a 1,000-foot drop is below them. Before she can say much about this, the two reach the end of the pit and scream as they fall. When they land, Flower tells her they will be at the shop as soon as they cross a 50-mile tightrope, annoying Leafy. They walk the fifty miles and Flower is excited when they arrive. Leafy is disappointed to see the shop only be a stand rather than the likes of a megastore. Flower reiterates that she is in a struggle to get a good location for the subpar store, but her passion makes it worth it to her. As her worker Rusty Coin overloads her with party supplies, Leafy is weirded out by him. Flower tells Leafy to make a run for it as she screams for him to leave them alone. The two arrive back in time before the challenge ends to set up for Flower's party. Leafy realizes she won't have time to make one for herself so she offers to help Flower with hers. Flower is greatful and says she'll give Leafy the extra immunity if she wins, instructing her to throw the boxes on the walls. When Leafy does so, she learns that the decorations automatically attach and is impressed by the party.

Leafy, along with everyone else, doesn't want to wear Flower's sweaters again.

Flower is outraged that Profily is able to debut into the final 6 without anyone actually knowing them. Leafy points out how she rejoined the first season at the final six, making Flower change her mind. Later during the challenge, Flower nervously greets Leafy and Lollipop as she takes Profily up to the BRB.

Flower is happy that Leafy lets her in into the Newbie Alliance, although Gelatin didn't see the point to it. Right as Leafy is about to leave the oven and claim her immunity, Flower yells from a distance to watch out for her. She crushes Leafy from her fall, killing both of them. At night after the challenge, Leafy asks if anyone else hears the ominous noise around her. Flower hears it too and doesn't think much of it.

When X tries to convince Four to revive his co-co-host Purple Face, Flower expresses her nervousness about it to Leafy. When asked why, Flower explains that she remembers someone powerful hating the idea of competitions having more than two hosts and suggests that it's a sign of a competition's structure falling apart. Leafy agrees with Flower when Gelatin is doubtful of this, bringing up how they've had to relocate because of Profily. Flower and Leafy are in the bottom two during the Cake at Stake ceremony, concerning both of them. While Flower survives, the Announcer reveals Leafy's elimination of the season.

Leafy wants to help Flower when she is tourtured on Purple Face's live television show. Later when Battle for BFB is about to lose all of its budget, Flower is hesitant to give up her $50,000 meant to be for her store. Leafy brings up how it's been one of Flower's dreams to get to the end of a season and insists she does so, telling her not to be selfish. Leafy later thanks her and Gelatin for saving the show and getting into the final two of the season.

When the eliminated contestants get to cast their voice on who they think should win, Leafy chooses Flower not just because she's a plant, but also because Flower wanted Leafy to win the first season as well. Flower thanks her for paying it forward. Leafy is among the group of contestants chasing Purple Face for stealing Flower's prize of the BFB. However, the group ends up fighting one another over who gets to keep it. When Leafy gets out of the bus as it dangles over a cliff, she notices that Flower, along with Purple Face and the Announcer, stayed on the bus. Later when Leafy and Firey are about to depart to find their own Dream Island, Flower tells them to be safe and wishes them luck. As their boat sets off, Leafy says that she'll miss her and congratulates her for winning the season.


Floweafy is a fairly popular pairing in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. Although unheard of at first because of the first season, the fourth season took a different direction on the duo and as a result, has garnered much respect from fans. As a result, dozens of fan art of depict their new-found bond, some being of them wearing sweaters, holding hands, or hugging among others. Support for the ship can be found on numerous websites such as DeviantArt, TikTok, Tumblr, and Twitter. Common rival ships for both Flower and Leafy include Fireafy (Firey x Leafy), Leafpin (Leafy x Pin), Floweruby (Flower x Ruby), and Flowerpop (Flower x Lollipop).

A Tumblr analysis blog points out the unheard of alliance between the two, noting how they used to be polar opposites in the first season. Throughout the fourth season, their characters had become fairly similar: both dealing with the consequences of their mistakes in the first season and attempting to gain the respect back from their old peers. The episode "The Game Has Changed" fully opened up their bond as it demonstrates how their similarities in terms of character image come into play. Flower had offered to help Leafy when no one else would and throughout the season, Leafy commonly would help Flower when no one else would such as adding her to Gelatin's alliance and even Leafy paying the wish to win forward to Flower. The post concluded how Flower and Leafy were two girls hurt by the lowest of the competition's lows and supported each other when left out.

On AO3, the ship has eight works under the platonic tag and four under the romantic tag. It is the third most written ship for Flower and the fifth most for Leafy.


Flower & Leafy (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
Flower/Leafy (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
Floweafy search results on Wattpad
Flower and Leafy search results on DeviantArt
Flower and Leafy posts on TikTok
Floweafy posts on Tumblr
Leafy x Flower posts on Tumblr
Floweafy posts on Twitter

