Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 1313
Femslash ships: 22Het ships: 22Poly ship: 11

Foldy is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Foldy is a contestant in the fourth and fifth seasons of Battle for Dream Island. Shee has competed on Free Food and The Strongest Team on Earth and placed 42nd in the fifth season.



Bombfoldy — the ship between Foldy and Bomby
Cloudfoldy — the ship between Foldy and Cloudy
Foldanchor — the ship between Foldy and Anchor
Foldavid — the ship between Foldy and David
Foldblock — the ship between Foldy and Blocky
Foldboty — the ship between Foldy and Roboty
Foldcake — the ship between Foldy and Cake
Foldckel — the ship between Foldy and Nickel
Foldclock — the ship between Foldy and Clock
Foldcoiny — the ship between Foldy and Coiny
Foldexisty — the ship between Foldy and Nonexisty
Foldfirey — the ship between Foldy and Firey
Foldfireyspeakerbox — the ship between Foldy and Firey Speaker Box
Foldfries — the ship between Foldy and Fries
Foldhole — the ship between Foldy and Black Hole
Foldlatin — the ship between Foldy and Gelatin
Foldlightning — the ship between Foldy and Lightning
Foldloony — the ship between Foldy and Balloony
Foldloser — the ship between Foldy and Loser
Foldnouncer — the ship between Foldy and Announcer
Foldnut — the ship between Foldy and Donut
Foldpen — the ship between Foldy and Pen
Foldpurpleface — the ship between Foldy and Purple Face
Foldraser — the ship between Foldy and Eraser
Foldrustycoin — the ship between Foldy and Rusty Coin
Foldshell — the ship between Foldy and Conch Shell
Foldsnow — the ship between Foldy and Snowball
Foldspongy — the ship between Foldy and Spongy
Foldtree — the ship between Foldy and Tree
Foldtv — the ship between Foldy and TV
Foldwoody — the ship between Foldy and Woody
Folker — the ship between Foldy and Marker
Stapoldy — the ship between Foldy and Stapy
Tenfoldy — the ship between Foldy and Tennis Ball
Yellowfoldy — the ship between Foldy and Yellow Face


Fanfoldy — the ship between Foldy and Fanny
Foldbag — the ship between Foldy and Barf Bag
Foldbasket — the ship between Foldy and Basketball
Foldbell — the ship between Foldy and Bell
Foldbook — the ship between Foldy and Book
Foldbot — the ship between Foldy and Robot Flower
Foldbottle — the ship between Foldy and Bottle
Foldcil — the ship between Foldy and Pencil
Foldcube — the ship between Foldy and Ice Cube
Folddrum — the ship between Foldy and Snare Drum
Foldeggy — the ship between Foldy and Eggy
Foldflower — the ship between Foldy and Flower
Foldflowerspeakerbox — the ship between Foldy and Flower Speaker Box
Foldgaty — the ship between Foldy and Gaty
Foldgolf — the ship between Foldy and Golf Ball
Foldlety — the ship between Foldy and Bracelety
Foldliy — the ship between Foldy and Liy
Foldmatch — the ship between Foldy and Match
Foldmote — the ship between Foldy and Remote
Foldnaily — the ship between Foldy and Naily
Foldneedle — the ship between Foldy and Needle
Foldomi — the ship between Foldy and Nomi
Foldora — the ship between Foldy and Dora
Foldpie — the ship between Foldy and Pie
Foldpillow — the ship between Foldy and Pillow
Foldpin — the ship between Foldy and Pin
Foldpop — the ship between Foldy and Lollipop
Foldpuff — the ship between Foldy and |Puffball
Foldpuffballspeakerbox — the ship between Foldy and Puffball Speaker Box
Foldrop — the ship between Foldy and Teardrop
Foldruby — the ship between Foldy and Ruby
Foldsaw — the ship between Foldy and Saw
Foldubble — the ship between Foldy and Bubble
Leafoldy — the ship between Foldy and Leafy
Tacofoldy — the ship between Foldy and Taco


Fold10 — the ship between Foldy and Ten
Fold14 — the ship between Foldy and Fourteen
Fold15 — the ship between Foldy and Fifteen
Foldboard — the ship between Foldy and Clapboard
Foldcamera — the ship between Foldy and Camera
Foldcart — the ship between Foldy and Shopping Cart
Foldeight — the ship between Foldy and Eight
Foldfive — the ship between Foldy and Five
Foldfour — the ship between Foldy and Four
Foldlamp — the ship between Foldy and Salt Lamp
Foldmic — the ship between Foldy and Boom Mic
Foldnine — the ship between Foldy and Nine
Foldone — the ship between Foldy and One
Foldpda — the ship between Foldy and PDA
Foldseven — the ship between Foldy and Seven
Foldsix — the ship between Foldy and Six
Foldspatula — the ship between Foldy and Rubber Spatula
Foldtag — the ship between Foldy and Price Tag
Foldtape — the ship between Foldy and Tape
Foldthree — the ship between Foldy and Three
Foldtwo — the ship between Foldy and Two
Foldwinner — the ship between Foldy and Winner
FoldX — the ship between Foldy and X
Foldzero — the ship between Foldy and Zero


Foldballoser — the ship between Foldy, Balloony and Loser
Foldbombnut — the ship between Foldy, Bomby and Donut
Foldeggbasket — the ship between Foldy, Eggy and Basketball
Foldeggbell — the ship between Foldy, Eggy and Bell
Foldeggcakeclock — the ship between Foldy, Eggy, Cake and Clock
Foldeggdrop — the ship between Foldy, Eggy and Teardrop
Foldflowliy — the ship between Foldy, Flower and Liy
Foldpenraser — the ship between Foldy, Pen and Eraser
Foldpuffbell — the ship between Foldy, Puffball and Bell
Foldraserdrop — the ship between Foldy, Eraser and Teardrop
Foldsawpie — the ship between Foldy, Saw and Pie
Stapoldiy — the ship between Foldy, Stapy and Liy
Stapoldker — the ship between Foldy, Stapy and Marker
Stapoldkeriy — the ship between Foldy, Stapy, Marker and Liy


Main article: Stapoldy


Foldy tag on AO3
Foldy stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
10 Stapoldy Stapy het
6 Stapoldker MarkerStapy poly
2 Folker Marker het
1 Foldy & Stapy Stapy gen

