FriendshipFinale is the friendship between Cameron, Mike, and Zoey from the Total Drama fandom.
Cameron, Mike, and Zoey immediately get along in their debut season. Throughout Total Drama: Revenge of the Island, their friendship is a powerful force. The three share their first direct interactions in “Ice Ice Baby”. When Mike and Zoey climb the mountain, Lightning kicks some rocks down, which causes them to fall off the ledge and knock Cameron down along the way. Mike and Zoey later help Cameron up. Zoey then sees B sifting from the junk pile, and gets the idea to utilize the junk to help them climb up. In the end Zoey finds a grappling hook, Mike a pair of plungers, and Cameron a giant wad of gum to help them climb. In “Finders Creepers”, Mike commends Cameron on his obtaining their team's key, to which Zoey happily comments that she likes how supportive Mike was towards Cameron.
Cameron and Zoey are both dumbfounded as Manitoba Smith makes his first appearance in “A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste”. Later, seeing they both endured the mine unscathed, Zoey hugs Mike while tackling both boys to the ground. Cameron is slightly hurt but recovers without problem. Towards the end of the challenge, Mike strains to fend off a mutant gopher with Zoey supporting the ill Cameron behind him. Brick decides he can't leave his former teammates behind and saves them all. Before he takes the Hurl of Shame, Cameron, Mike, and Zoey all salute him in gratitude. He happily returns the gesture. This episode begins an ongoing effort by Cameron to eliminate Scott. Knowing he can't do it on his own, he approaches Mike with his self-made discovery of his Dissociative Identity Disorder. Cameron offers to help him gain better control in exchange for his vote, and Mike accepts.
In the next episode “The Treasure Island of Doctor McLean”, Cameron says that Mike's end of their agreement involves him convincing Zoey to vote with them. Cameron watches out for Mike throughout the episode, keeping his own promise. He uses the knowledge he has garnered from studying Mike to reverse each personality switch as they happen. When Manitoba Smith emerges from Mike putting on a fedora, Cameron pushes Zoey into Lake Wawanakwa and removes it. He covers it up by saying he tripped. Cameron stands off to the side smiling while Mike shares a tender moment with Zoey pulling her back onto the raft. During the challenge, Cameron and Mike desperately attempt to get her on their side and away from their new teammate Scott. She is instead irritated at them for judging Scott when he actually has a good heart, or at least that's what she believes. When Vito comes out from Mike's shirt being pulled up, Cameron tugs it back down as Zoey angrily asks about Vito's sudden appearance. Cameron plays it off by lightly scolding Mike for "practicing his impressions" at the wrong time. He also admits that he is growing tired of keeping up with switches and pressures Mike to tell Zoey the truth. Mike says he will in ten years. Cameron discovers that Zoey being in danger is what causes Mike to come back from a personality switch. At the end of the episode, Mike urges Zoey to vote with him and Cameron, but she goes against his wishes. As Scott has the McLean-Brand Chris Head, he wouldn't have been eliminated anyway.

Cameron, Mike and Zoey laughing together in the dining hall.
In “Grand Chef Auto”, Scott takes advantage of his new knowledge of Mike's disorder (courtesy of Cameron slipping) by blackmailing him; either he helps him win the challenge or Scott reveals his secret to the still oblivious Zoey. Cameron is so focused on the challenge that he forgets to assist Mike, who he remembers at the third landmark at Zoey's mention of him. Later, both Cameron and Zoey are alarmed as Mike engages in a physical battle for control against his personalities. The former again accidentally reveals his condition, surprising Zoey. When Mike finally admits his disorder to her, Zoey replies that she already knows thanks to Cameron. Cameron apologizes from off-screen. In “The Enchanted Franken-Forest”, a flashback is shown of Zoey and Mike laughing at Cameron’s impersonation of Chris with spaghetti hair. Mike and Zoey cheer for Cameron over Lightning to win the season in the finale “Brain vs Brawn: The Ultimate Showdown”. In Cameron's ending, they celebrate with him by lifting him above their heads. In Lightning's ending, they console him.

The trio as members of the newly formed Heroic Hamsters team.
The three have become good friends after Revenge of the Island, and continue to be on positive terms in Total Drama All-Stars. They’re all placed on the Heroic Hamsters. In “Heroes vs Villains”, the three all insist on one of them pushing their team’s baby carriage, not sure who should do it. At the start of “Saving Private Leechball”, all three are shown enjoying breakfast at the spa hotel along with the rest of the Heroic Hamsters. While Courtney is distracting the butler, they silently acknowledge each other before hiding scraps from their breakfast plates, so as to feed the exiled Sam. Mike and Zoey both show concern when Cameron volunteers to be the next to go to Boney Island to get away from Sierra. In an attempt to comfort everyone, Mike suggests that the vicious animals won't notice him due to his small size. In “Food Fright”, Mike and Zoey, like everyone else, are repulsed by Cameron’s stench after he’s brought back from exile. Their friendship takes a turn because of Mike’s dark alter Mal after this episode.
Zoey observes Mike (under the influence of Mal) trip Cameron, resulting in his glasses breaking at the start of “Moon Madness”. She informs Cameron about what happened before the challenge starts. The latter is shocked that his friend could do such a thing. Despite Zoey's request not to reveal their conversation, Cameron confronts Mike, who admits he's been having problems with his personalities as of late. All three are stunned at the end of the episode when Chris switches Cameron from the Heroic Hamsters to the Villainous Vultures. They say goodbye to each other and Cameron vows to help Mike with his problem even from separate teams, unaware of the recently resurfaced Mal in control of Mike.
In “You Regatta Be Kidding Me”, Cameron and Zoey form another alliance to take each other to the finale. Mal, now in full control of Mike's body and posing as him, requests to be included as well. Both comply. In the confessional, Cameron is clearly expectant of disaster while Zoey asks her deck of tarot cards. She brushes off her seemingly absurd results as not meaning anything. During the challenge, Cameron and Zoey try to catch up to "Mike" when he leaves them behind. Cameron recalls that her being in danger brings Mike back from a switch. This causes her to risk her life in order to validate that Mike is who he says he is. After she ends up on the boat Mal is driving, she tries to make him turn back to collect Cameron and Scott, who are in deep trouble. Mal rigs the votes against Cameron at the end of the episode. Cameron and Zoey automatically dispute the "unanimous" decision. In “Zeek and Ye Shall Find”, Cameron, Mal, and Zoey team up to find Chris. However, they are separated when Zoey goes after Gwen and Mal forces Cameron in another direction. Cameron shares a goodbye with Mike and Zoey shortly before he leaves on account of injury.
In “The Final Wreck-ening”, Cameron is doubtful that Mike has a chance at regaining control from Mal, which makes Zoey cry. During the challenge, he and Gwen continuously attempt to convince her not to take mercy on him. When Mike does come back and he and Zoey share a kiss, Cameron high-fives Gwen happily. Some time later, Cameron and Gwen, along with the runner up, congratulate the winner on their victory. They are all seen on a flotsam after the sinking of Camp Wawanakwa. Mike states they should "do this again sometime." Cameron, Gwen, and Zoey are quick to shoot down this suggestion.
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On AO3, there are currently 20+ written works.
- Mike & Cameron & Zoey tag on AO3
- Cameron and Mike on Total Drama Wiki
- Cameron and Zoey on Total Drama Wiki
- Mike and Zoey on Total Drama Wiki
- All three make it to the finale at some point.
- All three merge in every season they compete in.
- All three have long drawn out conflicts with Scott that have close relations to each other.
- Zoke refers to the het ship between Mike and Zoey
- Cammike refers to the slash ship between Cameron and Mike
- Camoey refers to the het ship between Cameron and Zoey