Frossie is the femslash ship between Frost and Cassie Cage from the Mortal Kombat fandom.
Mortal Kombat X (Comic)[]
Cassie and Frost meet when the former accidentally enters an underground "deathmatch" arena. Frost has already made a name for herself in this arena, having killed 21 of her opponents. Upon first seeing her opponent, Frost dismisses Cassie as a Beverly Hills brat and thinks it'll be easy to kill her. Cassie, however, displays confidence in her abilities since she's fighting for her life and that of her friend Jacqui. This bravado is initially not enough as Frost easily dominates her throughout the match. With her opponent down, Frost mocks Cassie as the only reason she's there is she's the daughter of the "famous" Johnny Cage while the cryomancer gave blood and sweat to survive as an orphan. Cassie, however, fires back that she knows about giving sweat - which she punctuates by headbutting Frost. With this opening, Cassie knocks Frost down and traps her in a headlock long enough to leave her unconscious.
With the match over, the announcers and audience demand that Cassie kill the knocked out Frost. Cassie refuses until one of the guards puts a gun to Jacqui's head. With no other option, Cassie puts her foot on Frost's neck to crush it - all the while quietly apologizing to her. The good news is that an explosion rocks the arena, giving Cassie the chance to spare Frost. However, it's counteracted by the bad news that the perpetrators are the Black Dragon. Seeing the danger, Cassie drags Frost out of the arena and into a nearby alley. Jacqui questions why Cassie helped Frost when she nearly killed her, with the younger Cage pointing out it would balance the karma of her nearly killing the cryomancer. Unfortunately, the Black Dragon find the two - forcing Cassie to run and leave Frost behind.
- Cassie – “Hey there Elsa, what's up?”
- Frost – “Why does everyone call me that?”
- Cassie – “Oh honey, let me help you.”
- Cassie – “Didn't we have this fight?”
- Frost – “It'll end differently, you spoiled princess.”
- Cassie – “Yeah, I'll knock you out cold faster.”
- Frost – “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”
- Cassie – “Page five, Cliché Villains Handbook?”
- Frost – “Snark won't save you, Cage.”
- Frost – “You're a good little lap dog, aren't you?”
- Cassie – “A good soldier follows orders.”
- Frost – “The best soldiers take command.”
- Jacqui Briggs – “Frost is gunning for you, Cass.”
- Cassie – “Tell that bitch anytime, anywhere.”
Frossie is a rare but well-liked ship in the Mortal Kombat fandom. Despite only interacting once in the Mortal Kombat X comics, fans quickly latched onto the two. The main contributors to this interest were how close the two were getting during their fight and the contrast made between their upbringings. The ship received an influx of support when it was revealed the two would be playable together in Mortal Kombat 11. Although they don't interact in the main story, their pre-fight interactions showing the same kind of energy as before was appreciated. Several fans imagine a possible AU where Frost's and Cassie's relationship lead the former to becoming a member of the Kombat Kids. This ships only major rival is on Cassie's side, that being JacqCass.
There are 25 works tagged with this ship on AO3. It's Frost's most written ship. It's also Cassie's second-most after Cassohnny.
- Cassie Cage/Frost tag on AO3
- Cassie Cage & Frost tag on AO3
Mortal Kombat Ships • Mortal Kombat Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | Cageblade • Liutana |
slash | Johnshi • SubScorp | |
femslash | Frossie • Taleena | |
poly | Repmactorr | |
family | Kiteena • Lin Kuei Bros | |
friend | Kombat Kids |