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Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11Screenshots: 9191Sprite: 11Stills: 77
Femslash ships: 22Het ships: 22Familyship: 11

Fubuki is a character from the One Punch Man fandom.


A 23-year-old young woman with psychic powers and the younger sister of the famous "Psychic Sisters" duo. Fubuki was introduced in the main story as an arrogant and self-centered individual who cut off those heroes who threatened her B-Class Rank 1 position in the association if they didn't join her Blizzard Group.

At the age of 5, she showed no signs of having any psychic powers until her older sister Tatsumaki came to visit her through the window of Fubuki's room. Tatsumaki was followed by the mysterious Tsukuyomi agents, who she then supposedly massacred in front of Fubuki who in turn became afraid of her sister and she suddenly awakened her powers. Tatsumaki's overprotectiveness then kept Fubuki mostly isolated from the rest of the children in school which scared her. In high school, Fubuki eventually created "Society for Supernatural Research" and ran it with her vice president and good friend Psykos. This was the beginning of Fubuki starting to collect people and trying to reach her sister's power level with numbers rather than pure strength.

At one point, Fubuki joined the Hero Association and through hard work reached the B-Class Rank 1 position. She had also created her own faction of heroes known as the Blizzard Group.



GaroFubu — the ship between Fubuki and Garou
Genobuki — the ship between Fubuki and Genos
KingFubu — the ship between Fubuki and King
MatsuFubu — the ship between Fubuki and Eyelashes
Saibuki — the ship between Fubuki and Saitama
SoniFubu — the ship between Fubuki and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
Zombuki — the ship between Fubuki and Zombieman


Dobuki — the ship between Fubuki and Do-S
FubuMizu — the ship between Fubuki and Mizuki
Psybuki — the ship between Fubuki and Psykos


FubuGenoSaiTatsu — the ship between Fubuki, Genos, Saitama and Tatsumaki
FubuSaiGenos — the ship between Fubuki, Saitama and Genos
FubuSaiTatsu — the ship between Fubuki, Saitama and Tatsumaki
GaroFubuGenos — the ship between Fubuki, Genos and Garou
GaroFubuSai — the ship between Fubuki, Saitama and Garou
TatsuFubuGenos — the ship between Fubuki, Genos and Tatsumaki


Psychic Sisters — the ship between Fubuki and Tatsumaki


Blizzard Group — the ship between Fubuki, Eyelashes, Mountain Ape and Lily
FubuBangBomb — the ship between Fubuki, Bang and Bomb
Lilbuki — the ship between Fubuki and Lily


Main article: Psychic Sisters


Main article: Saibuki

Fubuki and Saitama meet each other during the Blizzard Group Arc. Fubuki first wanted Saitama to join her group, but the latter refused. This leads to the esper wanting to hurt Saitama so that he won't be a threat to her B-Class rank 1 position in the future. However, Genos and Sonic interrupt the conflict between them. Later, Fubuki explains her behavior to them and becomes quite adamant about getting Saitama and everyone associated with him to join her group, even stating outright at times that they are the "New Blizzard Group". In the Psychic Sisters Arc, Fubuki learns that Saitama only thinks of her as an acquaintance which seemed to hit her hard for a brief moment.

Main article: Genobuki
Main article: Psybuki
Main article: Dobuki
Main article: KingFubu


Fubuki tag on AO3
Fubuki tag on DeviantArt
地獄のフブキ tag on Pixiv
Fubuki posts on Tumblr
Fubuki tag on Tumblr
Fubuki on One-Punch Man Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
84 Saibuki Saitama het
26 Psychic Sisters Tatsumaki family
14 Psybuki Psykos femslash
13 Genobuki Genos het
11 Fubuki x Tatsumaki Tatsumaki femslash
10 Fubuki & Saitama Saitama gen
9 KingFubu King het
6 Fubuki & Izuku Izuku Midoriya gen
5 Dobuki Do-S femslash
4 SoniFubu Speed-o'-Sound Sonic het


One Punch Man ShipsOne Punch Man Characters
SHIPS het Electric Catfish Man x Maiko PlasmaGenobukiGenoTatsuSaibukiSaiTatsuTatsuKing
slash AmaiBatBatarouBlastVoidCharaGaroGearouGenosaiGolden Ball x Spring MustachioKingSaiMumarouSaiSuiryuSuiGarouZombieMask
femslash DobukiPsybuki
family Bat FamilyBlastatsuPsychic SistersVoid Fist siblings
friend BatKingGarou & TareoShitty Teen Squad
CHARACTERS male GarouGenosMetal BatSaitama
female FubukiTatsumaki