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FunnyBunnyDoll is the poly ship between Pomni, Ragatha, and Jax from the The Amazing Digital Circus fandom.



When Pomni arrives, Jax immediately shows concern over whether they have to redo the theme song due to the additional circus member. Unlike him, Ragatha resorts to comforting her and attempting to calm the anxious jester in her new predicament. In the midst of her panic, Pomni copes by believing the circus is merely a dream. Jax asks Caine if he has a new adventure planned for Pomni's arrival, which the digital Ringmaster comes up with Capture the Gloink! for their next fun event. He initiates the game, but Ragatha asks Pomni if she is willing to meet another circus member, Kaufmo, before they participate.

Pomni agrees that she would if this situation was indeed real in her continuous attempt to reassure herself. Jax pokes fun at this as he gives Ragatha a knowing grin. Jax claims he doesn't mind what they do as long as he sees funny things happen to people. Seconds after that statement, he is clunked in the head by a Gloink and ultimately decides to tag along with Pomni and Ragatha to "harass" the clown. The three are seen strolling down the hallways that lead to the different rooms of the players. Ragatha introduces the area to Pomni, claiming this is where everyone sleeps though they don't need it in the digital world. Pomni continues to ramble about the exit, asking why everyone doesn't just leave instead of participating in Caine's adventures.

Ragatha declares they indeed do try to leave when first arriving but delves into a moment of panic when hinting at the act of abstraction when going insane. She doesn't realize as she's rambling that the trio arrived at Kaufmo's door. She dismisses her previous dark speech, depicting the adventures as something that keeps the brain healthy and stimulated before ringing Kaufmo's doorbell. Jax continues to bring up Pomni's previous dream statement, sarcastically remarking his gladness that everything is merely fictional. Pomni, however, isn't listening to him as she zones out. He snaps her out of her unsettling daze. Ragatha questions why Kaufmo is ignoring the doorbell.

She suggests he may not be in his room at the moment. Jax, however, reveals he possesses the key to his room. Ragatha immediately steps in and disapproves of this, but Jax states he has keys to everyone's room and nobody batted an eye. Additionally, he says he left centipedes inside Ragatha's room as a surprise when she returns to it. Ragatha is furious by this since centipedes are her only "real" fear. Jax proceeds to open Kaufmo's door to reveal a disheveled room and an abstracted Kaufmo. Jax swiftly finds an excuse to leave the room before dashing off and leaving Ragatha and Pomni behind. The trio don't rejoin until their digital feast together.

Candy Carrier Chaos![]

The trio find themselves in a car chase against a criminal gang. Jax, being himself, resorts to tossing Pomni outside of the truck to use her stretchy body as a bridge much to Ragatha's disapproval. Pomni fails to grip onto both trucks much longer from being thrown out, thus she is flung atop the enemy vehicle. Jax is disappointed in her for letting go and making this known to her. Ragatha scolds Jax and demands him to not continue with his careless actions until Pomni is returned safely to their truck. She is utterly ignored and even pushed around by him. Throughout Pomni's absence, Ragatha constantly worries about her.

Thankfully, Pomni returns unscathed with a new ally known as Gumigoo by her side, a former enemy of the circus crew. Ragatha is elated to see her, but Jax pays no mind as he is utterly upset about the lack of action and bloodshed in their adventure. Ragatha attempts to comfort him but ends up being shouted at. The trio make their way back to the tent as the crowd applause them for "ending" the criminal gang's reign. Jax finally lightens up when the goo monster he allowed entry to arrive to massacre the kingdom, and Ragatha is horrified of what is about to come. As Jax skips inside the portal to the tent, Ragatha and Pomni look back at the scene anxiously.


FunnyBunnyDoll is a popular polymarous ship within the The Amazing Digital Circus fanbase. This is due to their importance in the Pilot as leading characters of the story, leaving other characters like Kinger and Zooble to possess more screen time in future episodes. Gooseworx has posted a tweet regarding the problematic shipping debates, and Micheal Kovach, the voice of Jax, suggests the solution to ship all characters polymarously, possibly hinting to FunnyBunnyDoll.


Jax/Pomni/Ragatha tag on AO3
Jax & Pomni & Ragatha tag on AO3
FunnyBunnyDoll tag on Tumblr



ButtonBlossom refers to the ship between Ragatha and Pomni
Circus Crew refers to the ship between the three, Gangle, Kinger, and Zooble
FunnyBunny refers to the ship between Jax and Pomni
Jagatha refers to the ship between Jax and Ragatha


The Amazing Digital Circus Logo
The Amazing Digital Circus ShipsThe Amazing Digital Circus Characters
SHIPS het BlueToothDollChessCainathaCheckmatesFunnyBunnyFunnyGummyJagathaRibbunRoyalRibbonsShowtimeVax
slash BuckTeethClownBunnyKingleader
femslash ButtonBlossomDollyLollyPomNARibbonRagsScaredyLovers
non-binary AbstractComedyAbstragedyRagaZoobSurpriseShowZaxbys
poly FunnyBunnyDoll
friend CainbleNomniPomziThe Existential Crisis Brothers
cargo PomniExit
CHARACTERS male CaineJax
female GanglePomniRagatha
non-binary Zooble