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May your soul find salvation...released from the yoke of sin.
—Fyodor’s parting words to Karma after killing him

FyoKarma is the slash ship between Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Karma from the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom.


The Guild Aftermath Arc[]

Karma and Fyodor’s first interaction stem in the underground holding cell of the Port Mafia, the beginning of Chapter 42. Karma approaches Fyodor’s cell, having asked a man to kidnap the man. Karma hesitantly takes off the bag covering Fyodor’s head.

After Fyodor’s conversation with Ace, resulting in a head and ushanka drenched in wine, Karma approaches, feeling pity. Karma informs Fyodor to give up, and that Ace is unbeatable. However, Karma stares solemnly and says that, in honesty, he shivered after hearing Fyodor announce he was going to kill Ace. Karma states he could say something daring like that, but speaks aloud of how if he did, he would be killed. Karma warns Fyodor to wear the collar to avoid death, but Fyodor looks up and laughs. Shocked, Karma stares at Fyodor’s eyes and wonders if the man is seriously planning to kill Ace.

FyoKarma panel1

However, Fyodor ends up sneezing, leaving Karma dumbfounded. Fyodor sniffles and says the dampness has given him a chill. This makes Karma finally smile a bit. Laughing, Karma grabs the ushanka and rubs it over Fyodor’s head. Karma sadly comments on how he wished he could be the boss of the Port Mafia, but that now he’s a collared slave. Karma drifts off into opening up about his past, of how he was sold as a slave as a child, and that he’s realized no “superhero” will save a “bunch of villains” such as himself. Smiling, Karma states he thought that Fyodor could grant him freedom.

But he asks a distracted Fyodor what he’s doing, to which the man replies he cut his hand on a piece of glass. Karma deadpans and thinks that Fyodor wasn’t even listening. Karma then asks Fyodor if he’s scared. Fyodor responds that he isn’t, and that Ace’s room is as cozy as his own. Fyodor announces that his ability is that he can control time and space.

Several scenes later, Karma is walking alone in a hallway. He thinks to himself that Ace is sure to kill “that wimpy guy” (Fyodor). He thinks that Fyodor and Ace are too clashing evils, but that Fyodor may be something else. Walking into Ace’s vault, the only thing Karma knows is that Fyodor will never see the outside again, but he is floored to see Fyodor appear right behind him. Panicked, Karma asks Fyodor why he’s here and what happened to Ace. Fyodor ignores the question and assesses the vault Karma opened. Karma asks Fyodor how he escaped the room. Fyodor smiles at Karma, and calmly explains his trick — in how he lied about his ability. Stunned, Karma shouts at Fyodor asking what happened to Ace. Fyodor then monologues on simple people are and reveals he gave a false data to Ace on purpose.

Sweating. Karma bolts to the room and finds Ace, who has hung himself with the lamp. Fyodor explains to a horrified Karma his method in creating a fake virtual world to trick Ace. Karma, eyes dilated, ponders how Fyodor easily got one of the top 5 mafia executives. Fyodor gestures to the cards to explain he remembered all the scratches – to which Karma ruminates over “what kind of superhuman mind” Fyodor has.

Fyodor, grinning wide, announces to Karma that thinking and breathing is a crime, and that Ace has been freed from it. Karma, scared, wonders what Fyodor is saying. He assesses how Fyodor stares at the corpse like a simple “stain on the wall.” Hesitant, Karma asks if the jewels are what Fyodor is after. Fyodor, amused, declares that he has no interest in them. He reveals his true goal was to find a list of the Port Mafia members and their skills and holds it up for Karma to see. Fyodor tells Karma he will use it to offer the salvation of death to the evil in the world. Karma is shocked as he realizes Ace has no chance at beating Fyodor from the start. He contemplates that Ace was evil, but Fyodor is a nirvana, “something that transcends mankind itself.”

Fyodor kills Karma

Fyodor announces that he can’t afford the public to hear of these doings. Fyodor reaches out his hand and tells Karma he will “provide a great silence” for him. Thinking back at his belief of “no superhero” planning to save villains, Karma monologues to himself that “oddly enough”, he realized what kind of person offers salvation to evil. Fyodor announces he’ll show his real ability – he strides forward and presses his hand against Karma, who coughs out an outpouring of blood, dying. At this moment Karma says that it is something more repulsive than evil itself. As Fyodor looks back at Karma expressionlessly, Karma collapses to the floor and tells himself he’s sure Fyodor will destroy the mafia.

Oddly enough, I came to realize exactly what kind of person offered salvation to evil. It is something darker and more repulsive than "evil" itself. I'm sure of it now, this guy will destroy the mafia. And if I'm doomed to die by this guy's hand, it was a terrible life, but I guess it wasn't too bad.
—Karma's last thoughts on being killed by Fyodor

Karma’s collar is on the floor, as he contemplates if he’s doomed to die by Fyodor’s hands, then perhaps his “terrible” life wasn’t too bad. Karma is seen smiling softly, deceased. Fyodor stares down at Karma’s corpse. As his parting words, he tells Karma he wishes for his soul to find salvation, “released from the yoke of sin.” Fyodor exits the scene.


FyoKarma was a duo that took many by storm. With the way the narrative set up Karma’s views toward Fyodor and their surprisingly friendly relationship, the majority of viewers expected Fyodor to take in Karma as an apprentice and teach him his ways. When Fyodor instead killed Karma to both rid the evidence and “set him free”, many were shocked and disappointed at the switch-up. But many figured it was a proper way to introduce Fyodor’s ruthless character. It was also assessed that Fyodor did indeed care about karma and felt guilt to kill him, but thought it as the right thing to do to "save"/"free" him.

FyoKarma is typically viewed platonically. Fans view it as a father-son or mentor-mentee relationship. Fans generally liked the duo from the start due to Karma immediately admiring and opening up to Fyodor. Though FyoKarma is overshadowed by Fyodor’s popular ships like Fyolai, there is still a following of people who like the ship romantically, but it is heavily frowned upon due to the age gap of Fyodor’s age being ambiguous (likely over thousands of years but seeming like a young adult) while Karma appears to be a minor. Nevertheless, what seemed to be intense admiration from Karma raised the attention of many, who believed Karma was possibly in love with Fyodor. Points that were interpreted romantically were things like Karma seeing Fyodor as a savior who would save him, and even claiming his horrible life wasn’t bad after all while being killed by Fyodor. Essentially, most FyoKarma shippers see the ship as one-sided from Karma. There are around 11 works on AO3 romantically, and 25 in gen.


Fyodor/Karma tag on AO3
Fyodor & Karma tag on AO3




Bungou Stray Dogs ShipsBungou Stray Dogs Characters
SHIPS het AkuHiguAtsuGinAtsuKyouAtsuLucyAyamuraChuuAkiDazai x WaitressDazasakiFukuHaruFyoagathaHawMitchKuniSakiKyouKenjiMarkLucyMoriZakiPoeCottRanposanoTachiGinTeruSigma
slash ChuuAkuChuuAtsuChuuRanDazAkuDazatsuFukuFukuFukuMoriFukuRanFyoKarmaFyolaiFyosigFyoyaFyozaiKuniChuuKunikidazaiOdazaiRanpoeRimlaineShin SoukokuShirachuuSigmAtsuSiglaiSigzaiSouhekiSoukokuSuegikuTachiJou
femslash HiguGinKousanoLucyKyouMontcott
family Tanizaki Siblings
CHARACTERS male Osamu DazaiFyodor DostoyevskyRanpo EdogawaAtsushi NakajimaChuuya NakaharaSigma