Shipping Wiki

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Slash ships: 55Het ship: 11

Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a character from the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom.


Fyodor is the leader of the Rats in the House of the Dead and a member of the Decay of Angels. Showing a calm and confident personality, Fyodor is cryptic and highly manipulative, twisted and able to outsmart all his enemies without lifting a finger He is extremely arrogant, a straightforward and intelligent man with a truly sinister personality, as shown when he shows no qualms in killing innocent lives in order to achieve his goals in bringing his salvation to the world. He can be viewed as sadistic and truly deranged with little regard for the wellbeing of others, but he is shown to be rather amiable in the midst of people like Nikolai or Dazai.

He refers to himself as carrying out the lord’s will and always talks about the sinful nature of man, using his understanding of human nature to outsmart even the smartest of opponents. Ironically, Dazai names him "Demon", saying he had met Fyodor only once in the past.

According to the guidebook, his favorite type of person are people with a good complexion.



Fyoagatha — the ship between Fyodor and Agatha Christie
Fyosaki — the ship between Fyodor and Nobuko Sasaki
Fyosano — the ship between Fyodor and Akiko Yosano


FyoAce — the ship between Fyodor and Ace
FyoAtsu — the ship between Fyodor and Atsushi Nakajima
FyoBram — the ship between Fyodor and Bram Stoker
Fyoivan — the ship between Fyodor and Ivan Goncharov
FyoKarma — the ship between Fyodor and Karma
FyoKuni — the ship between Fyodor and Doppo Kunikida
Fyolai — the ship between Fyodor and Nikolai Gogol
FyoRan — the ship between Fyodor and Ranpo Edogawa
Fyosig — the ship between Fyodor and Sigma
FyoShibu — the ship between Fyodor and Tatsuhiko Shibusawa
Fyothaniel — the ship between Fyodor and Nathaniel Hawthorne
Fyoya — the ship between Fyodor and Chuuya Nakahara
Fyozai — the ship between Fyodor and Osamu Dazai
MushiFyo — the ship between Fyodor and Oguri Mushitarou


Dead Apple Trio — the ship between Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Osamu Dazai
Decay Trio — the ship between Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Sigma and Nikolai Gogol
FyoDaChuu — the ship between Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Osamu Dazai and Chuuya Nakahara


FyoAya — the ship between Fyodor and Aya Koda


Fyohat — the ship between Fyodor Dostoyevsky and his Ushanka
Fyolicopter — the ship between Fyodor Dostoyevsky and helicopter


Agatha Christie
Main article: Fyoagatha
Chuuya Nakahara
Main article: Fyoya
Nikolai Gogol
Main article: Fyolai
Osamu Dazai
Main article: Fyozai
Main article: Fyosig


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This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it.


Bungou Stray Dogs ShipsBungou Stray Dogs Characters
SHIPS het AkuHiguAtsuGinAtsuKyouAtsuLucyAyamuraChuuAkiDazai x WaitressDazasakiFukuHaruFyoagathaHawMitchKuniSakiKyouKenjiMarkLucyMoriZakiPoeCottRanposanoTachiGinTeruSigma
slash ChuuAkuChuuAtsuChuuRanDazAkuDazatsuFukuFukuFukuMoriFukuRanFyoKarmaFyolaiFyosigFyoyaFyozaiKuniChuuKunikidazaiOdazaiRanpoeRimlaineShin SoukokuShirachuuSigmAtsuSiglaiSigzaiSouhekiSoukokuSuegikuTachiJou
femslash HiguGinKousanoLucyKyouMontcott
family Tanizaki Siblings
CHARACTERS male Osamu DazaiFyodor DostoyevskyRanpo EdogawaAtsushi NakajimaChuuya NakaharaSigma