Shipping Wiki
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Fyoya is the slash ship between Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Chuuya Nakahara from the Bungou Stray Dogs fandom.


Fyodor and Chuuya are opposed. But of them have a rivalry with Dazai and are one of the few people who can deal with him, along with Atsushi. They have very different personalities. Fyodor is calm, gentle and intelligent, and his plans are always meticulously calculated. While Chuuya has a strong personality and does not usually plan attacks, but because of his ability he is extremely strong and an essential member for his alliance. One thing they have in common is that they are both extremely arrogant. Fyodor calls himself God. While Chuuya does not miss the opportunity and provoke an enemy weaker than him. However, Chuuya has negative opinions towards Fyodor while the latter views Chuuya as a capable ability user. In the Vampire Infection Outbreak Arc, Chuuya fakes an alliances with Fyodor as a false vampire.

In a scene from the movie “Dead Apple”, where Chuuya goes to Shibusawa to try to save his subordinates, but everyone had committed suicide, causing Chuuya to get angry and use corruption, making the building they are in explode. Fyodor is on top of another building watching the scene saying, “This is too much fun". In one episode, Fyodor lets himself be captured by the Port Mafia to steal a file with the abilities of all their members, meaning he likely saw information about Chuuya in it.

In Chapter 98, Chuuya broke into Meursault where Fyodor was. He protected them from the guards by being supposedly infected by Bram's ability, subsequently being a vampire. Allied to Fyodor, they had a fight against Sigma and Dazai in the survival game that Nikolai started. It is not known how Chuuya was infected, but it was likely for Fyodor's plan for him to help him against Dazai. In Chapter 101, Fyodor was executing his plan, but is deceived by Dazai; resulting in Fyodor and Chuuya to be stuck in the room with the special water engulfing them. Beforehand, Chuuya rushes to try to get out of the place by damaging the walls, Fyodor calls him "Chuuya-San". After all that, Chuuya and Fyodor seem to have drowned, leaving the status of them both unknown.

Later on, after they’re revealed to be alive, Fyodor and Chuuya head to the control panel and sabotage the elevator Dazai and Sigma are in; once said duo escapes, Fyodor explains to Chuuya that Dazai is attempting to break his vampire-like control. Then, Fyodor orders Chuuya to shoot Dazai.

In the Season Five finale, Chuuya reveals he was never a vampire, causing Fyodor to show shock and scoff at the sight. After Fyodor is exploded in the helicopter, Chuuya asks Dazai, “Is that anemic jackass dead?” referring to Fyodor.


Although Fyodor and Chuuya have had minimal interactions, there are several theories about their relationship. This made Fyoya gain its followers, being one of the most popular for Fyodor and not so much for Chuuya, and causing many people to want further interactions between them. Fyoya is overshadowed and rivaled by Soukoku and Fyolai.

Many people like to create a confused trio in the fanfics between Fyodor, Dazai and Chuuya, and many people prefer the poly with Dazai to the solo ship of Fyodor and Chuuya. Many people theorized that Fyodor and Chuuya would have some interactions off-screen due to their brief "alliance", so many ship fanarts began to emerge when they had their first interaction. This ship recives hate mainly because most people say that their relationship would be extremely toxic since Fyodor only used and manipulated Chuuya to eliminate Dazai, Which is also justified by the relationship that Nikolai and Fyodor have, as Fyodor does not trust Nikolai because he is not capable of manipulating him, which creates various discussions between the defenders of this Ship and those of more well-known couples as the mentioned above.



Fyodor/Chuuya tag on AO3


Fyoya posts on Tumblr


Official Art[]

Fan Art[]

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FyoDaChuu refers to the ship between Osamu Dazai, Fyodor and Chuuya


Bungou Stray Dogs ShipsBungou Stray Dogs Characters
SHIPS het AkuHiguAtsuGinAtsuKyouAtsuLucyAyamuraChuuAkiDazai x WaitressDazasakiFukuHaruFyoagathaHawMitchKuniSakiKyouKenjiMarkLucyMoriZakiPoeCottRanposanoTachiGinTeruSigma
slash ChuuAkuChuuAtsuChuuRanDazAkuDazatsuFukuFukuFukuMoriFukuRanFyoKarmaFyolaiFyosigFyoyaFyozaiKuniChuuKunikidazaiOdazaiRanpoeRimlaineShin SoukokuShirachuuSigmAtsuSiglaiSigzaiSouhekiSoukokuSuegikuTachiJou
femslash HiguGinKousanoLucyKyouMontcott
family Tanizaki Siblings
CHARACTERS male Osamu DazaiFyodor DostoyevskyRanpo EdogawaAtsushi NakajimaChuuya NakaharaSigma