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Shipping Wiki
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Artwork: 1010Manips: 33Screenshots: 7676Sprite: 11Stills: 143143
Slash ships: 55Friendships: 22

Garou is a character from the One Punch Man fandom.


An 18-year-old young man who dreamed of becoming a monster who could use fear to stop people from hurting each other. His goal was to become a "symbol of fear". Garou was introduced as an arrogant teenager looking for fights and brutally hurting heroes and villains, but later revealed to have a rather intelligent mind and a confusing dream.

In his childhood, Garou was interested in monsters, and while watching TV, he always thought how unfair the heroes would be to monsters and those weaker than them. He was also occasionally bullied by his classmates, and in particular by one popular boy he called "Tacchan". Garou's parents also often dismissed his worries and anxieties about the unfairness in life, and don't seem to care about their son's life in general.

In order to become stronger, Garou later sought martial art lessons from Bang, who then became his teacher. Garou proved to be quite a skilled student and would become one of Bang's best disciples.



GaroFubu — the ship between Garou and Fubuki
Garouko — the ship between Garou and Suiko
TatsuGaro — the ship between Garou and Tatsumaki


Batarou — the ship between Garou and Metal Bat
CharaGaro — the ship between Garou and Charanko
GarouMaster — the ship between Garou and Tanktop Master
Gearou — the ship between Garou and Genos
Mumarou — the ship between Garou and Mumen Rider
SaiGarou — the ship between Garou and Saitama
SuiGarou — the ship between Garou and Suiryu


BatSaiGarou — the ship between Garou, Saitama and Metal Bat
GaroFubuGenos — the ship between Garou, Fubuki and Genos
GaroFubuSai — the ship between Garou, Fubuki and Saitama
GenoSaiGaroBat — the ship between Garou, Genos, Saitama and Metal Bat
GenoSaiGarou — the ship between Garou, Saitama and Genos
MumarouMaster — the ship between Garou, Mumen Rider and Tanktop Master


Bangarou — the ship between Garou and Bang


Garenko — the ship between Garou and Zenko
Garou & Tareo — the ship between Garou and Tareo
Shitty Teen Squad — the ship between Garou, Genos and Metal Bat


Main article: Garou & Tareo

Garou and Tareo first met during the Hero Hunt Arc. After that, they slowly started to develop a friendship, even though Garou may have acted like he doesn't care for Tareo. However, Garou saves him a few times during the Human Monster Saga when he had grown to care about the child. Eventually, Tareo began to see Garou as a hero and a role model that he idolizes.


Metal Bat
Main article: Batarou

Garou and Metal Bat met during the Monster Raid Arc. Due to Garou's actions during the Hero Hunt Arc and because he attacked Metal Bat, the hero decided to stop him. However, he couldn't hit Garou at all, who mocked him for it. The fight between Metal Bat and Garou is eventually stopped by Metal Bat's little sister Zenko. Later, Metal Bat starts looking for Garou, and Garou has come to respect Metal Bat's fighting spirit. The Hero Hunter also gains a similar "fighting spirit" technique. During the Monster Association Arc, Metal Bat and Garou finally meet again and team up to fight Sage Centipede. In the end, when Saitama defeats Garou, Metal Bat is shown to defend Garou from the other heroes, showing that he does not find him hateful.

Main article: Bangarou

Garou and Bang first met when Garou was a little younger and was looking for help to become stronger. Bang then became his martial arts teacher and gradually began to care of him. Garou quickly learned the techniques and became Bang's best student, but after Bang began his career as a hero, Garou eventually attacked all the other students in the dojo who either quit due to injury or fear. This leads to Bang beating him up and kicking him out of the dojo. During the Human Monster Saga, Bang has tried to stop Garou but failed. Eventually they reconcile, Bang retires from the hero business, and becomes Garou's guardian, since Garou's biological parents have no interest in their son's life.

Main article: SaiGarou

During the Human Monster Saga, Garou and Saitama meet randomly and by accident, though neither of them think much of each other at first. Saitama stopped Garou a few times by hitting him so hard that he temporarily loses consciousness and memory of the hero. At the end of the Monster Association Arc, Garou begins to remember Saitama and all of his punches. Saitama was also first interested in meeting the Hero Hunter because he hoped he would become a challenging fight. The hero eventually defeats him.

Main article: Gearou

Garou and Genos met at the start of the Monster Association Arc, when Genos found him with the unconscious bodies of the other heroes who had previously tried to stop him. Genos immediately attacks him and threatens to eliminate him, and Garou's injuries at the time make it difficult for him to deal with Genos. In the end, the hero hunter manages to escape. During the Monster Association Arc, when Garou is influenced by the "God" entity, Genos tries to stop him, but is eventually killed by the human monster. When Saitama travels back in time thanks to Garou, and a catastrophic ending was averted when Saitama defeated Garou in the present time with Zero Punch, Genos still believed that Garou would become a repeat offender, though Saitama said he doesn't believe so.

Main article: SuiGarou

Garou and Suiryu have yet to officially meet each other in the manga, but Suiryu has shown interest in fighting the guy who won the previous Super Fight Tournament. Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the winner happened to be Garou in disguise.

Mumen Rider
Main article: Mumarou

Garou and Mumen Rider met each other during the Hero Hunt Arc. Mumen Rider tried to protect Garou from Tanktop Master when he tried to kill him. Unfortunately, Garou turned out to be extremely hostile towards the heroes, so he also brutally beat Mumen Rider as well when the hero tried to stop Garou's violent act. During the Monster Association Arc, Mumen Rider seems to have nothing against Garou despite what the Hero Hunter did.


Garou tag on AO3
Garou tag on DeviantArt
ガロウ tag on Pixiv
Garou posts on Tumblr
Garou tag on Tumblr
Garou on One-Punch Man Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
365 Batarou Metal Bat slash
109 Mumarou Mumen Rider slash
25 Garenko Zenko gen
19 Garou & Metal Bat Metal Bat gen
13 Garou & Tareo Tareo gen
13 Bangarou Bang gen
11 Garou & Saitama Saitama gen
9 Gearou Genos slash
9 SaiGarou Saitama slash
6 SuiGarou Suiryu slash


One Punch Man ShipsOne Punch Man Characters
SHIPS het Electric Catfish Man x Maiko PlasmaGenobukiGenoTatsuSaibukiSaiTatsuTatsuKing
slash AmaiBatBatarouBlastVoidCharaGaroGearouGenosaiGolden Ball x Spring MustachioKingSaiMumarouSaiSuiryuSuiGarouZombieMask
femslash DobukiPsybuki
family Bat FamilyBlastatsuPsychic SistersVoid Fist siblings
friend BatKingGarou & TareoShitty Teen Squad
CHARACTERS male GarouGenosMetal BatSaitama
female FubukiTatsumaki