- Meyer – “Who's this young lady?”
- Serena – “I'm Serena.”
- Meyer – “So Clemont finally found himself a beautiful girlfriend. Got keeping an eye on you, huh? huh?”
GeekChicShipping is the het ship between Serena and Clemont from the Pokémon fandom.
Pokémon The Series: XY[]
It all starts in the episode "A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle!", where Serena walks on her own to Santalune Gym, because she heard from Professor Sycamore that Ash would have a gym battle there. Upon arrival, Serena is excited to see Ash there and when she tries to approach him, she is stopped by Alexa, Clemont and Bonnie. There, Serena and Clemont get to know each other, along with everyone. Along with Clemont and Bonnie, Serena decides to stay and watch the gym battle that Viola is doing with Ash. After Ash's defeat, Clemont decides to join him. Serena's shyness to speak prevents her from speaking a single word to Ash.
Later, Clemont and Bonnie approach Serena and decide to introduce themselves to her. Serena shows her Fennekin, her first Pokémon, to which Clemont replies that it is no surprise, since she is the new trainer of the Kalos region and therefore, Fennekin is one of the three initial Pokémon of that region. In "Battling on Thin Ice!", after the rematch against Viola, Ash manages to get the victory.
In the following episode "Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!", Clemont accepts Ash's idea of inviting Serena to the traveling group, in order to travel throughout the Kalos region. In a forest, Clemont asks Serena why she decided to start her journey, with no answer. Later, they are taken by Officer Jenny to a Rhyhorn ranch. Serena decides to change into her Rhyhorn racing suit and teaches everyone about how to ride one. Clemont compliments her Rhyhorn racing skills and she blushes, flattered.

Meyer pairing Serena with Clemont.
One of the most notable hints is in the episode "Clemont's Got a Secret!", where Serena meets Meyer, Clemont and Bonnie's dad. Upon meeting Serena, Clemont's father, Meyer, teases him about meeting such a cute girl, and implies that there's more than friendship between them. In the dub, Meyer even calls her Clemont's "beautiful girlfriend". Embarrassed, Clemont awkwardly replies that it's not like that, while Serena smiles and doesn't deny this. Later, when Clemont is struggling with the passcode for Clembot, he listens to the advice given by Serena, to calm down and think about it carefully. Because of her, he's able to calm down enough to realize what the true passcode is.
In "Seeking Shelter from the Storm!", Despite Clemont claiming he can't trust "what is not scientifically proven", he's visibly chilled by Serena's un-scientific theories. This can be taken to mean that he trusts in what she says, even when her superstitions are at odds with his better judgment.
in "To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!", Usually when Clemont shows off an invention to her, she doesn't seem quite as enthused as Ash, particularly if it malfunctions. However, when Officer Jenny questions how they'll be able to track the signal of a chip, it's Serena who proudly declares "We happen to have an inventor in the group", setting the stage for Clemont to introduce his machine. This can be taken to mean she admires his technical skills more than she lets on.
In "Awakening the Sleep Giant", Though Serena agrees to leave Clemont with Princess Allie, she has a playful expression about it, suggesting that she's just teasing Clemont. Later, when he shows up in his underwear, she covers her face and turns away in embarrassment.
Pokémon The Series: XYZ[]

Clemont and Serena before going to their dance party.
This is another of the most notable clues is in "Party Dancecapades!", where Serena learns by mail that there will be a Dance Party for all the Pokémon Performers. Initially, Serena planned to choose Ash as her dance partner, but shyness makes her hesitate. However, everyone agrees that Serena's Eevee would pair up with Clemont's Bunnelby for dancing, which inevitably makes Bonnie think that Serena would be Clemont's dance partner. Serena suggests that Clemont dance with her, to which Clemont gets shy, to which Ash does not object. Already knowing that Serena and Clemont will be dance partners, Ash decides to accept another girl to dance with, being Miette. Both couples decide to go to their dressing rooms to change and the dance begins. But since Clemont doesn't know how to dance, Serena teaches him a few dance steps. However, Serena stops dancing with Clemont when 5 minutes later the host Monsieur Pierre allows them to change dance partners.
In the season finale, Serena leaves for the Hoenn region to get even better, however, it turns out that the kiss on the lips she wanted to direct was not going to Clemont. Since then, Clemont and Serena have never seen each other again. While they both appear in Journeys, they are in distant locations, as Clemont is still in his gym, while Serena is in Lilycove in the Hoenn region. Neither of them make any mention of each other, they don't even seem to be reminding each other.
GeekChicShipping is one of the popular ships within the XY fanbase. While there is a lack of substantial evidence suggesting a romantic attraction, their dynamics are typically very positive. Clemont is shown to enjoy opportunities to explain new things to Serena, and proudly demonstrates his inventions for her. On the other hand, despite her canon crush on Ash, Serena still shows plenty of kindness and concern towards Clemont. This makes it one of the favorite ships for fans who are not satisfied with AmourShipping.
Because of this, it usually rivals AmourShipping, LovelousShipping (Tierno x Serena) on Serena's side; and LaserbladeShipping (Clemont x Korrina) and BunnyScienceShipping (Clemont x Lilia) on Clemont's side. Some fanfictions depict Serena as the girl who gives up losing her feelings for Ash and starting to set her eyes on Clemont, marrying him. This idea tends to please fans of all the other rival Ash ships.
- Clemont/Serena tag on AO3
- Clemont & Serena tag on AO3
- Serena/Clemont tag on FanFiction.net
- The name of the ship comes from the geek chic fashion trend, and reflects their personalities: Clemont is "Geek", and Serena is "Chic". People who love technology are called "Geeks" and people who love fashion are called "Chics".
- GeekChicShipping is also the ship name for the femslash ship between Lanette and Winona.