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GenoTatsu is the het ship between Genos and Tatsumaki from the One Punch Man fandom.


Alien Conquerors Arc[]

Chapter 30[]

Genos and Tatsumaki is first time seen together in chapter 30. Tatsumaki was bothered by Saitama’s presence in the Hero Association HQ, as “measly B-class heroes” shouldn’t be there. Saitama being confused by her asked Genos about her and he told Saitama who Tatsumaki was. This at least shows Genos’ basic knowledge about the people he is working with, including Tatsumaki. They end up ignoring her when it was time to join for a S-class meeting.

Chapter 32[]

When King told them that he can’t do anything for the spaceship when it’s still in the sky and they should take the chance to call Metal Knight, Tatsumaki got angry and told them that she will then handle it by herself. However, Genos then offered his help, which Tatsumaki rudely shot down. Genos didn’t like her attitude, but left her to do her thing then.

Chapter 35[]

Genos witnesses Tatsumaki’s power when she has started bombarding the spaceship with the rubble found around the area with her psychic powers. He comments on how Tatsumaki wasn’t kidding how powerful she was and how she can really handle this by herself. Genos does look a little impressed by what he sees.

Chapter 37[]

After Saitama defeated Boros and the spaceship crashed on the ground, Genos interrupts Tatsumaki’s interrogation attempt towards Saitama by running towards him. They try to leave together, ignoring Tatsumaki completely again, but this time she doesn’t let them go. She starts calling Saitama by names, until Saitama asks Genos to say something to her. Genos tells her to shut up and calls her a brat, but she throws him easily at a nearby rubble with her powers and then tells him she is older than he is. Eventually Bang stops Tatsumaki and she leaves.

Monster Association Arc[]

Chapter 133 (online)[]

After Tatsumaki crushed “Psykorochi” (Psykos and Orochi’s fusion) and tries to get the assault team of heroes to safety from the Monster Association’s base with her psychic powers, she lowers her guard and was surprised by an attack from “Psykorochi” again, who sliced their giant spears through Tatsumaki’s hands and caused her pain. Then “Psykorochi” tries to attack her with a gigantic energy beam of death, but suddenly another gigantic energy beam collides with it causing it to bounce to another direction, saving Tatsumaki and releasing her from the spears. She starts to drop down suddenly and notices Genos, who appears and uses the situation to attack “Psykorochi” with another gigantic energy beam.

However, when “Psykorochi” attacks Genos’ beam with theirs, they collide and the gigantic monster-human fusion manages to easily push Genos’ attack aside, which he notes. Then Tatsumaki yells at Genos to wait, because King “entrusted” the battle to her and she doesn’t need anyone to interfere with it. She even threatens to throw him again to another wall. Genos simply answers by yelling back that King entrusted this battle to her only as a placeholder until his sensei, Saitama, returns. And that it’s Genos’ task as his disciple to back up his teacher.

He then tells Tatsumaki to deal with the monster while he handles the energy beams. Tatsumaki uses this moment to finally get everyone out of the MA base.

Chapter 134 (online)[]

While Tatsumaki tries to get everyone to safety, “Psykorochi” tries to shoot another energy beam at her, but Genos appears in front of her and shoots his own energy beam at the monster, protecting Tatsumaki from the attack. He tells Tatsumaki to hurry up and she manages to do so, finally getting everyone out of the base. But Genos’ attack ceases as he is overheating and “Psykorochi’s” energy beam finally manages to almost hit them. However, Tatsumaki is now capable of using her full power, because she doesn’t have to focus on saving the others anymore.

As she praises Genos for doing a good job, she then deflects the coming energy beam easily and ends up twisting the Z-city and crushing “Psykorochi” again. Though this is short-lived when it seems that something is interrupting with Tatsumaki’s power and weakens her temporarily, which helps the monster escape by turning into a monster jet. Tatsumaki still doesn’t stop there as she then puts up a huge barrier and manages to trap the monster inside the dome barrier with them. Drive Knight comes and starts fighting “Psykorochi”. Genos, even though he is unable to use any other ultimate energy beam attacks anymore, tells the other heroes to help them fight the monster and leaves again to go help Tatsumaki also.

Chapter 137 (online)[]

Tatsumaki is trying to hold the barrier up, and as “Psykorochi” is being chased by Drive Knight and wants to escape, they decide to try to shoot Tatsumaki down. Genos then appears next to Tatsumaki, protecting her from the shot and then he notices that she seems to be unconscious. She eventually regains her consciousness and returns to her duty of keeping the barrier up. Genos joins Drive Knight and they attack “Psykorochi” together.

Chapter 143 (online)[]

Genos is with Fubuki, Bang and Bomb. Exhausted Tatsumaki comes to check on her sister and notices that she is injured. Tatsumaki gets mad and wants to hurt the one who injured her, but calms down after Fubuki tells her that she came there by herself and the injuries are her own doing. When Tatsumaki then tries to return to the battle, even though she is badly injured herself and hardly has any energy left, Fubuki tries to stop her. Genos watches their conversation and what is happening. Though Tatsumaki then restrains Fubuki, Bang and Bomb with her psychic powers and then leaves. Fubuki cries helplessly for her sister, but Genos then tells her he will go back her up, and will act as Tatsumaki’s shield or something if it comes to that.

Chapter 144 (online)[]

Genos and Bang arrive to the scene on time to deal with the monsters who managed to defeat Tatsumaki and Tanktop Master. After they bought some time for themselves, Genos holds an unconscious Tatsumaki in his arms while Bang holds onto badly injured Tanktop Master. They run away with their colleagues, trying to get them to safety and find Fubuki who could give them emergency healing.

Chapter 145 (online)[]

Genos and Bang are stopped by a monster known as Black Sperm. The monster suddenly multiplies and starts to attack them. Both Bang and Genos tries to then protect their injured colleagues. Genos shields Tatsumaki from the attack with his body and when the force throws him at a large boulder it’s suddenly cut to million pieces when Atomic Samurai finds them and helps Genos hit the pieces rather than the hard surface. Genos still holds onto Tatsumaki. Eventually Tatsumaki regains her consciousness and is ready to stay fighting while they try to save Tanktop Master. Bang also remains behind with Tatsumaki when Genos takes Tanktop Master to Fubuki.

Chapter 147 (online)[]

A huge Black Sperm catches Tatsumaki in his fist and then tries to squeeze her really hard, but Genos appears and saves her by shooting an energy beam at the monster’s arm, severing his hand and setting Tatsumaki free.

Soon an angry Black Sperm hits Genos to the ground so hard he is buried there. A worried Tatsumaki shouts his name, but Genos then uses a burial escape functionality, letting him out of the hole he is buried into. He tells her that the functionality also uses the data from that one time when she buried him into the rubble. Tatsumaki remembers it and smirks. She comments that he is lucky to get stronger thanks to her. Genos answers that she should be equipped with some apology functionality. They then stand back-to-back and points their hands towards the monsters, ready to continue fighting.

Chapters 148-150 (online)[]

Genos and Tatsumaki are fighting smaller Black Sperm monsters, however they are eventually overpowered. Genos’ limbs are ripped off him, but when he sees Tatsumaki in trouble he tries to protect her. She weakly tells him to run away despite his futile attempt at bringing her to safety. Genos ends up protecting Tatsumaki by using his limbless body as a shield when Black Sperm monsters attack them constantly. In the end it ceases when King appears.

Chapter 155 (online)[]

When Saitama finally appears, King tells him how admirably Genos risked his life to save Tatsumaki, and Saitama praises Genos for it.


GenoTatsu is not the most popular ship in the One Punch Man fandom, but there are fans who admire this ship’s dynamic quite a bit. Thanks to the Monster Association Arc’s chapters that showed Genos and Tatsumaki’s wonderful teamwork, it did give nice content to shippers. However, there are people who don’t like the ship mostly due to the age difference or how Tatsumaki has been once called a child by Genos (and Saitama) in the canon storyline which makes some people uncomfortable. Either way, the MA arc did show Genos and Tatsumaki’s bond and mutual understanding growing, making their relationship not as awkward as it once was.

There is 10+ fanfics on AO3 for the ship. The ship rivals Genosai, SaiTatsu and TatsuKing.


Genos/Tatsumaki tag on AO3
GenoTatsu tag on DeviantArt
ジェノタツ tag on Pixiv
GenoTatsu posts on Tumblr
GenoTatsu hashtag on Twitter
GenoTatsu posts on Twitter
Genos' relationship with Tatsumaki on One-Punch Man Wiki
Tatsumaki's relationship with Genos on One-Punch Man Wiki


Main article: GenoTatsu/Gallery


One Punch Man ShipsOne Punch Man Characters
SHIPS het Electric Catfish Man x Maiko PlasmaGenobukiGenoTatsuSaibukiSaiTatsuTatsuKing
slash AmaiBatBatarouBlastVoidCharaGaroGearouGenosaiGolden Ball x Spring MustachioKingSaiMumarouSaiSuiryuSuiGarouZombieMask
femslash DobukiPsybuki
family Bat FamilyBlastatsuPsychic SistersVoid Fist siblings
friend BatKingGarou & TareoShitty Teen Squad
CHARACTERS male GarouGenosMetal BatSaitama
female FubukiTatsumaki