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Gidgette is the het ship between Bridgette and Geoff from the Total Drama fandom.


Total Drama: Island[]

The first meeting between Bridgette and Geoff

The first meeting between Bridgette and Geoff.

Bridgette and Geoff both sign up for the reality show, Total Drama: Island and both are selected. As soon as Bridgette arrives, the two start talking, showing signs of mutual attraction. The contestants are split into two teams and both Geoff and Bridgette are put into the Killer Bass, which seems to make them happy.

The Killer Basses lose the first challenge and during the ceremony in which it is decided which competitor will be eliminated from the competition, there is an intense exchange of glances between the two blondes.

When the two teams have to compete in a talent show, one of the campers chosen to perform for the Killer Bass is Geoff who appears enthusiastic about the idea of going on TV. Bridgette reminds him that he's already on TV and it makes him euphoric. When the two teams have to compete in a talent show, one of the campers chosen to perform for the Killer Bass is Geoff who appears enthusiastic about the idea of going on TV. Bridgette reminds him that he's already on TV and it makes him euphoric. He later bets that Bridgette won't be able to stand upright for twenty minutes.

Bridgette and Geoff sleep

Bridgette and Geoff sleep.

The next challenge involves a night in the woods. As their team pitches the tent, Geoff tells Bridgette that he can pitch a tent like a boy, which he realizes sounds wrong and insulting and that it offends Bridgette. Geoff tries to fix it but fails. The next morning, however, we see that Geoff and Bridgette have slept embraced.

When Geoff makes fun of their teammate Tyler, after his elimination, Bridgette joins him, which is not quite like her. Maybe it was Geoff who dragged her, as her line ties in with the boy's.

During a canoe challenge, Geoff hopes Bridgette will choose him as a mate, but she asks her friend Courtney and it seems to shock him. They later both tell their respective partner that Geoff made a heart-shaped clay bowl decorated with a photomontage that puts Geoff and Bridgette next to each other, with a description that reads "I hope you think of me every time you leave. small change in this ". DJ (Geoff's partner) then advises him to be more subtle and not to woo Bridgette in such a cheeky way.

Bridgette worries about Geoff

Bridgette worries about Geoff.

In fact, Bridgette finds the gift shoddy and ugly. Later the surfer agrees with Geoff on the way to go. Geoff then smiles at her, but Bridgette asks him annoyed what she is looking at and the boy immediately looks away from her. During the challenge, Geoff gets hurt (he gets a splinter in his leg). Bridgette and the rest of the team take the injury very seriously, although it's nothing serious. At DJ's request, Bridgette takes care of Geoff by being first aid practice, which allows the two to get close. After one of their mates Harold uses the canoe's paddles as firewood, Bridgette asks how they will get back to camp and Geoff volunteers to push their canoes, but Bridgette worries about his condition and convinces DJ to push. Geoff's determination most likely impresses Bridgette, as she accidentally breaks Geoff's gift and decides to try and fix it.

Bridgette clearly disapproves of the jokes Geoff and DJ play on Harold and stares at them with a frown, even if she doesn't say anything. When DJ tells Bridgette that Geoff has a soft spot for her, the blonde says it's likely and that Geoff is cute. Geoff tells her that she looks good on her when she cooks, but he pisses her off when he compares her to her friend's "really hot mom". DJ pushes Geoff away before he can say anything else that might offend her.

Bridgette fears for Geoff's life

Bridgette fears for Geoff's life.

Geoff and Bridgette partner in another culinary challenge, in which Bridgette must make sashimi with fugu puffer fish, the most poisonous fish in the world. Despite the high risk of being poisoned by improper preparation, Geoff eats the food prepared by Bridgette showing only slight hesitation.

His confidence turns out to be well placed as he is not poisoned, winning the challenge. Later, to celebrate, Geoff and Bridgette go swimming together. Bridgette admires Geoff for being brave enough to eat her fish and he gives her a smile and tells her he trusts her. When DJ's Bunny is in danger, Bridgette tries to help Geoff retrieve him, but to no avail. She is later seen feeling bad for Geoff when she has to explain what happened to DJ.

Geoff tries to show Bridgette the tattoo on her butt.

Geoff tries to show Bridgette the tattoo on his butt.

Bridgette and Gwen find a haiku by an anonymous author dedicated to a girl. Bridgette assumes that the haiku was written by Trent for Gwen, but Gwen believes that the haiku was written by Geoff for Bridgette. The two then end up having a small feud in which they insult each other and bet that the haiku is for themselves. Bridgette categorically defends Geoff and his shortcomings, and is particularly offended when Gwen insinuates that Geoff doesn't even know what a haiku is. However, Geoff admits that he doesn't actually know what a haiku is, which means he's not the author. While extracting information from him, Bridgette discovers that Geoff considers writing his crush's name on the snow with urine as a romantic gesture. Bridgette also discovers that Geoff has a tattoo on her butt, which Geoff is eager to show her. She covers her eyes the first time he shows it, but she looks at him the second time.

Bridgette and Geoff almost kiss

Bridgette and Geoff almost kiss

At one point the teams are disbanded, and Geoff and Bridgette as they talk, they say they enjoyed being the same team. It looks like they are about to kiss, but Chris drags Bridgette into her new cabin (Bridgette is the only female Killer Bass to break up and will then move into the girls' cabin occupied by the female members of the Screaming Gophers) and Geoff tells himself that he will miss the surfer.

Geoff later gives Bridgette a pep talk during the challenge, despite being more of a rival than ever, as the challenge is male versus female, when she is forced to eat meat, despite being a vegetarian.

Bridgette finds that Geoff helps her overcome her moral problems and is able to eat. In the end, the males win and get a weekend in a health club as a prize. Despite this, Geoff looks at the disconsolate nothing, just like Bridgette does, a sign that they already miss each other very much. When Eva forces Lindsay to choose Bridgette to enter the leech-infested barrel, Geoff in an act of chivalry, volunteers to take her place. All losers of the current challenge must be pilloried. Bridgette is brought close to Geoff and it makes them both happy.

Gidgette almost kissed again

The second near-kiss from Geoff and Bridgette.

After realizing that there are more girls, the boys form an alliance. Geoff is very reluctant to join the alliance, not wanting to see Bridgette as an opponent, but ultimately Duncan persuades him. At the end of the episode the alliance decides to eliminate Bridgette due to her athletic ability and her popularity. The plan succeeds and Bridgette is eliminated, before she leaves Geoff Bridgette tells her he will miss him. The blonde says it's the same to her as she is and she's happy the party guy went to say hello and when the talk comes up, Geoff tells Bridgette that he didn't vote for her and she believes him. Again they almost kiss, but having been sprayed by a skunk, Bridgette smells abominable and Geoff ultimately doesn't feel like it, which seems to displease the surfer.

Bridgette's departure has a bad effect on Geoff: the boy becomes desperate and arrives to sing her a song in the confessional, hoping that she hears it from home. The challenge is to build a bike, and Geoff calls hers after Bridgette, even putting a portrait of the girl on the front of the bike. In the confessional, he tells the surfer that he's sorry he couldn't get the other guys to vote out someone else and asks her forgiveness. When Geoff is eliminated from the competition, he doesn't look sad, perhaps because he will be able to return to Bridgette, but it must also be said that it could simply be due to his sportsmanship.

Finally Bridgette and Geoff become a couple

Finally Bridgette and Geoff become a couple.

Until the end of the competition, the eliminated competitors will be hosted in an exclusive resort. After Geoff arrives, he and Bridgette become an official couple and during the special episode where the eliminated are interviewed, they are seen kissing constantly. Bridgette also wears Geoff's hat, an object he cares a lot about, a sign that he trusts her a lot.

Geoff and Bridgette kissing

Bridgette and Geoff are more into each other than the chance to win a million.

After the final, Bridgette and Geoff are continually seen making out, something that will become a habit of theirs. When the campers split into teams to win a million dollars, the two pair up for the extra challenge, but they just kiss all the time, flirt or generally be honeyed with each other. While looking for the million, Bridgette accidentally injures Geoff several times due to her clumsiness, so much so that the blonde comes to fear that she will eventually kill him, but still loves her as he admires her for being sweet, caring and down-to-earth.

In the end, no one wins the million, but both Geoff and Bridgette qualify for the second season.

Total Drama: Action[]

Even at the start of the second season, Geoff and Bridgette prefer to kiss rather than focus on the challenge, even as they are chased by a giant animatronic monster. Because of this they are captured almost immediately and eliminated from the challenge. As they are thrown into the prison of the eliminated (a bouncy castle) they declaim their love and kiss.

Even during the second episode the music does not change: the two blondes continue to make out and pamper each other completely disinterested in everything around them. During the challenge based on the alien films, the rest of the contestants believe they hear Chef looking for them around the corner; one of them Beth searches for the source of the noise, and discovers that it is only Bridgette and Geoff who continue to kiss each other which, greatly irritates their castmates, so much so that Duncan forbids the two to accompany them since he believes that they will be the first to be caught.

The two get scared and declare their mutual love again and then start kissing again even more, until the co-host Chef finds them and eliminates them from the challenge. Eventually, Chris announces that two contestants will be eliminated after that challenge, and since everyone is fed up with Bridgette and Geoff's behavior, it is the two of them who are eliminated. When they remain at risk of elimination along with Leshawna they hold hands and look at each other.

Bridgette and Geoff elimination

Bridgette and Geoff elimination.

Although the two are surprised (especially Bridgette, because she thought that she and her boyfriend liked everyone) the two do not seem disappointed or sad and leave and start kissing again. Shortly after the two argue but make peace immediately and start again with kisses.

Geoff and Bridgette are chosen as hosts of a post-show where they interview eliminated contestants and show special segments and never-before-seen clips. Throughout the episode, Bridgette and Geoff discuss the separation of Trent and Gwen and the elimination of the former: Geoff is on Gwen's side and Bridgette's on Trent's. When Bridgette mentions Trent's kiss with Heather, Geoff ends up saying that Heather is the sexiest girl on the show, much to everyone's surprise and / or disgust.

Bridgette decides to berate Geoff in private

Bridgette decides to berate Geoff in private.

Obviously Bridgette gets angry and jealous and a bad argument ensues in which, Geoff comes to believe that Bridgette is breaking up with him. Eventually, the two forgive each other after hearing a song Trent wrote for Gwen right after she broke up with him. Geoff tells Bridgette that she is the sexiest girl on the planet. She happily returns her feeling for Geoff, and the two kiss as the episode ends.

Fame ends up going to Geoff's head also because the producers want him to be meaner as a presenter. All he cares about is the ratings of the show and the desire to look good. He even goes so far as to tell Bridgette about her how she'll put on her weight if she's not carbs careful, prompting her to beat him up. Bridgette dislikes Geoff's vanity nor how he treats Gwen when he interviews her about her failed relationship with Trent and her alleged romance with Duncan. Desperate, she gets to ask Gwen how to deal with Geoff by posing as a fan of the show. At the end of the show, she tells him they must speak immediately and she pulls him away by pulling his ear.

During the third Aftermath, Bridgette keeps an eye on Geoff, constantly warning him to behave. Geoff tries, but is still obsessed with the show's growing ratings. When Bridgette makes it clear that despite this being a reality show they must remain loyal to their friends, Geoff explains that that's not what the audience wants and then introduces "Truth or Electrocution," in which she ties guests to an electric chair that electrocutes them if they lie. , an act that infuriates Bridgette. Bridgette eventually decides to leave Geoff.

An anguished Geoff continues with the show, trying to flirt with Bridgette. She punches him on her arm when he reminds her that she once liked him, but he takes it as encouragement. When Leshawna finally asks for an explanation for Geoff's behavior, Bridgette, Leshawna, Owen and Heather tie Geoff to the electric chair and force him to answer their questions without lying.

Geoff and Bridgette make peace

Geoff and Bridgette make peace.

The surfer asks him if he's really a self-centered idiot or if that's what he thinks the public wants, and if he doesn't need her anymore. He says this is the real him and that he doesn't need Bridgette, but he's electrocuted. Geoff eventually gives up and admits he's crazy about Bridgette, and says he's sorry for her behavior. He doesn't get the shock and realizing that she is the truth, moved Bridgett forgives him, saying they can get back together as long as she behaves well. The two then resume making out.

The two finalists of the second edition are Duncan and Beth and they tie, so it is the eliminated competitors who have to choose the winner through a vote. Geoff and Bridgette resume making out backstage, and probably don't rate it, despite Duncan being a friend of Geoff's and causing Bridgette to be eliminated in Season 1.

Jelous Bridgette

Bridgette hits Geoff for looking at another girl.

After the reality show, Geoff became more famous than Bridgette and earned a lot of fans. When the surfer sees Geoff watching another girl while she's at the airport, she hits him with her surfboard. However, the two quickly settle matters at a press conference.

It is also shown that the couple became so popular that they appeared on the cover of several magazines and even got the nickname "Gidgette" (in some countries Bridgeoff).

The two get back to making out while the rest of the cast watches the award ceremony for the best reality show. As the bus carrying the competitors crashes into a ravine, the two embrace. Nobody gets hurt, but they get stuck, so Geoff decides to go get help, and asks Bridgette if she wants to come with him, but she prefers to think about her tan, even though she worries about Geoff later. Eventually Bridgette qualifies for the third season, but Geoff doesn't and having to part ways devastates them.

Total Drama: World Tour[]

In the third season two new competitors compete and one of them Alejandro, immediately begins to flirt with the girls, including Bridgette. The blonde likes it and also a lot, but keeps telling herself that she has a boyfriend.

Bridgette's betrayal

Bridgette cheats on Geoff, with Alejandro.

Bridgette's reticence begins to subside pretty quickly and, after accidentally kissing Alejandro, she admits that she is usually never interested in other guys when Geoff is around, due to them always making out, but not with him. ride and Alejandro making his charm, could really miss him. Eventually, she Bridgette falls into Alejandro's trap, and tries to kiss him which leads to his elimination. As she takes the Drop of Shame, she blames herself for falling in love with Alejandro and she fears that Geoff will never forgive her.

Geoff forbides Bridgette

Geoff forgives Bridgette.

Like all excluded Bridgette has to attend the after-show, Geoff doesn't want to see her and keeps trying to postpone her interview. As Beth tries to get Bridgette to come forward with Geoff, she realizes that she misses Geoff and that she has to deal with him. The blonde feels so guilty that she sings a song to apologize for her actions. However, Geoff does not fully accept her apology and protests for embarrassing him around the world. The two later start a fight but eventually start kissing and Geoff forgives Bridgette.

In this episode, Geoff and Bridgette sing a duet together. The two have solved their problems with Alejandro, but to add drama and to get more money, third host Blaineley shows a clip of Alejandro to show Bridgette's attraction to him. Bridgette puts a bag back on her head and tries to ignore it. She and Geoff then kiss through the bag.

During the episode, Geoff is concerned about the safety of Bridgette sent to Siberia by Blaineley. When Blaineley remembers Bridgette's betrayal, Geoff appears much more concerned about her safety, which means that he has completely forgiven Bridgette. When Bridgette says she can't come back until Bruno's paw (the bear she adopted) gets better, Geoff looks shocked that they'll be separated again.

Geoff is very happy when Bridgette joins him on the set of the final (Hawaii) and she is happy to see him again. However, the girl takes the bear with her. Geoff and Bridgette attempt to kiss when Bruno (the bear) suddenly punches Geoff. After scolding the bear, Bridgette explains that Bruno has become possessive and hurts anyone who approaches her. Eventually, Bruno loosens his possessiveness of him when he becomes more interested in using a Blaineley as a chew toy. At the end of the episode, Geoff hugs Bridgette.

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island[]

Bridgette and Geoff dance

Bridgette and Geoff dance.

During the first cast's collective cameo, Bridgette and Geoff are seen dancing together at the bow.

Total Drama Presents: The Ridinculous Race[]

Geoff signs up for another reality show in which you have to participate as a couple; But Bridgette is participating in a surfing competition in Australia, so Geoff is participating with his friend Brody. During the first episode, Geoff greets Bridgette and occasionally mentions her during the race, but he doesn't seem to miss her as much. Maybe it's due to Brody's presence, but since Bridgette left for Australia without him, it's possible they've learned to be apart. From Geoff's comments, however, it can be deduced that Bridgette was quite jealous.


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Although Gidgette is one of the first ships to be born within the fandom, it's not particularly popular, perhaps due to the fact that even if the couple had their problems, they always solved them fairly quickly. There are videos, gifs and fanfics dedicated to this couple, but the ship is more likely to appear as a supporting couple in a story than there is a story dedicated to this ship.



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Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey