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Girls' alliance is the friendship between Ellie Parker, Gabby Nowak, Lake Müller and Tess Morgan from the Disventure Camp fandom.



In the intro, whereas Lake is with James taking a selfie together, Tess and the other girls are seen together, the former painting Gabby and Ellie posing together.

Gabby meets Tess in person in New York's airport, excited to see a contestant from season 2, and is surprised to know that Ellie and Tess are classmates. Tess says it was nice to meet her, and finds uncommon how a great couple like the two girls comes out of a 'trashy reality show'. The three board the airplane separately, Lake arriving much later. The four are revealed to be on the Cyan Team alongside Tom and Aiden, making them teammates until merge. Ellie is glad having familiar faces on the team (being Gabby and Tess), whereas Lake introduces herself to the two girlfriends so they wouldn't be strangers anymore. They're the only women inside Cyan Team.

Girls' alliance shocked

Shocked at Tom and Aiden's scream

Prior to the third challenge, Tess finds the waterproof tent handy from the rain, making Gabby agree while the three girls look at her, wondering how the others are doing. The alliance is officially formed on episode 3, while the four girls are cooperating in the challenge to find clues for a treasure chest. The four are shocked when they hear Tom and Aiden scream after going in a dark tunnel, and Lake decides to see what was going on, finding out that the two men were being chased by a shark. Lake manages to find the first clue, Ellie knowing the place it indicated and asks the girls to follow her.

Girls' alliance family

Tess describing themselves as a 'one happy family'

Tess happily describes themselves as a 'one happy family', to which Ellie agrees, and says that she was thinking about forming a Girls' alliance, asking about this idea, to which Tess and Lake would consider it and Gabby compliments her smart girlfriend. Ellie adds that they all work so well together, but can't say the same for Tom and Aiden. Gabby finds the next clue, which is a photo of the chest inside a cave, making Lake say 'All right, girls, lets roll out!', and cheers for the team.

Girls' alliance Miriam

Finding a Miriam in 'distress'

However they have seemingly swam for a while, since Gabby complains about having been searching forever, starting to get nervous, and Tess warns not to alarm anybody, but they were losing the lead. They suddenly meet Miriam, while she says having lost her team, and was supposedly running out of oxygen, however Ellie doesn't fall for it, unlike the other girls who dig for more information to help the elder. Lake begins to suspect of Miriam leading them to the exit, and these doubts are confirmed when Tom and Aiden arrive to tell the the exit was on the opposite way where the old woman was leading them at. Having been fooled, Miriam only blurts an 'Oops!'.

Girls' alliance fooled

Their reactions of having been fooled by the elderly woman

Before the elimination ceremony, Tess and Gabby are worried about Lake not being committed into their alliance after Ellie comments that Lake and Aiden's frienship was stronger than she thought, however Tess still considers on voting one of the guys. Unfortunately, Lake is against voting for Aiden, having the other girls already decided their vote on him, and Gabby reasons that if they didn't vote together, their alliance won't work, and Tess agrees with Gabby, and says to everyone they have to decide on someone.

Girls' alliance family

Ellie surprised at Lake's sudden arrival

Switching to Tom and Aiden, Aiden is worried that the girls have been gone for a long time, and asks Tom if he thinks they're up to something. Tom assumes that they're discussing on which of them two to vote for, and Aiden questions this belief, and Tom asks back what else they'd be talking about, being 'hair routines' as the prime topic. Aiden has to accept his answer, and says in a depressive tone that it was either him or Tom tonight.

Girls' alliance elimination

In the elimination ceremony

Now in the ceremony, Ellie once again attempts to convince Lake to vote with the girls, but she still refuses, hoping Ellie to respect her decision. She doesn't do this, as she exposes the Girls' alliance, and frames Lake as the founder of it, and says to Tom that Lake was trying to convince the girls to vote for him all afternoon, and despite Lake can't refute it, she cannot defend herself either, since Ellie had already planted the seed, to which Lake angrily guesses that the girls' alliance is over. Gabby and Ellie vote for Lake; the latter for the former, whereas Tess had voted for Tom fearing that Ellie might somehow win a tiebreaker.

Although there's no mention in further episodes about the alliance since it had been reneged, the three remaining girls are still close to each other, cooperating as much as they can in the challenges and also contributing in most part like in the musical challenge when they were responsible for the choreography, lyrics and the outfits. As of now, the lowest placing member is Lake with her being 17th out of 18 contestants. The next member out is Ellie, being placed 12th, and the following episode (9) eliminated was Tess, placed 11th. The last and highest ranking member to be eliminated is Gabby, placed 8th, in the 14th episode "Tick-Tock TikTok".


The Girls' alliance's popularity in the fandom is very small, as people were disappointed how it ended with Lake being evicted due to Ellie's betrayal, noticing how this latter was becoming an antagonist once again of the season. People decided to replace Ellie with Lake in some artworks depicting the Cyan Team members, since that was an expected outcome instead of what they have received in the show, disappointing those who had already set Lake as one of the finalists and Ellie as one of the first eliminated. The four are considered to be very-well liked characters, being Gabby the most popular choice, but still the other girls' having a large following too.


Girls' alliance on the Disventure Camp Wiki




  • The Girls' alliance shares several similarities with Guys' Alliance formed on the Teal Team in Season 1:
    • Both alliances were formed in the third episode of their respective seasons.
    • Both alliances consisted of 4 members of the same gender against a minority of the opposite gender.
    • Both alliances were betrayed by one of their members in the same episode that they were formed.
      • Also, both alliances had a member eliminated in the episode one of their members betrayed them.
    • Both alliances had their youngest member (Drew-Lake) to be eliminated first, after being betrayed by the alliance's oldest member (Tom-Ellie).
  • Every member of this alliance was also part of an alliance on their first season.


  • GabEllieLake refers to the ship between Ellie, Gabby and Lake
  • GabEllie refers to the ship between Ellie and Gabby
  • Tessellie refers to the ship between Ellie and Tess
  • Lakellie refers to the ship between Ellie and Lake
  • TessGabEllie refers to the ship between Ellie, Gabby and Tess

  • GabEllieLake refers to the ship between Gabby, Ellie and Lake
  • GabEllie refers to the ship between Gabby and Ellie
  • Lakeabby refers to the ship between Gabby and Lake
  • Tessabby refers to the ship between Gabby and Tess
  • TessGabEllie refers to the ship between Gabby, Ellie and Tess

  • GabEllieLake refers to the ship between Lake, Ellie and Gabby
  • Lakeabby refers to the ship between Lake and Gabby
  • Lakellie refers to the ship between Lake and Ellie
  • TessLake refers to the ship between Lake and Tess

  • Tessabby refers to the ship between Tess and Gabby
  • Tessellie refers to the ship between Tess and Ellie
  • TessGabEllie refers to the ship between Tess, Gabby and Ellie
  • TessLake refers to the ship between Tess and Lake

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