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“Be good, won't you?”
— Toriel when the player convinces her to let Frisk leave

Goat Mom is the familyship between Frisk and Toriel from the Undertale fandom.


Toriel had a history of adopting children who fell into the Underground, with Frisk being the latest one. She saw Flowey attacking Frisk and rushed to their aid, knocking the villain away with a fireball. She then apologizes for the bad first impression and heals their injuries, if they got hurt by Flowey. Though when Frisk encounters other monsters in the Ruins, Toriel will scare them off just by looking at them. To further prevent needless violence, Toriel will try to teach the player to talk themselves out of further encounters. Since she has places to be further into the ruins, she fully trusts Frisk to behave when she leaves them, giving them a cellphone. She occasionally calls them to question them about their favorite flavor, asking if they prefer butterscotch or cinnamon.

Despite telling them to stay put, Frisk is still inclined to find their way through the ruins. Once Frisk reaches Toriel's home, Toriel will heal them once again. Leading them into her home, she shows them the new room she prepared for them, telling them that this is their new home now. Toriel quickly leaves to take the pie she baked for the child out of the oven, revealing that she baked it out of butterscotch and cinnamon. Should Frisk go to sleep in their new bed, they will wake up with a slice of pie next to it.

If Frisk chooses to ask Toriel about the exit, Toriel will dodge the question, then leave. Frisk can also go to the exit independently should they choose to explore the house, in that case, Toriel will ask why they went down there instead of playing upstairs. In both cases, Toriel will explain that it is dangerous out there with a man named Asgore having killed any human who stepped out of the ruins, so she plans to destroy the exit for good. But when Frisk insists on leaving, Toriel sees herself forced to test if the child is strong enough to survive out there. When fighting them, Toriel will hold back and can only kill the child if the player actively goes out of their way to fly right into her attacks, shocking Toriel since she doesn't actually want to kill the child. The player then has the choice to either follow Toriel's advice from earlier or ignore it, killing her will leave her heartbroken that the child she wanted to protect is capable of doing such horrid things, realizing that she was protecting the monsters from the child instead. This will be true start of the Genocide Route, as any kills Frisk might've made before could be justified as self-defense.

Should Frisk spare Toriel, she will hug them, make them promise to behave and telling them to never come back, hoping they would understand. Before leaving them, Toriel spares a small glance as she is sure that she will never see the child again.

In the true ending, Toriel will rush to Frisk's aid in their fight against Asgore, once again pushing him aside with a fireball. By this point, Frisk already knows that Toriel was Asgore's wife before he started killing human children to unlock the barrier with their souls. Toriel explains that she was worried sick about the human, realizing that either them or Asgore would have to die to tear the barrier between the Underground and the human world down, she couldn't just let more bloodshed happen. All of the friends Frisk had made will come to their aid as well, with Toriel being proud of the child for being able to befriend their enemies, suggesting that staying in the Underground might not be so bad for them after all. However, this was all a plan of Flowey to get as many monster souls into one place, leading to Toriel and the others getting ensnared in his vines, yet Toriel works together with Undyne by burning and shielding Flowey's attacks away respectively to prevent Flowey from hurting the child. Nonetheless, Toriel gets absorbed into Flowey along with everyone else, revealing Flowey's true form.

Frisk battles Asriel by reminding the lost souls of everyone of who they used to be, including Toriel. Asriel is robbed of his power over them, eventually giving up and releasing them.

Back where they were before, Toriel realizes that she never asked the human their name, finding out that its "Frisk", laughing that they never bothered to tell her, since it could've prevented all of this. She tells them to still talk to everyone to check on them and come back when they are ready to leave for good.

When Frisk goes to the surface along with Toriel and the others, Toriel asks them what they will do now that they're free. Frisk can tell her that they "have places to go", implying that they have a living family on the surface, Toriel will understand but offers to remain friends. Frisk can also tell her that they would like to stay with her, which would lead to a scene of Toriel once again giving them a slice of pie while they're sleeping.


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The relationship between Frisk and Toriel is commonly reflected in fanwork, most of which being continuations from the true ending, when Frisk decides to stay with her.


Frisk & Toriel tag on AO3



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