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Grekki is the het ship between Greg Heffley and Nikki Maxwell from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries fandoms.


Greg Heffley and Nikki Maxwell haven't met each other because they are both from two different book series and creators. Greg Heffley is from the Diary of the Wimpy Kid book series and Nikki Maxwell is from the Dork Diaries book series.

However, despite the limitations the two have from potential meeting or officially crossovering. There are still a lot of similarities between Greg and Nikki to work off with. Greg and Nikki are both protagonists in their series of talking about their experiences as a middle school student. Both protagonists have an annoying little sibling in their family. Both protagonists also appear to have similar aspects in their personalities or identities relating to the themes of fame or popularity. Both protagonists also have the tendencies of being bullied in their respective schools. Both protagonists also have the tendencies of making some brash decision making.


Although, the ship of Grekki isn't new because early traces of this ship seem to have been traced back online from around early-mid 2015. However, it seems that interest and popularity in it have resurged since late 2023 to early 2024.

The ship Grekki seems to be a result of two different elements. The first element is about many people always imagining what a crossover would be like in the two series due to their similar premise of focusing on the life of a middle school student. The second element is from both fandoms' tendency to discuss each series negatively and the artworks of both protagonists against others or having a begrudging friendship or dynamic.

Eventually, around 2020 in both the fandom subreddits a noticeable increase in shipping art pieces of Nikki and Greg began to arise. Initially, it seems the shipping of the two appears as a joke or in spite of the constant discourses about each other series.

However, fans of both series started to ship them ironically and unironically, and liked the pairing of Grekki, liking to see the potential dynamic both protagonists will have if they meet. There seem to be many depictions of the Grekki, which are around witty and basic banter between the two, some other artworks rare wholesome, or Nikki's terrified of the antics of Greg Heffley.

Screenshot (53)

From @Percyjackster

The popularity of Grekki also seems to stem from a Twitter post. The Twitter Post discusses a situationship developing if Greg and Nikki met. Since then, discussions, memes, and artworks between the two or related franchises with similar genres have increased.

However, relating the question of Greg and Nikki being in a situationship met with negative feedback from the public consensus. Most negative feedback relates to finding the ship Brankki to be better and a more logical pairing or continuing the over-generalization of Greg being a sociopath, thus discouraging the idea of a relationship forming. However, despite the negative feedback, some are interested in shipping them or can see positive values from both sides.

The ship Grekki shares similar properties by an old pairing of Gokusere from the context of why both ships occur from both series are heavily associated with each other, mainly through marketing and childhood memories.

Also, since Grekki's creation, discussions of other character combinations from both series, like MCDrick (Roderick Heffley and Mackenzie Hollister), have become popular among the suggestions.

The phrase "Her Wimp and His Dork" is semi-recurring in both fandoms when referring to the ship.

Shipping week for Grekki starts June 18th (Greg's Birthday) and through June 28th (Nikki's Birthday).


There is a small controversy between the ship of Grekki, mainly because of their age gap of 3 years, because Nikki Maxwell, since the sixteenth installment of Dork Diaries, is 15 years old. However, fans usually reduce this problem by either using Greg Heffley's realistic age he should be in books after the first 19 books, resulting in him being around 14-15 years old, (Greg's realistic age and grade stopped before the tenth installment: Old School. In the events of the ninth installment of the Wimpy Kid series: The Long Haul, Greg is in 8th Grade Summer and 14 years old.) or fans reducing Nikki's age back to the first few books of her being around 14.


Greg Heffley/Nikki Maxwell tag on AO3
Greg Heffley/Nikki Maxwell on
Grekki posts on Tumblr
@Grekkiweek on Tumblr


  • Both series have a short spin-off lasting for three books and two make-it-yourself diaries.
  • Greg and Nikki were born in June.
  • Greg and Nikki live in neighboring states, and they are toward each other. (Dork Diaries takes place in New York, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid is lightly implied to be in Massachusetts.)


Fan Art[]

All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.


Scholastic Squad- the friendship between Greg Heffley, Nikki Maxwell, Nate Wright, Rafe Khatchadorian, and Jamie Kelly.


DoaWK Logo
Diary of a Wimpy Kid ShipsDiary of a Wimpy Kid Characters
SHIPS het GregollyGrekkiHeathrickRowligail
slash Growley
family Best Brother Duo
friend Scholastic Squad
CHARACTERS male Greg Heffley