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Gwenerra is the femslash ship between Gwen and Sierra in the Total Drama fandom.



Like with most of the Total Drama contestants, Gwen is one of Sierra's idols, who she worships like a goddess. Sierra was super excited to be on Total Drama World Tour with her and loved performing on Team Amazon with her. Gwen finds Sierra to be a bit creepy because of her uberfan type personality. However, she tries to be nice to her, not wanting to insult one of her fans, especially since she's so nice and sweet. Sierra low-key kind of hates Gwen, however because Cody's in love with her and she wants Cody all to herself. Since Gwen doesn't return Cody's feelings, she tells Sierra that Cody is all her's, even though Cody doesn't return Sierra's feelings either. Sierra only ended up hating Gwen even more when she stole Duncan from Courtney. However, by the events of Total Drama All-Stars, Sierra had changed her ways on Gwen and her relationship with Duncan and she had began supporting it.

Total Drama Action[]


Sierra debuted and told everybody that she has 22 Total Drama blogs, one for each contestant on the show. This meant that she dedicated an entire blog for Gwen. Naturally, Sierra was excited when she got accepted to be on Total Drama World Tour with Gwen.

Total Drama World Tour[]


Sierra switched teams with Izzy so that she could be on Team Amazon with Gwen. However, she really only wanted to be on that team so she could be with Cody.


Gwen is grossed out when she sees Sierra sniffing Cody's shoe, making the shoelace go up her nose and come out her mouth. At the end of the episode, Sierra called for a group hug and then hugged Cody. When Gwen, Courtney, and Heather tried to join the group hug, Sierra told them all to back off.


Gwen cheers for Sierra when she wins the apple-bobbing section of the challenge.


Sierra uses a pizza box as a laptop and a live mouse as a mouse, which Gwen finds completely bizarre. Sierra asks Gwen if she wants to borrow her "computer" and Gwen is quick to reject her. Cody begs Gwen to carry his epi-pen for him when they go through The Amazon Rainforest together. Gwen reluctantly agrees to do so, thinking he kind of needs a break from it all, after dealing with Sierra so much. When Team Amazon gets kidnapped by The Zing-Zings, Cody's allergic reactions start acting up so Gwen has to fish his epi-pen out of Cody's pocket, much to the dismay of Sierra, who wanted to do so, herself. Sadly, Gwen was next to Cody and Sierra was further away and they were tied to a tree so there was nothing she could do. Sierra noted that after she wins the million dollars, she's going to get surgery to extend her arms just in case this happens again. When Team Amazon unsurprisingly lost the challenge, Sierra glared at Gwen for losing it from them by getting herself injected with Cody's epi-pen by mistake and going crazy.


Sierra bawls her eyes out over Cody voting for her in the previous episode, which drives Gwen absolutely mad. Gwen agrees with the rest of Team Amazon that Cody needs to make things up to Sierra so that they can focus on the actual challenge and they leave her behind with her.


Gwen makes Sierra strip the British guard by putting a Cody mask on him.


Sierra is so mad at Gwen when she finds out that she made out with Duncan. However, Sierra does hold Courtney back from attacking Gwen, worried for the latter's safety. This doesn't meant that Gwen has gotten herself out of that pickle she's gotten herself into. Sierra urges Cody to lose the challenge so that they can vote Gwen off. Unfortunately, Cody completely ignored her and won the challenge so Gwen couldn't get eliminated.


Sierra is still fuming at Gwen for cheating with Duncan and cuts out a little paper cutout of her and bites her head off. Gwen sits in her chair and is completely terrified and uncomfortable around her. Sierra notes in the confessional that she predicted "Gwuncan" as soon as the show started and although she was supportive of this relationship, she was not okay with it being a product of adultery. Sierra also coins the term "New Heather" for Gwen. Sierra is once again mad when Gwen wins the challenge, keeping herself safe from elinination.


Gwen is still in hot water with Sierra and Courtney, who are still as pissed off as ever for her cheating with Duncan. Sierra joins Courtney's alliance to vote off Gwen when they get the chance. At the end of the episode, Team Amazon loses the sheep-shearing contest and it's not a rewards challenge so unsurprisingly, Gwen gets eliminated, much to Sierra's relief.

Total Drama All-Stars[]

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Some people found the relationship between Gwen and Sierra to be rather charming. Fans believe that is Sierra got over her crush on Cody, she could stop being so jealous of Gwen and instead become her girlfriend. Since things for Gwen didn't work out so well with Trent and Duncan, it only makes sense that she should try again with Sierra. The ship between Gwen and Sierra is particularly well-favored on websites like Instagram and Tumblr.

Gwen and Sierra is a rarepair in the fandom. Rival ships include Coderra, Gwuncan, Gwent, Camerra, and Gwemeron.


Gwenerra fanart on Tumblr


Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey