- “Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! You messed with the wrong white girl!”
- — Leshawna
Gweshawna is the femslash ship between Gwen and Leshawna in the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama Island[]
In "Dodgebrawl", Gwen pegs Courtney in the head with a dodgeball as revenge for her flinging oatmeal at her during breakfast that morning. Leshawna laughs in Courtney's face and tells her that she messed with the wrong white girl.
In "Phobia Factor", Chris tells everybody that for this episode's challenge, they're going to be facing their first fears. Leshawna asks if their fears are going to be worse than Chef's nasty cooking and Gwen adds that if this is the case, then they're in trouble.
In "Who Can You Trust?", Gwen and Leshawna are paired up for the blind tobogganing challenge. Leshawna drives the toboggan blindfolded, while Gwen sits behind her and gives her directions. The two of them cooperate very well together and win the race on a technicality.
In "Basic Straining", Leshawna and Gwen laugh at Bridgette, when she vomits outside. Leshawna later celebrates the Screaming Gophers' victory after Gwen wins the challenge for them.
In "X-Treme Torture", Gwen and Bridgette are so happy for Leshawna when they find out the mysterious love letter was written for her. Gwen is very surprised to find out that Harold was her secret admirer and is also super excited to see Leshawna and Harold kiss before the latter gets eliminated.
In "Brunch of Disgustingness", Heather divides the cabin in two and makes all of the remaining female contestants take sides. While Lindsay sides with her, Gwen and Leshawna side against her and stand on the opposing side of the cabin together. Gwen and Leshawna both try to convince Bridgette that Heather is bad news and she's better off avoiding her. At the end of the episode, Leshawna, Gwen, and Bridgette all lock Heather and Lindsay out of the cabin.
In "No Pain, No Game", Gwen argues with Chris over the loudspeaker about how he lied about eliminations. Leshawna assures Gwen that she should really just drop this whole argument, as arguing with a loudspeaker is just not a good look for her.
In "Search and Do Not Destroy", Leshawna comforts Gwen when she cries over for Trent cheated on her with Heather. Furious at Heather for breaking Gwen's heart like this, she forms temporary alliances with everyone else on the island to have her eliminated. Unfortunately, Heather wins immunity that episode, so they all collectively decide that the next best thing to do would be to vote off Trent for being unfaithful to Gwen. Leshawna finds out all to late that Heather set up the whole ruse and Trent would have never cheated on Gwen. Trent is now unfairly eliminated and Leshawna fells awkward and admits she kind of jumped the gun with this. She does, however, make it up to Gwen by helping her redirect a sewage pipe into the showers while Heather is using it.
In "Hide and Be Sneaky", Leshsawna is still not done with Heather for what she did to Gwen, so she rips up all of her clothes. Leshawna later comforts Gwen, when she's sulking about Trent being voted off. Leshawna also slaps Heather across the face, when she turns on the hot water, while Gwen was washing her hands. Instead of voting for Heather, however, Leshawna and Gwen later agree to vote off Duncan since he seems to be the biggest threat to the girls, upon the discovery of his Guys' Alliance. However, this elimination fails as its Izzy who gets the most votes.
In "That's Off the Chain!", Leshawna warns Gwen that the other contestants are all untrustworthy and they need to stick together if they want to stay in the game.
In "Hook, Line, and Sinker", Gwen is worried sick when Leshawna is supposedly killed by The Escaped Psycho Killer With a Chainsaw and a Hook and relieved to find out that it was all staged.
In "Wawanakwa Gone Wild!", Leshawna stares angrily at Gwen for winning the challenge's reward out of jealousy, which is kind of out of character for her.
In "Camp Castaways", Gwen is shown sulking over Leshawna being unfairly eliminated in "Haute Camp-ture".
In "The Very Last Episode, ... Really!", Gwen notes Leshawna as one of the five people on Total Drama Island she actually found to be tolerable. Leshawna supports Gwen in the finale and stays loyal to her, never switching to Owen's side at any point during the race. Leshawna tries through thick and thin to encourage and support Gwen throughout the challenge. She also attempts to get Eva's support but she refuses. Leshawna is one of the people who is super excited for Gwen when she's about to win but she feels disappointed when Owen wins instead.
Total Drama Action[]
In "Riot on the Set", Leshawna is one of the first people Gwen chooses to be on her team with her because she likes keeping things cool. Leshawna is gleeful to be on The Screaming Gaffers with Gwen and states that the girls are back in town. Gwen finds Trent's choice of teammates to be kind of nonsensical. He chose Justin and Lindsay to be on his team and Gwen thinks he's just choosing all the good-looking people. Leshawna glares at her behind her back as she considers this to be an insult by disassociation. Leshawna suggests that Gwen choose Heather to be on their team, which Gwen has her concerns about but Leshawna tells her to keep her enemies closer so she reluctantly obliges.
In "3:10 to Crazytown", Leshawna helps Gwen get out of the water after she falls off the diving board.
In "The Chefshank Redemption", Gwen and Leshawna's friendship becomes rocky when Gwen knocks Harold out cold with a shovel and Leshawna gets mad at her for clocking out her boyfriend. To make matters worse, Leshawna also finds out that Gwen has been throwing challenges for Trent so she voted him off that episode.
In "The Aftermath: II", Leshawna and Gwen reunite later on and decide to put their past argument behind them and remain friends after the game.
Although Gwen and Leshawna are both popular characters in the fandom, Gweshawna still remains a rarepair. Most people consider their dynamic to work best as friends. People appreciate how Leshawna was one of the few people on Total Drama Island to show Gwen any respect and treat her like anything more than a creepy goth loser. Supporters of their friendship also admire Leshawna's tendency to stand up for Gwen, whenever she's being bullied by Heather. Rival ships such as Gwuncan, Gwent, Lesharold, Devawna, and Gwemeron are far more favored by larger bases of the fandom. One particular user on Tumblr, seen here, ships them as girlfriends and is mystified as to how more people don't ship them as well.
- Gwen and Leshawna tag on TikTok
- Gweshawna post on Tumblr
- “The girls are back in town.”
- — Leshawna
- According to Todd Kauffman, the original plans for "Haute Camp-ture" were going to involve Leshawna winning immunity but giving it to Gwen, worried that Heather would have her voted off. Leshawna assumed that Gwen would vote for Heather, along with her, only for Gwen to betray Leshawna and vote her off instead.