Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 11

HanamusaShipping is the femslash ship between Delia Ketchum and Jessie from the Pokémon fandom.


The two characters have never meaningfully interacted with one another in canon. In the anime, the few times they have met, they were distantly pleasant or it was treated as a typical Team Rocket interaction. Even though Jessie has been chasing Delia’s son around trying to steal his Pokémon for ages, Delia does not seem to take Jessie as an actual threat. Thus, neither have any particular ill feelings toward one another.

Delia’s personality can be described as caring, nurturing, and supportive. Meanwhile, Jessie’s personality can be described as hot-tempered and vain, but with a soft side. Jessie has also been shown to be incredibly loyal. Despite being a part of Team Rocket and doing bad deeds, she has also been shown to be a good person underneath and has had moments where she shows kindness to others, especially to those who have been kind to her before.

Both characters are most likely in their mid to late 20s. They also both have similarly painful backstories: Delia is an only child whose mother has passed away already and who was abandoned by Ash’s father, while Jessie is an orphan whose mother had gone MIA.

Their aspirations and current situations are also similar. Delia had desires to travel and be a trainer but had to give them up for her family’s sake. Jessie, on the other hand, has been constantly traveling around chasing after many different careers. Meanwhile, Delia currently lives a very stable life in Pallet Town, while Jessie is someone who desires stability in her life.[1]


HanamusaShipping is an alternate universe (AU) ship created and popularized by artist Kiana Mai, who shares her fanart of the ship on Tumblr (@yamujiburo) and Twitter (@kianamaiart). The ship name Hanamusa comes from a combination of Delia and Jessie’s Japanese names, which are Hanako and Musashi respectively. The shipping name structure of “Hana-Musa” is supposed to imply that Delia is the “seme” (dominant / top) and Jessie is the “uke” (submissive / bottom) of the relationship.[2] A complete masterpost of all the artist’s fanwork for this ship can be found here: HANAMUSA (JESSIExDELIA) MASTER POST. According to the artist, what she finds most appealing is the potential that the ship has, with Delia and Jessie both having personalities and backstories that can reflect off of one another.

The ship is most prevalent on Tumblr and Twitter (as those are the main social media platforms where the artist shares her work), but it has also become popular on Reddit and AO3 after fans shared about and created their own fanworks for the ship on those platforms, too. The ship is considered unexpected but very wholesome and has a lot of supporters.


Hanamusa tag on Tumblr
HanamusaShipping tag on Tumblr
Hanako | Delia Ketchum/Musashi | Jessie tag on AO3



HanaRocketShipping refers to the ship between the two and James


