Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 318318Manips: 33Screenshots: 8484
Femslash ships: 88Het ships: 22Friendship: 11Non-binary ship: 11Poly ships: 22Cargo ship: 11

Hatsune Miku is a character from the Vocaloid and Project SEKAI fandoms.


Hatsune Miku is a Vocaloid, a voice synthesizer made to sing, and she is the most well known Vocaloid of all time, being known worldwide and winning a lot of fans over the world, as well as her own games and concerts. In Project Sekai she (along with Kaito, Len, Luka, Meiko and Rin) helps the characters from different groups to find their true feelings.



AlMiku — the ship between Miku and BIG AL
Arsku — the ship between Miku and ARSLOID
FukaMiku — the ship between Miku and Fukase
HioMiku — the ship between Miku and YOHIOloid
KaiMiku — the ship between Miku and KAITO
KiyoMiku — the ship between Miku and Hiyama Kiyoteru
Linku — the ship between Miku and Link
Mikukasa — the ship between Miku and Tsukasa Tenma
MikuLen — the ship between Miku and Kagamine Len
Mikupo — the ship between Miku and Kamui Gakupo
MikuPoi — the ship between Miku and Matsudappoiyo
Mikurui — the ship between Miku and Rui Kamishiro
OliMiku — the ship between Miku and OLIVER
PikoMiku — the ship between Miku and Utatane Piko
RonMiku — the ship between Miku and Don Ramon
SonMiku — the ship between Miku and Sonic the Hedgehog
Toumiku — the ship between Miku and Touya Aoyagi


Anmiku — the ship between Miku and An Shiraishi
Emumiku — the ship between Miku and Emu Ootori
Gumiku — the ship between Miku and GUMI
HakuMiku — the ship between Miku and Yowane Haku
Ichimiku — the ship between Miku and Ichika Hoshino
Kanamiku — the ship between Miku and Kanade Yoisaki
Kohamiku — the ship between Miku and Kohane Azusawa
LuoMiku — the ship between Miku and Luo Tianyi
Mafumiku — the ship between Miku and Mafuyu Asahina
MayuMiku — the ship between Miku and MAYU
MikuFlower — the ship between Miku and flower
MikuIA — the ship between Miku and IA
MikuLily — the ship between Miku and Lily
MikuMei — the ship between Miku and MEIKO
MikuMiki — the ship between Miku and SF-A2 miki
MikuNemu — the ship between Miku and Yumeni Nemu
Mikunene — the ship between Miku and Nene Kusanagi
MikuNeru — the ship between Miku and Akita Neru
MikuRin — the ship between Miku and Kagamine Rin
MikuRuby — the ship between Miku and RUBY
Minomiku — the ship between Miku and Minori Hanasato
Negitoro — the ship between Miku and Megurine Luka
SeeMiku — the ship between Miku and SeeU
Teiku — the ship between Miku and Sukone Tei
UnaMiku — the ship between Miku and Otomachi Una
Vrisku — the ship between Miku and Vriska Serket
YukaMiku — the ship between Miku and Yuzuki Yukari


MasuMiku — the ship between Miku and The Master
Mizumiku — the ship between Miku and Mizuki Akiyama
RukoMiku — the ship between Miku and Yokune Ruko
TetoMiku — the ship between Miku and Kasane Teto
YuuMiku — the ship between Miku and VY2


4 Crypton Girls — the ship between Miku, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka and MEIKO
Big 8 — the ship between Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO, MEIKO, GUMI and Kamui Gakupo
CV Series — the ship between Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len and Megurine Luka
GuMikuIA — the ship between Miku, GUMI and IA
GuMikuLuka — the ship between Miku, GUMI and Megurine Luka
GumiRinKu — the ship between Miku, GUMI and Kagamine Rin
KaiKuLuka — the ship between Miku, KAITO and Megurine Luka
KaiLenKu — the ship between Miku, KAITO and Kagamine Len
KaiMeiMiku — the ship between Miku, KAITO and MEIKO
MikuRinLen — the ship between Miku, Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
MikuRinLuka — the ship between Miku, Kagamine Rin and Megurine Luka
RGB Unit — the ship between Miku, GUMI and SF-A2 miki
TetoGuMiku — the ship between Miku, Kasane Teto and GUMI
Triple Baka — the ship between Miku, Akita Neru and Kasane Teto


Singing Siblings — the ship between Miku and Boyfriend
Singing Siblings Trio — the ship between Miku, Boyfriend and Ritz the Rat


Cryptonloid Gang — the ship between Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO and KAITO
Miku & V1 — the ship between Miku and V1
MikuYuki — the ship between Miku and Kaai Yuki


MikuLeek — the ship between Miku and a leek


Hatsune Miku tag on AO3
Hatsune Miku on Vocaloid Wiki
Hatsune Miku on Project Sekai Wiki


# pormateur character type
286 MikuRin Kagamine Rin femslash
241 Negitoro Megurine Luka femslash
146 MikuLen Kagamine Len het
122 KaiMiku KAITO het
83 Gumiku GUMI femslash
44 Miku & Rin Kagamine Rin gen
43 Miku & Kaito KAITO gen
33 Mafuyu & Miku Mafuyu Asahina gen
32 Miku & Len Kagamine Len gen
25 Mafumiku Mafuyu Asahina femslash


Vocaloid ShipsFemslash Vocaloid ShipsHet Vocaloid ShipsNon-binary Vocaloid ShipsSlash Vocaloid ShipsVocaloid Characters
SHIPS het FlokoFukaFlowerGakuGumiGakuLukaGakuRinGumiLenKaiLukaKaiMeiKaiMikuKaiRinKiyoMeiLeNeruLenLukaMikuLenRinLen
slash FukaLenGakuKaiLenPikoKaiLenOlikase
femslash GumiLilyGumikuGumiRinLukaRinMeiLukaMikuFlowerMikuMeiMikuNeruNegitoroMikuRinUnaRinYukaIA
non-binary TetoMikuKaiYuuma
poly Big 8Triple Baka
friendship Cryptonloid Gang
cargo MikuLeekNeruPhone
CHARACTERS male Kagamine LenKAITOKamui Gakupo
female GUMIHatsune MikuKagamine RinMEIKOMegurine Luka